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Vliv teploty vody a intenzity světla na raný vývoj sumečka afrického v komerčním chovu
The successful production of quality early fish stages is crucial for artificial rearing fish species. Nevertheless, it is quite a problematic process, because fish as poikilothermic organisms are highly sensitive to various environmental conditions. Moreover, both fish embryos and larvae are more affected by biotic and abiotic factors (such as predation, stocking density, temperature, light, pH, salinity, oxygen saturation, feeding availability, or their interactions) than older juveniles or adults. Most fish processes such as reproduction, metabolism, survival, development and growth can be considerably (positively, negatively or not) influenced by these conditions. Therefore, it is important to understand their impacts on fish stages during embryonic, larval, juvenile, adult, and eventually the senescent period. Then, following the application of new knowledge to the practise, especially species- and age-specific optimal conditions, should result in higher survival, better growth rate, well developed fish without deformities and lower cannibalism. The objectives of the present thesis were to assess the effect of water temperature and light intensity on the early development (embryonic and larval period) of African sharptooth catfish as a perspective fish species for freshwater intensive aquaculture. Due to its great characteristics (for instance fast growth, ability to breathe atmospheric air, rearing at high stocking density) this species can meaningfully contribute to the global aquaculture production which is expected to rise in the coming years. However, there are still some difficulties in the early rearing African sharptooth catfish regarding the cannibalism, feeding, survival and necessity of detailed information about the effects of some abiotic factors and their interactions.

Vascular plants along the roads in the Jizerské hory Mts – the effect of altitude and contact habitat
Titěra, Jan ; Boublík, Karel (advisor) ; Černý, Tomáš (referee)
The aim of the diploma thesis was to map the incidence of vascular plants along the various categories of roads and crossroads at different altitudes and in different contact habitats (forests × meadow) and identify invasive species. The species were mapped to a total of 120 sites, including 45 sites accounted for forest roads, 40 sites meadow paths and 35 sites forest crossroads. There were found 3 strongly endangered species and 5 endangered species. From the total non-native species was found a large proportion of naturalized and invasive species that could potentially threaten natural communities. DCCA analysis was found that the species composition invasive plant reacts to the individually environmental variables statistically significant. It was also found large share of competitive strategies, and a small share of stress-tolerant strategists. Furthermore, it was found that the species composition of the flora responds to altitude statistically highly significant. DCA analysis was found affiliation species to categories of roads and crossroads, level of traffic and to contact habitats. Furthermore was used CCA analysis. It was found that the species composition of the plant reacts to the presence of trees present in the surrounding vegetation statistically highly significant. Part of the work has also been gathering literature data about the relationship between flora and roads, vectors of spread plants and alien species and flora of roads in Jizera mountains. The results were compared with other works, and complemented by own knowledge of the author, in the discussion. Contribution of work consists in mapping the flora of roads and crossroads in many locations in Jizera mountains, botanical supplement data and the identification of potentially invasive species expanding along the roads. The results of this study should serve as a basis for preventive or protectionist measures implemented in Jizera mountains.

Environmental Impact Assessment Follow up analysis of Pankrác administrative centre
Franclová, Alena ; Keken, Zdeněk (advisor) ; Karel, Karel (referee)
This diploma thesis evaluates issues of environmental impact assessment, focusing on post-project analysis of the Pankrác administrative center. Follow-up evaluation is one of the most important practice through EIA which can fulfil one's potential. Major contribution is mainly the EIA feedback which will be compared between real and predicted impact. Follow-up will provide knowledge to avoid possible non-conformances in EIA evaluation process in the future. Methodical of this thesis is based on international standards of good practice in EIA follow-up, which should always correspond with the specific circumstances of the project and the specific context. The main principles are results-oriented approach, learning, institutional commitment and responsibility. Meaning of the follow-up is the main research question to evaluate the environmental impact assessment. The thesis evaluates the implementation of the main comments from the various point of views. All opinions, changes and views of all participants must be reviewed in implementation and operation phases of the EIA process. Another sub-section provides a comparison of the noise pollution before and after realization of the project and analytical part concludes evaluate compliance with the general principles of good practice. The results collect comprehensive assessment of the EIA process. The follow-up for Pankrác administrative center was important and it proved that positive cooperation with the investor made processes more effective in the terms of the environmental protection of the area. In the future it would be appropriate to dedicate more effort and time for the follow-up. Especially raising awareness of the existence and positive impact of the entire EIA process and also to protect the environmental and public health.

