National Repository of Grey Literature 8,246 records found  beginprevious8237 - 8246  jump to record: Search took 0.89 seconds. 

Residues of inhibitors in cow´s milk
Milk, in our territory frequently used cow?s milk, is very important nutrient. Its importance consists in the contents of valuable proteins, easily digestible milk fat, lactose, vitamins and minerals. The quality of raw cow?s milk is characterised by many indicators, for example total number of microorganisms, number of somatic cells, content of basic constituents (fat, protein, lactose, non-fat solids), freezing point or occurrence of undesirable foreign and inhibitory substances. Residuals of inhibitory substances (RIL) are one of the main criteria of raw milk hygienic quality, where they can appear for example due to prevention and treatment of mastitis. The risk of occurrence and spread of bacterial resistance, disruption of intestinal microflora, allergic reactions and RIL toxic effects, both in human and veterinary medicine, belong among the biggest risks of RIL presence in food and raw materials of animal origin, including milk. Inhibitory substances have an inhibiting effect on development and activity of microorganisms and in particular in milk industry they affect the activity of dairy cultures causing significant production problems. Their presence in milk causes problems when producing cheese, during fermentation of yoghurts and other fermentation during milk processing. Prevention of RIL occurrence depends especially on adherence to basic breeding and veterinary measures when using drugs and medicines, on technology discipline in primary production and regular and strict control of RIL contents in milk from the primary production up to processing when various screening detection methods are used. It is very important to deal with the matter of RIL in milk in connection with quality standards, national legislation and European Union legislation and to control methods used for their detection and verification.

Evaluation of selected indicators of diary cattle breeds in VOD Kámen
Cattle breeding is one of the most demanding branches of the agricultural production. Prerequisite for successful breeding is the economical effective milk production which only be achieved with good health of animals, good fertility, adequate replacement herd, longevity of cows and appropriate management. Breeders must always think about the way of the keeping and about the breed of the animals. This thesis aims to evaluate selected indicators of milk and meat production, fertility, longevity and economy of the milk production in the dairy herd of Holstein and Czech Pied cattle in the same stalling and at the same nutrition in the company VOD Kámen. It was chosen sixty Holstein and sixty Czech Pied breeding dams from the herd for monitoring. Monitored groups of cows were sorted out according to the genotype, origin of father and the order of lactation. The reproductive performance were used to evaluate (insemination interval, service period, meantime, insemination index), indicators of milk yield (amount of milk in kilograms, fat content, protein content), longevity and the reasons for decommissioning of cows. To evaluate meat yield twenty-five Holstein and twenty-five Czech Pied bulls were chosen. Differences of milk yield and fertility among both breeds were evaluated as very important (P < 0,001). Reproductive performance of Holstein cows was evaluated as inconvenient (insemination interval 82,06 days, service period 135,87 days, meantime 412 days and insemination index 2,4), and of Czech Pied cows as convenient (insemination interval 64,8 days, service period 98,84 days and insemination index 2,0). The milk yield was higher the Czech average in both breeds. Holstein cows producted 9 123 kilograms of milk for lactation with 3,87% of fat and 3,42% of proteins; the Czech Pied cows producted 8100 kilograms of milk with 4,08% of fat and 3,59% of proteins. The most common reason for removal of cows was fertility disturbance. Indicators of meat yield were better for the Czech Pied bulls. Those bulls had higher slaughter weight at lower age and better inclusion in the classification classes against the Holstein bulls.

The analysis of efficiency and fertility with regard to presence of horns in dairy cow herd
For quite a long time there is trend of de-horned cattle supported in our country and in the whole developed world especially for safety of farmers and animals. Despite of this fact, especially in organic breeds, there are quite often these two forms together in one herd. The aim of this thesis was to evaluate the efficiency and fertility of Holstein cows with regard to presence of horns. Observation of a herd of Holstein cattle took place from April 2010 to September of 2011 at Bemagro, a.s. The priority of this ecologically farming company is to preserve horns in the herd. A total amount of 100 cows was observed, from which 50 of them was de-horned and the equal amount was horned. There were indicators of fertility measured (service period and insemination interval) as well as indicators of milk production (the amount of milk, content of fat, proteins and lactose).

