National Repository of Grey Literature 78 records found  beginprevious69 - 78  jump to record: Search took 0.01 seconds. 
The entry strategy to Belarussian book market
Ivanova, Yulia ; Halík, Jaroslav (advisor) ; Malý, Josef (referee)
The thesis demonstrates the entry strategy of a fundamentally new product - the magazine-catalogue of business books through the publishing house - to the B2B Belarusian book market. This product will help companies to make a better choice in the market of business literature. Customers will enjoy an overview and easy access to the titles, will have a quick reference about the content and prices, and will be able to place purchase orders online. The central issue is the optimization of courier service in the capital city Minsk and the surrounding area based on the customer demand. Therefore there is a need to introduce a new product, which will help to order books through catalogue and having them delivered by post, saving both, time and energy. The thesis is based on actual experience and its conclusions can be used in business practice.
Development conditions of tourism in Belarus
Martyniuk, Yana ; Netková, Jarmila (advisor) ; Koňařík, Marek (referee)
Belarus is placed on historical, cultural, political and geographical crossroad. Geographically, the country is located in heart of Europe. It is being said it is the gateway to the West. This is a relatively young state, which has been created after 1st World War on 25th of March 1918, right after the February Revolution, in the form of Belarusian National Republic. A year after it became a part of the USSR. On 26th of December 1991, the Soviet Union fell apart into 15 independent republics and Belarus has become one of them. The aim of the thesis is to analyze in details the potential of belarussian tourism and make it closer to Czech tourist. The history of the Belarusian nation in the presented work is described in accordance with the theory of the Belarusian opposition journalist Dmitri Novický and ultimately refutes the official version. Author tries to separate Belarus as a tourist destination from politics and confirm the hypothesis that Belarus has a growing potential for domestic tourism and has significant natural, cultural and historical wealth.. Geographically, the landscape is located in the heart of Europe. He says it is the gateway to the West. It is a relatively young state, which was created after World War II 25th March 1918, just after the February Revolution, in the form of the Belarusian National Republic. The year then came to the USSR. 26th December 1991, the Soviet Union fell apart in 15 independent republics and one of them was Belarus. The present work aims to analyze in detail the conditions of Belarus for the development of tourism, to show them as a lucrative destination in the post-Soviet state closer to a Czech tourist. The history of the Belarusian nation in the presented work is described in accordance with the theory of the Belarusian opposition journalist Dmitri Novický and ultimately refutes the official version. The reason for the development work was to separate Belarus as a tourist destination from politics and confirm the hypothesis that Belarus has a growing potential for domestic tourism and has significant natural, cultural and historical wealth.
Analysis of recruitment and selection of employees in the Belarusian company "ParusTorgServis AMZ"
Kozyr, Darya ; Němec, Otakar (advisor) ; Beroušek, Petr (referee)
The aim of this bachelor work is to analyze the recruitment and the selection process in the Belarusian company based on the theory. First I dealt with a system of recruitment, compared my theoretical knowledge with the system in Belarusian company "ParusTorgServis AMZ ". I did the same with the selection of employees. Then I evaluate the advantages and shortcomings of the system and propose better solutions for the company.
The economic impacts of the Customs Union of Russia, Belarus and Kazachstan and their presumable progress within Russia‘s accession to the WTO
Lukáčová, Mária ; Žamberský, Pavel (advisor) ; Sudliankou, Aliaksandr (referee)
Since the collapse of the Soviet Union, there has been created many integrations among the countries of the former Soviet Union. Previous efforts of Russia to create a customs union with Belarus and then with other countries towards a common economic space fell through. In November 2009, the Customs Union of Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan was created. Main purpose of the thesis is to find assumptions for the success of the customs union as a whole, but also presumable impacts on individual economies of the members. The work takes into consideration Russia's accession to the WTO, as well as other member states of the customs union.
External economic activity of the Republic of Belarus.
Plastsinina, Ilona ; Gullová, Soňa (advisor) ; Klosová, Anna (referee)
The thesis "External economic activity of the Republic of Belarus" is focused on the analysis of the most important areas for evaluation of external economic activity and the sustainability of economic equilibrium of Belarus. These areas are external trade policy of the state, its foreign trade, investments and balance of payments. Special attention was paid to studying the development of the international trade of the republic from the end of 80. years up to the present time. On the basis of the conducted research the external stability of the republic was considered.
Banking in Belarus in view of the situation in Czech Republic
Skarynava, Yuliya ; Křížek, Tomáš (advisor)
The purpose of the work is to present the banking system of Belarus and evaluate it by comparison with the Czech banking system.Formally, the work can be divided into two parts - descriptive and analytical.In the first part there are characteristics of the banking sector in Belarus at the present stage of the country's development.In the second part is presented advanced analysis of the banking sector in Belarus and its comparison with the banking sector in Chezh republic.
Tax system in Republic of Belarus
Zhedzik, Artsiom ; Přibyl, Jiří (advisor)
This study speaks about taxes in Republic of Belarus.
Podnikatelské prostředí, obchodní zvyklosti a kulturní specifika Běloruska
Lisouskaya, Ina ; Zamykalová, Miroslava (advisor) ; Gullová, Soňa (referee)
Cílem práce je poskytnout čtenáři důležité, pravdivé a zajímavé informace o Bělorusku i vysvětlit základní jevy a trendy, které se dnes na tomto území odehrávají a které se týkají především zdejšího investičního a podnikatelského prostředí. Práce je členěna do pěti kapitol. První kapitola uvádí základní geopolitické a demografické charakteristiky Běloruské republiky s důrazem na historický vývoj a dnešní realitu. Druhá kapitola je věnována ekonomické charakteristice země. Třetí kapitola charakterizuje podnikatelské a investiční prostředí. Čtvrtá kapitola pojednává o mentalitě Bělorusů a základních zvyklostech a tradicích, jež doprovázejí obchodní jednání na daném teritoriu.V páté, poslední kapitole, je rozebírána problematika vztahů Běloruské a České republiky.
Retailing v Bělorusku
Biazrukaja, Aksana ; Filipová, Alena (advisor) ; Zeman, Jiří (referee)
Práce se zabývá stavem retailingu v Bělorusku. Popisuje změny, které v posledních letech prožívá Bělorusko a znázorňuje jak tyto změny ovlivňují maloobchod. Uvádím tady přehled jak kvantitativních (růst počtů obchodů, tržeb, atd.), tak i kvalitativních změn (změny vzhledu prodejen, forem prodejních jednotek, atd.).
Freightliner Service in the Foreign Trade of Belarus
Yemialyanava, Kseniya ; Sato, Alexej (advisor) ; Schwarz, Vítězlav (referee)
Zahkládní údaje o obchodním stavu Běloruska, statistika obchodování, která zahrňuje údaje o množství obchodováného zboží. Údaje, podle kterých jasně uvidíme, se kterými staty Bělorusko obchoduje nejaktivněji. Charakteristika stavu kontejnerové přepravy v Běloruské republice.

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