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Noise, Transport and Structural Properties of High Energy Radiation Detectors Based on CdTe
Šik, Ondřej ; Lazar, Josef (oponent) ; Navrátil, Vladislav (oponent) ; Grmela, Lubomír (vedoucí práce)
Because of demands from space research, healthcare and nuclear safety industry, gamma and X-ray imaging and detection is rapidly growing topic of research. CdTe and its alloy CdZnTe are materials that are suitable to detect high energy photons in range from 10 keV to 500 keV. Their 1.46 -1.6 eV band gap gives the possibility of high resistivity (10^10-10^11 cm) crystals production that is high enough for room temperature X-ray detection and imaging. CdTe/CdZnTe detectors under various states of their defectiveness. Investigation of detector grade crystals, crystals with lower resistivity and enhanced polarization, detectors with asymmetry of electrical characteristics and thermally degenerated crystals were subject of my work in terms of analysis of their current stability, additional noise, electric field distribution and structural properties. The results of the noise analysis showed that enhanced concentration of defects resulted into change from monotonous spectrum of 1/f noise to spectrum that showed significant effects of generation-recombination mechanisms. Next important feature of deteriorated quality of investigated samples was higher increase of the noise power spectral density than 2 with increasing applied voltage. Structural and chemical analyses showed diffusion of metal material and trace elements deeper to the crystal bulk. Part of this work is also focused on surface modification by argon ion beam and its effect on chemical and morphological properties of the surface.

New Methods for Increasing Efficiency and Speed of Functional Verification
Zachariášová, Marcela ; Dohnal, Jan (oponent) ; Steininger, Andreas (oponent) ; Kotásek, Zdeněk (vedoucí práce)
In the development of current hardware systems, e.g. embedded systems or computer hardware, new ways how to increase their reliability are highly investigated. One way how to tackle the issue of reliability is to increase the efficiency and the speed of verification processes that are performed in the early phases of the design cycle. In this Ph.D. thesis, the attention is focused on the verification approach called functional verification. Several challenges and problems connected with the efficiency and the speed of functional verification are identified and reflected in the goals of the Ph.D. thesis. The first goal focuses on the reduction of the simulation runtime when verifying complex hardware systems. The reason is that the simulation of inherently parallel hardware systems is very slow in comparison to the speed of real hardware. The optimization technique is proposed that moves the verified system into the FPGA acceleration board while the rest of the verification environment runs in simulation. By this single move, the simulation overhead can be significantly reduced. The second goal deals with manually written verification environments which represent a huge bottleneck in the verification productivity. However, it is not reasonable, because almost all verification environments have the same structure as they utilize libraries of basic components from the standard verification methodologies. They are only adjusted to the system that is verified. Therefore, the second optimization technique takes the high-level specification of the system and then automatically generates a comprehensive verification environment for this system. The third goal elaborates how the completeness of the verification process can be achieved using the intelligent automation. The completeness is measured by different coverage metrics and the verification is usually ended when a satisfying level of coverage is achieved. Therefore, the third optimization technique drives generation of input stimuli in order to activate multiple coverage points in the veri\-fied system and to enhance the overall coverage rate. As the main optimization tool the genetic algorithm is used, which is adopted for the functional verification purposes and its parameters are well-tuned for this domain. It is running in the background of the verification process, it analyses the coverage and it dynamically changes constraints of the stimuli generator. Constraints are represented by the probabilities using which particular values from the input domain are selected.       The fourth goal discusses the re-usability of verification stimuli for regression testing and how these stimuli can be further optimized in order to speed-up the testing. It is quite common in verification that until a satisfying level of coverage is achieved, many redundant stimuli are evaluated as they are produced by pseudo-random generators. However, when creating optimal regression suites, redundancy is not needed anymore and can be removed. At the same time, it is important to retain the same level of coverage in order to check all the key properties of the system. The fourth optimization technique is also based on the genetic algorithm, but it is not integrated into the verification process but works offline after the verification is ended. It removes the redundancy from the original suite of stimuli very fast and effectively so the resulting verification runtime of the regression suite is significantly improved.

