National Repository of Grey Literature 38,110 records found  beginprevious31 - 40nextend  jump to record: Search took 3.08 seconds. 

Human behavior in emergency situations: The specifics of tort malpractice nutrition in the Bruntál region.
Vláčilík, Daniel ; Kebza, Vladimír (advisor) ; Daniel, Daniel (referee)
This thesis looks into human behaviour in crisis situations caused by non-compliance with child support order in the territory of the Bruntál district. The theoretical part describes the historical development of the family and its actual form, arrangements and function. It also deals with the institution of marriage and the issue of broken families in connection with the marriage and divorce rates in the Czech Republic. Besides, it inquires into problems of crisis situations in the family affecting the child, problems of mandatory child support and potential criminal responsibility in case of non-compliance with child support order. The practical part contains the results of a survey conducted among respondents who filed a complaint for non-payment of child support in the Bruntál district and comparison of these results and demographical, social and economic indicators of the quality of life of the citizens of the Czech Republic.

Analysis of environment in CR regions
Serafínová, Petra ; Svatošová, Libuše (advisor) ; Jaroslav, Jaroslav (referee)
The environment is an important part of human life, which greatly affects the quality of human health and the entire population. On the quality of the environment is given ever greater emphasis, since there is an increase in the negative anthropogenic effects. To avoid these impacts or reduce their consequences should protect the environment. The important part is sustainable development in order to keep a full-fledged environment to future generations. In this thesis I analyze the main pollution by pollutants in the years 2000-2013 from all stationary sources in the district of Karvina, and from mobile sources of the Moravian-Silesian Region. Based on the statistical data of the Czech Hydrometeorological Institute, I processed an analysis of time series methods, has chosen trendy model with a forecast of future progression. For the years 2014 - 2016, I calculated the prediction of emitted pollutants.

The impact of the program LEADER in the region of LAG Království – Jestřebí hory, o.p.s.
Valdová, Kateřina ; Pánek, Pavel (advisor) ; Jan, Jan (referee)
First part of this theses deals with theoretical knowledge about local action group (LAG), their way of functioning, strategical documents and project management within the life cycle of LAG projects. On the other hand it introduces a theory about monitoring project, monitoring indicators and setting their in and out values. Second, practical, part of two the theses has also two spectrums. First part alleges from data collected during monitoring projects in LAG Království Jestřebí hory o.p.s. Data are focused at most on fulfilling monitoring indicators during last program period in between 2007 and 2013 and they are summed up as a recommendation for the new programming period. Programming period 2014 and 2020 has so far introduced a new method of setting up indicators, which is also described in this theses, including the restrictions that LAG has to deal with. Practical part is ended by commentary on setted values and their actual possibility of fullfillment in real life. The entire theses ends the final summery in which the author states her own reccomendations and tips regarding the setting or evaluation of monitoring indicators.

Healthy lifestyle of young population
Mašanská, Kateřina ; Polišenský, Miroslav (advisor) ; Pavlína, Pavlína (referee)
Thesis Healthy lifestyle of young population is dealing with a concepts which are related to a leisure and healthy life style mainly in theoretical part of this thesis. More of that are desscribed a factors which affect the healt level. Next content is related to the disease caused by the non helathy life style. Quantity of leisure centers and their participants are statistically calculated in practical part of this thesis. Also the participats of optional hobby groups and the cost for them. Analysis of two similar students with overweight was proceed in view of their BMI, rating habits, exercise and healthy life style recommendations. Conclusion content is handling with a current situation in youth centers and was specified a proposals for a better education of healthy life style.

