National Repository of Grey Literature 61 records found  beginprevious52 - 61  jump to record: Search took 0.04 seconds. 

The significance of the principle of publicity in criminal proceedings
Závodský, Ondřej ; Musil, Jan (advisor) ; Herczeg, Jiří (referee) ; Púry, František (referee)
Dissertation thesis titled "Significance of principle of public in criminal trial" deals with the principle of public in criminal procedure in the widest sense of the word. The thesis explains what is meant by this principle, what its functions are or what the consequences of its non-compliance by authorities acting in criminal procedure can be found. By the fact that this work mentions also the aspects of informing the public about criminal procedure as well as about possibilities of defence in case of non-compliance of mentioned principle by authorities acting in criminal procedure, it also interferes, besides criminal substantive and procedural law, in constitutional, press or protection of personality laws. The text of dissertation thesis is divided into nine chapters. In the introduction part the area of topics mentioned in following chapters is defined. In chapter titled "History of literature connected to the topic" there are important publications, articles from academic periodicals, as well as graduate theses which in the past somehow affected the chosen topic, mentioned. The third chapter summarizes development of legislation about publicity of criminal trial as well as some of the related aspects, from the beginning of the Czech statehood till present. Beginning with the fourth chapter...

Criminality against children and juveniles
Hladká, Michaela ; Buriánek, Jiří (advisor) ; Gillernová, Ilona (referee) ; Zoubková, Ivana (referee)
The topic of the submitted dissertation work is criminality commited against children and juveniles which is particularly a topical problem for many reasons. First of all it is necessary to emphasize that a child is the most vulnerable victim with his or her decreased ability of defence and therefore children require special protection provided not only by their parents but also by state authorities. For a long period of time there was a general opinion that parents represent the best protection for a child because they love him or her even if they beat or neglect their children. This theory has become a thing of the past thanks to the results or researchs that found that many perpetrators of criminality against children and juveniles were parents of the victimized child or members of his or her family. In 1991 the 3rd European Conference for CAN Prevention was held in Prague (CAN means Child Abuse and Neglect). After this conference a systematic work of Czech social workers, psychologists, police investigators, psysicians and many other experts on this field has started. The submitted dissertation contributes to this systematic work.

The concept and legal consequence of the excessive use of self-defence and necessity
Votočka, Jan ; Vokoun, Rudolf (advisor) ; Císařová, Dagmar (referee)
The Notion and Legal Consequences of the Transgression of Exceeding the Limits of Self-defense and Distress Diploma thesis called "The Notion and Legal Consequences of the Transgression of Exceeding the Limits of Self-defense and Distress" is based on Criminal Code, Act N. 40/2009 Coll., as applicable to 1 December, 2011. The thesis deals with legitimate self-defense and distress, as two circumstances excluding illegality, which belong to basic human rights, that everyone can by himself avert attack or danger threatening his interest protected by the Criminal Code. Thesis's insight of legitimate self-defense and distress is based on situations when person exceeds allowable bounds of legitimate self-defense and distress, and it's behavior becomes lawless and punishable. First part deals with circumstances excluding illegality as a term including legitimate self-defense and distress. Second part is based on actual characteristic and conditions of legitimate self-defense, together with specification of statutory legal limits of behavior in legitimate self-defense and distress. In following third part concepts of exceeding limits of legitimate self-defense and distress are analyzed in detail. There is a description how acting person can extravagate these limits. Nonobservance of time limits,...

