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Multipilot Airliner's Crew
Munk, Tomáš ; Matyáš, Petr (referee) ; Šošovička, Róbert (advisor)
The aim of this master„s thesis is detailed study of multipilot airliner?s crew in sence of optimalization of its actions, which is known as Crew Resource Management (CRM). This paper shows what is the main purpose of CRM through the air crash investigations and human factor analysis. According to this findings, the last chapter presents problems of flight crew planning and personnel selection.
Futuristic Aircraft Cockpit Design
Hlipala, Martin ; Vlk, Jan (referee) ; Chudý, Peter (advisor)
This thesis is analysing the historical evolution of flight instruments and aims at the design of a new, enhanced cockpit that includes basic flight instruments supplemented by data from selected aircraft subsystems. The design is based on currently available electronic instruments, known as EFIS, presently used onboard Boeing 737-800 cockpit. The proposed design aims at improvements to graphic style of EFIS, and accomodation of new data into newly designed displays. As a result of this effort, a set of design concepts is created. Those are then implemented as fully functional set of displays using custom made user interface system design tool.
Conceptual design of an upper wing aircraft using structures parts of the previous type
Koudelka, Jaroslav ; Katrňák, Tomáš (referee) ; Jebáček, Ivo (advisor)
The aim of this diploma thesis is to design a new high-wing aircraft for the company TL ultralight using the structural elements from another models from their portfolio. The design is created with an emphasis on crew comfort and cabin ergonomics. The first part of the thesis focuses on the description of the basic requirements for the aircraft and its classification in aviation regulations. It also contains a research part of competing types and currently produced type, which the proposed aircraft should replace in the company's portfolio. Then follows the characteristics of the individual parts of the airframe, the specification of the parts, which will be used from another types from portfolio, and parts which will be completely designed. Great emphasis is placed on the layout of the interior and its design and ergonomic. The proposed aircraft then demonstrates theoretical calculations of basic performances and a preliminary mass analysis. In the end, the benefits of the newly designed aircraft are evaluated with respect to the competing types.
Visualization of flight data to passengers
Alfery, Vladimír ; Dittrich, Petr (referee) ; Chudý, Peter (advisor)
The goal of the thesis is to enable passengers to see the actual flight information, which the pilot sees from the cockpit. This information is viewable on electronic device connected to the aircraft internal wireless network. Web application which uses CesiumJS library to view terrain is used in order to ensure compatibility with the most nowadays devices with operating system Windows, OS X, iOS and Android.
Human factor in the aircraft operations
Dostál, Tomáš ; Raudenský, Miroslav (referee) ; Daněk, Vladimír (advisor)
This bachelor´s thesis examines air accidents which is caused by human error. From selected air accidents are pointed out mistakes, which is caused by flight crew, their continuation, increase, main causation and formation air accident. Study of human mistakes and influence phase of flight are shown in diagrams. The conclusion of the bachelor thesis includes possible solving to elimination human error and increasing air traffic safety.
Formula 1 Cars Evolution
Studeník, Juraj ; Porteš, Petr (referee) ; Ramík, Pavel (advisor)
This bachelor´s thesis is engaged in description of progress, research, manufacturing and testing components for F1 racing cars. These improvements causes technological progress which support driver´s safety and increases speed limits continually. Thanks to this F1 races are more and more balanced and attractive for viewers.
History of Civil Aviation 1970-2000
Zubrvalčík, Jan ; Šplíchal, Miroslav (referee) ; Chlebek, Jiří (advisor)
The main aim of this bachelor‘s thesis is utilize consice summary of history of civil aviation between year 1970 to 2000 and compare their performance. This era is typical with out-set of airplanes with large capacity and new construction solutions. This thesis is focused on planes for long distance with large capacity, but also on planes for middle and short distances too. Thesis is divided by range of airplanes and special charter is about supersonic civil planes.
Web Application for Certificate Management
Kobyda, Simon ; Rychlý, Marek (referee) ; Burget, Radek (advisor)
Cieľom tejto práce je vytvorenie softvéru na získanie a správu X.509 certifikátov. Hlavný dôraz je na poskytnutie múdreho a intuitívneho uživateľského rozhrania, ktoré by dovolilo spravovať certifikáty aj administrátorom, ktorí nemajú o nich veľa znalostí. Práca je implementovaná s technológiou React ako plugin pre Cockpit, vďaka čomu si nájde svoje miesto aj vo väčšom obraze Red Hat portfólia.
Futuristic Cockpit for Urban Mobility
Bohovic, Samuel ; Prustoměrský, Milan (referee) ; Chudý, Peter (advisor)
Rastúci záujem o mestskú leteckú dopravu vytvára priestor pre vývoj užívateľských rozhraní pre mestskú leteckú dopravu . Nasledújúca práca je koncept zobrazovania letových dát a užívateľského rozhrania pre tieto dopravné prostriedky . Toto bolo dosiahnuté skúmaním minulých a moderných metód zobrazovania letových dát . Výsledný koncept bol implementovaný do simulácie vo virtuálnej realite . Toto bolo dosiahnuté pomocou Unity a okuliarov pre virtuálnu realitu HTC Vive . Koncept je modulárny a bol postavený pre súkromné aj komerčné použitie . Výsledok je demonštrácia toho ako by mohli vyzerať užívateľské rozhrania pre moderné lietadlá pre mestskú mobilitu .
Construction parts and Elements of the of Large transport aircraft Fuselage structure
Zubaľ, Filip ; Dubnický, Lukáš (referee) ; Juračka, Jaroslav (advisor)
Fuselage design is an area of aerospace engineering that combines aerodynamics with mechanical and material engineering. Many factors affect the construction and design of the fuselage. The bachelor thesis is focused on the processing and systematic ordering of individual structural units used in large transport aircraft. It points out the diversity of individual structural nodes in the design of the aircraft. The work is divided according to sections of the fuselage, where the specific design solutions for the node are then discussed. At the end of the work, I present a comparison of the two most famous competing aircraft models of Airbus and Boeing company. I pointed out the individual combinations of structural elements. Compared data are processed using tables and schematic figures. The bachelor thesis was also translated into a form of presentation intended for educational purposes.

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