National Repository of Grey Literature 40 records found  beginprevious16 - 25nextend  jump to record: Search took 0.00 seconds. 
Retardation, collaboration and activism of army elite in the Protectorate Bohemia and Moravia
Veselý, Martin ; Gebhart, Jan (advisor) ; Borák, Mečislav (referee) ; Němeček, Jan (referee)
5 Abstract: Dissertation work is concerned with a political activism phenomenon, retardation and programme collaboration of army elite in Bohemia and Moravia Protectorate study. The aim of the work is to explore and chart the public and political life in Bohemia and Moravia Protectorate with a special attention to high Czech commissioned officer activity not only to summarize the acquired information but also to put them into the context with a development of Protectorate autonomous and occupation politics. The Thesis is not only focuses on the activity on the main organisations and their leading personalities but devotes its attention to opinions and points of view of centers of protectorate autonomous and occupation administration towards them, which had an influence on the organisation activity and their leaders. It situates them into the protectorate politics on the background of the events. The Thesis theme concentrates basically on the activity of the main Protektorate organisations and of the former soldiers such as Czech Union of Warriors and Central Union Former Soldiers in Bohemia and Moravia and their leaders - the general Otto Bláha, Robert Rychtrmoc and Bohuslav Kálala. In addition to that it also focuses on the activity of political and statutory organisations called National Conviviality,...
Forced Use of Secondary School Students During the Occupation
Eisenhammer, Miroslav ; Gebhart, Jan (advisor) ; Borák, Mečislav (referee) ; Němeček, Jan (referee)
Miroslav Eisenhammer Forced use of secondary school students during the occupation Supervisor: PhDr. Jan Gebhart, CSc., DSc. Abstract This dissertation deals with yet completely unprocessed issue of forced labor deployment of secondary and vocational school pupils in the Czech lands during the occupation by Nazi Germany. After the initial characteristics of the development of the German and the Protectorate economy and the Nazi attitude to use workforce of its own population and of occupied countries, the other chapter is devoted to the situation in the Czech education in 1939-1945. The Nazis considered the Czech intelligence as the enemy, so after the closure of Czech universities they deliberately restricted Czech secondary education. These restrictions did not have only national political, but also economic significance. From 1939 workers from the Czech lands were sent to work in the Reich. This trend increased significantly from 1942, when Germany intensified the expansion of war production and at the same time they started extensive program of forced labor of foreign workers in German industry. One of the labor sources were secondary school pupils, who the new legislation from February 1943 allowed to acknowledge de facto incomplete education based on the confirmed certificate in forced labor...
Synthesis of tetrazole derivatives as potential antituberculotics
Němeček, Jan ; Roh, Jaroslav (advisor) ; Vávrová, Kateřina (referee)
Charles University in Prague Faculty of Pharmacy in Hradec Králové Department of Inorganic and Organic Chemistry Candidate: Jan Němeček Supervisor: PharmDr. Jaroslav Roh, PhD. Title of diploma thesis: Synthesis of tetrazole derivatives as potential antituberculotics Tuberculosis is a widespread infectious disease; however, no substances were introduced to the clinical practise during the last decade. In this diploma thesis, a series of potential antitubercular substances based on 1-substitued-5-alkyl/arylsulphanyl-1H-tetrazole were prepared. First, we prepared two compounds, 5-[(1-phenyl-1H-tetrazole-5-yl)sulphanylmethyl]-1H- tetrazole and 5-[(1-phenyl-1H-tetrazole-5-yl)sulphanyl]-1H-tetrazole, as the main building blocks, which were further functionalized. 5-[(1-phenyl-1H-tetrazole-5-yl)sulphanyl]-1H-tetrazole was substituted by methyl, propyl and benzyl groups on the terminal tetrazole ring. The same substitutions were performed with 5-[(1- phenyl-1H-tetrazole-5-yl)oxymethyl]-1H-tetrazole, which had already been prepared in our laboratory. Furthermore, we prepared 5-[(2-methyl-1,3,4-oxadiazole-5-yl)methylsulphanyl]-1-phenyl-1H- tetrazole, 5-[(2-methyl-1,3,4-oxadiazole-5-yl)sulphanyl]-1-phenyl-1H-tetrazole and 5-[(2-methyl- 1,3,4-oxadiazole-5-yl)methoxy]-1-phenyl-1H-tetrazole from the...
