National Repository of Grey Literature 39,295 records found  beginprevious39276 - 39285next  jump to record: Search took 1.48 seconds. 

Kinesiotherapy for addicts in the treatment therapeutic community
Večeřová, Petra ; Hátlová, Běla (advisor) ; Kirchner, Jiří (referee)
Název práce: Kinezioterapie v komunitní léčbě drogově závislých Kinesiotherapy for adicts in the treatment therapeutic community Cíle práce: Na podkladě poznatků předchozích studií z využití kinezioterapie v komunitní léčbě závislých, vytvořit a aplikovat specificky zaměřený pohybový program. Zaznamenat změny v aktuálním emočním stavu klienta z rozdílných hodnot měřených dotazníkem "Profile ofMood States" před zahájením a po ukončení kinezioterapeutické lekce. Metoda: Pro zjišťování změn aktuálního psychického stavu (emočních stavů a nálad) byl použit dotazník E-POMS "Profile of Mood States" (POMS), ve volném překladu "profil nálady" . Metoda je používána k profilování emočních stavů a nálad, zejména v souvislosti s potřebou monitorovat efekty krátkodobých terapií. E-POMS je sejmut vždy na začátku a na konci dané intervence. Výzkumu se zúčastnilo 1Oklientů terapeutické komunity pro drogově závislé ve věku 18 až 32let, 4 ženy a 6 mužů. Výsledky testujsou doloženy třemi charakteristickými kazuistikam klientů. Výsledky: Z výsledků dotazníků E-POMS byly sestaveny tabulky a grafy, které byly následně porovnány a popsány rozdíly. Na základě získaných hodnot jsme vyhodnotili platnost hypotéz. Klíčová slova: kinezioterapie, závislost, léčba, drogy 2

Morphology of the Proximal Human Femur in Relation to Fractures of Trochanteric Massif
Báča, Václav ; Stingl, Josef (advisor) ; Koudela, Karel (referee) ; Chomiak, Jiří (referee) ; Laichman, Stanislav (referee)
AIM: Fractures of proximal end, especially fractures of trochanteric massif are very common particularly in old patients. The aim of the work was to try to find a morphological correlate of trochanteric fractures in the region of proximal end of the human femur. It means to find if a "locus minoris resistentiae" for trochanteric fractures origin exists. METHOD: The detailed overview of literature on femur as a bone, classification of trochanteric fractures and treatment of proximal end of the femur was accomplished (sources from medieval books to recent anatomical and clinical studies). Czech and Latin terminological aspect (Terminologia anatomica 1998) of the femur as well as their development were carefully studied. 40 femurs from embalmed bodies with muscles and ligaments were studied by detailed dissection. 99 X-ray pictures of pertrochanteric fractures were checked. 106 dry femurs from the vascular canal distribution point of view were evaluated and compared with previous group of X-rays. Statistic evaluation of normal distribution according to Kolmogorov-Smirnov's test and Liliefors's modification was made in 15 regions of trochanteric massif. 20 dry femurs according to Heřt, Fiala and Petrtýl's method were repeatedly ground to depict the central vascular canals and to describe the course of osteons...

Analysis of differences in MCMI-III personality psychopatology between alcoholic and drug addicted men in-patients
Habermannová, Markéta ; Niederlová, Markéta (advisor) ; Břicháček, Václav (referee) ; Srnec, Jan (referee)
Objectives: Analysis of differences in personality psychopatology between alcoholic and drug addicted men in-patients. Analysis of differences in profiles between the alcoholics and drug addicts. Comparison of the profiles of the addicted in our study with Millons' profiles of addicts. Mapping differences in self-rating the seriousness of symptoms and problems of the addicts. Sample: 63 men in-patients of PL Bohnice Praha (in period May 2004 - October 2005), 32 alcoholics and 31 drug addicts (pervitin, heroin, marihuana). Patients are in the 3rd - 12th week of treatment. Average age of alcoholics is 42,2, and of drug addicts 25,3 years. Methods: 1. Entrance examination - form of structured interview (based on questionary Europ_ASI, translated by L. Kubička a L. Csémy); 2. MCMI-III - Millon Clinical Multiaxial Inventory III (translated by M. Preiss); 3. SYMPRO (self-rating questionnaire and scale for alcoholics, author L. Kubička; used as SYMPROM/ ALK) - on the bases of this method version for drug addicts SYMPRO-M/DR was compiled. Results: According to MCMI-III there exist significant differences in scales: 5 Narcissistic (drug addicts scored higher), 6A Antisocial drug addicts scored higher), 6B Sadistic (drug addicts scored higher), 7 Compulsive (alcoholics scored higher), B Alcohol Dependence (alcoholics...

