National Repository of Grey Literature 27,896 records found  beginprevious27877 - 27886next  jump to record: Search took 1.72 seconds. 

Study of plunger pump with linear motor
Jáchym, Jan ; Uttendorfský, Petr (referee) ; Pochylý, František (advisor)
This thesis deals with study and design of plunger pump with linear motor. This pump can be used for blood pumping in heart surgery. The theoretical part of this thesis is focused on description of extracorporeal circuit, heart boosters and artificial heart. This thesis provides an overview of check valves which are used in heart surgery too. Basic equitations for pump design are derived and calculated in this thesis. The pump design and manufacturing by the 3D technology was made by previous results. Finally, in this thesis are compared theoretical results and experimental data.

The development of intellectual skills through education experience
The bachelor thesis deals with development of intelectual skills through education of experiences in various forms. By this way positive results in self-development, current skills extension and gain of experiences can be achieved. The education process is hidden before student who are educated. Learning through experiences leads to better results than theoretical education. The practical part presents the project dedicated to student of primary school which is focused on development of intellectual skills in area of healthy lifestyle. It provides particular method how to introduce students to topic of healthy lifestyle, how to deal with childhood obesity and how to build positive attitude to health nutrition. Students develop their intellectual skills in logical thinking, social interactions and dealing with problems demonstrated by provided examples.

The domain names and its protection with aspect to the trade mark
Chalupová, Tereza ; Růžička, Michal (advisor) ; Pítra, Vladimír (referee)
One of the legal issues, which brought by the development of information and communication technologies, is also the issue of domain names. With the development of the Internet, many human activities moved into the electronic world, including business activities. Presentation of the business through a website has become an indispensable means of competition. Domain names became a significant asset with regard to its secondary function. Therefore it was necessary to provide legal protection for domain names.Legal system of the Czech Republic does not contain specific legal act of domain names. This thesis deals with the issue of domain names. The object of this thesis is the definition of a domain name from a legal terms, the rights to domain names and registration of domain names. This thesis is limited to domain names, which are registrated in ccTLD .cz. The second part discusses the relationship between domain names and trademarks. In relation to the trademark rights the domain name has dual status. Registration of a sign as a domain name can occur the rights of trademarks. The trademark is one of the most effective means of protection for domain names. It is possible providing protection of domain names with registration in the register of trademarks.The owner of the domain name then has the same rights...

Reforma rozpočtu Evropské unie a finanční rámec po roce 2013
Falathová, Alena
Publikace Evropských hodnot, o.s., jejímž ústředním tématem je reforma rozpočtu Evropské unie a její vliv na podobu nového finančního rámce po roce 2013. Evropská unie dnes čelí novým vý- zvám souvisejícím s postupující globalizací, klimatickými změnami, problé- my se zabezpečením dodávek energie, demografickými změnami, zvýšením počtu imigrantů, nárůstem kriminality a teroristických hrozeb. Ačkoliv si jsou evropští politici i úředníci těchto výzev dlouhodobě vědomi, jejich ře- šení zůstává dodnes ve velké míře pouze na papíře ve formě politických deklarací. Současná struktura evropského rozpočtu jakoby zaspala příchod nové- ho tisíciletí a stále připomíná dobu, kdy bylo hlavní prioritou Evropské unie vytvoření jednotného trhu a s tím spojené posilování hospodářské a sociální soudržnosti. Největší část rozpočtu tak i dnes připadá na Společnou země- dělskou politiku a Politiku soudržnosti. Jako strašáky minulosti ji doprovází systém korekčních mechanismů, zejména britský rabat. Pokud chce Evropská unie obstát ve světle nových výzev, bude mu- set sladit své politické priority se strukturou svého rozpočtu. Lisabonská smlouva přináší nové rozdělení rozpočtových pravomocí a posiluje možnosti Evropského parlamentu, jakožto jediného přímého zástupce občanů, smě- řování evropských peněz ovlivnit. Vyjednávání o finančním rámci 2013 tak bude zkušebním polem pro Evropský parlament, ve kterém se ukáže, do jaké míry dokáže své nově získané pravomoci využít. Publikace, kterou jste právě otevřeli, má za cíl přiblížit postoje Evropského parlamentu, Komise a zástupců České republiky v debatě o reformě evropského rozpočtu a nastavení nového finančního rámce po roce 2013. Najdete v ní analýzu současné debaty o reformě evropského rozpočtu a rozhovory s řečníky veřejné diskuse, pořádané na toto téma v listopadu 2009 v prostorách CERGE-EI. Na tuto diskusi navazuje i článek Jana Žižky z deníku Mladá fronta E15, který se stal mediálním partnerem Evropského klubu. Tato publikace, ale ani uspořádání listopadového Evropského klubu na téma „Kam potečou peníze po roce 2013 – Evropský parlament jako hlas občanů při rozhodování o Finanční perspektivě 2014–2020“, by nebyly možné bez laskavé pomoci našich partnerů – informační kanceláře Evrop- ského parlamentu, Odboru informování o evropských záležitostech Úřa- du vlády ČR, nadace Konrad Adenauer Stiftung, Evropského hnutí v ČR a společnosti Donath-Burson-Marsteller.
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Measures for efficiency and eco-efficiency
Dzianová, Ivana ; Kopa, Miloš (referee) ; Lachout, Petr (advisor)
Comparison between the economic subjects on micro and macro economic levels by a unitary indicator is provided by measuring efficiency as an evaluation of the performance of subjects. For each economic subject technical, allocative, economic, scale efficiencies and eco-efficiency can be computed if all data required are available. This paper attends to examine a method based on linear programming - Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA). Two models for technical efficiency and their derivates to measure other efficiencies are presented and compared in detail - a simple DEA model and an additive DEA model. Finally, theoretical procedures are applied on the forest industry in between the counties of Czech Republic and comparison by measurements of efficiencies is provided.

