National Repository of Grey Literature 29,457 records found  beginprevious29448 - 29457  jump to record: Search took 1.58 seconds. 

Comparison of landscape structure changes in the Czech and Slovac Republic after 1990
Kovalčík, Lukáš ; Romportl, Dušan (advisor) ; Lipský, Zdeněk (referee)
Downfall of communist regime from 1989 brought fundamental changes to the political, social and economic system in post-socialist countries and influenced changes in landscape and its structure. The objective of this thesis was comparison of landscape structure changes in Czech Republic and Slovakia after 1990 by means of chosen spatial indices and identify key processes leading to changes of land cover. CORINE Land Cover database was used to derive landscape changes in the period 1990-2000 in Czech republic and Slovakia. According to analysis, suburbanisation, extensification and intensification of agriculture as well as afforestation have been recognised as the most important processes in the study areas. Results demonstrated significant diferences in intensity of individual processes and their impact on landscape heterogeneity in both countries. In Slovakia, the most intense changes have been made by the processes of afforestation in mountain and submontane areas in the central and north part of the country. This led mostly to increase in landscape heterogeneity. Oppositely, the most intense processes of extensification of agriculture in border areas of Czech Republic led mainly to spatial homogenization of landscape. Thus, results refer to various socioeconomic and natural factors which...

Computational modelling of function of the human vocal tract
Ryšavý, Antonín ; Hájek, Petr (referee) ; Švancara, Pavel (advisor)
In the first part of this bachelor's thesis is a brief summary of the biomechanics of the creation of the human voice and an overview of the published computational models of the vocal tract and the area around the head. The second part deals with the computational models of the human vocal tract set to the pronouncing the Czech vowels /a:/ and /i:/ with using the method of transfer matrices and the finite element method. By these methods is perform modal and harmonic analysis. Are investigated the natural frequencies and own vibration shapes of both vowels and course of sound pressure in a specific areas of the vocal tract. The method of transfer matrices is highly depend on the geometry of the tract, particularly on the density of the reference sections and its results in this thesis do not completely agree with the results in the literature. Finite element method is more accurate and its results agree well with results reported in the literature, but the opposite of the transfer matrices method is significantly time consuming. Method of the transfer matrices is more suitable for a large number of calculations or tuning certain parameters. Models created in this bachelor's thesis can serve for the analyse of pathology of voice production, eventually for prediction of surgical procedures in the area of the vocal tract.

Landscape, language, man - a culturological study
Tisucká, Beáta ; Czumalo, Vladimír (advisor) ; Lapka, Miloslav (referee)
Landscape, language, man - a culturological study Abstract The first part of this study views some of the contributions involving landscape theme. One of them analysis water element in landscape as the symbol of the human imagination and unconsciousness. Symbols, meanings and their creating are the most important human ability; this is the typicall quality for the human kind. In opposition to culture and its network of meanings exist nature and wildness that represent primary world without artificial interferences. At the present time this primary world can be nearly experienced in forest, where no loud meanings and hypertrofic symbols disturb us. Thus forests have an important function for reanimating and purification of human culture. An interesting mention of forest aesthetics from foerster H. von Salisch shows how creative and beatiful can the forest managering or landscape managering be. Next part references to space and to relationship between a subject (man) and its space. In generally meaning we can use the term environment. Each man needs to identificate with his living environment and he also needs to understand its meaning. According to Martin Heidegger's phenomenological philosophy we use term habitation. Habitation means existence in human way - each man lives between sky and ground. Ancient...

Genre painting of the 17th and early 18th centuries in Bohemia
Rousová, Andrea ; Horyna, Martin (advisor) ; Konečný, Lubomír (referee) ; Mádl, Martin (referee)
The theme of the thesis "Genre Painting of the 1 i h and early 18th Centuries in Bohemia" was primarily selected due to the fact that until now none of the scholars had attended to this topic. Therefore the thesis for the first time surveys the situation on the art scene and straightaway from several points of view. Pivotal is the recognition of genre paintings by artists working in Bohemia during the period of Early and mainly High Baroque. However, firstly it was necessary to circumscribe the genre painting as such because this determination was fundamental in selecting the works that I labelled as genre. To this also relates the deeper introduction into the iconography and iconology of genre painting, rendered at the same time from the standpoint of the progress of interpretation of prominent experts in the discussed topic. The attention is paid to the references of genre painting in the commentaries of historiographers, painters, art theorists and further authors from Antiquity to the end of the 1 i h century as well. From them, among other things, it is clear that this category was not in the centre of their attention and their attitude to the genre painting was practically solely critical. The opposite attitude, however, is presented through the example of 1 i h and 18th centuries collecting....