Packet Classification Algorithms
Puš, Viktor ; Lhotka,, Ladislav (oponent) ; Dvořák, Václav (vedoucí práce)
This thesis deals with packet classification in computer networks. Classification is the key task in many networking devices, most notably packet filters - firewalls. This thesis therefore concerns the area of computer security. The thesis is focused on high-speed networks with the bandwidth of 100 Gb/s and beyond. General-purpose processors can not be used in such cases, because their performance is not sufficient. Therefore, specialized hardware is used, mainly ASICs and FPGAs. Many packet classification algorithms designed for hardware implementation were presented, yet these approaches are not ready for very high-speed networks. This thesis addresses the design of new high-speed packet classification algorithms, targeted for the implementation in dedicated hardware. The algorithm that decomposes the problem into several easier sub-problems is proposed. The first subproblem is the longest prefix match (LPM) operation, which is used also in IP packet routing. As the LPM algorithms with sufficient speed have already been published, they can be used in out context. The following subproblem is mapping the prefixes to the rule numbers. This is where the thesis brings innovation by using a specifically constructed hash function. This hash function allows the mapping to be done in constant time and requires only one memory with narrow data bus. The algorithm throughput can be determined analytically and is independent on the number of rules or the network traffic characteristics. With the use of available parts the throughput of 266 million packets per second can be achieved. Additional three algorithms (PFCA, PCCA, MSPCCA) that follow in this thesis are designed to lower the memory requirements of the first one without compromising the speed. The second algorithm lowers the memory size by 11 % to 96 %, depending on the rule set. The disadvantage of low stability is removed by the third algorithm, which reduces the memory requirements by 31 % to 84 %, compared to the first one. The fourth algorithm combines the third one with the older approach and thanks to the use of several techniques lowers the memory requirements by 73 % to 99 %.

Acceleration of Object Detection Using Classifiers
Juránek, Roman ; Kälviäinen, Heikki (oponent) ; Sojka, Eduard (oponent) ; Zemčík, Pavel (vedoucí práce)
Detection of objects in computer vision is a complex task. One of most popular and well explored  approaches is the use of statistical classifiers and scanning windows. In this approach, classifiers learned by AdaBoost algorithm (or some modification) are often used as they achieve low error rates, high detection rates and they are suitable for detection in real-time applications. Object detection run-time which uses such classifiers can be implemented by various methods and properties of underlying architecture can be used for speed-up of the detection.  For the purpose of acceleration, graphics hardware, multi-core architectures, SIMD or other means can be used. The detection is often implemented on programmable hardware.  The contribution of this thesis is to introduce an optimization technique which enhances object detection performance with respect to an user defined cost function. The optimization balances computations of previously learned classifiers between two or more run-time implementations in order to minimize the cost function.  The optimization method is verified on a basic example -- division of a classifier to a pre-processing unit implemented in FPGA, and a post-processing unit in standard PC.

On-line Data Analysis Based on Visual Codebooks
Beran, Vítězslav ; Honec, Jozef (oponent) ; Sojka, Eduard (oponent) ; Zemčík, Pavel (vedoucí práce)
This work introduces the new adaptable method for on-line video searching in real-time based on visual codebook. The new method addresses the high computational efficiency and retrieval performance when used on on-line data. The method originates in procedures utilized by static visual codebook techniques. These standard procedures are modified to be able to adapt to changing data. The procedures, that improve the new method adaptability, are dynamic inverse document frequency, adaptable visual codebook and flowing inverted index. The developed adaptable method was evaluated and the presented results show how the adaptable method outperforms the static approaches when evaluating on the video searching tasks. The new adaptable method is based on introduced flowing window concept that defines the ways of selection of data, both for system adaptation and for processing. Together with the concept, the mathematical background is defined to find the best configuration when applying the concept to some new method. The practical application of the adaptable method is particularly in the video processing systems where significant changes of the data domain, unknown in advance, is expected. The method is applicable in embedded systems monitoring and analyzing the broadcasted TV on-line signals in real-time.

Generic Reverse Compilation to Recognize Specific Behavior
Ďurfina, Lukáš ; Šaloun, Petr (oponent) ; Zahradnický,, Tomáš (oponent) ; Kolář, Dušan (vedoucí práce)
Thesis is aimed on recognition of specific behavior by generic reverse compilation. The generic reverse compilation is a process that transforms executables from different architectures and object file formats to same high level language. This process is covered by a tool Lissom Decompiler. For purpose of behavior recognition the thesis introduces Language for Decompilation -- LfD. LfD represents a simple imperative language, which is suitable for a comparison. The specific behavior is given by the known executable (e.g. malware) and the recognition is performed as finding the ratio of similarity with other unknown executable. This ratio of similarity is calculated by a tool LfDComparator, which processes two sources in LfD to decide their similarity.