Czechoslovak exil and holocaust. Arnošt Fišer, the member of czechoslovak State council in London and his help to Jews in occupied Europe
Láníček, Jan ; Němeček, Jan (referee)
Holocaust je právem považován za jednu z největších katastrof, které lidstvo ve dvacátém století zažilo. Během pouhých šesti let bylo systematicky vyvražděno téměř šest milionů civilních osob, jejichž jedinou vinou bylo, že z hlediska zvrácených rasových zákonů byly považovány za Židy, tedy za méněcenné. Během desetiletí následujících po válce se vžilo mylné klišé, že za války neexistoval židovský odboj. Židé se dle této teorie nebránili konečnému řešení a někteří autoři zašli až tak daleko, že chování Židů přirovnávali k "ovcím jdoucím na porážku." 1 Skutečnost byla jiná. Židovský odboj existoval a můžeme jej dle prostého klíče rozdělit na dvě skupiny, a to na vnitřní (domácí) a zahraniční. Prvním, mezi jehož vrcholy patřily heroická povstání varšavských či białystockých mučedníků, se zde zabývat nebudeme. Zaměříme se na druhou skupinu, a v ní převážně na činnost jediného židovského člena československé Státní rady v Londýně - exilového parlamentu - Ing. Arnošta Frischera. Zahraniční židovský odboj měl podobně jako nežidovský v podstatě dvě formy: vojenskou a politickou. Českoslovenští Židé tvořili velké procento v řadách československé zahraniční armády v Sovětském svazu, Velké Británii i na Blízkém východě.2 Z hlediska politického odboje můžeme taktéž zmínit více činovníků, hlásících se k židovským...
Slovak-Italian relationships 1939-1945
Kubík, Petr ; Rychlík, Jan (advisor) ; Němeček, Jan (referee) ; Ďurica, Milan (referee)
Slovak-ltalian relationsbips between 1939 and 1945 Diplomatic relations between the fírst Slovak Republic and the Kingdom oOtaly began developing after Apri1 11, 1939, when tbe ltalian govemment acknowledged the independence of Slovakia. The first Slovak ambassador, 1M. Zvrškovec, served in Rome from the middle of May 1939 and was replaced in summer 1940 by B. Galvánek. The Italian consulate in Bratislava directed by F.Lo Faro was transformed Ínto an embassy in September 1939. Count G.Roncalli, the first ambassador, was succeeded by P. Cortese in March 1942. ln tbe years ]939 to 1943 tbe Slovak-ltalian relationships were very active and rapídly extended in many fields of diplomacy, business, culture, propaganda and sports. These activities are described in detail in several chapters. This period of contacts was very fruitful, but compilation of a cultural agreement was not fina1ized and the planned visits at tbe highest level never took place. Tbe above communication abruptly came to an end after the· ltalian miIitary and politica1 break down in summer of 1943. Slovak Republic tried to keep diplomatic contacts witb tbe ltalian Sodal Republic newly established in northem Italy by Mussoliní under German protectorate, but these relations could not be as íntensive as those in the ear1ier years. They functioned...