Clinical biochemical indicators used in diagnostics of equine diseases
Puldová, Doubravka ; Ptáčková, Zuzana (advisor) ; Krejčířová, Romana (referee)
The thesis aims to compile overview of main biochemical indicators that are important in for diagnostics of equine diseases. Clinical biochemistry is a medical discipline that uses biochemistry and pathobiochemistry for the determination of diagnosis based on activity changes of analytes observed. Laboratory evaluation of analytes has three phases: pre-analytical (preparation of patient to sampling, sampling and sample storage and transport), analytic (analysis) and post-analytical (evaluation of results, veterinarian also contributes in this part). Pre-analytial phase is the most time consuming and also the most error prone. The errors mostly occur during preparation of the patient, during sampling or sample transportation. The most analyzed materials for biochemical analysis are blood, urine and liquor. Biochemical indicators are compound that are often influenced by the disease, therefore it is possible to use them for the diagnosis. Nitrogen metabolism indicators include proteins, urea, creatinine and ammonia. Enzymes (aminotransferase, gama-glutamyltransferase, glutamatedehydrogenase, lactatedehydrogenase, alkaline phosphatase, creatinkinase and sorbitoldehydrogenase are the main indicators of liver function (they contribute on the metabolism of another compounds) or of the fitness of horse. Glucose and lactate values indicate energetic metabolism, cholesterol and triglycerides indicate lipid metabolism. Water and electrolyte metabolism indicators are sodium, potassium and chlorides. The mineral profile is shown by calcium, magnesium and phosphorus. The result of determination of analytes is compared with reference values that are not only species-specific but can be also influenced by age or sex. These values represent the range of the compound concentration in body fluid under physiological conditions. It is important to take the clinical symptoms into the account. Not all indicators that are usually indicated in human medicine or different animals are suitable for diagnosis of equine diseases. Majority of indicators diagnose equine-rare diseases (i.e. diabetes mellitus or hepatitis). Determinations of muscle enzymes and lactate are important for the fitness analysis.

Support of regional development through the Local Action Group Podchlumí
Jezberová, Zuzana ; Hejnák, Václav (advisor) ; Marcela, Marcela (referee)
The Diploma thesis deals with issues of the support of regional development through the Local Action Group Podchlumí, r.a. (LAG Podchlumí). The goal of this thesis was to explore the contribution of the LAG Podchlumí to quality of life of residents and business development. Assessment of the influence of LAG on regional development has been based on the existence and implementation of the Program of rural development program of the Czech Republic Axis IV. LEADER, which leads to an improvement of management and to mobilization of the natural inner potential of countryside. The Program of rural development represented the main financial source for fruition of LAG projects in the previous programming period. In this thesis, activities of the LAG Podchlumí and local subjects for support and development of partnership of residents and for public, business, and non-profit communities have been analysed. Implementation of own projects, through which the versatile development of the region, life improvement of residents, increase the attractiveness of the region has been evaluated. In order to get an independent and objective evaluation, an anonymous questionnaire has been conducted among residents of the region Podchlumí. Further, personal observation of the region Podchlumí, a study of professional literature as well as of internal materials of the LAG has been done. The hypothesis that the Local Action Group Podchlumí plays an important role in development of partnership of public administration of municipalities, agricultural subjects, independent agricultural as well as non-agricultural enterpreneurs, and non-profit organizations has been verified on the basis of analysis of realized activities. Support from the Program of countryside development to the region Podchlumí, Measure IV.1.2 Realization of local development strategy, contributed to achieving improvements in quality of life of residents. The greatest support was given to appearance of communities and quality of infrastructure, development of public facilities and services. Financial resources were spent also on modernization and development of agricultural as well as non-agricultural business. In comparison with other LAGs in the district Jičín, the LAG Podchlumí supported the greatest number of projects through the measure IV.1.2 of the Rural development program on realization of local developing strategy. It has been found by means of evaluation of the anonymous questionaire among residents of the region that residents perceive improvement of appearance and life of communities but they are not aware of the fact that many projects have been implemented with the contribution of activities of the LAG Podchlumí. For this reason, the LAG Podchlumí should focus more on propagation of its own activities. Residents of the region are interested in surrounding of their villages. It is possible to made conclusion that the results of analysis of activities of the LAG authenticated and confirmed correctness of the hypothesis that the Local Action Group Podchlumí plays an important role in development of partnership of public administration of municipalities, agricultural subjects, independent agricultural as well as non-agricultural enterpreneurs, and non-profit organizations.