High-Quality Shadow Rendering from Complex Light Sources
Navrátil, Jan ; Sochor, Jiří (oponent) ; Navrátil, Jan (oponent) ; Zemčík, Pavel (vedoucí práce)
In interactive applications, shadows are traditionally rendered using the shadow mapping algorithm. The disadvantage of the algorithm is limited resolution of depth texture which may lead to unpleasant visual artifacts on shadow edges. This work introduces an approach that is based on the improved texture warping. It allows for rendering a scene with the complex light sources, reduce the artifacts on the shadow boundaries and also improve the quality of the shadows regardless of the type of the scene and its configuration.

Security of Contactless Smart Card Protocols
Henzl, Martin ; Rosa, Tomáš (oponent) ; Staudek, Jan (oponent) ; Hanáček, Petr (vedoucí práce)
This thesis analyses contactless smart card protocol threats and presents a method of semi-automated vulnerability finding in such protocols using model checking. Designing and implementing secure applications is difficult even when secure hardware is used. High level application specifications may lead to different implementations. It is important to use the smart card correctly, inappropriate protocol implementation may introduce a vulnerability, even if the protocol is secure by itself. The goal of this thesis is to provide a method that can be used by protocol developers to create a model of arbitrary smart card, with focus on contactless smart cards, to create a model of the protocol, and to use model checking to find attacks in this model. The attack can be then executed and if not successful, the model is refined for another model checker run. The AVANTSSAR platform was used for the formal verification, models are written in the ASLan++ language. Examples are provided to demonstrate usability of the proposed method. This method was used to find a weakness of Mifare DESFire contactless smart card. This thesis also deals with threats not possible to cover by the proposed method, such as relay attacks.

Kaštil, Jan ; Plíva, Zdeněk (oponent) ; Vlček, Karel (oponent) ; Kotásek, Zdeněk (vedoucí práce)
This thesis deals with fast regular expression matching using FPGA. Regular expression matching in high speed computer networks is computationally intensive operation used mostly in the field of the computer network security and in the field of monitoring of the network traffic. Current solutions do not achieve throughput required by modern networks with respect to all requirements placed on the matching unit. Innovative hardware architectures implemented in FPGA or ASIC have the highest throughput. This thesis describes two new architectures suitable for the FPGA and ASIC implementation. The basic idea of these architectures is to use perfect hash function to implement transitional function of deterministic finite automaton. Also, architecture that allows the user to introduce small probability of errors into the matching process in order to reduce memory requirement of the matching unit was introduced. The thesis contains analysis of the effect of these errors to overall reliability of the system and compares it to the reliability of currently used approach. The measurement of properties of regular expressions used in analysis of the traffic in modern computer networks was performed in the thesis. The analysis implies that most of the used regular expressions are suitable for the implementation by proposed architectures. To guarantee high throughput of the matching unit new algorithms for alphabet transformation is proposed. The algorithm allows to transform the automaton to accept several input characters per one transition. The main advantage of the proposed algorithm over currently used solutions is that it does not have any limitation over the number of characters that are accepted at once. Implemented architectures were compared with the current state of the art algorithm and 200MB memory reduction was achieve

Methods for class prediction with high-dimensional gene expression data
Šilhavá, Jana ; Matula, Petr (oponent) ; Železný, Filip (oponent) ; Smrž, Pavel (vedoucí práce)
This thesis deals with class prediction with high-dimensional gene expression data. During the last decade, an increasing amount of genomic data has become available. Combining gene expression data with other data can be useful in clinical management, where it can improve the prediction of disease prognosis. The main part of this thesis is aimed at combining gene expression data with clinical data. We use logistic regression models that can be built through various regularized techniques. Generalized linear models enable us to combine models with different structure of data. It is shown that such a combination may yield more accurate predictions than those obtained based on the use of gene expression or clinical data alone. Suggested approaches are not computationally intensive. Evaluations are performed with simulated data sets in different settings and then with real benchmark data sets. The work also characterizes an additional predictive value of microarrays. The thesis includes a comparison of selected features of gene expression classifiers built up in five different breast cancer data sets. Finally, a feature selection that combines gene expression data with gene ontology information is proposed.