National Repository of Grey Literature 51 records found  beginprevious42 - 51  jump to record: Search took 0.01 seconds. 
Analysis of the motivation of high school teachers
Kořínková, Pavla ; Kašparová, Eva (advisor) ; Mudrová, Kateřina (referee)
The thesis is concerned with issues of motivation and contentment of workers in the education sector in the Czech Republic. First, it focuses on presenting theoretical knowledge of staff motivation and contentment. In practical part we will switch-able to the analysis of the motivation of high school teachers itself, which aims to map the level of teachers' contentment in a workplace. I would also like to point out the circumstances that affect this issue, such as working environment, salary etc. The analysis was carried out in two secondary schools in Prague, in Business School Vinohradská and School of Low-tension electrical engineering in Vysočany. Respondents (teachers) were subjected to a questionnaire survey that included questions about their con-tentment in the workplace, their financial evaluation, workplace relations, employment motivation and many others. Then I did a structured interview with the director of the Business school as well as the director of the collage.
The concept of regional history in history teaching in secondary schools in the town of Pribram
The diploma work is focused on the conception of regional history teaching in the city of Příbram. It brings an up-to-date view on regional history seen through didactis and tries to show contemporary condition in the regional historical research. The whole work is divided into three big parts. The first one is aimed on the term region, on its meaning and understanding. Further it maps significant regional historians and researchers, it briefly draws near their work and makes us familiar with important personalities of Příbram regional research. It also deals with the history of the town Příbram and its closest surroundings. Data obtained from an empirical research, which was taken at seven high schools in Příbram where history as a subject is taught in final exams branches classes, are elaborated in the second part of the work. The found out facts about the state of regional history in history teaching are then compared with the former aims and hypothesis. The third part is focused on certain methodical possibilities of taking advantage of regional history in history teaching at high schools. Two proposals for project teaching methods which might be used in lectures by the teachers are presented.
The computer science education in secondary schools not aimed at teaching computer science
Waldmannová, Lenka ; Marešová, Zdena (advisor) ; Pavlíčková, Jarmila (referee)
The aim is to analyze the teaching of science in secondary schools in the Czech Republic, which are focused on computer science education. The primary analysis of the legislation of the Czech Republic, but also knowledge of the practice. The main area of interest is the development of FEP and their applications to schools under the School Education program. The issue is also closely linked to the issue of state graduation and its implementation. The source of information for the creation of analysis are legislative documents issued by the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic -- for example as the White Paper (National Education Development Program), Educational programs for various high school courses, Product testing requirements of the common school-leaving examination -- Informatics basic level of difficulty / higher level of difficulty. Data from practices are obtained through questionnaires that were sent to secondary schools in the Czech Republic. Subsequent processing of data should lead to clear conclusions and to draw recommendations for changes in teaching informatics at secondary schools.
Information education on information high schools
Kopřiva, Pavel ; Marešová, Zdena (advisor) ; Pavlíčková, Jarmila (referee)
This work describe development of information education on czech high schools, which is not available in any books, but we are able to book it thanks to witness, who stayed at the head at the schools or who took part in the development of the information education. Next object of my work is draw up subjects of todays information high school education. Firstly I wil draw up subjects from wide point of view by Framework education programme and secondly I will draw up subjects more specific by todays school-books of Information technology for high schools. One of the pivotal part of my work is questioning todays hight school student both from information and non-information high schools about things they should know from their education. I will ask both groups about the same questions and their anwers will be displayed in graphic form with my final comments. In last part of my work, I would like to warn of problem in todays school education system.
Intrinsic Factors of Efficiency in a chosen Organization of the Public Sector
Šámalová, Lenka ; Musil, Martin (advisor) ; Krbová, Jana (referee)
The objective of the Thesis is the intrinsic factor of effectiveness in a chosen organization of the public sector. The aim of the paper is to describe and evaluate its usefulness at a particular secondary school. The theoretical part of the paper is focused on the explanation of some important economic concepts and the description of the current situation in education. In the practical part of the paper, the secondary school and the particular essential nature of effectiveness is presented. In the conclusion of the Thesis, the value of this built-in effectiveness in the school is evaluated along with some suggestions given for changes.