History of vegetational development in the Cheb basin from sedimentary record of the SOOS National Nature Reserve
Suda, Tomáš ; Kuneš, Petr (advisor) ; Bešta, Tomáš (referee)
Vegetation development in the Cheb basin ( W Czech Republic) recorded in the sediments of the SOOS ational ature Reserve This thesis focuses on palaeoecological research of quaternary sediments in the Soos National Nature Reserve (Cheb basin, NW Czech Republic). Quaternary history of this locality is poorly known, despite it is a valuable and protected area with high natural qualities. The Soos basin is also known for its unique geological record, which is expected to cover information on landscape dynamics at least during the Holocene. A lake existed in the Soos basin enabling accumulation of diatomite and peat sediments of a broad palaeoecological potential. Records were analysed with method of pollen analysis and were dated using 14C. The results of this study bring information about vegetation development in the area of Cheb basin as well as development of lake ecosystem. It also gives a new insight on lake's origin and its age. The accumulation of peat sediments started in the Preboreal period and was continuous at least until the Atlantic following with a hiatus, therefore further detection of vegetation development is impossible. The beginning of diatomite accumulation, as well as the existence of the lake goes back to the Bølling interstadial, according to radiocarbon dating. However, this...

Where is the best research in the Czech Republic?
Jurajda, Štěpán ; Münich, Daniel
In the Czech Republic, a system of research and development (R&D) evaluation, which offers useful and adequate comparison of outputs across research workplaces and scientific fields, and which helps indentifying research excellence, remains missing. Therefore, there is a lack of information on where high-quality research is concentrated, which is necessary for efficient governance of the R&D system. Despite the Council for Research, Development and Innovation maintains a comprehensive database of R&D outputs, on the base of which an in-depth evaluation is clearly possible to perform in most scientific fields, the existing evaluations use this data far below its potential. To help in closing this gap, we used this database to conduct a relatively simple but comprehensive overview of R&D outputs of research organizations. The database allows us to derive a relatively objective criteria for the identification of workplaces with the highest concentration of excellent research outputs and at the same time reveal the amount of research published in scientific journals by scientific fields. The study has three main goals: i) To provide the academic community as well as the broader public with previously non-existent comparison of the extent of excellent scientific results in workplaces financed by public resources within scientific fields, (ii) To shed a light on the advantages, pitfalls and limitations of bibliometric analyses for the purposes of evaluation of research workplaces and scientific fields, and (iii) To draw attention to the serious flaws in the current evaluation mechanism which is central in the system of R&D governance in the Czech Republic.

