National Repository of Grey Literature 29,259 records found  beginprevious29250 - 29259  jump to record: Search took 1.82 seconds. 

General concept of suicide concerning individuals in the crisis moments
Machková, Tereza ; Procházková, Jana (advisor) ; Vágnerová, Marie (referee)
Thesis "General concept of suicide concerning individuals in the crisis moments is describing the word suicide properly, also meaning of self damaging and crisis situation are exemplified here. Historical meaning of suicide supported by unsolved questions of science has changed thru the centuries. But the essential aspect of whole problematics is a statistical analysis. The main part of thesis is full of interview with handicapped or arrested people .At the end you can find the conclusion of inner feelings or different approaches of mentioned individulas .

Management implementation of the Czech Karate Federation JKA
Válková, Zuzana ; Čáslavová, Eva (advisor) ; Voráček, Josef (referee)
Title: Management Implementation of the Czech Karate Federation JKA Goals: The general aim is to give suggestions for management improvement of sports non-profit organization. The suggestions will be based on an analysis of sequential managerial functions - planning, organizing, selecting and deploying staff, leadership and control and some continuous functions. Methods: Descriptive analysis, Unstructured interview, SWOT analysis Results: The results of the bachelor thesis are proposed changes in the organizational structure of the Federation, statues implementation, sponsoring improvement and modification of promotional activity. Keywords: Management, Sports organization, Non-profit organization, Managerial functions

Comparative psychopathology of captive great apes: towards understanding psychological disturbances in captive orangutans
Odzganová Leskovská, Linda ; Špinka, Marek (referee) ; Fraňková, Slávka (advisor)
The purpose of this paper is a qualitative insight into the problem of psychopathological phenomena in captive orangutans. The theoretical part deals with the elementary zoology of genus Pongo, and offers philosophical and ethical considerations of "animal kind", "captivity", "norm and psychopathology" as well as some methodological aspects of animal study. The aim of my empirical research design was to gather as much information as possible about the phenomena in question. This study is meant to provide preliminary ideas for further research and by no means aspires to cover the topic to the full. There are 5 zoos in Czech Republic and Slovakia that have orangutans, and I have visited 4 of them. Each group of orangutans was reported on by at least 2 people in direct contact with these animals (caretakers, veterinarians or curators). I have attempted to objectify my findings by individually interviewing 10 professionals, all of whom have provided their reports independently and confidentially. The caretakers reported on a total of 16 animals in their custody, out of which, there were 7 adult males, 5 adult females, 3 sub-adult males and 1 male infant. Of these, 8 were Sumatran orangutans, 6 Borneans and 2 crossbreeds. Three animals that entered the record were no longer present at the zoo by the time...

Management and organization in the choice company
VRBA, Miroslav
The goal of the thesis was to evaluate a system of organization and management in Seznam a.s. and to suggest possible changes which could lead to improve current situation. On the basis of theoretical knowledge mentioned in literary search output, the analysis of management style and organization in the company was made by survey and by interview with one member of management. Survey results demonstrated that company prefers democratic-consultative style of management, meaning that manager discusses his ideas and suggestions with his employees to let them make their own way how to reach defined objectives. There was also a hypothesis confirmed that most of managers are younger aged. This connection in the company works to the satisfaction of all employees and managers, but there is still a room for improvement.

Diferencies between communication in American and Czech sports company
Straková, Lucie ; Janák, Vladimír (advisor) ; Voráček, Josef (referee)
Název práce: Analýza a srovnání komunikace v americké a české firmě se sportovním zaměřením Communication in US and Czech Sport Company - Analysis and Comparison Cíle práce: Analýza a následné porovnání interní komunikace v jedné české a v jedné americké firmě, včetně poskytnutí doporučení. Metoda: Dotazníkové šetření mezi pracovníky na nejnižší organizační úrovni a následné hloubkové interview s členy středního managementu obou firem. Výsledky: Komunikace ve zkoumaných firmách má nedostatek. Rozdíly mezi firmami existují, a to především na úrovni středního managementu. Klíčová slova: komunikace, interní komunikace, vnitrofiremní komunikace, dotaznfk, mezinárodní srovnání

Teachers in the labyrint of rules - case study
Hrbek, Martin ; Bittnerová, Dana (advisor) ; Levínská, Markéta (referee)
Case study, which finds sources of inspiration in Educational Ethnography, inquires into the relation teacher-school and into observing or breaking formal and informal rules in environment of formal organization. The group which is the study about is a team of teachers at one secundary school. The problem is regarded from several points of view: knowledge about sociology of formal organization and bureaucracy, knowledge about social rules and Foucault's concept of disciplinary space. The process of data gathering used participant observation, autoethnography and interviews with 14 informants. The interviews were analysed using open coding. The aim was to find out how the formal rules of organization are or are not observed,how the formal rules are transformed into informal rules and what is the character of other informal rules. From this, level of informants' identification with formal organization can be discovered. The study shows those processes in spheres of teachers' job evaluation, school's order maintaining and rules of communication among teachers. Some of the formal rules are observed some are not. Some of those rules are transformed into informal rules which are observed. Displacement of goals takes places in malfunction of some of the formal rules. Some of other formal rules are...

