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Field Programmable Gate Arrays Usage in Industrial Automation Systems
Nouman, Ziad ; Kadaník,, Petr (referee) ; Kobrle,, Pavel (referee) ; Klíma, Bohumil (advisor)
Tato disertační práce se zabývá využitím programovatelných hradlových polí (FPGA) v diagnostice měničů, využívajících spínaných IGBT tranzistorů. Je zaměřena na budiče těchto výkonových tranzistorů a jejich struktury. Přechodné jevy veličin, jako jsou IG, VGE, VCE během procesu přepínání (zapnutí, vypnutí), mohou poukazovat na degradaci IGBT. Pro měření a monitorování těchto veličin byla navržena nová architektura budiče IGBT. Rychlé měření a monitorování během přepínacího děje vyžaduje vysokou vzorkovací frekvenci. Proto jsou navrhovány paralelní vysokorychlostní AD převodníky (> 50 MSPS). Práce je zaměřena převážně na návrh zařízení s FPGA včetně hardware a software. Byla navržena nová deska plošných spojů s FPGA, která plní požadované funkce, jako je řízení IGBT pomocí vícenásobných paralelních koncových stupňů, monitorování a diagnostiku, a propojení s řídicí jednotkou měniče.
Design of a fault-tolerant control system for a self-balancing two-wheel vehicle
Matějásko, Michal ; Zouhar, František (referee) ; Grepl, Robert (advisor)
Tato práce se zabývá návrhem nového řídícího systému, odolného proti chybám, pro nestabilní samo-balancující dvoukolové vozidlo typu Segway. Původní systém vozidla je podroben analýze rizikovosti jeho součástí a na základě výsledků jsou navržena opatření pro zvýšení jeho bezpečnosti. Je navržena nová topologie řídícího systému obsahující dvě samostatné řídící jednotky, redundantní senzoriku a voter. Pro řídící jednotky byl vyvinut software obsahující bezpečnostní algoritmy a mechanismy přepínání kontrolních výstupů. V práci jsou také představeny dva matematické modely vozidla různé složitosti, které jsou následně využity při HIL testování nově navrženého systému. Celý návrh byl proveden s využitím nástrojů pro Rapid Control Prototyping.
Design of control unit for two-wheeled self-balancing vehicle
Bastl, Michal ; Klimeš, David (referee) ; Chalupa, Jan (advisor)
This diploma thesis is a part of a project of two students. The aim of the project is to design safer electronics for the unstable balancing vehicle HUMMER and implementation of advanced diagnostics and fault detection. In the first part of the project we analysed the original vehicle using the FMEA analyse and created a new concept of the vehicle. The second part of the project describes a new hardware. I designed and tested the power electronics, control unit and supplies. The outputs of the work are prototypes which allow testing a new concept.
Approach to the nuclaer safety of the 3rd generation nuclear reactors
Pavlíček, Michal ; Kolář, Jaroslav (referee) ; Kolář, Jaroslav (referee) ; Matal, Oldřich (advisor)
The main target of the master´s thesis is reviewing the generation III nuclear reactors in term of the nuclear safety. At first we have to learn some theory of the nuclear safety in order to understand safety systems of the generation III nuclear reactors. Therefore the thesis is divided into two parts. Legislative and technical approaches to nuclear safety are mentioned in the first part. Regulatory bodies, whose task is to supervise nuclear safety in the nuclear power plants, belongs to the legislative approaches. There are defined terms such as defence in depth, redundancy, diversity, etc. There are mentioned methods to assessing nuclear safety – deterministic and probabilistic methods, especially probabilistic methods, for which a simple example is provided. There are also mentioned active and passive safety systems and their significance for nuclear safety and inherent safety too. There is an example of the function of the active and passive safety systems of the EDU nuclear power plant in conclusion of this issue. The second part deals with description of the selected nuclear reactors in context of the construction of the new units of nuclear power plant in Temelín. The nuclear reactors from companies, which applied for the public tender opened by ČEZ, a. s., for the construction of the ETE 3+4. Thus, the nuclear reactor MIR-1200 by ATOMSTROYEXPORT (Russian Federation), the nuclear reactor AP1000 by WESTINGHOUSE (USA) and the nuclear reactor EPR by AREVA (France) are taken into account . Comparison of the generation II and these generation III+ nuclear reactors necessarily belongs to this master´s thesis. These the generation III+ nuclear reactors are compared with the nuclear reactor VVER 440 (EDU) and in particular with the nuclear reactor VVER 1000, which is operated in the nuclear power plant Temelín. The final chapter contains generally appraisal of the whole problem.