Study of flavonoids in preparations registered in the Czech Republic.
Relovská, Magdalena ; Spilková, Jiřina (advisor) ; Kašparová, Marie (referee)
The flavonoids are compouns of the plant origin. They have a signifficant importance for the plants. They entice pollinaters, protect the plants against ultraviolet radiation a free radicals. The flavonoids are compound derived from phenylchroman. The basic structure is formed from 2-phenylchroman. If the phenyl is located in the position 3, they are named isoflavans and if it is located in the position 4, they are named neoflavans. The flavonoids were, are and still will studied from the point of their properties and effects and their probable using in the prevention and treatment of some diseases. In the present time they are used for their venopreventative effects. They are the components of food supplements, but also of the registrated drugs that are used in phlebology, respective they are combined with proteolytic enzymes. The results of the many studies show, that flavonoids have many various effects to live organism. They have signifficant antioxidant activity, have antivirotic, antibacterial and antimycotic activity, they act as antiinflammatory agents, have antiallergic effect, could decrease the blood pressure and the cholesterol level, act as inhibitors of many enzymes, have antimutagenic and anticancer effects. We also have information, that they have antidiabetic, antiadipogenic and...

Photodynamic therapy and diagnostic in dermatology
Kacerovská, Denisa ; Pizinger, Karel (advisor) ; Arenberger, Petr (referee) ; Ettler, Karel (referee) ; Vašků, Vladimír (referee)
Background Based on news about hypericin (HYP) as a potent photosensitizer with promising photobiological activities, we decided to try it as a topically applied photosensitizer in photodynamic therapy (PDT). Objective The aim of this single-centre, prospective study was to investigate the effectiveness of topical HYP-PDT treatment for non melanoma skin cancer. Methods The study was carried out on 34 patients (20 male and 14 women in the 32 to 83 years age range) with actinic keratoses (AK), basal cell carcinoma (BCC) and Bowen's disease. The patients were treated once a week with HYP in a glycerol solution and a red light dose of 75 J/cm2 for 6 weeks on average. Results The percentage of complete clinical response was 50% for AKs, 24% in patients with superficial BCC and 40% in patients with Bowen's disease. Complete clinical response did not occur in the group with nodular BCCs. A complete histological response rate was found out in 12% of patients with superficial BCCs and 80% in the patients with Bowen's disease. No control biopsies were performed after the treatment of AKs. All patients complained of burning and pain sensations during irradiation. Conclusion The topical HYP-PDT is a promising treatment for non melanoma skin cancer although the results of our study were less successful in...

Therapy and prevention recurrence of nasal polyposes
Votavová, Dominika ; Schalek, Petr (advisor)
Nosní polypóza je sice onemocněním benigním, ale výrazně ovlivňuje kvalitu života. Zdá se, že není onemocněním per se, ale že se spíše jedná o výsledek nebo o vyjádření chronických zánětlivých procesů probíhajících na sliznici dutiny nosní a VDN. Patogeneza NP zůstává přesto neznámá. Prevalence výskytu Staphylococcus aureus u pacientů s nosní polypózou je vysoká. Nové studie prokázaly výskyt IgE protilátek ve tkáni polypu, zaměřených proti stafylokokovým enterotoxinům (SAE). Avšak role Staphylococcus aureus v rozvoji tohoto onemocnění je s největší pravděpodobností minimální. Za základ terapie považujeme lokální kortikosteroidy. Při neúspěchu nebo rozsáhlé nosní polypóze se velmi často uchylujeme k chirurgickému řešení. Nejčastěji prováděnou operací nosní polypózy je FES. V naší studii jsme se zabývali vlivem pooperační terapie antibiotiky u pacientů po prodělané FES. Výsledkem studie byl negativní nález na kultivaci pro SA u 30% pacientů, nezávisle na tom, zda pacienti dostávali pooperačně placebo nebo ATB. Je tedy pravděpodobné, že samotná přítomnost polypu podporuje kolonizaci Staphylococcus aureus.

