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Craniofacial Abnormalities in Sleep Apnoea Syndrome
Dostálová, Simona ; Šonka, Karel (advisor) ; Čáp, Jan (referee) ; Peterka, Miroslav (referee)
The thesis is based on a series of cephalometric studies of patients with SAS, acromegalic patients with or without SAS as well as control groups. The studies presented in this thesis produce following results: There are important differences in orofacial skeleton and soft tissue of nasopharynx measured by cephalometry in the patients with sleep apnoea compared to the control group of women and men. Proved skeleton changes (increased lower gonion angle, increased anterior facial heights, decreased depth of the upper face) and elongated soft palate predisposes patients to narrowing of upper airways in oropharyngx, which significantly contributes to development of SAS. Cephalometric differences in the size of the soft palate, the rotation of the mandible and the size of lower gonion angle can be found in men with mild and severe sleep apnoea. We conclude that the severity of the SAS depends on the degree of changes in the orofacial skeleton and adjacent soft tissues. The results, which reveal a significant differences in BMI and in the circumference of the neck between groups with mild and severe SAS, confirm the idea that the most important predisposing factor for SAS is obesity, in particular deposition of adipose tissue in the posteriolateral parapharyngeal space. Patients with acromegaly (of both sexes)...

Monitoring expression of selected cytokines in murine models of atherosclerosis.
Tlapalová, Barbora ; Nachtigal, Petr (advisor) ; Štaud, František (referee)
Atherosclerosis, or sclerosis of arteries, is a degenerative disease of arteries. Sometimes it is called "the disease of 20th century". ApoE/LDL - receptor double knockout mice represent a new animal model for study of atherogenesis, which is characterized by severe hyperlipidaemia and atherosclerosis. Statins (or competitive inhibitors 3-hydroxyl-3-methyl-glutaryl-coenzym Areductase) currently belong to the most efficient and the most useful hypolipidemic drugs for all over the world. They decrease mainly levels of total cholesterol and LDL cholesterol. The aim of this rigorous thesis was to describe the expression of endoglin and SMAD 2 in atherosclerotic plaques in apoE/LDL-receptor deficient mice. Moreover we wanted to determine the effect of atorvastatin treatment on the expression of both endoglin and SMAD 2. ApoE/LDLR-deficient mice on were subdivided into 2 groups. The control group of animals was fed with the western type diet. The same atherogenic diet was used in ATV group, where atorvastatin was added to the atherogenic diet at the dosage of 100 mg/kg per day. The results of this thesis confirmed the expression of endoglin and SMAD 2 in atherosclerotic lesions in ApoE/LDLR-deficient mice. The expression of endoglin was located on the aortic vascular endothelium and in other smaller...

Thermal behaviour of organically modified clays
Plevová, Eva ; Vaculíková, Lenka ; Vítámvásová, E. ; Šugárková, Věra ; Martynková, G.S.
The clay minerals were modified by two alkylammonium cations under sorption procedure. T X-ray powder diffraction and FT-IR spectroscopy were used to evaluate the intercalation process of organic cations int the clay structure. The organo - montmorillonites exhibited IR spectra giving evidence about sorption or intercalation of the alkylammonium cations. The enhancement of the basal spacing obtained by X-ray diffraction confirmed the intercalation process of cations into montmorillonite and vermiculite samples. Thermal behaviour of the modified clay minerals was investigated by simultaneous thermogravimetry and differential thermal analysis. The organically modified montmorillonites exhibited the higher values of temperatures related to the total melting. Also the temperatures of exotherm effects connected to recrystallization and transformation increased with the concentration of alkylammonium salts. The temperatures of dehydratation and dehydroxilation decreased with concentration of alkylammonium cations. Vermilulite samples showed generally reducing of their thermal stability.
Fulltext: content.csg - Download fulltextPDF
Plný tet: UGN-0393204 - Download fulltextPDF

Improvement of retroviral vectors for efficient gene transfer
Šenigl, Filip
44 CONCLUSIONS Retroviral vectors are transcriptionally unstable in mammalian cells. The ASLV- derived vectors are the most affected by silencing. We modified the vector by insertion of the CpG island inner element (IE) into the vector LTR in three different positions in either sense or antisense orientation. Each vector variant exhibited a certain extent of stabilization. The vector with insertion of a tandem of two IEs between the enhancer and the promoter was the most stable and exhibited almost no silencing after four months of cultivation in rodent and human cells. The IE comprises two high-affinity Sp1 binding sites. The presence of Sp1 binding sites is important for the protective effect of IE, but at least a part of the entire anti-silencing capacity is maintained in IE with mutated Sp1 sites. We identified the Tvc receptor of ASLV. The tvc gene encodes a 488-amino-acid protein most closely related to mammalian butyrophilins, members of the immunoglobulin protein family. To confirm the identification of the Tvc receptor, we disrupted both tvc alleles in normally susceptible DT40 cells. The DT40 tvc-/- clone was resistant to the ASLV(C) infection. We identified the mutation that results in decreased susceptibility to infection by ASLV subgroups B and D and resistance to ASLV subgroup E of line M...