Social Life in Rural Area
Kučerová, Kamila ; Majerová, Věra (advisor) ; Petra, Petra (referee)
This submitted thesis concerns itself with social life in the countryside, specifically in Peruc, located in Ústecký kraj. The paper consists of two parts. The first, theoretical part, describes particular expressions, out of which some have been further researched and worked upon in the context of personal research. On the basis of available printed materials a description of the village has been drawn in a geographical, historical and contemporary aspect. The practical part provides a research plan and a choice of appropriate methods for research and data collection. An analysis of demographic indexes has been conducted and four semi-standardized interviews with the village and local organisations' representatives have been implemented for a better understanding of the social situation. Out of the spectrum of methods belonging to quantitative methodology, a survey type of research has been used to confirm or refute set hypotheses, which was followed by a discussion and a recommendation for the village and local organisations' leaders. Recommended suggestions could contribute to ameliorating social life in the village and therefore increasing general well-being and augmenting the village's grade. At the end the thesis has been shortly summarized, followed by a description of the most intriguing research findings.

Aging in the country
Bartoňová, Eva ; Majerová, Věra (advisor) ; Petra, Petra (referee)
A man goes through several development periods in their life; and the ultimate stage is the old age. Today's middle age generation is awaiting a very long journey towards their well-deserved rest, and therefore it is necessary to change some patterns of thinking and behaviour in view of old age and aging generation. Every man should realize that they themselves will be old and reliant on the help of others one day, and adapt their behaviour and thinking accordingly now because not only every person but every senior deserves to be supported and encouraged enough to have a will and interest to live a quality life filled with an active interest in themselves and their surroundings, as well as to feel dignified, wanted and confident, not pushed to the edge of society, imprisoned in their loneliness and uncertainty.

The evaluation of threats resulting from Sinanodonta woodiana invasion in the Czech Rep. with focus on the fish growth modifications
Málková, Lucie ; Douda, Karel (advisor) ; Karbanová, Eva (referee)
The main task of this bachelor thesis is to inform about Chinese pond mussel (Sinanodontawoodina) invasion in the Czech Republic ecosystems of aquaculture. We provide both the literature review and risk evaluation. More we have presented impacts to other fish growth. At first we interested ourselves in the invasive species description. Then we have presented the threats for ecosystems caused with the existence of bivalve. We present the bivalve life cycle with all its impacts to the life cycle of fish. There are presented all function of bivalve in ecosystems and the risk evaluation appearing after these are overpopulated. These invasive species are worldwide problem. They are endangering the biodiversity in the nature. There are also negative impacts to economy and peoples´ health. The bivalve are said to be ecosystem engineers. Their usefulness depends on their quantity. Invasive bivalve appear in a great densely. These produce great damages. I have presented all problems connected with the existence of threatened species and more have discussed all risks connected with extension of invasive bivalves. We provide essential remedies and evaluate potential impacts in order to protect original species and lower damages in the economy of fishery. The essential part is the summary of legislatives.

Detection of VPS13B gene mutation responsible for trapped neutrophil syndrome in selected dog breeds used for assistance activities
Zemanová, Lucie ; Vejl, Pavel (advisor) ; Melounová, Martina (referee)
This bachelor thesis Detection of VPS13B gene mutation responsible for Trapped neutrophil syndrome in selected dog breeds used for assistance activities starts with theoretical part and continue with experimental part, which had done in Department of genetics and breeding. The theoretical part is focused on Trapped neutrophil syndrome and Cohen syndrome. Both of theese syndromes are caused by mutation of same gene and this is the reason, why a dog is a suitable genetic model for human disease research. Based on the theoretical part is obvious that Trapped neutrophil syndrome is a autosomal recessive genetic disease and is caused by deletion of 4 bases (GTTT) on 13th chromosome in 19th exon. This mutation is only in border collie breed. The Trapped neutrophil syndrome causes very serious problems and for individuals theese problems may be letal. If they survive, they have a very poor quality life. They have diarrhoea, pyrexia, vomite and have a typical facial ferret-like snout. The experimental part is focused on isolation DNA from buccal mucosa of border collie breed, golden retriever, labrador retriever and Nova Scotia duck tolling retriever, than it is focused on design PCR markers and sequencing PCR amplicons. The experimental results had confirmed hypothesis that the causal mutation is affected by pedigree and it is easy to identificate it by sequencing PCR amplicons.