Preparation of New Acetylcholinesterase Reactivators with an Amidoxime Functional Group and Their In Vitro Testing
Zemek, Filip ; Opletalová, Veronika (advisor) ; Jun, Daniel (referee)
1. SUMMARY Originally organophosphorus compounds were used as pesticides. Unfortunately, their irreversible inhibition of AChE was discovered, and they were widely misused as warfare agents. Presently, there is not a reactivator good enough to reverse completely irreversible inhibition of AChE. Thus, especially for military purposes, it is very important to look for better reactivators. As the reactivators can both reactivate inhibited AChE and inhibit the intact AChE, they have also been tested as potential therapeutics for Alzheimer's disease. New modification of oxime group with -NH2 was tried for better reactivation or inhibition results compared to widely used conventional drugs. Also monoquartenary and bisquartenary modifications were tested for possible improvement in activity. Wide range of substances was synthesized, which differed in homologous unit -CH2-. Thus substances with short aliphatic side chains, with partly hydrophilic properties, and those with long chains with mainly liphophilic properties as well as bisquarternary derivatives with various linking chains between two pyridininum centers were prepared and tested. Unfortunately these modifications did not prove to have any positive effect on activity or on inhibition. Some substances have shown mild reactivation possibility or inhibited...

Synthesis and Biological Evaluation of Selected Polysubstituted Furanones
Kratochvíl, Jiří ; Opletalová, Veronika (referee) ; Pour, Milan (advisor)
The aim of this thesis was to prepare 5-(benzyloxymethyl)-3-(4-bromophenyl)-2,5- dihydrofuran-2-one derived from cytostatically active 5-alkoxymethyl-3-(4-bromophenyl)- 2,5-dihydrofuran-2-ones. However, none of the three proposed synthetic procedures led to the target molecule. Next we focused on the preparation of a series of 5-bis(acetyloxymethyl)-3- aryl-4-phenyl-2,5-dihydrofuran-2-ones with different aryl substitution derived from the antibacterially, antifungally and cytostatically active 5-bis(acetyloxymethyl)-3- (4-bromophenyl)-4-phenyl-2,5-dihydrofuran-2-one. The aim was to explore a relationship between aryl substitution in position 3 and biological activity of the compounds. The spectrum of products was also enriched by 5-acetyloxymethyl-3-aryl-4-phenyl-2,5-dihydrofuran-2-ones. In conclusion aryl substitution leads to a significant decrease or vanishing of the antibacterial, antifungal and cytostatic effects with the exception of 5-acetyloxymethyl-3-aryl-4-phenyl-2,5- dihydrofuran-2-ones, in which marginal antifungal (Absidia corymbifera), antibacterial (Staphycoccus aureus a Staphylococcus epidermidis) and significant cytostatic (L1210, HeLa S3, CCRF-CEM, IC50 < 5 µmol.l-1 ) activities were found.

Disctrimination and its Incidence in Czech Labour Law
Vernerová, Brigita ; Hůrka, Petr (advisor) ; Koldinská, Kristina (referee)
Resumé This rigorous thesis concentrates on relevant questions of judicial institute of discrimination and its incidence in the Czech Labour Laws in its stance to the European Union community legislation. The thesis brings a general view on the mentioned theme in terms of historical and international point of view, as well as in the light of gradual significant development in the Czech countries to contemporary legal regulations of national law under influence of acquis communautaire rules in relation to discrimination. The thesis determines concept definitions of all forms of discrimination characteristics and their inclusion in international conventions, EU law, and Czech legislation, as well as listing exceptions from interdiction of discrimination. Besides the above stated, the work lists in following parts a recital of directives implemented into the Czech national law, including area of legal regulations and evaluates advantages and disadvantages deriving from acceptance of rules and laws of the European Union. The thesis also focuses on international, European and Czech means of procedural legal protection against breaching of discriminational rules and pays attention to contemporary practices within the field of the aforementioned subject matter. In its conclusion, the thesis evaluates the success...