Analysis of the causes of fires from electrical equipment caused in the South Bohemia region in the years 2009-2013 and the concept of precautions to improve the situation
The thesis is divided into two parts, theoretical and empirical. In the first, the author explains the important terms for processing the empirical part. He deals with the theory of fire and summary of the general rules. He also deals with finding out the causes of fire and the computer program "Statistical monitoring of events", all the data were taken here. The chapter provides a general overview of el. devices, classification, history and possible danger. A very important of this part is the division of el. initiators explain. the terms such as el. short circuit, impedance, el. spark, el. arc, overcurrent, car-el. and its application in vehicles. Separately the author deals with atmospheric and ESD. The first objective was to analyze the causes of fires from el. devices in the South Bohemian Region (SBR). The second objective was the proposal of arrangements to improve the situation. The author determined two hypotheses: 1. The most common cause of fires of el. devices in the SBR is the el. short circuit. 2. The most frequent fires of el. devices in the SBR are the fires of vehicles. At the end of the first part, the author outlined the methodology. For processing the empirical part , he chose a quantitative research. The research was carried out by using the one-dimensional statistical analysis of data. The author created the list of literary sources based on literature gained from research libraries, the Fire Rescue Service (FRS) of the SBR, territorial department Strakonice and el. sources available on the internet. All the data the author gained SME of the FRS of the SBR. Within empirical part, the author first carried out the overall statistics of fires from el. initiators. The results show that in the period of 2009 - 2013 there was an increase in number of fires from el. initiators from 7,14 % to 14,97 %, it means more than double compared to a total amount of all fires, which have a decreasing tendency. Then he deals with proportions among particular initiators of fire. These data indicate that the most abundant initiator is car-el. and its application in vehicles. Other significant initiators are el. short circuit and impedance. Other initiators carry a much smaller proportion of the total number of fires. Then follow damages and salvage values caused. Salvage values in each of the monitored years are far greater than the damages, about 80 %. The author continues with the amount of people killed and injured, there is a big difference. Throughout the given period there were 5 people killed in fires from el. initiators, 51 people injured. For the total fires are numbers logically higher, in years 2009 - 2013 were 363 people injured and 51 killed. Then follows a part in which the author deals with individual initiators represented by el. short circuit, impedance, el. spark, el. arc, overcurrent, car-el. and its application in vehicles, atmospheric discharge and ESD. In the empirical part, there are also included initiators, which cannot be further specified. After processing the gained statistical data it comes to the discussion, in which the author analyzes particular tables and graphs, problems, which occurred with their solution and expresses to previously established hypotheses. The first hypothesis was refuted, the second confirmed. The author proposed measures to improve the situation, as there was detected a lack of security measures. The results of the thesis will be a contribution to the FRS of the Czech Republic, especially to the Prevention Department, pedagogical purposes or the general public in the context of preventive educational activities. After implementation of any of my proposals, using the same research it is possible to determine whether the implementation of the proposal has a positive impact on the number of fires, injured and killed people or on an amount of damages in the coming years.