Sokol during the protectorate. Organized resistance of ČOS
Uhlíř, Jan Boris ; Kuklík, Jan (advisor) ; Němeček, Jan (referee) ; Vykoupil, Libor (referee)
Záměrem této disertační práce bylo postihnout sokolskou protinacistickou rezistenci jako celek. Výsledkem takto zaměřené heuristiky bylo ovšem brzké konstatování, že za současného stavu výzkumu protektorátní problematiky let 1943- 1945 není v silách autora zpracovat sokolský odboj druhé poloviny protektorátu na úrovni alespoň částečně adekvátní polovině první. Původní záměr nebylo možno realizovat, neboť šířka a složitost této problematiky (zvláště v závěru války) by si vyžádala řadu samostatných studií o významných rezistenčních organizacích, které v současné době nejsou v primárním zorném poli autora. Otázky, které ohledně sokolského odboje na sklonku protektorátu vyvstaly, se koncentrují minimálně do dvou základních okruhů, v nichž se jedná především o individuální podíl jednotlivých sokolů a sokolských skupin na protinacistické rezistenci let 1943 - 1944 a účast sokolů na českém povstání roku 1945. Powered by TCPDF (
Foreign Policy after Liberation in 1945. (16. 5. - 31. 12. 1945)
Němeček, Jan ; Kuklík, J. ; Jedličková, Blanka ; Němečková, D.
First volume of new, third series of the project on Documents on Czechoslovak Foreign Policy contains documents from May to December 1945. The documents concentrate mainly the restoration of postwar-Czechoslovakia, Czechoslovak-Soviet relations (mainly cession of Subcarpathian Ruthenia), Czechoslovak-Polish conflict on Teschen, relief of UNRRA and another question. Documents are published including historical and editorial introduction, list of documents, English summaries of documents and name index.
Czechoslovak Foreign Policy in 1943. Vol. 1 (1. 1. – 31. 7. 1943)
Němeček, Jan ; Kuklík, J. ; Němečková, D.
First volume of fourth tome from the project on Documents on Czechoslovak Foreign Policy contains 249 documents from January to July 1943. The documents concentrate mainly on the visit of President Edvard Beneš in USA and Canada, Inter-Allied negotiations, relations of Czechoslovakia to Great Powers, process of restoration of Czechoslovakia in its pre-Munich borders, problems in Czechoslovak-Polish Relations after Katyn-Incident and another question.
Czech and global fine arts market (with an emphasis on a critical reflection of authorities from the Czech republic and abroad)
Dvořák, Olga ; Boučková, Jana (advisor) ; David, Jiří (referee) ; Němeček, Jan (referee)
The dissertation examines art as a very specific luxury commodity that is difficult to define and place on a market. The objectively given uncertainty of an art market does not seem to be consistent with the investment function of an artwork. The price of this product is unstable and non transparent and it is generally formed through a marketing tool - a commercial art fair. The main aim of this dissertation is to uncover the specifics of the fine art market. The secondary objective is to determine how emerging art from the Czech Republic is represented on a global scale. The research method included expert opinions from interviews as well as statistical processing of survey answers from several different professions. The main outcome of this research found out expert opinions from prominent art institutions around the world, and their awareness of Czech contemporary art. The beneficial factor of this research is the recommendation for Czech artists and commercial galleries to penetrate the global market. Beside the practical benefits there are additional benefits for science, as the information and research is taken from different fields, which is not so sufficiently monitored or presented as well in the Czech Republic. The focus on the pedagogical benefits are evident as the author has paid much attention to these issues for several years in the conext of regular lectures on the art of marketing at the University of Economics in Prague.
Czechoslovak Foreign Policy by the End of the War 1945 (1. 1. – 16. 5. 1945)
Němeček, Jan ; Kuklík, J. ; Jedličková, Blanka ; Němečková, D.
Last tome “war series” of the project on Documents on Czechoslovak Foreign Policy contains 209 documents from January to May 1945. The documents concentrate mainly liberation of Czechoslovakia by Allies, return of Czechoslovak Government home, German massacres in occupied Czechoslovakia, also the establishment of Czechoslovak State Administration on liberated territory, English abstracts and another question. Documents are published including introduction, list of published documents and also nominal register.

National Repository of Grey Literature : 40 records found   beginprevious16 - 25nextend  jump to record:
See also: similar author names
1 Němeček, J.
16 Němeček, Jakub
4 Němeček, Jaroslav
2 Němeček, Jaroslav,
3 Němeček, Jiří
5 Němeček, Josef
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