Combination of prescript opiate analgetics with alcohol or another addictive substance
Lávičková, Jana ; Vacek, Jaroslav (referee) ; Gabrhelík, Roman (advisor)
Background Researches SAMSHA done in the years 2006 and 2009 aim to suggest the evidence of the trends in abusing prescribed opioid analgesics. The pilot study was aimed on an application of the data from the above said researches in the conditions of the Centers and Policlinics for pain treatment in the Czech republic. Methods Data collected in the survey October 2009 to February 2010 on the study sample in age group of 18 to 64 years. The study sample was chosen from the chronic pain pioidn attending the Centers and Policlinics for pain treatment who were using the prescribed opioid analgesics for at least two years. During the January and March 2010 was set up a subresearch for doctors and nurses working at the Centers and Policlinics for pain treatment. Results Based on the collected data in the group of 83 participients in the pilot study was pointed out to the lack of collected data so we could not explicitly manifest the known information about the trend of abusing prescribed opioid analgesics in combination with alcohol or other illegal drugs. Due to the low amount of the participients the output of the questionnaire couldn't be used as reliable results. Conclusions Recommendations refering to the next proceeding in case of continuing in this study. Choose of another method for qualifying data and...

Identification of metabolites of anthelminthics in helminth parasites using mass spectrometry
Komrska, Jan ; Vokřál, Ivan (referee) ; Skálová, Lenka (advisor)
If we want be successful in the treatment of parasitic disease, it is important to get the utmost information on the fate of given drug. The discovery of the metabolism of anthelmintics and in cosequence of participating enzymes can help us fight the rising resistance to given drugs. The aim of our work was to find and identify phase I and phase II metabolites of the anthelminthic drugs albendazole (ABZ), flubendazole (FLU) and mebendazole (MEB) formed in ex vivo incubations by parasitic helminth Dicrocoelium dendriticum, using liquid chromatography-mass spectrometric techniques. In the ex vivo study, D. dendriticum adults were incubated in cultivating medium in presence of benzimidazole drug for 24 hours. After incubation of parasites, both parasite homogenates and medium from the incubation were separately extracted using solid phase extraction. The extracts were analyzed using liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (LC-MS). We detected in phase I albendazole sulphoxide, reduced flubendazole and reduced mebendazole. As for phase II metabolites, methylderivatives of flubendazole, reduced flubendazole and reduced mebendazole were observed.

Effectiveness of venlafaxine in the treatment of depression
Dagisová, Ruta ; Hrdina, Radomír (advisor) ; Herink, Josef (referee)
5 ABSTRACT The objective of this analysis was to determine the efficacy and acceptability of venlafaxine in comparison with that of placebo and other antidepressants in the treatment of major depression by pooling short-term clinical trials with in-patients and out-patients. Randomised controlled trials were identified by searching of databases Pub-Med Medline and Embase. In metaanalysis were combined 15 trials, three of them were controlled by placebo and 12 by reference drugs. Clinical trials had to use either HAM-D, MADRS or the CGI-I scales as their primary outcome measure and reported response rates, defined as 50% or greater decrease in depression severity (according to the HAM-D and MADRS) or score 1 (very improved) or 2 (improved) (according to the CGI-I scale) from baseline to endpoint. Acceptability to patients was assessed by comparison of total drop-outs in two arms of the trials. For each efficacy variable (e.g. rating scales HAM-D, MADRS and CGI) and for subgroups of placebo and reference drugs were conducted partial analysis. The statistical analysis of data-sets was performed with statistical program MIX, version 1.54. To estimate size-effect was calculated parameter relative risk (RR) and to determine its reliability was 95% confidence interval was estimated. To compare response rates among...

Effect of microstructure on mechanisms of plastic deformation in fine-grained magnesium alloys
Minárik, Peter ; Král, Robert (advisor) ; Hadzima, Branislav (referee)
In this work were studied effects of the grain refinement on the mechanical properties and the corrosion resistance of magnesium alloys potential for medical applications - AE21 and AE42. Mechanical properties changed after ECAP pressing in consistency with literature data. Enhanced corrosion resistance in AE42 alloy was achieved by the grain refinement. Corrosion layer created on the surface was observed by light and electron microscopy. Effect of the grain size on the character of the corrosion layer was investigated. AE42 alloy is suitable for further investigation as potential biodegradable material. AE21 alloy was excluded from further investigation due to low corrosion resistance even after ECAP treatment.