National Repository of Grey Literature 82 records found  beginprevious73 - 82  jump to record: Search took 0.01 seconds. 
Estimation in the planning of IS/ICT projects and metrics for the monitoring of projects from the point of view of ISO/IEC norms.
Ognev, Anton ; Chlapek, Dušan (advisor) ; Šťastný, Petr (referee)
This thesis deals with issues surrounding the management of IS/ICT projects, primarily from the point of view of ČSN ISO/IEC norms. I will list and analyse those norms used to define important indicators and processes, which are subsequently mapped to PMBOK process groups. Every norm is accompanied by a brief evaluation describing its suitability for use in IS/ICT projects, its anticipated benefits and the approach taken in its application. The next part of the thesis consists of an analysis of norms from the point of view of methods of estimation in the planning of IS/ICT projects. An analysis is made of the majority of norms that directly or tangentially affect estimation in the planning of IS/ICT projects. The practical section of the thesis contains a metric for the monitoring of projects from the point of view of ISO/IEC norms and the dissemination of the "MMaHPISICTv5.7" model, as created by Ondřej Kmoníček in the thesis "Sledování a vyhodnocování IT projektů - Monitoring and Evaluation of IT Projects" [38]. The model is supplemented by ISO/IEC metrics and also other functionalities, focussing primarily on the depiction of individual metrics over a period of time.
Implementing SugarCRM and BI solution using opensource tools
Ullrich, Jan ; Novotný, Ota (advisor) ; Dušek, Jiří (referee)
Diploma thesis is focused on the implementation of customer relationship management and Business Intelligence solutions in the small business company using open source technologies. Main objective of the thesis is implementation of CRM and Business Intelligence and evaluation of usability of these solutions. Thesis describes basic elements of these solutions. For the setting up metrics is using Balanced Scorecard. In the next part of this thesis is designed the whole Business Intelligence including the creating of data model and OLAP cubes using open source technologies. Theoretical background is described in the first part of thesis. There are defined basic terms from scope of strategic management using Balanced Scorecard, CRM and Business Intelligence. Thesis demonstrates using and creation of the whole Business Intelligence solution. There are also evaluated difficulties in implementation of these products. In thesis is designed data warehouse and the whole solution including reports.
KPI management - auto alerting in MS SQL
Vedral, Jakub ; Pour, Jan (advisor) ; Zajíc, Ján (referee)
This diploma thesis deals with the problem of automatic alerting on Microsoft SQL Server 2008 platform. Thesis was elaborated with Clever Decision s.r.o. company which significantly contributed to thesis assignment. Main goal of this thesis is to provide a solution concept for absence of alerting for multidimensional data in Microsoft's product. Alerting is aimed at critical business data -- Key performance indicators - KPIs. KPIs are used to deliver enhanced business performance through Corporate Performance Management concept. These indicators need to be watched frequently. Considering that alerting solution is convenient for watching the data. Solution concept is based on market research of Business Intelligence (BI) platforms which dominates the market. Platforms are examined for their alerting capabilities. Next goal is to provide overall insight to KPI management -- creating, managing, analyzing and monitoring of KPIs. Thesis is divided into three sections. First part creates theoretical background for solution creation and describes the field of KPI management. Second part consists of market research using selected criteria. Third part is aimed at providing the solution concept through web application fixing the absence of alerting on Microsoft SQL Server 2008 platform. This thesis is primarily intended for Clever Decision company but also for various BI experts dealing with alerting problems on BI platforms. Thesis serves also as a theoretical summary of KPI management which is commonly evaded by available technical literature.
