National Repository of Grey Literature 34,612 records found  beginprevious34603 - 34612  jump to record: Search took 2.47 seconds. 

Global value chains in electronic industry - the case of the Czech Republic
Moravčík, Martin ; Vlčková, Jana (advisor) ; Vošta, Milan (referee)
The diploma thesis deals with the activities of global value chains in Czech Republic, with a focus on the Czech Republic. The theoretical part of the work explains the term value chain, its origin, function and its impact on selected economic indicators. Types of the processes in the firms and the possibility of relocation on the external subject or abroad is mentioned at the end of this section. The practical part aims to access the activity of the companies in global value chains. Based on the statistic dates, information from various databases and calculations, the paper offers an insight into the situation in selected sectors. Other parts are dedicated to analyzing the opportunities, current trends and overall development of this industry in Czech Republic. The output of the work provides a general look on the concept, how the firms are working in value chains and how are they affecting the electronic industry.

Education short movie FOLK BAROQUE
This thesis deals with the theme of folk baroque. The aim of this thesis is to introduce this theme to pupils of secondary school in vivid and entertaining form and thus achieve bigger efficiency of educational process and acquisition of newly acquired information. As the best form of teaching i have considered watching a documentary video. The theoretical part of this thesis describes the history and formation of folk baroque, the most important areas in South Bohemia and also the life and work of Master bricklayer Jakub Bursa. This thesis also summarizes the history of documentary videos, its individual categories, the basics of film language, but also the essential aspects of the usage of video as a methodological aid for teaching. The practical part of this thesis deals with the implementation of an educational documentary video with the theme of folk baroque. The thesis also describes the creation of a supplementary animation program, which is completed by an artistic output in the form of artistic techniques of frottage.

Erich Kästner - Idealist or school-master? Analysis of the didactic concepts in three his pieces
Koťová, Andrea ; Zbytovský, Štěpán (advisor) ; Berglová, Eva (referee)
This graduate thesis is about Erich Kästner, a journalist, an author of scripts and an outstanding writer of the twentieth century, who became famous as an author of children's books and the whole work is divided into two parts. The first part is focused mainly theoretically and it summarizes the Kästner's output from the beginning to the sixties. The work is gradually more aimed at his works for children and at the characterization of a pedagogical concept, which comes from his works. In his childhood Kästner wanted to become a teacher, but he abandoned the dream. In spite of it he considered himself to be a pedagogue, a moralist and an educator of the new generation. It set up discussions by teachers, who mostly considered him to be a dreamer with unachievable ideals. From this contradiction with the personality of Erich Kästner gains this work mainly in the second part, which looks for an answer via his three children's works (Pünktchen und Anton, Konferenz der Tiere, Als ich ein kleiner Junge war), if Kästner was a practical pedagogue, if his pedagogical concepts included in this books were put into effect or if it can be put into effect in today's world, if children or adults understood point of the books or if his efforts for an better, more moral and more righteous access of an individual to other...

A Reflection on the Question of Single European Currency Adoption in the Czech Press
Obenbergerová, Linda ; Křeček, Jan (advisor) ; Kyjonková, Petra (referee)
Diploma thesis "A Reflection on the Question of Single European Currency Adoption in the Czech Press" deals with an analysis of media picture of the transition of the Czech Republic to the common currency euro in Czech media. With the help of the quantitative method of content analysis and the qualitative method of grounded theory, articles from the dailies Hospodářské noviny and Právo are being analysed. The sample includes articles from the beginning of May 2004, the accession of the Czech Republic to the European Union, until the end of April 2011. Quantitative content analysis enables comparison of both of the periodicals by means of organization and general summary of quantifiable data from the articles. The method of grounded theory regards the examined collection as a whole and provides detailed analysis of the sample in order to identify hidden structures of the text. The focus of this work is articulation of the media image of the European common currency adoption in the Czech Republic, based on the partial outcomes of the research project. This text as an extension of the bachelor thesis "The Image of Euro Adoption in Czech Press" uses its outputs in addition to the revision of the research with a broadened sample, mapping seven years of development of the topic. Consequently, scope for...

Improving efficiency of HEP applications
Horký, Jiří ; Zavoral, Filip (advisor) ; Falt, Zbyněk (referee)
The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) located at CERN, Geneva has finally been put in production, generating unprecedented amount of data. These data are distributed across many computing centers all over the world that form the Worldwide LHC Computing Grid (WLCG). One of the main issues since the beginning of the WLCG project is an effective file access on the site level in order to fully exploit huge computing farms. The aim of this thesis is to explore existing data distribution work flows, standards, methods and protocols. An integral part of the work is the analysis of jobs of physicists to understand input/output workloads and to discover possible inefficiencies. Then, new upcoming solutions are evaluated in terms of performance, sustainability and integration into existing frameworks. It is expected that these solutions will be based on distributed file systems such as NFS 4.1, Lustre and HDFS.

