National Repository of Grey Literature 44,073 records found  beginprevious44064 - 44073  jump to record: Search took 2.96 seconds. 

Perception of Jan Masaryk's death in Czech media 1948, 1968/69, 2004
Bobková, Klára ; Končelík, Jakub (advisor) ; Groman, Martin (referee)
Jan Masaryk's death has not yet been clearly explained and has been a white spot in the Czech and Czechoslovak history. This thesis, based on the data content analysis of local media (daily papers) attempts to make clear the media context of Jan Masaryk's death. The first step of this analysis is the theoretical part of the thesis, which focuses on historical background of the problem, on key political affairs in connection with development of daily press. SPSS programme was used for the content analysis , introduction to historical periods was elaborated with help of literature dealing with contemporary Czech and Czechoslovak history. Regarding the output of analysis, the core ofthe hypothesis is being confirmed, i.e.: the perception of Jan Masaryk's death has differed in regard to the the social and political change. Nevertheless, the anticipated debate and increase of interest concerning Masaryk's death did not follow the pattern ofchanges in the Czechoslovak society in 1968/69. Powered by TCPDF (

Polish Daily Newspapers' Portrayals of the Events Related to the Velvet Revolution
Chvíla, Jakub ; Rusin Dybalska, Renata (advisor) ; Junek, Marek (referee)
(in English) The aim of this diploma thesis is the discourse analysis of polish daily newspapers' portrayals of the so-called Velvet Revolution in Czechoslovakia in the last days of 1989. I have focused the analysis on every category of newspapers, which were officially published in Poland at that time. The selected questions are analyzed according to methods, which are mentioned in the theoretical part of this thesis, and everything is set into a historical context. Theoretic part is composed of the history of that period, the characterization of the polish media market in the 80s and the theory of propaganda, newspeak and discourse. In the practical part of this thesis there is the analysis which was made by the quantitative and qualitative method. The chief contribution is the determination of the exact quantity of the articles in monitored daily newspapers, the analysis of selected topics and the answers on the selected questions related to the role of propaganda, the differences (state vs. independent media; polish vs. american-polish newspapers; regional newspapers from northern Poland vs. southern Poland) among the articles in selected newspapers and the theme-orientation articles in the newspapers intended for soldiers, Catholics or teenagers. The main intention of the practical part is to...

Computational Histories of Turing Machines and Their Generation by Scattered Context Grammars
Kajan, Dušan ; Soukup, Ondřej (referee) ; Meduna, Alexandr (advisor)
The purpose of this thesis is to show a method, that would transform given Turing machine into propagating scattered context grammar, which language contains all valid computational histories of that particular Turing machine. Afterwards this thesis deals with questions arising from existence of such algorithm, especially in regards to the current knowledge about power of propagating scattered context grammars. Practical examples and implementation of proposed algorithm is also part of this thesis.

Phyllotactic Model Linking Nano and Macro World
Horáček, Miroslav ; Meluzín, Petr ; Krátký, Stanislav ; Urbánek, Michal ; Bok, Jan ; Kolařík, Vladimír
Recently, the arrangement of diffraction primitives according to a phyllotactic model was presented. This arrangement was used to benchmarking purposes of the e-beam writer nano patterning. The phyllotactic arrangement has several interesting properties. One of them is related with the coherence between the nanoor microscopic domain of individual optical primitives and the properties of visually perceived images crated by these structures in the macro domain. This paper presents theoretical analysis of the phyllotactic arrangement in the referred context. Different approaches enabling the creation of diffractive optically variable images are proposed. The practical part of the presented work deals with the nano patterning of such structures using two different types of the e-beam pattern generators. One of them is a system with a variable shaped beam of electrons, while the other one is a system with a Gaussian-shaped beam. E-beam writing strategies and the use of inherent spiral patterns for exposure ordering and partitioning are also discussed.

Anomalies in the development of the exchange rate (In the context of PPP)
Hejzlarová, Anna ; Šíma, Ondřej (advisor) ; Pour, Jiří (referee)
This thesis is focused on the description of the purchasing power parity theory and the theory of the interest rate as the fundamental aspects of exchange rate movements. A large part is devoted to the problems of equilibrium exchange rates and associated anomalies that these equilibrium rates are largely affected. The aim is to highlight the pros and cons of these theories and their practical use in nowadays world. Incomplete validity of purchasing power parity is analyzed by using available data which also leads to examine the presence of deviation from the equilibirum value. These anomalies are divided into economic origin anomalies and anomalies arising from non-market intervention. Despite the frequent critism the theory of purchasing power parity is still the most popular and frequently published theory.

