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Seminar on Providing Access to Grey Literature 2008
Státní technická knihovna
In 2008 we organised the first seminar on making grey literature accessible. The program of the seminar was a start to the work on the solution of the project in 2008, and it not only aimed at providing information about the project, but also provided the participants interested in grey literature with information taken into account during the research of the Working Group. The issues presented at the seminar were as follows: the project itself, the current situation of the systems for grey literature in the world, PDF format and ISO standards for long-term archiving, standardisation of open archives focused on description and exchange of aggregated web resources via OAI-ORE. Further there was presented the issue of copyright by means of licences Creative Commons and the stage of implementation of persistent identifiers in the National Library in the Czech Republic.
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The Use of Biblical Motives in Free Time Activities
The thesis focuses on the ways of making the Bible accessible und understandable to young people. It deals with the methods and techniques which could be used for this purpose. The possible application of music, as one of the approaches to the Bible study, is explained in more detail. In the first part the author presents the theoretical concepts, which make obvious, why it is so important to meet with young for the purpose of reading and studying the Bible. Furthermore, the basic set of information necessary for the organization of such a meeting is introduced. In the second part the author offers theoretical instructions how to use the particular methods and techniques for the Bible meeting. Subsequently the practical application of these particular methods and techniques is described. In the third part the musical theory and particular musical methods and techniques in relation to the Bible meeting are dealt with.

The Comparison of Web Pages of Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Czech Republic and the Ministry of Economy of the Slovak Republic
Ejsman, Petr ; Toman, Prokop (advisor) ; Sigmund, Tomáš (referee)
The subject of this bachelor's thesis is to compare user interface of two ministries websites. The Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Czech Republic and the Ministry of Economy of the Slovak Republic. First, there is brief describe the history and current state of the Internet and websites. Second, there is comparison of executive branch of Government and legislation of access to information in CR and SR. In the main part there is a critical analysis and comparison of the two websites. To achieve the goals there is description the main principles of making applicable, accessible, graphically nice and user-friendly websites. These principles also include information architecture, navigation structure, typography and graphic design. From principles above follows the core part of the thesis: critical analysis and comparison websites. In the thesis there are also suggestions on possible improvements that may be useful for website's developers.

Making Grey Literature Available - Accessibility, Transparency, Future?
Fürstová, Iveta
Novinkou letošního semináře bude panel expertů na téma „Zveřejňování šedé literatury - dostupnost, transparentnost, budoucnost?“. Panelové diskuse, kterou bude moderovat Mgr. Iveta Fürstová, se zúčastní Mgr. Lenka Maixnerová z Národní lékařské knihovny, PhDr. Václava Horčáková z Historického ústavu AV ČR, v.v.i. a Tomáš Pergler z Akademie výtvarných umění v Praze. Téma panelové diskuse koresponduje s tématem semináře a představí názory odborníků z různých institucí na aktuální otázky z oblasti zpřístupňování šedé literatury.
Fulltext: idr-177_4 - Download fulltextPDF
Slides: idr-177_1 - Download fulltextPDF; idr-177_2 - Download fulltextPDF
Video: idr-177_3 - Download fulltextMP4

Stomatology as Business activity
Filandrová, Simona ; Kovář, František (advisor) ; Sedláčková, Jana (referee)
The aim of this thesis was processing and evalution of the business plan from the field of dentistry. The business plan was prepared for the emerging dental practice Endivia Dent, who created a modern dental clinic in the centre of České Budějovice, which provides to her patients not only present the latest approaches and technologies in dentistry, but also a comfortable access and the environment in which patients move. With regard to the fact the business plan is designed for internal purposes and for decision-making the businessman. As a theoretical method of a solution was used the detailed financial analysis with a focus on the quantitative analysis. The financial analysis was focused on the method of ratio indexes of the profitability, the liquidity, the activity and the leverage. The company Endivia Dent is under review in the rated period as a financially healthy company with excellent levels of liquidity and relatively high profitability of the total capital. At the end of the period are repaid all long-term foreign resources, and is accumulated a high amounts of the self capital, hence the company can afford to invest to other activities or to adopt new loans and expand their activity. Overall, this business plan was assessed as successful and viable with good perspective for the further development and the expansion.

Structured data on the Web: Comparison of Linked Data and Web APIs
Zemánek, Jan ; Svátek, Vojtěch (advisor) ; Sklenák, Vilém (referee)
The aim of this work is, firstly, to describe the two popular ways of making structured data accessible on the Web, namely Web APIs and Linked Data; secondly, it is to conduct a theoretical survey of features of each of these two techniques. The contribution of this work lays in a table comparing Web APIs and Linked Data and a detailed description of each of the items in the table. In conclusion, this work gives a verdict on which one of these two techniques leads from a technological point of view to more reusable data on the Web.