Meaning and correction of walking by the choosed diagnoses - pes planus
This thesis is focused on the importance and correction of gait of patients with pes planus diagnosis (flat foot). The theoretical part describes, in an uncomplicated way, the general importance of movement for the human organism as a whole. It also comprehensibly explains the evolution of a foot and consequently gait. Furthermore, the thesis includes the brief ontogenesis of child?s gait, gait itself and in its final part it is focused on the foot. Data for the practical part are gathered on the basis of qualitative research, which includes three patients (boys). In order to carry out the research, the following techniques are utilized: interview, observation, case study and data analysis. The main idea of the practical part of this thesis is an attempt to most efficiently utilize the sensomotoric stimulations for bipedal gait and also for pes planus. The aim of this thesis is to map the importance of gait for the human organism and related problems. Another aim is to inform patients (primarily) and general public about the correct locomotion and one?s own possible effort to correct it. The results of the case studies show that the sensomotoric stimulations can to a certain degree influence the arch of the foot, deep stabilization system and therefore also human gait.

Insulin Therapy from A Nursing Perspective
Diabetes mellitus is a serious and incurable disease prone to specific complications, known since 1550 BC. Recent international studies have shown that approximately 347 million people suffer from diabetes and the number is still increasing. Diabetes is treated by taking dietary measures; in addition to diet and oral antidiabetic medication, exogenous insulin intake is the ultimate treatment option. It was the exogenous insulin administration in 1922 that brought up a revolution in the treatment of diabetes mellitus. Since then safer and user-friendlier insulins have been and still are developed. Insulin is stored in liquid form in vials or cartridges and is only administered intravenously; however, it is assumed that an equally effective application method will be found in the future. The aim of the thesis is to map out the specifics of nursing care of insulin therapy clients and to answer the following research question: ?What are the specific needs of clients with insulin therapy?? ?How is the nurse involved in the education of the client in terms of insulin therapy?? ?Do insulin therapy patients have enough information about diabetes mellitus and insulin therapy?? The thesis consists of a theoretical and research part. The theoretical part deals with information about diabetes mellitus, insulin, insulin therapy and the role of nurses in care of diabetic patients. The research part encompasses an inquiry carried out as an anonymous interview where ten diabetic patients with insulin therapy were asked semi-open and open questions. The acquired data were transformed into case studies and categorization tables. The research questions were answered and the objective was achieved. In conclusion, the research suggests that patients do not have enough information about diabetes and insulin therapy. Specifics of the nursing care of diabetic patients with insulin therapy depends on the patient's needs. Most patients mentioned the need for contact with other diabetic patients. Nurses are involved in the education of patients with insulin therapy primarily as teachers of application and handling the insulin pen. This thesis served as the basis for the creation of an educational material for nurses. This material may prove helpful for nurses as a guide in the process of training diabetic patients to use the insulin pen. Alternatively, it can be used by medical care students as a learning resource.

The youth subcultures, the lifestyle and the value system of their sympathizers
The aim of this thesis is to analyze the issue of youth subcultures, lifestyle and value beliefs of young people that move around these groups and are considered to be representatives or their sympathizers. The topic is currently popular in the concept that these subcultures in the Czech Republic have been relatively little charted. There are no systematic studies to comprehensively analyze the lifestyle or social value orientation of its supporters. Therefore I would like to focus on these aspects in this thesis. The starting point for the theoretical part of the thesis is to define key concepts in the context of the issue. Further I will characterize adolescence as a specific developmental period, describe the lifestyle and value system of youth, schools dealing with the youth and at the end of the theoretical part I will describe selected youth subcultures with greater emphasis, and those of them that are the basis for the practical part of this work. The content of the practical part will be ten semi-structured interviews I will lead with the representatives of selected youth subcultures. It will therefore be a qualitative research, which in my opinion will be better suited to this topic because as it allows a deeper insight into the issue. Youth subculture that I chose are hooligans, metal fans, skaters, meatheads, and players of computer games. The research specimen I interviewed are ten probands - two of each subculture - that I got to know through acquaintances from their surroundings and through communication on social networks.

Concerns and preparations for pension – November 2016
Čadová, Naděžda ; Malina, Ondřej
In November, the Public Opinion Research Center of the Academy of Sciences interviewed citizens of the Czech Republic on topic of financial security in pension. Questions were focused not only on subjective concerns over lack of economic resources or trust in welfare state but also on actual preparations, namely investments and savings. The results suggest that the economic prosperity of the country in last few months reflected itself into optimism of the Czech population regarding to awaited retirement. Still, there is an alarmingly small number of people with bad living conditions who cannot save up for their future.