Development of the external economic balance of the Czech Republic and analysis of the influencing factors
Gajdušková, Kateřina ; Plchová, Božena (advisor) ; Petříček, Václav (referee) ; Olšovský, Rudolf (referee)
The thesis deals with the development of the external economic balance and the influencing factors. It describes the development of individual accounts of the balance of payments from 1993 to 2010 and it mainly focuses on last years and on the time of financial and economic crisis. Consequently in accordance to the basic theoretical concepts, it defines factors which can influence the individual parts of the balance of payments, and it analyzes the mutual relations. On the basis of analysis of the trade balance, current account, basic balance and total balance it was confirmed that the Czech Republic does not have a high risk of external imbalance. But during the financial and economic crisis the external balance worsened, the export of goods and import of direct investment decreased, the balance of income worsened. It was also approved that the external and internal income significantly influence the external balance of the Czech Republic.

Confirmation of payday effect on increase in mortality in CZ
Drvoštěp, Tomáš ; Houdek, Petr (advisor) ; Brožová, Dagmar (referee)
This thesis seeks to discover manifestations of "full wallets" in the Czech Republic -- the expected increase in consumption and activity on paydays should result in increase in mortality. The research is being conducted by means of regression analysis of regional panel data concerning years 2008 to 2010 and of out-patient wards microdata samples. The results of the analysis seem to contradict the assumption as such, and I attribute these results to the overly uniform distribution of paydays in the course of a month. Particular, more robust results indicate an increase in mortality on 15th day of a month though, and a decrease in mortality on 30th day of a month, in conformity with the underlying assumption. Examination of seasonality of mortality in the Czech Republic should further aim at utilization of microdata related to certain paydays.

Lengths of new grapevine sprouts as a contribution to reconstruction of spring air temperatures in the 18th century
Střeštík, Jaroslav ; Verö, J.
Lengths of grapevine sprouts measured on the 24th April since 1740 and archived in the town museum in Köszeg have been compared with air temperatures observed in March and April at different station in the vicinity. Correlation coefficients reach more than 0.6 and decrease with the increasing distance from Köszeg. Also the long-term course of spring temperature and grapevine sprouts corresponds to each other. Correlation was higher when temperatures were compared with logarithms or square roots of the grapevine lengths. Correlations of the lengths with other quantities were poor. These results confirm that during 1740 to 1780 spring temperatures were relatively high, surely higher than those in the 19th century.

Gemcitabine in anti-rejection treatment in experimental liver transplantation
Mergental, Hynek ; Ryska, Miroslav (advisor) ; Bělina, František (referee) ; Třeška, Vladislav (referee)
The first part of thesis is focused on the technical aspects of experimental model of liver transplantation on rats. The second part describes the research project that tested a novel immunosuppressive drug gemcitabine compared to low dose of cyclosporine A on the acute liver rejection model. To use a cytostatic drug in a low dose with a minimal toxicity as an immunosuppressant would be attractive for clinical use. Particularly because liver transplantation for hepatocellular carcinoma represent a frequent indication nowadays and also due to risk of development of a new post transplant malignancies as an side effect of standard immunosuppressant. Our results showed lower nephrotoxicity compared to cyclosporine, however, did not confirm the previous optimistic reports in terms of rejection treatment as it only mildly decreased the rejection severity. Our data suggests that gemcitabine cannot be used as a main immunosuppressant alone.

The study of the properties of tablets made from the mixtures of directly compressible starch and lactitol.
Vajglová, Jana ; Mužíková, Jitka (advisor) ; Šnejdrová, Eva (referee)
The work studied the mechanical strenght and the disintegration time of tablets prepared by direct compession of mixtures of pregelatinized starch Starch 1500 and directly compresible lactitol LactyTab in proportion 1:1 and 3:1 according to the compression force (12, 16, 20kN), concentration of the lubricant, sodium stearyl fumarate, Pruv, (0, 0,5 and 1%) and addition of model active substance, acetylsalicylic acid (50%). The tablet strenght of the mixtures of Starch 1500 and lactitol in proportions 1:1 and 3:1 rose with the compression force and decreased with increasing concentration of Pruv, there was no significant difference between the strenght of the compacts with 0,5 and 1% of the lubricant for the mixture in proportion 1:1. The blend of Starch 1500 and lactitol 1:1 without any lubricant gave the firmest tablets. Similarly, the mixture in proportion 1:1 with acetylsalicylic acid showed higher strenght of the compacts which decreased with increasing concentration of Pruv. The disintegration time of the compacts rose with the compression force. The hypothesis of longer disintegration time of the tablets with bigger amount of Starch 1500 was confirmed at compression force 12 and 20kN with an exception to blends containing 1% of Pruv. The tablets including acetylsalicylic acid showed longer...

Squatting as a lifestyle of a part of young generation
Lebedová, Martina ; Lorenzová, Jitka (advisor) ; Valenta, Josef (referee)
The final thesis is aimed at qustions on squatting as one of the option of lifestyl of young generation. This subculture has been declining in the Czech republic for the last few years and a number of its followers has significantly decreased. This is one of the reasons why we offer an empirical probe into the rest of this alternative culture. In regard of a prevailing negative perception of this subculture by czech population, the work wants to confirm or rebut this apprehension. The final part describes the current squatting situation in the Czech republic and is trying to adumbrate a future of this alternative lifestyle.