The orthodox psychotheraps (The Another Aproach To Man)
Hempl, Jiří ; Luptáková, Marina (advisor) ; Vopatrný, Gorazd Josef (referee)
(Annotation) This thesis compares the orthodox approach to man to psychotherapeutics, especially with psychoanalysis, analytic psychology and logoterapy. These systems arise from positivistic backgrounds and approaches to man in this direction. In opposite to psychoanalysis analytic psychology and logoterapy think about spiritual aspect in life of man, but both systems mostly psychologize this aspect. The orthodox psychotherapy especially works with this spiritual aspect. It comes out from patristic anthropology referring that man is God's creature according to Genesis. The spirit aspect plays the cardinal role in the relationship between man and God. This relationship was corrupted by the rebellion of man against God. This rebellion has changed the ontological nature of man. According to the orthodox psychotherapy mental disorders are a result from this ontological change of man, which characterized by "garment of skin" done by God for man to revive in fallen state. The solution of mental disorders and then spiritual problems is to accept the state of "garments of skill" and in renewing of relationship with God.

Genre painting of the 17th and early 18th centuries in Bohemia
Rousová, Andrea ; Horyna, Martin (advisor) ; Konečný, Lubomír (referee) ; Mádl, Martin (referee)
The theme of the thesis "Genre Painting of the 1 i h and early 18th Centuries in Bohemia" was primarily selected due to the fact that until now none of the scholars had attended to this topic. Therefore the thesis for the first time surveys the situation on the art scene and straightaway from several points of view. Pivotal is the recognition of genre paintings by artists working in Bohemia during the period of Early and mainly High Baroque. However, firstly it was necessary to circumscribe the genre painting as such because this determination was fundamental in selecting the works that I labelled as genre. To this also relates the deeper introduction into the iconography and iconology of genre painting, rendered at the same time from the standpoint of the progress of interpretation of prominent experts in the discussed topic. The attention is paid to the references of genre painting in the commentaries of historiographers, painters, art theorists and further authors from Antiquity to the end of the 1 i h century as well. From them, among other things, it is clear that this category was not in the centre of their attention and their attitude to the genre painting was practically solely critical. The opposite attitude, however, is presented through the example of 1 i h and 18th centuries collecting....

Mulla, Atdhe ; Kolář, Viktor (advisor) ; Silverio, Robert (referee)
Názorem, který čiší z téměř každého článku nebo recenze, týkající se knihy fotografií Roberta Franka "Američané" je, vedle mnoha dalších názorů ten, že jeho dílo nese silné politické poselství. Takové tvrzení se ale zdá být nedostatečně rozpracované a neodkazuje na žádný konkrétní politický princip nebo konkrétní téma, kterého by se měla daná práce snad týkat. Domnívám se, že jedním z důvodů je snaha vyhnout se spojování s politickými filozofiemi nebo ideologiemi, z nichž je nejprominentnějším komunismus, na které je v USA z historického hlediska nahlíženo jako na nebezpečné a bývají veřejně diskreditovány. To bylo silným trendem obzvláště v padesátých letech, kdy se v Americe v období studené války odehrávaly pod vedením senátora Johna McCarthyho téměř inkvizitorské kongresové výslechy, jejichž účelem bylo označit visačkou kajýkoli vůči společnosti silný kritický názorový proud, mezi ně komunismus ve své podstatě rozhodně patřil. Frank měl tu možnost tento trend zakusit na vlastní kůži při svém fotografování. V závodech Ford Motor v River Rouge v Michiganu se jeden z dozorců obával, že by mohl být komunistou. Ale Rober Frank není komunista. Pokud má tedy mít Frankov dílo politický význam, je nezbytné nastínit některé z politických principů, které se v jeho obrázcích objevují nebo jsou jimi posilovány. Jeho kritika společnosti se odehrává za použití ztvárněných kritických vyobrazení a jejich vyjádření. Politická kontroverze "Američanů" tedy přichází v důsledku skutečnosti, že současné způsoby vyjadřování, diktované redakčními radami, mají jasný politický princip; tedy udržovat a posilovat současný status quo. Politická kontroverze Frankova díla je výzvou k tomu, aby byl znovu důkladně Přehodnocen již zažitý obraz Ameriky jako úspěšného a prosperujícího druhu reality, plné neomezených možností a Frank s tím začíná v samotném jádru lidské zanedbanosti, v každodenním životě. V první kapitole této diplomové práce v krátkosti pojednávám o převládajícím kulturním kontextu v Americe dvacátého století a pnutí, která ji formovala. Ve druhé kapitole využiju Karla Marxe, Herberta Marcuse, Maxe Webbera abych mohl nastínit převládající politickou opozici daného statusu quo vytvořeného kapitalismem, konzumismem a třídní společností. Ne snad proto, že by Robert Frank svým dílem něco takového zamýšlel, ale proto, abych ukázal směr, jakým by mohlo vést politické šetření vyvolané "Američany". V rámci toho podrobím v poslední kapitole analýze to, jak mohou Frankovy obrazy doplňovat myšlenky prezentované ve druhé kapitole a zjistím, jak tyto myšlenky prispívají k daným obrazům a nakoli se vztahují k poměrům jednadvacátého století.

