National Repository of Grey Literature 29,785 records found  beginprevious41 - 50nextend  jump to record: Search took 2.03 seconds. 

Analysis of the volume differences on primary registration of raw timber by production sites and measurement principle
Syrovátková, Hana ; Natov, Pavel (advisor) ; Dvořák, Jiří (referee)
The main aim of this thesis was to analyze the differences in the volume of first intake of raw timber, according to production sites and measurement principle. There were compared the volumes of primary documents of income and evidence produced timber called summary for growth - assortments and volumes of prin-ted output, based on a production-registration software harvester. In the data pro-cessing was discovered major factor in emergence of differences, for which had to be revised methodology for data evaluation. Due to production indiscipline of the forwarders operator was not possible to assess the volume differences according to the Forest stand groups, but had to be chosen method of data assessment ac-cording to production units. Another factor contributing to the emergence of vo-lume differences was harvester operator. The operator didn´t carry out regular kalibrati-on of harvester measuring system and during entering into production-registration software showed substantial insubordination. In operation, authorities also failed production control of all participants of comprehensive contract. It was especially control of technological procedures. All measured values showed significant differences in the volume. Condition of LCR, claiming differences +- 2% and it meets only 11% of them. There was evaluated the total differences, followed by trees and various assortments. The resulting differences could influence conversi-on coefficient, which was same for all of the assortments of coniferous trees, which certainly doesn´t reflect their quality.

Comparison of the performance of selected varieties of winter oilseed rape (Brassica napus)
Krouželová, Jana ; Bečka, David (advisor) ; Roman, Roman (referee)
Winter oilseed rape is the most important oilseed plant grown in the Czech Republic. During recent years, rapeseed sown areas rapidly increased due to its complex usage in industry. Similarly, the rapeseed oil gains importance which is used in food industry. The successful cultivation of rapeseed includes the right cultivation technology as well as the choice of suitable variety which will be the adapted to climatic conditions of location. There are over 600 varieties to choose from based on Common Catalogue of Varieties of Agricultural Plant Species from which is about 80 varieties commonly used in practice in climatic conditions of the Czech Republic. Suitability of these varieties and their yield are tested based on variety testing conducted by ÚKZUZ. The varieties which proved to be suitable based on previous testing are recommended for cultivation and placed in Recommended List of Varieties which helps farmers to orientate in new varieties in the Czech Republic.The aim of this diploma thesis is a comparison of the performance of selected varieties of rapeseed which were cultivated in semi-operational conditions in Humburky, Kralovehradecky region. In this theses yield, oil content, 1000 seed weight were compared. Two hypotheses were set: 1) Hybrid varieties reach higher height and yield 2) Oil content of liner and hybrids cultivars is equivalent Further these features were observed: plant height, pod number on the terminal raceme, stalk number on the terminal raceme, number of primary and secondary branches, height and length of yield floor and their correlation with yield. Cultivar Faktor KWS (hybrid) reached the best yield from selected varieties, yielding 5,02 t/ ha (119,2 % average yield). The average yields of liner and hybrids cultivars were almost equivalent (4,16 t/ha hybrids and 4,10 t/ha liner). The greatest difference between liner and hybrid varieties was observed in plant height. The hybrids reached 10 cm higher on the average than liner varieties. The second hypothesis about the similar oil content of hybrid and liner varietes was confirmed. Observed varieties reached both 43,3 % of oil content .

Psychological and social aspects of unemployment
Petrásková, Kateřina ; Kebza, Vladimír (advisor) ; Daniel, Daniel (referee)
The following thesis addresses unemployment, focusing on its psychological and social effects. The first, theoretical, section describes the labour market and how it works, and then defines unemployment, including a discussion of its various types and methods of its measurement. The importance of social implications of unemployment is stressed, including the description of its various psychological and social effects. The thesis also explores the tools the government employs to eliminate unemployment. The second, empirical, section includes primary research conducted by surveys. Asserted hypotheses are evaluated using statistical analysis of collected data. The thesis conclusion presents the research outcomes and recommendations.