Changes in social life of elder people
Touš, Jakub ; Macků, Lucie (advisor) ; Tereza, Tereza (referee)
Diploma thesis "Changes in social life of elder people" focuses on social life development of elder people and which factors may affect it. The introduction contains theoretical concepts. The theoretical part is dedicated to concepts which are mentioned in the introduction. The first part describes life of elder people and also the old age itself. Next part is dedicated to an ageism and factors which might cause it. Last chapter in theoretical part is dedicated to social service especially the retirement home. The practical part contains the analysis of the interviews with elder people. The interviews were made by using qualitative research methods. The analysis is divided into parts including social life development in retirement age, the current social life of elder people and also the factors affecting social life. The aim of this thesis is to discover the changes of social life and also to compare the social life options of elder people living in retirement home and elder people living in their own home.

Orangutans breeding and factors affecting their reproduction in captivity and in the wild
Kalkušová, Olga ; Kubík, Štěpán (advisor) ; Burešová, Eva (referee)
Information concerning orangutans living in the wild and the issue of their breeding has been summarized within the framework of this thesis. Orangutans in their natural habitats in tropical rainforests of Sumatra and Borneo are not subjected to the same influences as those bred in captivity. Their reproduction thus differs in certain aspects. Reproduction of orangutans in the wild is strongly influenced by their solitary way of life. Females are accompanied only by their young or eventually by other females and according to the studies they seek contact with males only in their period of rut. The contact is then limited to a period of time needed for copulation. One exception to this behaviour may be couples with juvenile males. After birth, the female looks after the young male for up to 8 years, having no rut during this period. The cycle of females living in the wild also shows dependency on the availability of food supply. Negative energy balance during which the cycle stops has been observed during periods of food scarcity. In the following period with abundance of food, the cycle is renewed again. The cycle renewal also occurs in cases when the female loses her young. As a consequence of these reproductive limitations females may give birth to 4 young at maximum in their life. Guidelines have been drawn up for breeding in zoos which regulate the conditions and suitability of the exhibits so that they meet the orangutans needs. Their natural mental and physical activity is related to their health and natural behaviour. However, despite all efforts the zoos cannot provide the same conditions to the orangutans as those they would have in the wild. The forced increased socialization and contact with other individuals held in captivity may bring stress, stereotype behaviour and associated health problems which are rather frequent with orangutans bred in captivity. According to the records in the pedigree books, the age of first reproduction and the interval between births were shorter in case of females kept in captivity. Even the keeping of males and females in one exhibit increases the probability of copulation and becoming pregnant. These changes also entail certain risks according to the studies. Breeding in captivity embodies higher mortality rate of young and adult animals. This is probably caused by young age of females at the birth and short intervals between births which are often shorter than 4 years. Females born in captivity also lack experience which they gain in the wild by learning and observing and are not able to take care of their young or refuse it later. Even females that got pregnant between the age of 11 and 14 have been described. However, such pregnancy poses a great risk for females and they die soon after birth or live much shorter. Young orangutans born in captivity were often taken away from their mothers. It is not very suitable on the one side, but on the other side, after having their young taken away from them, the females started a new, full-fledged cycle in a few weeks and could become pregnant again. However, as direct care of the young by humans has a negative effect, the young are often given back to their mothers which is successful in many cases. Orangutans have been studied for more than 40 years and a lot of things concerning their breeding in captivity have changed during this time. Zoological gardens are trying to provide the orangutans as natural conditions as possible. It is necessary for the exhibits and the enrichment to provide enough physical and mental activities to the orangutans. Despite these efforts, the limited space and the related contacts between individuals may bring stressful situations. These are then manifested in the behaviour and health of the orangutans.