English counterparts of Czech aspectual pairs and groups of verbs
Filipová, Helena ; Brůhová, Gabriela (referee) ; Malá, Markéta (advisor)
The notion of aspect is viewed differently in English and in Czech. In Czech, aspect is an obligatory lexical-grammatical category that refers to the wholeness and completion of the action expressed by the verb. Moreover, this category interferes with the category of tense and restrains some of its usages. On the other hand, in English the category of aspect is rather dubious, and there is not even general agreement on whether it exists in the language. The opinions range from the denial of its existence to ones in which the progressive and the perfect are considered aspectual categories. A notion inseparable from the aspect is the Aktionsart that expresses more subtle modifications of the action. The Aktionsart represents a broader concept of aspectuality. In Czech, there is an aspectual pair of two verbs that differ only in the opposition of imperfectivity and perfectivity. The pair can be a basis for a group of semantically related verbs that differ in the Aktionsart, i.e. in some modification of action. However, the verbs from the group still express the basic aspectual distinction and are parts of other aspect pairs. Due to the inflectional nature of the language, Czech verbs are modified mainly by affixation to express different states of the action. English being an analytic language, the English...

URN - Rapid Response Unit: Counterterrorists' Perception of their Enemies and its Relation to the Czech Security Policy
Hladík, Jan ; Jireš, Jan (advisor) ; Barša, Pavel (referee)
The presented bachelor thesis discusses the Útvar rychlého nasazení (URN) - Rapid Response Unit of the Czech Police as a specific counterterrorist unit. The main aim of this thesis is to describe the position of the unit in the context of Czech strategic interests, as well as give an in-depth analysis of the meaning of this special force with reference to the social contract - the Czech Constitution. Firstly a model of innovative terrorism and a terrorist was developed, followed by the development of an anti-model of antiterrorism and an antiterrorist. The relationship between those opposite models is then described along with their implications. Based on the aforementioned research, a dynamic model was created which was used to carry out qualitative research with members of the URN in order to test the model. Various interviews, participatory observations and consultations were used to collect data. Based on an analysis of the results, the need for implementing an innovative mechanism of counterterrorism measurements and policies is recommended. Key words: Útvar rychlého nasazení; Rapid Response Unit; URN; URNA; terrorism; political violence; counterterrorism; antiterrorism; special forces; counterterrorist force; terrorist; antiterrorist; Czech Republic; security policy; security system; Iraq;...

Social and health aspects of alcohol use in adolescents
The theoretical part of this bachelor's diploma work refers about summarised knowledge from the period of adolescence and its difficulties maintained in human's identity finding. The importance of social group effects is also shown here as well as hazardous factors that lead to adolescents' alcohol abuse. This theoretical part defines health risks of alcohol abuse and emphasizes the importance of prevention. The empirical part brings summarised data that have been extracted from a questionnaire-survey among teenagers in the town of Příbram. The survey is focused on alcohol abusing, means of getting it, general knowledge of the health hazards and family relationships of respondents. Survey results show the alcohol abuse among the adolescents to be alarming. Each of respondents involved in the survey said that he or she has already had an experience with alcohol drinking. According to data extracted from the survey, the first experience with alcohol abusing appears at the age from 10 to 12. It mainly happens during a family occasions. Questions about frequency and regularity of alcohol drinking have also brought some surprising results. About 60 per cent of respondents do not drink alcohol regularly. That makes a difference from widely made surveys. These show an opposite trend.