Analysis of Various Service Provisioning Practices
Šebesta, Michal ; Voříšek, Jiří (advisor) ; Klíma, František (referee)
The topic of the thesis focuses on the analysis of various service provisioning practices from the view point of a prospect customer organization. Introductory part of the thesis summarizes the actual challenges of IS/ICT for an appropriate business alignment, defines the theoretical foundations of sourcing and ICT services, considering the contemporary state of these fields. Moreover, it identifies the related areas of these fields, like enterprise architecture, IS/ICT management, and systems integration. The central part deals with the identification and analysis of the areas that influence the decision making of ICT service sourcing. Results of this analysis are summarized and further developed by creating a framework to assist companies in deciding the most suited ICT sourcing solution. Within this framework the thesis summarizes important criteria to be considered for a much suited ICT service provisioning practice. It details the prerequisites for the use of this approach and its limitations. Subsequently, it presents an evaluation of certain ICT services within the SaaS market, that could be applicable in the enterprise environment. Finally, the thesis provides a simplified case study, demonstrating a required mindset for exercising the framework in practice.
Corporate Performance Management in connection to Business Intelligence applications
Klimko, Jozef ; Pour, Jan (advisor) ; Derfler, Václav (referee)
The bachelor thesis is devoted to the issue of Corporate Performance Management (CPM) as a comprehensive approach to managing performance of the company including processes, metrics, methodologies and technologies. The main aim of the bachelor thesis is to bring out a comprehensive view to the questions of Corporate Performance Management, analyse the market and neccessery parts of CPM. The thesis is based on available literature and internet sources dealing with this topic. The thesis is composed of three basic parts. The first part of the thesis is focused on the definition of the Corporate Performance Management and Business Intelligence. It also defines the basic components necessary to successful implementation of CPM systems and differences between CPM and BI solutions. The second part of the thesis analyses in more detail the necessary components of the implementation of CPM, which includes processes, metrics, methodologies, technologies and basic types of applications needed to support the CPM approach. The third part of the thesis deals with the situation of the CPM suites market based on the Gartner's Magic Quadrant for CPM suites 2007 and 2009 and Forrester's Business Performance Solutions: Clash Of The Titans.
Implementation of Business Intelligence in building industry
Melichar, Jan ; Novotný, Ota (advisor)
Diploma thesis is focused on the strategic performance management and Business Intelligence domain. Main objectives of the thesis are to define strategic goals of building enterprise by help of the Balanced Scorecard (BSC) concept and to assign specific metrics to these strategic goals. Another objective of this work is to design Business Intelligence (BI) implementation which means building a data warehouse upon company data, multidimensional cubes and user-defined reports. Initial theoretical principles are described in the first part of this work in which main issues of strategic performance management, BSC concept and BI domain are specified. In the practical part the strategic goals and specific metrics of building enterprise are defined. The output of this chapter is an overall strategic map containing strategic goals with assigned metrics and also comments describing mutual relationships of these goals. Next chapter deals with building a data warehouse upon company data, multidimensional cubes and user-defined reports with measured values interpretation. Contribution of the thesis consists in the enterprise management model upon BSC concept which helps specify strategic goals and also the design of BI implementation which should simplify monitoring of these strategic goals by the help of the metrics specified. Another contribution for building industry enterprise management can be an overview of main BI technologies and the ways and means of its practical application.
Measuring operation processes of IS for petrol stations
Šebelík, Jan ; Novotný, Ota (advisor) ; Ďásek, Pavel (referee)
The thesis concerns with measurement of processes of support and maintenance of a specialized information system for petrol stations. It is a system for support of retail sale of fuel and other non-fuel goods. As the main objective of the thesis was selected design of set of metrics for measurement of these processes based on multidimensionality principle. It means that dimensions and indicators are designed separately and a set of recommended metrics is based on their combinations. It is possible to get additional metrics using other combinations. The theoretical basis of the thesis is the ITIL library -- which is an internationally respected standard for IT service management -- and metrics designed in other literature and diploma theses. The designed metrics are adapted for the analyzed environment and service information system, however, they should be usable in other environments as well. Selected metrics were implemented to the service information system and measured in a relatively wide sample of input data. This allowed evaluating usability of the metrics and comparison of the threshold values with the measured ones. The relationship of metrics and service agreements (SLAs) is described in the end of the thesis. Specific metrics suitable to be incorporated to SLA were designed including a real-life example.