The Representation of Space in Art by Children in the Period before Beginning their Compulsory School Attendance
Žáková, Alena ; Hazuková, Helena (advisor) ; Hušková, Julie (referee)
Anotation: Žáková, A.: Expression of the spatiality in areal art creation of children in a period before their compulsory education. /A diploma work/ Prague 2006 - Charles University, Pedagogical Fakulty, the Art Department, 153 p. + riders (text ones: no.: 1 . - 5 . , CD presentation: no.: 6. - 69 of kindergarten children's art work). Subject: A diploma work theme is elaborated in a form of the qualitative pedagogical research and it is divided into two parts - theoretical and empirical one. Developmental psychology knowledge and children's art expression ontogenesis, with a view to a spatial relationship presentation as well as the problems of space perception, are compiled and arranged in the theoretical part. The main aim of this work was to elaborate and verify the examination methology for a representative sample of child population. On the basis of children's work analysis results then to bring the actual information about the standard of the third dimension in art expression of preschool children that could become a way out for pedagogical diagnostics. The part of an empirical study is focused on the examination of teachers' professional competency standards in kindergarten schools. The research proved that the competency standards as well as the teachers' motivation can influence the form and the...

Hybrid flowshop with adjustment
Kaněra, Vojtěch ; Pelikán, Jan (advisor)
This work should serve as a source of information on the issue of production scheduling. The work is particularly focused on the relatively new terms in optimization of processing of production batches area, such as flowshop and its modifications in the form of so-called hybrid flowshop. The work is divided into five chapters. The first chapter consists of an introduction. In the second chapter I mention the theory of scheduling, the third part deals with the history of flowshop and in the fourth part I check the functionality of new models on real data. In conclusion I summarize the contents of work, comment resulting calculations and deliver the practical usage of flowshop.

Business plan for waste recycation
Vavřina, Radek ; Kovář, František (advisor)
Item of the bachelor work is a business plan. It includes external analysys, competition, market and marketng analysys. History of the company and management. There are budget, financial and logistic plans, costing of products, cash-flow plans and financial analysys with financial ratio indikators for next 5 years.

A comparison of metabolic activity and use of microalgae and pigment-formed yeasts
Szotkowski, Martin ; Kočí, Radka (referee) ; Márová, Ivana (advisor)
Carotenoids are natural pigments occurring in plants and many microorganisms, such as algae, yeast and bacteria. They represent the most common group of antioxidants with significant biological effect. Lipids are an essential component of all living organisms. They are the source and the reservoir of energy for organisms, which can also be used in the petrochemical industry for the production of biofuels. This thesis deals with the production properties of carotenoids and lipids by selected strains of yeasts, algae, and canobacteria, in order to apply the acquired knowledge and find cheap suitable alternatives for microbial biotechnological production of these metabolites using waste substrates. Carotenoids, coenzyme Q, and ergosterol in cells were determined by liquid chromatography. The lipid content and fatty acid profile was analyzed by gas chromatography. Cell morphology and localization of selected metabolites were analyzed by fluorescence lifetime imaging microscopy. In this work yeast genera Sporobolomyces, Cystofilobasidium and Rhodotorula were used. As the representatives of the algae and cyanobacteria strains of Desmodesmus, Cyanothece, Chlamydomonas, Synechoccocus and Chlorella strains were studied. In the overall comparison, the yeast strains were more productive than algae and cyanobacteria. The highest carotenoid production was found in S. pararoseus, C. capitatum and R. mucilaginosa cells, while the highest lipid yield was observed in strains of C. infirmominiatum and S. metaroseus.