The project of information education of teachers in a secondary technical school
Dvořáková, Drahomíra ; Chára, Luboš
This study is focused on training information literacy of teachers in one secondary technical school. The pilot training lessons were held from February to August 2010 and were a part of a project which resulted to the foundation of the Studying and Information Centre in SSTO Dacice. The aim of training was to improve the quality of educational process in school and in friendly way lead teachers to self-education in the area of orientation in electronic resources (digital libraries, open access resources and institutional repositories), searching information, citation etc. In the conclusion of this article there is summarized and analyzed the questionnaire action in which teachers participated. Results of this questionnaire will influence of the future The National technical library´s projects on information literacy training.
Financing of the Higher Education in the Russian Federation
Pochtyva, Iryna ; Urbánek, Václav (advisor) ; Maaytová, Alena (referee)
This diploma thesis is dedicated to funding higher education in conditions of the Russian Federation. The main aim was to create an analysis of the current system of funding tertiary education of the Russian Federation and the definition of proposals for improvement. The purpose of the first part is to summaries the economic aspects of higher education. The second chapter is strictly focused on the research and is devoted to the characteristics of higher education in terms of funding.
Nerovnováha na trhu práce
Pajkrtová, Miroslava ; Vostrovská, Zdenka (advisor) ; Krebs, Vojtěch (referee)
Diplomová práce se věnuje nedostatku technických profesí na trhu práce, který pociťují zaměstnavatelé v oblasti průmyslu. Popisuje ekonomickou situaci České republiky a charakterizuje trh práce, jeho strukturu a požadavky na pracovní sílu. Zaměřuje se především na analýzu situace ve středním školství, zejména v oblasti středních odborných učilišť. V práci je možné nalézt také negativní dopady, které může nedostatek technických profesí na trhu práce přinést. Cílem této práce jsou možná opatření a doporučení v oblasti aktivní politiky zaměstnanosti a v českém školství, která by mohla pomoci řešit vzniklou situaci.
Mathematical optimization of schedule at high school
Daněk, Roman ; Fábry, Jan (advisor) ; Jablonský, Josef (referee)
Tato diplomová práce zabývající se matematickou optimalizací rozvrhu na střední škole si klade za cíl prošetřit, zda je vhodné k optimalizaci středoškolského rozvrhu použít dělící problém. Veškeré výpočty jsou dokumentovány ve třech různých úlohách, které se zakládají na reálných datech skutečné střední školy. Z optimalizačních softwarů byly zvoleny programy Lingo a Xpress na kterých byly ověřeny dva rozdílné způsoby formulace matematického modelu. Práce obsahuje sedm příloh, které jsou obsaženy v hlavním dokumentu a speciální přílohy obsahující formulace modelů a interpretační tabulky v programu MS Excel s využitím VBA na přiloženém CD.
Střední školy v České republice od školního roku 1993/1994
Řeháková, Věra ; Moravová, Jiřina (advisor) ; Pozdnjaková, Irina (referee)
Statistika školství je výrazně ovlivněna celou řadou legislativních opatření a z nich vyplývajících metodických změn, které činí statistická data obtížně srovnatelná v čase. Cílem této diplomové práce je sjednotit metodiku středoškolských dat od vzniku samostatné České republiky tzn. od školního roku 1993/1994, analyzovat dosavadní vývoj středního školství a na základě poznatků z provedených analýz odhadnout budoucí počet žáků středních škol. Dalším cílem je zachytit uplatnitelnost absolventů středních škol na trhu práce. Sjednocení dat je dosaženo pomocí kmenové klasifikace oborů vzdělání a její návaznosti na dříve používanou jednotnou klasifikaci oborů vzdělání. Údaje z elektronické databáze Ústavu pro informace ve vzdělávání jsou podle určujícího písmene KKOV rozčleněny do vyučovaných oborů. Závěry z analýzy dosavadního vývoje jsou využity pro konstrukci demografického modelu, kterým je odhadnut budoucí vývoj středních škol.

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