Markalous, David ; Voříšek, Jiří (advisor) ; Vít, Miroslav (referee)
Cílem diplomové práce je seznámit čtenáře s modelem ?software jako služba? (SaaS, Software as a Service) a popsat jeho vliv na dodavatelskou a uživatelskou stranu a na jejich produktivitu. Jelikož se na trhu objevuje stále více softwarových produktů a modelů jejich prodeje, měla by práce pomoci především uživatelům. Hlavním cílem je, aby čtenář po přečtení této práce získal jasnou představu o tom, co znamená termín ?software jako služba? a jaké služby v jakém množství jsou na trhu k dispozici. Práce je rozdělena do dvou částí. První poskytuje teoretický základ nutný pro pochopení poskytování aplikací formou SaaS, výběr vhodné metriky pro měření přínosů modelu a její použití v porovnání nákupu SW licence oproti outsourcingu SW. Autor se zde věnuje možnostem měření zvyšování produktivity organizace dosažené prostřednictvím IS/ICT, charakterizuje jednotlivé formy outsourcingu a popisuje souvislosti, které vedly ke vzniku ASP (Application Services Providing) a následně k SaaS. Hlavní přínos práce je v závěru první části, kde jsou popsány výhody a rizika spojená s modelem SaaS, která jsou doložena analýzou nákladů na aplikaci nasazenou formou outsourcingu a její porovnání s klasickým nákupem licence. Ve druhé části diplomové práce se autor zaměřil na popis jednotlivých aplikací, které jsou dostupné na trhu formou SaaS. Po důkladné analýze trhu vybral autor služby nabízené největším vyhledávačem Google a jedním z největších dodavatelů IS/ICT společností IBM. Právě velký význam těchto společností může mít značný vliv na další rozvoj modelu SaaS, v závislosti na úspěchu či neúspěchu jimi nabízených služeb a produktů.
Design of the ECM management model in the context of informatics management
Kunstová, Renáta ; Pour, Jan (advisor) ; Molnár, Zdeněk (referee) ; Svoboda, Vít (referee)
Práce je zaměřena na návrh procesů a služeb ECM, o které je rozšířen referenční model řízení podnikové informatiky katedry informačních technologií VŠE v Praze. Na strategické, taktické a operativní úrovni řízení jsou definovány procesy a služby ECM a k nim příslušné parametry a metriky s tím, že je respektována platná legislativa a požadavky systémů řízení jakosti. V aplikační části práce jsou uvedeny výstupy z ověření modelu řízení ECM v praxi a výsledky průzkumu zaměřeného na zjištění stavu implementace aplikací ECM v organizacích působících na českém trhu.
Jak ovlivňuje nasazení podnikového systému úspěšné podnikání firmy
Vytiska, Tomáš ; Zámečníková-Rydziová, Jana (advisor) ; Klíma, František (referee)
Cílem práce je podat ucelený přehled o systémech ERP (včetně jejich rozšíření), popsat přínosy jednotlivých modulů systému ERP, obecně představit metriky použitelné pro kvantifikaci nákladů a přínosů informatiky a uvést některá jejich specifika. Dalším samostatným cílem je popsat a okomentovat variabilitu názvosloví napříč celou prací. Celá práce tak přináší přehledný popis systému typu ERP a poskytuje základní orientaci v problematice metrik a měření podnikové informatiky. Práce je rozdělena do několika oblastí. První část se zabývá problematikou informační společnosti a informací. Druhá část mapuje vývoj podnikových informačních systémů (PIS) a jejich typy z hlediska způsobu pořízení. Popisuje současný stav dané oblasti a uvádí některé vyhlídky do budoucnosti. Třetí celek, dekompozice PIS, se zabývá dvěmi složkami PIS, kterými jsou lidé a ERP systémy. V případě lidí uvádí jejich vlastnosti, u ERP pak vlastnosti, skladbu a popis funkcí jednotlivých modulů. Čtvrtá, poslední a nejrozsáhlejší část, přibližuje problematiku měření IS/IT. Konkrétně jsou uvedeny problematiky měření nákladů, přínosů. V závěru je popsána problematika úzce provázaná s měřením a řízením IS/IT. Práci je vypracována metodou rešerše informačních zdrojů a doplněna o závěry ze studia příslušné literatury.

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