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Automatic Alignment of Tectogrammatical Trees from Czech-English Parallel Corpus
Mareček, David
Title: Automatic Alignment of Tectogrammatical Trees from Czech-English Parallel Corpus Author: David Mareček Department: Institute of Formal and Applied Linguistics Supervisor: Ing. Zdeněk Žabokrtský, Ph.D. Abstract: The goal of this thesis is to implement and evaluate a software tool for automatic alignment of Czech and English tectogrammatical trees. The task is to find correspondent nodes between two trees that represent an English sentence and its Czech translation. Great amount of aligned trees acquired from parallel corpora can be used for training transfer models for machine translation systems. It is also useful for linguists in studying translation equivalents in two languages. In this thesis there is also described word alignment annotation process. The manual word alignment was necessary for evaluation of the aligner. The results of our experiments show that shifting the alignment task from the word layer to the tectogrammatical layer both (a) increases the interannotator agreement on the task and (b) allows to construct a feature-based algorithm which uses sentence structure and which outperforms the GIZA++ aligner in terms of f-measure on aligned tectogrammatical node pairs. This is probably caused by the fact that tectogrammatical representations of Czech and English sentences are much closer...

Suplementace kreatinu u sportovce s hyperhomocysteinemií
Kohlíková, E. ; Petr, M. ; Navrátil, Tomáš ; Přistoupilová, K. ; Přistoupil, T. I. ; Pelclová, D. ; Žák, J. ; Heyrovský, Michael
One month's administration of creatine (CR) in the dose of 5 g/day to 11 young active sportsmen affected their daily amount of CR and creatinine excreted into urine. The probands were divided into 4 groups, according to the amount of CR found in urine, and of folates and of vitamin B12 determined in blood. The ganges of folates and vitamin B12 were mutually reciprocal. Each group utilized CR as donor of one- and two-carbon (1C and 2C) units by means of homocysteine (HoCySH), folates, and vitamin B12, in different metabolic pathways. In 10 men the CR administration was accompanied by an increase of HoCySH level in blood, while for the last man, with accidentally discovered hyperhomocysteinemia, after the month's CR administration the HoCySH level dropped by 50 %.

Littering in shopping malls in Prague.
Hrstková, Jana ; Benešová, Libuše (advisor) ; Kotoulová, Zdenka (referee)
In the area waste is now getting to the forefront the issue of free discarded waste, so- called litter. Littering talking about in the context of street sweepings discarded in neutral places for them to represent an aesthetic problem in public areas. The first step in preventing and solving the problems thrown open waste should be an analysis of the waste. This thesis deals with the problem loosely thrown in the waste business centers. For the study were selected and five shopping malls in Prague. Shopping center varies different area, location and accessibility. Each business center wastes were collected in the center of all common areas and covered car parks, where the trade center underground parking lot had. Each shopping mall has been collecting conducted three times each at different times. Collected waste was categorized into several groups of material, which was subsequently weighed. Most litter was found in the shopping center Nový Smíchov, but after calculating the area of the one square kilometer was the largest amount of waste reported in Arkády Pankrác. The largest representation of the papers followed by plastic and cigarette butts. To assess Littering is necessary to define the methodology of collecting waste. Essential is the conversion of the data per unit area, to allow comparison...

Sino-Russian Military Cooperation in 2000 - 2008: Limits of Mutual Convergence
Buchar, Jan ; Svoboda, Karel (advisor) ; Horák, Slavomír (referee)
The subject of my bachelor thesis is an analytical study which identifies the limit of Sino-Russian military cooperation in 2000 - 2008. In the following thesis I focus on three forms of military cooperation between these two states which are a) Russian military sales to China, b) a possibility of a Sino-Russian military alliance emergence, and c) cooperation in space-related technologies. Within these three categories I analyse the aims of Sino-Russian cooperation and its limits in 2000 - 2008. In case of Russian military sales to China the thesis are concerned with sales of significant amounts of aerial and maritime products. Denied Chinese demands for the advanced Russian military hardware is the main limitation. In case of a military coalition emergence the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO) played the crucial role. Under aegis of the SCO several joint military exercises took place. Western observers perceived that as evidence of an emerging military alliance. Both states claimed that neither the SCO nor the military exercises were directed against any third country. The main obstacle in the military alliance creation is that Russia and China consider their relationship with Western states higher than with each other. In case of space-related technologies, that have direct military...

Target genes and regulation of hypoxia inducible factors HIF1a a HIF2a
Blahová, Tereza ; Žurmanová, Jitka (advisor) ; Alánová, Petra (referee)
Oxygen supply is necessary for today's form of life on Earth. Molecular oxygen is a terminal electron acceptor in mitochondrial respiratory chain and enables the efficient production of ATP by oxidative phosphorylation. The lack of availability of oxygen decreases energy production and can endanger the processes maintaining homeostasis. Therefore the compensatory mechanisms were developed by which cells respond to hypoxia. The master regulator of cellular responses is the hypoxia inducible transcription factor, HIF. In general HIF-1 isoform supports glucose availability and glycolysis; also attenuates energy-consuming processes and thus reduces energy loss. HIF-2 isoform stimulates antioxidant mechanisms to reduce the amount of reactive oxygen species which could cause cellular damage. At the same time, both of isoforms contribute to increasing the supply of oxygen by activating erythropoiesis and angiogenesis in the affected area. HIFs provide these changes either directly, by using their target genes, or by interactions with other transcription factors and signaling pathways.

