National Repository of Grey Literature 41,692 records found  beginprevious41 - 50nextend  jump to record: Search took 2.05 seconds. 

Comparison of production and conditions of use of liquid biofuels in different countries
Semerák, Adam ; Pecen, Josef (advisor) ; Krepl, Vladimír (referee)
Biofuels production has experienced rapid growth in recent years. Many countries initiated legislative measures to promote their development, production and use in the transport sector. However, there are also growing concerns about the economic, environmental and social sustainability of biofuels, as well as their ability to truly meet the expectations of energy security. This paper attempted to point out the complexity and diversity of the production and use of liquid biofuels in the transport sector while using available information resources. More specifically, bioethanol and biodiesel which are most commonly used biofuels. Furthermore, he also tried to point out the diversity of characteristics and impacts in production and use of liquid biofuels, as well as the importance of consideration of the specific local conditions. That was examined from four perspectives of sustainability: technological, economical, socioinstitutional, and environmental. To illustrate the diversity and interdependence of the impacts of this whole issue two countries with very different human development indexes were selected. The Malaysia and India. At the basis of this paper the author concluded that for successful and sustainable production of liquid biofuels there must be taken into account all the factors examined equally. He also emphasized the importance of further research of this renewable energy source in terms of ensuring future energy security.

Regional Policy and its Role in Development of Pardubický Region
Pluhařová, Iveta ; Husák, Jakub (advisor) ; Martina, Martina (referee)
The Czech Republic through its European Union membership obtains a possibility at development projects to draw on financial support from the European funds. This diploma thesis deals with the regional policy in context of the European funds and the regional policy effect on the Pardubice Region development. The Regional policy (including its principles, tools and targets) and an evaluation of draw on possibilities of European subsidy instruments for regional development (in framework of Regional Operation Programmes) are described in the first part of the thesis. The second (main) part deals with an analysis of the projects realized in particular counties of the Pardubice Region during programme period 2007 2013. This analysis is realized with theoretical and practical experiences and based on available data and documents from Regional Council NUTS 2 Northeast. The main part of the thesis also contains a particular projects comparison based on information which had been obtained in interview with managers of the projects. This comparison gives information related to the impact on regional policy in the Pardubice Region.

Activities of nonprofit organizations focused on education
Nedvědová, Michaela ; Tomšíková, Kateřina (advisor)
The goal of this final bachelor s work is to map the position of public libraries (as significant representatives of non-profit organisation) and their activities in adult education. The theoretical part deals with the need of lifelong learning in contemporary society, introduces documents that belong to the base of work domain of public libraries and the concepts of public libraries for the next period. It zooms in on the current activities of libraries in adult education, options for different activities in libraries in adult education in contemporary society. The practical part focuses on Municipal Library of Prague and its educational activities for adults. I was allowed to do my practise work there, participate in some events and conduct a survey, that became basis for an educational program for adults. Sources: Beneš, Milan. Andragogika. 2., aktualiz. a rozš. vyd. Praha: Grada, 2014. 176 s. Pedagogika. ISBN 978-80-247-4824-5. Burke, Peter. Společnost a vědění. Od Gutenberga k Diderotovi. 1. české vyd. Praha: Karolinum, 2007. 304 s. Limes. ISBN 978-80-246-1319-2. Jarvis, Peter. Adult education and lifelong learning: theory and practice. 3rd ed. London: Routledge Falmer, 2004. xvii, 382 s. ISBN 0-415-31492-5. Knihovny současnosti 2011: sborník z 19. konference, konané ve dnech 13. - 15. září 2011 v Českých Budějovicích. 1. vyd. Ostrava: Sdružení knihoven ČR, 2011. 154 s. ISBN 978-80-86249-62-9. Nakonečný, Milan. Motivace chování. 3., přepracované vydání. V Praze: Triton, 2014. 599 stran. ISBN 978-80-7387-830-6. Rabušicová, Milada, ed. a Rabušic, Ladislav, ed. Učíme se po celý život?: o vzdělávání dospělých v České republice. 1. vyd. Brno: Masarykova univerzita, 2008. 339 s. ISBN 978-80-210-4779-2. Šerák, Michal. Zájmové vzdělávání dospělých. Vyd. 1. Praha: Portál, 2009. 207 s. ISBN 978-80-7367-551-6.