Strategies of Agricultural Development in Angola. Case study: Catabola municipality
Rušarová, Kristina ; Havrland, Bohumil (advisor) ; Jiří, Jiří (referee)
Catabola municipality is one of the most damaged areas of civil war in Angola. Although the climatic as well as soil conditions are favorable for intensive agriculture, small farmers in the municipality are subsistence with the main income source of dried beans, dried cassava and vegetables. Hand-tool technology prevails in the Catabola municipality as it is employed in 95.38 % of the cultivated land of small farmers. The majority of small farmers uses only power of their family members (with a mean of 1.80 kW and standard deviation of 2.37 kW), hired labour is used by 38.0 % of small farmers. In addition, high engagement of child work was found out as 63.88 % of the children age 5-14 are involved in field operations. Primary data collection was conducted in the Catabola municipality in the period July - August 2011, semi-structured questionnaires and focus group discussions were the most frequent methods used. In total, 151 small scale farmers out of 9 villages participated in the survey. 10 factors that influence the dependent variable -- type of farmer regarding technology used on field in combination with hiring of extra labour -- were defined. The factors were statistically analyzed with use of ANOVA. Out of the factors expected to influence adoption of more sophisticated technologies than the hand-tool, increasing in size of the cultivated land and enhancement of education of both parents and children are found to be the limiting factor in the adoption process for use of animal traction or mechanical power from small farmers in the Catabola municipality. Strategy was formulated with use of simplified quantified SWOT analysis separately for animal-draught and mechanical-power technologies. The result can be interpreted as 8.0% assumption of success in animal traction adoption, contrary to 10.1% assumption of failures in mechanization adoption by small farmers in the Catabola municipality. Thus, tractors are not considered as an appropriate technology for small farmers in the Catabola municipality. The most critical criteria in animal traction adoption that should be considered are support of farmers' cooperatives and associations, FFSs, education in the form of general schooling as well as trainings for farmers, blacksmiths, extension workers and animal breeders.

Factors influencing seed germination, emergence and mortality in soil seed bank of Bromus sterilis L.
Žďárková, Veronika ; Soukup, Josef (advisor)
Bromus sterilis L. (barren brome) spreads rapidly in many European regions. In the Czech Republic, its importance has increased dramatically over the past 10 years. Barren brome is reported as a problem weed in winter crops such as winter wheat, winter barley and oil seed rape, in vineyards and in other cultivated places. Barren brome has been becoming troublesome weed of winter cereals mainly in reduced soil tillage systems. The factors, that are important for its spreading and adaptability under different environmental conditions, are dormancy and germination. Optimal timing for seed germination varies with respect to natural conditions and it is determining for plant development. These traits are adapted to different conditions and habitats; therefore the dormancy and germination response patterns to those conditions vary significantly. Recently there are not many information available on germination behaviour, therefore this study was focused on seeds of barren brome and its characteristics, which were collected in different regions of the Czech Republic. Seeds were investigated under different temperatures, light regimes and water stress in a wide range of conditions. The following characteristics of seeds were studied the dormancy, the dynamics of germination, the temperature optimum, the age of seeds and dynamics of emergence from different depths and persistence in the soil profile under field conditions. Dormancy and germination are influenced by external conditions. The dormancy of seeds barren brome is very short or missing. The germination is influenced by light; the seeds germinated better under darkness than under light regime. The primary dormancy of B. sterilis was short and the seeds needed only three weeks for after-ripening. The seeds of B. sterilis showed broad ecological valence to hydrothermal factors germinating in the wide range of 3 to 35 °C. The temperature optimum is 5-23°C. The germination was only slightly influenced in an environment with low water potential. Germination was limited under water stress only at lower temperatures under 10°C. The response to light at various temperatures showed that seeds germinated better in darkness in all temperatures regimes, than in alternating light regime, especially at lower temperatures. The emergence declined significantly with burial depth (under 40 mm). The seeds were not able to survive in the soil seed bank for a longer time and fall seeds lost viability after 1 year burial in soil profile. These results may be of value for development of predictive models and understanding period when weed control may be most feasible.

The role of immune cells in tumor growth and spontaneous regression in a rat sarcoma model
Kovalská, Jana ; Chmelíková, Eva (advisor) ; Anna, Anna (referee)
The aim of the thesis is to study differences between sexes of rats in tumour growth, the difference in immune response between rats with progressing and spontaneously regressing tumours compared to control rats and verification of immunological memory. We used Lewis rat model with subcutaneously inoculated sarcoma. Peripheral blood of males showed a higher number of red blood cells, a higher concentration of haemoglobin and higher haematocrit compared to females. Experimental females with inoculated sarcoma had higher levels of CD161 (NK) cells at the beginning of experiment in comparison with the experimental and control males and control females. A strong infiltration of NK cells was observed in tissue sections of spontaneously regressing sarcoma compared to progressing tumours tissue. Important factors that can influence if the animal will show tumour progression or spontaneous regression are neutrophil granulocytes (they can induce both tumour-supporting and anti-tumour response), vascularization and extent of necrosis in tumour tissue. We have verified immunological memory in a small group of females by the secondary inoculations of the same tumour cells after complete disappearance of primary, spontaneously regressing tumour. No sarcoma repeatedly evolved in any of the females. Results obtained in the present work brought new insights into the problems of tumour in the Lewis rat sarcoma model with inoculated sarcoma. These results may have significance also for area of clinical oncology due to similarities with the behaviour of some human cancers.