Revisionist efforts to Hungary after the First World War in Central Europe
Lacko, Miroslav ; Doubek, Vratislav (advisor) ; Koubek, Jiří (referee)
The topic of my work was The Revisionist Efforts to Hungary after the First World War in Central Europe. I describe the years 1918 - 1921 in Central Europe, specifically in Hungary, and in Great Powers after the World War First (France, Great Britain and the United States of America). My work is divided into 3 different chapters, introduction and conclusion. The first chapter describes main countries in the WW I., their interests and also independent movements in Austria - Hungary. The second chapter describes very difficult situation in Hungary after the WW I. (concretely economy, society, politics, international relations). The third chapter describes Great Powers and their relations to Hungary and also it describes the activity Hungarian propaganda in these important countries. Key words: The First World War; Austria-Hungary; Hungary; the Great Powers; Central Europe; economy, society and politics in Hungary; propaganda, revisionism

Instruments of the EU external relations: European Neighbourhood Policy
Tetřev, Matti ; Dubský, Zbyněk (advisor) ; Veselý, Zdeněk (referee)
The main topic of this master thesis is instruments of the EU external representation specifically in case of the European Neighborhood Policy. As the theoretical part this thesis uses forming the external united position of the European countries after the World War II through the key documents adopted in the framework of the European integration, ending with the adoption of the Lisbon Treaty that creates the contemporary instruments for the external representation of the EU. The research question of this thesis is whether in the context of the European Neighborhood Policy is the united position of the EU Member States. The case study of the European Neighborhood Policy combines elements of both quantitative and qualitative research.

Possibilities of dealing with consequences of nuclear risks through a commercial insurance
Uhlář, Daniel ; Ducháčková, Eva (advisor) ; Daňhel, Jaroslav (referee)
This master thesis is devoted to different possibilities of dealing with consequences of nuclear risks through a commercial insurance. It deals with nuclear energy in the world and in the Czech Republic, international liability conventions, Czech regularization of liability principles, possibilities of insuring nuclear risks through nuclear pools and alternative risk transfer methods. The thesis analyzes the causes, process, consequences and financing the damage of two selected nuclear power plant accidents. Based on available data, the thesis tries to evaluate the ability of the existing system of nuclear risk insurance to eliminate potential negative consequences and suggest possibilities to strengthen the role of commercial insurance.

Regulation of financial markets in international context
Nistorenco, Taisia ; Žamberský, Pavel (advisor) ; Jiránková, Martina (referee)
This diploma thesis comprises a theoretical, descriptive, comparative and econometric analysis of financial markets regulation in international context. In the first chapter I describe and analyse characteristics of modern financial markets, reasons for their regulation and institutional models of financial regulation and supervision. The second chapter offers an overview of the historical development of financial regulation and evaluates the role of regulatory factor in the outburst of the world financial crisis of 2008. In the third chapter I carry out a comparison of regulatory response to financial crisis in the USA and the EU. Forth chapter deals with regression analysis of the relation between Financial Soundness Indicators of three selected countries. The conclusions driven from this diploma thesis demonstrate that regulation is generally effective as a remedy for market failures, but in other aspects its effects are ambiguous. Intensity of regulation is a secondary impact factor in the formation of financial crises, in fact it is more reasonable to state that crises occur because of the failure of supervision rather than regulation. Due to the international attempts to harmonise the process of remediation of the consequences of the financial crisis, the regulatory response in the USA and the EU was very similar. Statistical analysis did not confirm the common idea that regulation represents a significant barrier for increasing the profitability of credit institutions.

The Media Image of Visual Arts in Czech Television
Švarcová, Barbora ; BENDOVÁ, Helena (advisor) ; POSPISZYL, Tomáš (referee)
The thesis consists of a context and textual analysis of Artmix, a TV show dedicated to visual arts, while touching on other relevant programs on Czech TV. The results of these analyses are then brought into theoretical setting primarily using the philosophical and social concept of the Field of Power as defined by Pierre Bourdieu in his book Rules of Art. Principal themes, interspersing throughout the text, are the limits of reflections of visual arts through TV screen and hidden interpretational patterns applied to visual arts through its media image. Furthermore there is an additional issue of traditional notions of an artist existing within our society, weighed down by history, or the quest for the ideal format of a TV show reflecting visual arts.