Appaloosa breeding and their utilization
Zuzjaková, Eva ; Neumann, Cyril (advisor) ; Starostová, Lucie (referee)
This bachelor thesis is a summary of the basic information about breeding and utilization of appaloosa. A dominant characteristic of appaloosa is an attractive color coat pattern, which is caused through a set of genes called Leopard Complex (Lp). That is the reason, why in this thesis, at first, the history of presence of the Lp in genus Equus takes place. The presence of Lp can be found already in many cave paintings of prehistoric horses. During domestication, the coat pattern became important. The horses of the same color coat pattern, which have today appaloosa, are depicted in the Celts, Scythians and Etruscans tombs, as well as in murals of Chinese and Egyptian cultures. Significant breeding of the spotted horses are also documented in the Ferghana Valley in eastern Uzbekistan. In Europe at 16th century horses were expanded and a lot of them have spotted coat pattern. Then the Spanish settlers imported these horses to the America, where Nez Perce Indian tribe bred horses, which we know today as Appaloosa. Furthermore, in this thesis the Appaloosa breed organization, which belongs complete to Appaloosa Horse club of America, is described. The breeding standard and characteristics, which are color coat pattern, mottled skin, visible white sclera and striped hooves are inducted. Seven various types of coat pattern and tree types of registration are also described. The major problems in the appaloosa breed are inherited diseases. In this thesis the most serious five of them are identified. It is CSNB, congenital stationary night blindnes associated with a homozygous variant of LP gene. HYPP, hyperkalaemic periodic paralysis, which causes muscle spasm of affected horses. This disease was obtained from quarter horses. HERDA - Hereditary Equine Regional Dermal Asthenia which causes irreversible damage to exposed skin. Another serious disease is PSSM, polysaccharide storage myopathy, which is one of many myopathy occuring in horses. The latter disease is lethal GBED. Affected foals lack the enzyme GBE which is necessary for the synthesis and storage of glycogen. In spite of the improving precautions, these diseases have not been fully eliminated from breeding. Further, there are given the possibilities of using Appaloosa horses in sports, hobby and ranch works. The system of shows and their ratings is described as well.

Potential of sustainable development of the Village
Uhlíková, Ivana ; Varvažovská, Pavla (advisor) ; Marcela, Marcela (referee)
This thesis analyzes the sustainable development strategy focusing on the environmental pillar and the subsequent evaluation of the implementation of environmental sustainability in Kladno. The main aim was to evaluate the active and environmental policy perspective of the city. In the theoretical part are described various laws, documents and instruments relating to environmental policy and sustainable development. The thesis is talking about the area of interest, its historical development, demography, environment, social and cultural fields. Using concrete examples it is recommended how the environmental management of Kladno could proceed in the future. The proposed recommendations are a result of analysis of all available information which include the needs and requirements of city residents.It is important to update Strategy of environmental policy and introduction of activities from the Sustainable Development Strategy SO ORP Kladno in to practise. Improving of public services and community cohesion. Establishment of school forums in primary schools. The final part contains the results of a field survey. Questionnaires were handed and collected in combination with controlled interviews.

Monitoring of raccoon dog aktivity in Opava
Staněk, Petr ; Kušta, Tomáš (advisor) ; Ježek, Miloš (referee)
This work deals with invasive predator racoon dog (Nyctereutes procyonoides). It is a comprehensive work consisting of general information about its history and later spread to the whole Word, etology and biology as information collected on the basis of thousands of images and hundreds of videos from scout camera located close to natural burrow at Opava in the hunting district hunting club in Hlavnice. The emphasis here is primarily on the course of the day and night activities throughout the year, food preferences, coexistence with other kinds of beasts and ways of dealing with stressful situations. During the observation we were found that his peak of activity was among the sunrise and the second one lately after sunset. Cohabitation with badger is also possible. As for food preferences we realized that racoon dog did not prioritize any kind of food and eat everything what we gave to him.