Organ extraction (de lege lata)
The thesis is bent on systematic analysis of Czech legislation de lege lata in organs taking for transplantation then on the part of received legal regulations. Subsequently equate to law those problems with other countries around the world and serves a comprehensive view of different solution of law. The way out of the theoretic parts is to incorporate problems among basic human rights, the right to live and the right of protection of personality, according to international convention and Czech laws. Theoretic part leads to the characteristics internationally recognized law principles for transplantation which is above all legal protection of organ donors warranted formulation of agreement or dissent from organs taking and pertinent grant the same possibilities for families. Further then certainty to define deaths brain and anonymity for deceased donors but also protection for the organs recipients and data confidentiality preservation with the possibility to antedate the donors and last but not least to ban pecuniary benefit and dealing with organs. The thesis comments on how these principles are projected in their legislation in particular countries in the world. The research was aimed to find out the relation between knowledgeable agreement or if you like knowledgeable dissent from fulfilment of organs taking and measurable transplantation records in particular countries. It used data, which were for the first time published on a world-wide scale by the world's health organization. As measurable result for transplantation was selected a number of deceased organs donors to one million inhabitants. The hypothesis confirmed that a country with legislation knowledgeable agreement, which means the country where the right requires knowledgeable agreement individually with organs taking, has worse measurable record than the country where's by law is to agreed to take organs expectedly unless it is used the right to deny it during the life of the organ donor. The other research investigated also the right that families can express their opinion on taking organs from deceased relative with a hypothetical presumption that the family decision can implicate to disrespect the universal personal law if it denies the will of the deceased person done during its life. At last the situation of absence of the right on family decision-making was surveyed. Such cases of other access to universal personal law did not notice better results in transplantations than there, where this right thoroughly applied in laws. This research brought a lot of interesting information on access of organs taking for transplantations in different parts of the world. This fact contributed to recognition on how important is the influence of morale and ways on legislation of appropriate country and how legislation influences results of transplantation in creditable life-saving process.

Entities bound to inform under the Free Access to Information Act
Obert, Radim ; Mikule, Vladimír (advisor) ; Staša, Josef (referee)
Presented thesis called "Obliged entities according to The Act on Free Acces to Information" deals with obliged entities in compliance with current legislation, also with legislative development and with current specification in The Act on Free Access to Information. This thesis brings comprehensive view of current problems which arise from practice, primarily from point of view of legal science and specialized literature. Field of obliged entities is especially recently the frequent subject of decision-making practice, which is executed by the constitutional and administrative justice. Mentioned courts spread the number of obliged entities by their judicial working. Author of this thesis tries to present his own solutions of problems, which are related to current legal regulations. Obliged entities are those which have an obligation to provide informatik related to their activities in compliance with The Act on Free Access to Information. The Act on Free Access to Information enumerates four circles of obliged entities. These entities are state authorities, communal authorities and their bodies, public institutions and subjects to whom the law has entrusted deciding about legal matters, legally protected interests or duties of natural persons or legal entities in the area of public administration,...

Heuristics and biases: A model of intuitive judgement
Bahník, Štěpán ; Bahbouh, Radvan (advisor) ; Stehlík, Luděk (referee)
The present work describes the model of heuristic judgment of Kahneman & Frederick (2002) and two experiments based upon it. According to the model people answer a question with an answer to an easier question when making a heuristic judgment. This process is called the attribute substitution because a target attribute of a question is substituted by an associated and easier accessible heuristic attribute. The first experiment investigated whether two heuristic attributes can be used simultaneously during making of a judgment. A part of participants gave 1 or 4 reasons for one of the statements in Linda problem (Tversky & Kahneman, 1983). Numbers of reasons were selected so as to produce a feeling of fluency of disfluency. Although the conjunction fallacy occurred, the writing of the reasons didn't have any influence on the assessment of the probability of the related statement. The second experiment investigated whether the priming of the relation between processing fluency and risk can influence the effect of pronounceability of a food additive name on the assessment of its harmfulness. In accord with previous study (Song & Schwarz, 2009) it was shown that food additives with less pronounceable names were considered as more harmful. The priming didn't have any effect. The present studies...

‚Other worlds' of female members of Jazz section of the Musicians' Union in the normalization period
Hynková, Martina ; Havelková, Hana (advisor) ; Oates - Indruchová, Libora (referee)
MARTINA HYNKOVÁ: ‚JINÉ SVĚTY' ŽEN JAZZOVÉ SEKCE V OBDOBÍ TZV. NORMALIZACE ABSTRACT This master thesis deals with the Jazz section of the Musicians' Union in the normalization period. It was an amateur organization which existed from 1971 until 1986. It took an active part in the area of jazz and united an extensive jazz community. The thesis aims at gender aspects of female Jazz section's activities and roles. The research question can be formulated as follows: Which strategies of living did female members of the Jazz section choose during the normalization? The thesis is based on a biographical method consisting of six interviews with former female members of the Jazz section. Those interviews were made via an episodic narrative interview. The author revealed the following strategies of living: accession to the Jazz section community, being an active member of the community, going abroad to visit cultural events, contact with dissent and living in two worlds. Making of these other worlds by female members of the Jazz section thus became strategies of living on their own.