The impal of subsidies on the area development of LAG Podhorácko
Hvězdová, Lucie ; Zilvar, Josef (advisor) ; Milan, Milan (referee)
The thesis deals with the contribution of the local action group Podhorácko as an appropriate tool to support the development of rural areas. The goal of the thesis is to evaluate the utilization of European funding grants for Podhorácká region during the years 2007 - 2013. The impact of successful projects on the territory development is also being researched. The thesis is divided into three parts. The initial part is aimed at the theoretical overview of the issue, the importance of rural areas and at the programmes for the rural areas development. It also contains the characterization of local action groups and the method LEADER. The second part presents the characterization of the local action group Podhorácko and the analysis of MAS region. The evaluation of funding grants for given territory is also included in this part. The last part suggests concrete measures and potential areas for MAS Podhorácko activity during the years 2014 - 2020. The thesis analyzes the territory of local action group and verifies two hypothesises: - MAS significantly contributes to the development of the rural areas of the given region - the utilization of funding grants is effective On the bases of the results of the statistical method and sociological survey the thesis defines problem areas impeding the future development.

Analysis of social services level in the Ústí Region
Franková, Romana ; Prášilová, Marie (advisor) ; Irena, Irena (referee)
This thesis analyzes the level of social services in the Ústí region. In the theoretical part they are generally characterized by social services. Closer is performed in general as to the method of financing social services, as one of the parameters of the level of social services. Further analysis is provided social services provided in facilities in the Ústí region and development expenditures in the years 2007 - 2013 in selected social care services, with analysis of their financing using elemental characteristics of time series. As part of the work is done the necessary analysis of demographic trends in the Ústí region for the period 2005 - 2014, including calculated the most important indicators of demographic trends, as one of the prerequisites for determining the required process development in the field of social services. The practical part is using questionnaire establishes the level of social services in the Ústí region from the perspective of service users, applicants or services to the general public. Their evaluation were used statistical methods in the field of addiction qualitative character. The result of this thesis are proposals for measures that should contribute to the creation of quality social services system, a wide range of social services and their development.

Analysis of economy selected agricultural enterprises
Mlejnková, Ivana ; Homolka, Jaroslav (advisor) ; Michal, Michal (referee)
The Diploma Thesis deals with the evaluation of the economic activities of some agricultural enterprises. For the assessment, the companies based in the same region were chosen ZS Dublovice, a.s. and ZS Kosova Hora, a.s. Their participation in agriculture is traditional and both companies are stable and well-working. The primary activity of ZS Dublovice, a.s. is production of electric power. In the recent years, they put emphasis on animal farming development and environmental protection. ZS Kosova Hora is distinguished by the crop farming, nevertheless the main source of livelihood is animal farming. The evaluation was made for years 2010 up 2014. The theoretical part consists of the financial analysis, its procedure, methods, indicators and basic economic terms. The practical part is focused on characteristic of joint-stock companies, analysis of corp and animal farming, entire investments in the mentioned years and also the calculations of the financial analysis of operational outcomes using certain methods. The entire calculations are based on accounting statements and company documentation. The conclusion of the Thesis contains appraisal of the state of economic activities, comparison of the financial situation of both companies and the forward view on the possible development, innovations or changes that would contribute to improving the situation of both companies.

Evaluation of the influence of the grant programs aimed at the management and development of city
Dvořáková, Michaela ; Homolka, Jaroslav (advisor) ; Zdeněk, Zdeněk (referee)
The diploma thesis titled Evaluation of the influence of the grant programs aimed at the management and development of city, deals with the analysis of grant projects and resources received by the selected municipalities, which is the town of Sedlec-Prčice. The village lies on the border of middle and southern Bohemia, 70 km south of Prague in the district of Příbram. In the village live permanently over 2 700 inhabitants. The thesis is focused on the analysis of the investment action undertaken in support of the grant funds not only from the European union in the programming period 2007 to 2013 and the evaluation of their impact on the management of and development of the municipality. The result of the thesis is to assess the economic impact of the subsidies on the farming village and the assessment of the impact of the projects implemented through financial support from different sources on the development in the village, or on the quality of life of the local population, to which contributed the conclusions of a questionnaire survey conducted on the territory of the city.