The role of GH/IGF-1 axis components in the etiopathogenesis of metabolic disturbances in type 2 diabetes mellitus and acromegaly
Toušková, Věra ; Haluzík, Martin (advisor) ; Müllerová, Dana (referee) ; Saudek, František (referee)
(EN) GH/IGF-1 axis components (GH, growth hormone receptor (GH-R), IGF-1, IGF-1 receptor (IGF-1R), IGF-binding proteins (IGFBPs)) participate in the control of glucose metabolism, inflammatory processes as well as cell proliferation and differentiation, including adipocytes and monocytes. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the role of local mRNA expression of GH/IGF-1 axis components in subcutaneous adipose tissue (SCAT) and peripheral monocytes (PM) in the development of insulin resistance and differences of adipose tissue mass in following groups of patients: obese females with and without type 2 diabetes mellitus and subjects with active untreated acromegaly. A total number of 66 subjects were included in the study: obese females without type 2 diabetes mellitus (OB), obese females with type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM), acromegalic patients (AC) and healthy lean control subjects (C). T2DM underwent 2 weeks of very-low- calorie diet (VLCD - energy content 2500 kJ/day). According to our results we suggest that decreased mRNA expression of IGF-1, IGF-1R, IGFBP-2 and IGFBP-3 in adipose tissue of T2DM subjects may contribute to changes of fat differentiation capacity and the increased IGF-1R mRNA expression in peripheral monocytes in these patients may play a role in the regulation of...

Jerusalem Artichokes - a Source of Valuable Nutrients
Rousková, Milena ; Barnet, M. ; Sobek, Jiří ; Veselý, Václav
Topinambury jsou rostliny z čeledi hvězdicovitých a zvonkovitých, kde inulin nahrazuje škrob ve funkci zásobní látky. Najít ho můžeme především hlízách. Topinambury lze využít jako potravinářskou surovinu pro lidi nebo i ke krmivářským účelům pro zvířata. Nezanedbatelný je i podíl stvolů pro možné energetické využití. Hlízy lze sklízet od podzimu do jara a lze je konzumovat syrové dle kreativity dietologa nebo kulináře. Je možné je i sušit a přidávat je pak do jídla pro zvýšení obsahu vlákniny. Je možné využít jednak dřeně nebo šťávy. Energetický obsah hlíz topinambur je 3 až 3,5 MJ/kg.
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Influence of bioeffectors application on phosphorus availability in substrate and on tomato yields
Beranová, Martina ; Kulhánek, Martin (advisor) ; Hanč, Aleš (referee)
In the past few years, the Czech Republic has been trying to increase the input of plant available phosphorus (P) due to the increasing its bioavailability in soil. From the point of view agriculture properties we can say that there is only little amount of readily available P in soil. Plants are unable to take up phosphorus sufficiently, which is mainly due to the fact it is part of various less soluble soil compounds. Therefore, there are new technologies aiming to make P more plant available. One of these technologies are so called Bioeffectors The aim of this bachelor thesis was to increase the plant available phosphorus content in soil due to the bioeffectors application and therefore increasing tomato yield and quality. The bioefectors used contained the following microorganisms: Trichoderma harzianum, strain T22, Bacillus amyloliquefaciens, strain FZB42 (RhizoVital), Pseudomonas sp. (pProradix) and a combination of Trichoderma harzianum with Bacillus subtilis with Zn and Mn added (CombiFector). The plant height, above ground biomass yields, tomato fruit yields and the contents of selected macro and micronutrients in soil (bioavailable form) and tomatoes fruit (total form) were estimated. From the results is clear that: a) in the majority of monitored parameters, significant differences between treatments were not observed; b) Trichoderma treatment, in comparison to the Proradix showed significantly higher Mg content in soil, but only at the significance level 0.05; c) the total content of sulfur in the tomato fruit at the Trichoderma treatment was significantly lower in comparison with the Proradix and Combifector variations, and that at a significance level of 0.01. In conclusion, it is possible to state that the application of bioeffectors, in the majority of cases, did not lead to significant changes of studied parameters. Therefore, it is necessary to look for new strategies that effectively increase the availability of phosphorus contained in soils and applied fertilizers. Therefore, it is possible to suggest further testing of bioeffectors in particular for further research in soils with varied characteristics and deeper microbiological analysis serving to understand the mechanisms of effectiveness and determine the viability of the products.