On-line simulation of football league, learning of the team manager strategy using artificial intelligence
Čermák, Michal ; Bojar, Ondřej (referee) ; Spousta, Miroslav (advisor)
In the presented work is described a creation of simple football manager computer game. Game events are simulated by days. Control is accessible via the web browser. Simulating program simulates the matches by means of discrete simulation, the output of the simulation are text commentaries from the matches as well as simple two-dimensional display of the match progress. Managers influence the results of the matches by choosing tactics and selecting players for the matches. There is an artificial intelligence implemented for the managers, that are controlled by the computer program. For its implementation were used two different methods - simple hill climbing and genetic algorithms. Both methods are able to improve their performance during the simulation. In the conclusion of the work, results obtained by the methods are compared.

Information system for schools
Kozák, Vladislav ; Zavoral, Filip (referee) ; Patočka, Mikuláš (advisor)
The task of the work is to develop information system for primary and secondary schools. The application allows to insert and store data related with school and performs mass printing of school reports. The user interface is easy to use and includes grafic interface for setting the printer output. The application comunicates with database server and supports parallel access.

Awareness of Pre-therapy and Possibilities of its Use in Practice in Czech Occupational Therapy.
Macků, Kateřina ; Svěcená, Kateřina (referee) ; Kohoutová, Monika (advisor)
Pretherapy is a method of bringing about a contact with people who are not accessible to usual therapy. Therapist uses contact reflections to make or restore a psychological contact, which is a condition of therapeutic relationship and any changes within the therapy. Pretherapy is available mainly at work with people with mental or psychical disabilities. Theoretical part includes basic information about pretherapy, its process and possibilities of its use in occupational therapy. Practical part represents a research about awareness of Czech occupational therapists about pretherapy and their interests in futher knowledge about it. Output of theoretical part is based on professional literature and exhibits the possibilities of using pretherapy in occupational therapy practice. Results from practical part point out that pretherapy is unknown method among Czech occupational therapists and that they are quite interested in knowing more about pretherapy. That's why a presentation of pretherapy is enclosed at the end of this thesis.

The medicaments containing pseudoephedrine - material for illegal production of metamphetamine
Havlíček, Stanislav ; Solich, Jan (referee) ; Kotlářová, Jana (advisor)
1 SUMMARY MEDICINE CONTAINING PSEUDOEPHEDRINE - RAW MATERIALS FOR CLANDESTINE PRODUCTION OF METHAMPHETAMINE Author: Havlíček S., Métis, Pharmacy in Stod, Czech Republic Tutor: Kotlářová J., Dept. of Social and Clinical Pharmacy, Faculty of Pharmacy in Hradec Kralove, Charles University in Prague,Czech Republic In the Czech Republic, the clandestine methamphetamine (pervitin) production appeared in 1970s. Ephedrin used to be a main source for methamphetamine production till the factory for ephedrine output in Roztoky (in 2004) was closed down. Since this moment a pseudoephedrine gained from ordinarily available medicaments has become very popular base material for this illegal production. An expansion of the illicit "home-based" methamphetamine manufactories is supported by very easy accessibility and also by poor regulation of these medicaments containing pseudoephedrine Another reason is the low price of the legally obtainable medication: around 200 CZK per 1g of pseudoephedrine. Pharmacies have suddenly become suppliers of drug gangs. However, they cannot prevent such situation under current legislation. Tightening regulations may help to solve the problem, but it seems unlikely to happen taken into account the large profits at stake. Sales volume of pharmaceuticals containing pseudoephedrine (Modafen,...

Canada's Influence on Future U.S. Oil Security
Opatrny, Martin ; Hnízdo, Bořivoj (referee) ; Raška, Francis (advisor)
The global supply of oil will closely match the demand for oil over the foreseeable future. The critical role oil plays in national economies, combined with the tight global oil supply, means that oil security is a vital concern for every country, and in particular the United States. The United States currently ranks as the largest oil consumer and oil importer, forcing them to rely on unstable sources of oil. This has resulted in the United States becoming one of the least energy-secure nations in the world. This thesis will evaluate Canadas capacity to improve American oil security to the year 2030. Canadian oil production will increase substantially in the next 20 years with most of the growth in output coming from the "oil sands". The majority of this future oil production will be exported to the United States and by 2030 Canadian oil imports will account for a large proportion of American total petroleum imports. NAFTA provisions have de-politicized the North American energy trade; this guarantees American access to Canadian oil supplies and ensures that Canada can sell to the American market. This liberal framework, therefore, increases American oil security despite a complete dependence on Canadian oil exports.