Study of receptor-ligand pair NKR-P1F and Clrg
Kotýnková, Kristýna ; Man, Petr (advisor) ; Schneider, Bohdan (referee)
Study of receptor-ligand pair NKR-P1F and Clrg Mouse NKR-P1F:Clr-g receptor:ligand pair is important component of the receptor "zipper" that occurs at the contact between natural killer cell and its target cell, and represents a recently discovered example of lectin-lectin interactions important for recognition among immune cell subsets. In order to study structure of these proteins and interactions between them, we have prepared pET-30a(+) bacterial expression vectors coding parts of extracellular domains of the two receptors. After induction of protein production with IPTG, the proteins precipitated into inclusion bodies, from which they could be refolded in vitro. Refolded proteins were purified using combination of ion exchange and size exclusion chromatography. NKR-P1F construct yielded only small amounts of soluble protein using standard refolding protocols. Furthermore we have experienced difficulties with reproducibility of the refolding results. In the case of Clrg the standard protocols for protein refolding were not sufficient. In order for the Clrg to fold properly, the odd cysteine which does not fit into the pattern usual for this family of receptors was substituted for serine and resulting C148S construct was shown to be more useful. Further, using (benzyldimethylammonio)propanesulfonate in...

Liability for damage to the environment
Humlíčková, Petra ; Damohorský, Milan (advisor) ; Drobník, Jaroslav (referee) ; Smolek, Martin (referee)
The environmental damage harms or threatens the two groups of interests - public and private. Both types of interests are often damaged by one event. The tort law and public liability including their financial security are therefore functionally interconnected systems, which sometimes overlap. They do not contradict but usefully complement each other. At the international level, there are several treaties governing the liability for transboundary pollution. Only one convention is legally binding and used in practice - CLC liability for oil transportation by sea, conventions on liability for nuclear damage are binding but were never used in practice. All these conventions use the classical scheme of tort law. They apply only to accidents. The liability is always objective with defences (natural phenomenon, force majeure, conduct of a third party). The liable party is always channelled to easily identifiable subject. In the case of multiple liable parties, they are liable jointly and severally. Damage must be quantifiable in money and the amount must be proved by the victim. In the case of harm to the environment, the damage is derived from the costs for reasonable preventive and corrective measures. The compensation for losses is necessary to apply in a certain period of time. These periods are...

State Aid in the international law
Traurig, Vojtěch Pavel ; Pauknerová, Monika (advisor) ; Poláček, Bohumil (referee) ; Dolanská Bányaiová, Lucie (referee)
State aid law is one of the most important categories of the competition law in the European Union. The state as such has an unprecedented advantage compared to other competitors: the state disposes of a huge amount of funds which could be easily distributed in favor of the privileged undertakings. The risk of the distorting effect on competition is high; thus, strict rules are necessary. The thesis is divided into five parts: introduction, the part focusing on international treaties, the general part, specific provisions and the conclusion. Part two of this thesis deals with the respective international treaties relevant for the aid schemes. There are three groups of such international treaties: the Agreement on Subsidies and Countervailing Measures adopted in the WTO system, the anti-aid measures in the European Economic Area and the anti- subsidies mechanism towards the third countries (i.e. non-members of EEA or WTO). This part describes these three mechanisms and their common principles. Part three of the thesis is dedicated to the general provision. Section 3.1 deals with the term "state aid", describes the main criteria for qualification of the aid as a state aid incompatible with the internal market. I also focused on two judgments of the Tribunal which I considered important for the used...

UML Analysis Consistency Verification
Šrajer, Michal ; Rubač, Tomáš (advisor) ; Skopal, Tomáš (referee)
The UML language is nowadays widely spreaded standard for modelling of software systems. The problem of UML analyses is their inconsistency which is not usually checked by modelling tools. While analysing wider projects, great amount of inconsistencies an arise. Thaťs why the automatic checking seems to be necessary. First part of thesis sumarizes various approaches to consistency verification of UML models and basic notions. In the rest of the work, own approach focused on verification of textual parts of analysis is proposed. Approach to write precise use-case definition is designed, including relevant consistency rules that are further formalized using OCL. Feasibility of proposed approach is confirmed by verification of real analysis of simple software system. Powered by TCPDF (

Automatized Data Abstraction
Novotná, Lenka ; Kofroň, Jan (advisor) ; Adámek, Jiří (referee)
Model checking belongs to one of the most favourite techniques for verification of software systems. During the verification process of model checking, the whole state space of the given system is traversed. However, the state space of software systems can be huge and thus it is not possible to traverse it in reasonable amount of time. This problem is called "state explosion problem" and it can be solved using a method of abstraction that creates an abstract program from the concrete one by mapping the concrete data to abstract data. The abstract program covers all the behavior of the concrete program that is necessary for verification, but has significantly smaller state space which allows its verification in reasonable amount of time. This work is concerned in automatized data abstraction. Three known methods for automatized data abstraction are described and compared to each other. Based on these methods a new method for automatized data abstraction of object oriented programs is designed.