National Repository of Grey Literature 33,908 records found  beginprevious33899 - 33908  jump to record: Search took 1.46 seconds. 

Word-formation by ablaut vs. word-formation by suffixation in diachrony
Hejná, Michaela ; Klégr, Aleš (referee) ; Čermák, Jan (advisor)
The present bachelor thesis deals with word-formation by ablaut vs. word-formation by suffixation in diachrony, namely in Old and Middle English. The reason for choosing this theme lied in its general marginalization in grammar books, in which the reader finds detailed descriptions of the grammatical function of ablaut in Old and, to a lesser extent, also in Middle English. The aim of the thesis was to describe ablaut formations during these two stages of the language in a typological perspective. The analyses focus on introflectional features of the roots of the formations and show the decrease in various combinations of the individual realizations of the roots that display ablaut with inflectional (-a, -e, -o/-u; -) and purely derivational, agglutinative, suffixes (-lic; -full; -scip; -had; -d, -t, -). The thesis further focuses on whether the various realizations of the roots are connected with the selected suffixes also semantically, i.e. whether there exist formal and/or semantic correspondences in the combinations. The analyses themselves were preceded by determining morphologically related families on the basis of the Dictionary of Old English: A-F, the most recent and detailed dictionary of Old English, which covered entries under the letters A-F when our analyses were carried out. The same was done...

Prevention of back pain in adults using a computer
Žbánková, Marie ; Ježková, Martina (advisor) ; Smolíková, Libuše (referee)
Computers in modern times have become part of our lives, but apart from benefits they bring many medical complications as well. This paper provides a brief overview of existing knowledge and studies, dealing with back pain in the adult population working with computers. In the theoretical part, the emphasis is on prevention and treatment of back pain, which is very intertwined. The practical part presents the results of research, which had the form of a checklist answered by 50 men and 73 women. The results show high prevalence of back pain of computer users, many differences are to be found in the characteristics of pain of men and women, ages and dependence of pain intensity on movement habits of respondents. The work points to the significance of the problem, which is important for the society. It stresses the need for an active approach of computer users and their employers. Powered by TCPDF (

Gonzo journalism-his origin, progress and influence on journalism
Nouzová, Pavlína ; Beneš, Piere (advisor) ; Vedral, Jan (referee)
This thesis deals with Gonzo journalism in all the world and especially in Czech republic. First part is about origin of Gonzo journalism and its "founder" Hunter S. Thompson. I use his personality to show a form of old Gonzo and I portray typical features of this style or its authors with using Thompson's articles. I choose as a main article The Kentucky Derby Is Decadent and Depraved, which is considered as a first Gonzo article. But not only history is important, so the thesis is also about modern Gonzo in foreign countries. As in the first part, I chose one typical representative of this style - Matt Taibbi. He contributes to Rolling Stone magazine (like Thompson did, too) and often disgusts many of his readers. In his case, I don't focus on particular articles, but on two magazines - The eXile and New York Press. I use these two distinctive personalities (Thompson and Taibbi) to compare old Gonzo with a modern form and I explain differences and causes of them. Next very short part of my thesis is about Gonzo in other branches and I show the popularity of Gonzo besides journalism. Then I focus on Gonzo journalism in Czech republic. I chose as main journalists Michal Nanoru, Honza Vedral and Petr Wagner and as main magazines Živel, Filter and Full Moon. I compare them and show their strengths...

Corporate Social Responsibility in China: Path to Sustainable Growth (Selected Problems)
Kuksová, Magdalena ; Zemanová, Štěpánka (advisor) ; Knotková, Vladimíra (referee)
Social, cultural and technological changes of recent decades led to a new dominant feature of the world economy in the form of globalization. This coincided with the extraordinary growth of international political institutions that seem unable to control the process of globalization and its effects. Multinational corporations have become drivers of economic growth in the world. They have outsourced production to developing countries with low standards and weak legislation, particularly to China, where violation of Chinese and international law occurs frequently. No one assumes responsibility for this situation. The question therefore arises whether such economic growth can be legitimate and sustainable. The master thesis focuses on working conditions related to the production of goods in China. The aim of this master thesis is to try to determine to what extent the concept of corporate social responsibility can contribute to sustainable growth and improve working conditions in China. The thesis is divided into six chapters. The first chapter contains a theoretical introduction to social responsibility, the second chapter shows the influx of foreign businesses into China and its impacts on society. The third to the fifth chapter introduce attempts by various authorities and corporations to address the problem of harsh working conditions and violations of legal norms. The sixth chapter encourages consumer to take responsibility. The work is exclusively focused on the social pillar of corporate social responsibility.