Defence lawyer in pre-trial procedure
Gilarová, Monika ; Herczeg, Jiří (advisor) ; Gřivna, Tomáš (referee)
Defence counsel in criminal proceedings Criminal law was always my favourite subject at Law faculty and that is the reason, why i choose this topic at first. Because in this moment, I am still just student, and I don't have any personal experience with criminal proceedings, I have to search information largely from specialized publications and sentences od Czech courts. In the begining, i mentioned right of defence and international agreements, where is this right based and described how important is this right for criminal proceedings and for the defendant espacially. I wanted to show consequences of this right and Czech penal code as well. In my opinion, it was necessary to start with right of defence, because position of defence counsel in criminal proceedings in many thing depends on person of defendant. In next parts, I was paying attention to person of defence counsel, and especially conditions, which are necessary to his profession. Most important condition in general is that defence counsel has to have passed advocate exams and he has to be registered in list of advocates in Czech republic. Then I was describing his rights and duties to defendant, I meantioned for example his duty of descreetness, his duty to pay attention and behavior by wishis of his client and many others. I was try to divide the...

Possibilities of managing the situacion when first aid´s crew is attacked
Abstract Currently media more and more often inform about various attacks, violence, criminal acts or aggression. These are basically types of interpersonal relationships with that we live daily. We may observe such negative aspects of human behaviour even on professional level. That concerns in particular activities of so called assistance jobs. Assistant jobs include but are not limited to services of ambulance providing daily pre-hospitalization emergency health care to patients in acute situations. Number of rescuers who were attacked and injured is increasing. Problematic situation at the place of their response is often not suitably solved by ambulance staff and that makes it difficult to provide good quality care to patients. A quantitative research has been conducted within this Bachelor essay. Data was collected based on responses to questions. The quantitative research has been performed in form of a questionnaire. The subjects of research were ambulance rescuers, response nurses, doctors and ambulance drivers of South Bohemian Ambulance. The research has been performed in April 2008. The Bachelor essay includes two sections, one practical and one theoretical. The purpose of the essay was to map the issue of ambulance crew attacks. The objective has been achieved. The following three hypotheses have been formulated. Hypothesis No. 1: Health rescuers feel to be threatened by patients/clients more than ambulance drivers. This hypothesis has not been confirmed. Hypothesis No. 2: Ambulance doctors feel to be threatened by patients/clients less than health rescuers. This hypothesis has not been confirmed. Hypothesis No. 3: Health rescuers have better self defence skills than nurses working at ambulance. This hypothesis has not been confirmed. Results of the above research are to be published at The will form a base for implementation of self defence courses in cooperation with Faculty of Health and Social Studies of South Bohemian University in České Budějovice.

Honour Disputes in the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries
The theme of the presented bachelor thesis are disputes concerning honour in the years 1650-1750 on the Třeboň estate. This thesis aims at analysing honour disputes among inhabitants of townlets and villages on the Třeboň estate in the time in question on the basis of criminal law sources, suits of participants of the honour disputes, correspondence between the mayor and town council and top trustee of the estate. Actual participants of the honour disputes and the possibilities of the defence of their own honour will be in the centre of attention. Neither the characteristic surroundings in which the honour disputes took place nor the sort of defamations will be omitted. A typology of the defamations will be formed from the records of verbal offences. A particular honour dispute of an orphan named Sofie Renčová from Lomnice nad Lužnicí will be studied as well from the historical-anthropological perspective.

Stalking in the world of electronic media
Smolík, Viktor ; Sigmund, Tomáš (advisor) ; Bláha, Václav (referee)
Stalking is extremely complicated phenomenon, which exists in our society. Despite the fact it's the subject of psychology studies for a long time, the knowledge about this phenomenon has spread to the public in the last few decades. This circulation was supported by the growth of electronic media, because in connection with this penetration it becomes easier a faster than before and stalkers gained new instruments to their hands. Victims were becoming constantly more vulnerable and society became fully conscious of the need of criminalization of this phenomenon. Stalking is a multidisciplinary phenomenon, which pervades many branches of research. Despite the knowledge about this phenomenon in public, information science and information management deal with stalking minimally. Therefore this thesis analyses stalking as a multidisciplinary phenomenon from the view not only informatics, but also from the view of other sciences. This thesis points to individual aspects of attacks through electronic media, to simplicity of their use and to the methods of defence against them. It points to the need of protection of personal data not only in a private life, but also in a professional life.