e-Learning - video courses creation principles
Hladík, Ondřej ; Benda, Petr (advisor)
This bachelor thesis, bearing the title: e-Learning - Principles of creating video courses, aims to discuss the issue of the use of educational videos as one of the leading media in e-Learning. In its introduction the work represents quick overview of today's e-Learning and explanation of this term, however, in the next section it is strictly focusing on the main part, which is education through the help of video. Thesis continues by describing role of video in e-learning. In this area it explores patterns, analyzes the approaches to developing and represents possibilities that it offers in detail. Also usage of this way of teaching and its flexibility to the theme in order to maximize the effectiveness of the transmission of new information and its usefulness in everyday life. In the last part author of this thesis is taking advantage of the results gained from theoretical part and use it for the sake of creation of his own video course.

Online Marketing Communication
Krůta, Pavel ; Pilař, Ladislav (advisor) ; Balcarová, Tereza (referee)
In the world of internet, there is increasingly growing importance of online marketing, which is necessary for the existence of the company, therefore the submitted work deals with on-line marketing communication for the e-shop with aim to increase the competitiveness of the selected e-shop on the market. The concept of the work is based on processing the theoretical part, where is explained the meaning of marketing promotion and marketing communication including used marketing tools. This is followed by a practical part, where the task is to analyze the current state of on-line marketing communication of e-shop, which is engaged in internet sales of Czech caring cosmetics. For this purpose the marketing tools for on-line promotion are subjected to research, on the basis of this research are selected tools, in which the e-shop has weaknesses or which are not used yet, although it would increase its level of promotion on the internet. On the basis of this information is created a suggestion of on-line marketing communication, which would rectify identified shortcomings, expand portfolio of yet utilized online marketing tools and thus improve the position of the e-shop among others on the internet.

Importance of communication elements for management
Kopeckij, Alexandr ; Fiedler, Jiří (advisor) ; Stanislav, Stanislav (referee)
The thesis Importance of communication elements for management focuses on finding the importance of communication and communication elements, importance and use of communication forms, communicated content and channels of communication in the work of managers. The thesis is divided into a theoretical solutions and actual own work. In the first part, which deals with the literature review, there is information related to communication and management. theoretical solutions obtained in the literature research are subsequently reflected in the actual processing of the own work. Own work is processed to determine the role played by communication and its elements in the work of managers. To obtain the necessary information has been compiled questionnaire, in which the questions were based on the findings obtained in the literature research. The data obtained were subsequently analyzed.

Small sacral buildings in the area Macha region
Sobotková, Lenka ; Zilvar, Josef (advisor) ; Tomáš, Tomáš (referee)
Abstract The thesis maps and identifies a small religious monuments in the countryside and smaller settlements in the cadastral area municipalities Association Macha, which is located in the southwestern part of the Liberec region and its southern edge, which is Kokorin, extends into the Central Region. These small structures of sacred significance were set up at intersections of roads, trade routes, near Wells, but as expressions of gratitude and remembrance to joyful, significant and tragic event. Each of these small sacred building affects perception of a person's environment, enriching area villages and landscapes, along with accompanying greenery which acted as a refuge on the road, landmark or feature lightning form a common artistic and traditional value. His mission lost partially or completely inappropriate transfer. The main benefit and purpose of this work is to determine the current state of these monuments in the area, and create a detailed catalog, serving as a source of information for tourism, regional development, such as integration into existing and also into emerging hiking, biking and nature trails, but also as the basis for a partial analysis in the evaluation of the landscape, the creation of the zoning plan, the draft plan during land consolidation or the needs of a particular community. The catalog is compiled on the basis of professional and regional literature, detailed field survey, including cadastral territory of the municipalities that are part of the voluntary association of municipalities Macha maps and testimonies of some residents is compiled catalog of small sacred buildings. Buildings are photographically documented and described both in terms of the status quo, and in terms of landscape significance here is the location of the building indicating the GPS coordinates and plotting the current actual map of the selected area.