Ultrasound imaging of posterior vaginal wall descent
Krčmář, Michal ; Marešová, Dana (advisor) ; Zmrhal, Jan (referee) ; Kittnar, Otomar (referee)
The aim of our study was to set up the parameters, which could be used in the future for objective assesment of posterior vaginal wall descent same as they have been used in the assesment of anterior compartment. We included 42 attendants, 21 with proven descent of posterior vaginal wall; 21 as a control group. We observed the ultrasonographical distance between the most descending point at posterior vaginal wall according to the horizontal line and the inferior margin of pubic bone same as posterior anorectal angle after the intrarectal application of sonographic yelly; both at rest and during Valsalva manévre. Doubleoptional t-test was used for statistical evaluation of the results. Furthermore we judged the demographic features of both groups. We proved the statistic significant decrease in measured distances in the group of patients suffering from the descent compared to the group of healthy women. Values of posterior anorectal angle were significantly highered in the group of patients with the descent. The incidence of descent is related to higher age, higher level of BMI and multiparity in the group of patients. There was also higher incidence of stress urinary incontinence in patients' group, which had been surgically treated. We obtained no explicit data about influence of menopausal status being an...

Textural Analysis of Nerve Fibre Layer in Retinal Images
Novotný, Adam ; Jan, Jiří (referee) ; Odstrčilík, Jan (advisor)
This work describes completely new approach to detection of retinal nerve fibre layer (RNFL) loss in colour fundus images. Such RNFL losses indicate eye glaucoma illness and an early diagnosis of RNFL changes is very important for successful treatment. Method is presented with the purpose of supporting glaucoma diagnosis in ophthalmology. The proposed textural analysis method utilizes local binary patterns (LBP). This approach is characterized especially by computational simplicity and insensitivity to monotonic changes of illumination. Image histograms of LBP distributions are used to gain several textural features aimed to classify healthy or glaucomatous tissue of the retina. The method was experimentally tested using fundus images of glaucomatous patients with focal RNFL loss. The results show that the proposed method can be used in order to supporting diagnosis of glaucoma with satisfactory efficiency.

Ilinitchi, Cristina ; Plchová, Božena (advisor) ; Korandová, Jiřina (referee)
Romania, as other Central and Eastern European countries, was after 1989 in the position to make the choice regarding its future development. Economists have added a new word to their vocabulary -- the economic transformation. The work focuses on the process of economic transformation in Romania after 1989. The first part deals with the main theoretical approaches to the process of transformation. The theoretical part is followed by the analysis of the most important economical indicators and other features of the Romanian economic transformation. The accession of Romania to the European Union is also stressed out. The conclusion of the work summarises the successes and failures of the transformation process in Romania.

Rondels and the structure of settlement areas in the late neolithic period
Řídký, Jaroslav ; Popelka, Miroslav (advisor) ; Zápotocká, Marie (referee) ; Pavlů, Ivan (referee)
The Neolithic in the wider area of Central Europe and especially its later period (4 900- 4 500) is represented by one type of feature, the building of which demanded not only complex knowledge of mathematics and astronomy, as many researches have stressed out, but also necessary organizational skills based on a long-term plan. In the context of the Czech Republic, these features or complexes of features ( ditch and pallisade) are called rondels or circle ditched features. The traces of rondels construction and accessible literature make it possible to compare several variables of rondel s, namely the ground plan shapes, the number of V -shaped ditches and inner pallisades. the number and position of individua! entrances. Different entrance shapes represent another important variable in the forms of rondels. Most published sources provide information about the maximum and minimum diameter of the whole complex, the measures of individua! ditches are mentioned only rarely. Sometimes, the maximum width and depth of individua! ditches are recorded. Similar information is recorded about the pallisades ditches. Unfortunatelly, only very few basic and often quoted sources mention the spatial structure of the settlement with a rondel as well as the description of the surrounding area with chronologically co-...

Alternative methods of estimating potential output and the output Gap: An application to Czech
Krasnovský, Pavol ; Brůna, Karel (advisor) ; Kuncl, Martin (referee)
The text discusses some used methods for estimating potential product and output gaps based on aggregated data for the Czech Republic. Though these methods exhibit some common features, an empirical comparison demonstrates that the various techniques differ substantially. In particular, the correlation of output gaps calculated with different methods is generally low , the methods imply different turning points. To conclude, the methods for estimating potential product a used have only limited information content for macroeconomics.

The Pottery from the Roman Provinces in Bohrmia during the Roman and Migration Perios
Rypka, Luboš ; Košnar, Lubomír (advisor) ; Musil, Jiří (referee)
Luboš Rypka Římsko-provinciální keramika doby římské a období stěhování národů v Čechách (The Pottery from the Roman Provinces in Bohemia during the Roman and Migration Period). Unpublished master thesis. ÚPRAV FFUK Praha (Institute of Prehistory and Early History, Faculty of Arts, Charles University in Prague). Praha/Prague 2012. Keywords: Roman-provincial pottery, archaeological finds, Roman imports, Roman Period, Migration Period, Bohemia Abstract In his master thesis, author focuses on the finds of Roman-provincial pottery in Bohemia during the Roman and Migration Period from 68 sites in 58 cadastral units. A number of 208 pottery sherds from the settlements of Roman and Migration Period as well as 16 preserved whole or only slightly damaged vessels from the graves of Migration Period, are analyzed. Together, there must had been at least 173 up to 194 ceramic vessels of Roman-provincial origin imported into region of Bohemia. The main stress is putted on an elaborate catalogue of finds. In the analytical part, the 11, respectively 12 main categories of Roman-provincial pottery featured in Bohemia are set aside, the essential finds are briefly discussed and the possible directions of supply of (not only) ceramic import from the Roman Provinces into Bohemia are outlined.