Segmented wavelet transform of images
Kučera, Michal ; Rajmic, Pavel (referee) ; Průša, Zdeněk (advisor)
This master’s thesis is dealing with modification of classical discrete time wavelet transform algorithm to be able to split input image into several segments which could be independently processed. Segmented discrete time wavelet transform is introduced and implemented and the tests shows that it produces the similar values of wavelet coefficients as the classical approach. Complete independent image segment processing is allowed thanks to inverse segmented discrete time wavelet transform. It’s obvious that redundancy calculations appear when the image is processed segment by segment compared to transform the image at once. The redundancy rises with increasing decomposition depth and filter length, however it falls when the segment dimensions are increased. It happens because it is worked with smaller amount of segments which needs to extend. The extension with neighbor samples is the only source of redundancy. The thesis also contains description of two different approaches to signal border extension: firstly complete extension for all decomposition levels before the transformation itself and secondly classical method when the signal is extended in each decomposition step. Both approaches have the same results of image reconstruction, but it distinguishes in calculated wavelet coefficients. Four kinds of signal border extension are compared by using MSE and PSNR. The results of all approaches are similar, however the smooth padding of order 0 and symmetric-padding could be slightly favored against smooth padding of order 1 and zero-padding which shows higher MSE.
Návrh inovácie počítačovej siete pre informačný systém obvodného úradu v konkrétnom okresnom meste SR
Ševčík, Peter
Ševčík, Peter: Innovation proposal of computer network for information system of administrative bureau in a specific county town in SR, Bachelor thesis. Thesis mentor: Ing. Ludmila Kunderová. Mendel University, Brno, PEF, 2014. The goal of this thesis is an innovation of computer network of administrative bureau and innovation of network security. Analysis of the network infrastructure. Reflection on possible faults and critical spots. Design of two scenarios for the new model with reflection on total cost of realisation. Security analysis. Evaluation of current security measures and setting the basic assets of the company in potential unsecured areas. Finding the biggest threats and applying security countermeasures. Evaluation of their efficiency. Focus on meeting the planned budget.
Návrh inovace podnikové počítačové sítě středního rozsahu
Smolinský, Daniel
This work focuses on the design innovation of computer network small and medium-sized business in the field of physical security, communications and operational management and access control. It includes the base of these areas in security policy. The proposed solution takes into account the current technological and safety requirements, which determine the rules and standards networks. In this project is processed the financial analysis of the components that are necessary for innovation networks.
Redundancy in data networks
Šoun, Jan ; Pavlíček, Luboš (advisor) ; Beneš, Jiří (referee)
This thesis focuses on redundancy in data networks and on technologies which are used to achieve high availability in network infrastructure. This thesis is based on industry standards published by well-known standardization authorities. One proprietary technology which can effectively replace these standards and simplify the whole network is also presented in more detail. The theoretical part individually describes all such technologies and standards. The practical part deals with an appropriate combination of these technologies and their application in a specific product environment. This work is meant to describe the whole concept of high availability in network infrastructure and should be instrumental in understanding how these technologies are deployed in practice.
Chaotic time-series prediction
Dědič, Martin ; Tichý, Vladimír (advisor) ; Smrčka, Pavel (referee)
This thesis focuses on possibility of chaotic (specially economic) time-series prediction. Chaotic time-series are unpredictable in long-term due to their high sensitivity on initial conditions. Nevertheless, their behavior should be more or less predictable in short-term. Goal of this thesis is to show, how much and if any prediction, is possible by non-linear prediction method, and try to reveal or to reject presence of chaotic behavior in them. Work is split into three chapters. Chapter One briefly introduces chosen important concepts and methods from this area. In addition, to describe some prediction methods, there are outlined which indicators and methods are possible to use in order to find possibilities and boundaries of this prediction. Chapter Two is focused on modifications of FracLab software, which is used for create this prediction. Last chapter is experimental. Besides the description of examined time-series and methods, it includes discussion of results.
Financial crisis and human resources
Sobola, Martin ; Němec, Otakar (advisor) ; Šikýř, Martin (referee)
Diploma thesis is dealing with the relation of financial and economical crises 2008/2009 and human resources. The first part is focused on the causes of crises that we can find in human resource management and employees. Second part describes changes on the Czech labour market, and give a recomendations how the HR department can dealt with it. It also includes the steps that can prevent the future crises.

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