Identifikation of charakteristics mentoring relation ship in doctoral education
Štádlerová, Michaela ; Hron, Jan (advisor) ; Fejfarová, Martina (referee)
The thesis "Identification of characteristics mentoring relationship in doctoral education" is divided into several main areas. The theoretical part of the thesis defines the basic concepts and theories for solving the problems defined dissertation and also deals with the issue of doctoral studies at universities. Based on theoretical assumptions, the research questions, which focused on the evaluation of doctoral studies. Rating is based on the student doctoral program because, as indicated resources are an important component of innovative ideas and have to some degree a significant impact on the level doktorskéhého efficiency program in the Czech Republic. The aim of this study was to identify the characteristics of the mentoring relationship and consider how they appear from the perspective of the student's doctoral program in a relationship with his trainer, focusing on arts fields of study. In the empirical part was gathered by interviewing primary data, personal interviews and electronic questionnaires. The data were processed using multivariate methods (correspondence analysis, factor analysis), multinomial regression and multiple regression. Based on the above statistical methods were found to have significant dependence between the observed variables and also were overall evaluated factors that are sensitive to the needs of the student's doctoral program depending on the set of predictors. The results of the dissertation was based on a synthesis of knowledge embedded in the context of previous research with potential for further expansion in theoretical and practical.

Sorting of waste at primary school
Šimandlová, Magdalena ; Mikulová, Vlastimila (advisor) ; Ivana, Ivana (referee)
ABSTRACT This thesis deals with the possibilities of municipal waste separation and the importance of education and awareness at the primary school level. The review part is generally focused on municipal waste issues, basic terms, methods of separation and recycling. In the next part there are the possibilities of elementary schools to participate in programmess with environmental topics, especially with the eventuality of systematic separation of waste within the classroom. It assesses the potential to create internal programmes and involvement in external ones. In the practical part the method of questionnaire survey at a primary school in Chodov near Karlovy Vary is employed. The research was applied there and it aims to determine the influence of education on the attitude of respondents, elementary school pupils. The comparison of the situation before and after completing the educational program of the company EKOKOM Tonda package on the road was carried out. The benefit is the analysis of pupils' awareness accomplished by the comparison of both questionnaires and specific verification of positive impact on the pupils approach to waste separation thanks to the awareness. One part of the thesis is to build an EVVO plan at the selected elementary school together with events focused on waste management.

Applying elements of ethics education in the practical training
Stryjová, Jolanta ; Hanušová, Marie (advisor) ; Jana, Jana (referee)
This thesis titled Applying elements of ethics education in the practical training analyses current situation of implementing and incorporating Ethnics into secondary school education system in the Czech Republic, as well as an overall morale of secondary school pupils. This thesis applies (quantitative/ qualitative) methodology, using questionnaires as a primary source of data. Key findings reveal low ethical awareness and passivity among pupils towards the society as well as their own future as a consequence of insufficient incorporation of Ethics in secondary school curricula. Therefore, this thesis argues that that teachers' knowledge of Ethnics should be increased along with the number of teaching hours dedicated to Ethnics and, what is more, to incorporate Ethnics as a core module in secondary schools.

Financial literacy of elementary school pupils
Čudová, Lucie ; Burian, Stanislav (advisor) ; Stará, Dana (referee)
The bachelor thesis deals with the topic of financial literacy of primary school pupils after the inclusion of the financial education in the Education Plan of primary schools. With the use of professional literature, theoretical part of this bachelor thesis defines the Standards of financial literacy and assesses the benefits and issues of financial education of primary school pupils. The conclusion of the theoretical part of this bachelor thesis is dedicated to the history of financial education between 2005 and 2014. The practical part of the bachelor thesis is dedicated to international survey of PISA (Programme for International Student Assessment) and to author´s own testing. With the use of PISA´s surveys and author´s own testing, the state of pupils´ financial knowledge and skills was analysed during the periods before and after the financial literacy was included in the Framework Education Plan. Fifteen-year-old boys were tested through the PISA project, students of elementary and secondary schools and grammar schools were tested by the author of the thesis. Consequently, the level of knowledge was compared between the secondary school pupils and grammar school students using PISA´s survey and author´s own testing. A survey has been done with the teachers and management of the tested schools as a part of own testing. Own testing and the survey were done with the help pupils and teachers from primary schools in Čáslav and adjacent villages. In the final part of the bachelor thesis, an assessment of findings and results was done in order to improve teaching of financial literacy and a comparison of results of pupils that were tested through PISA and by the author of the bachelor thesis was made.