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Cold resistance of the water cricket Velia caprai: the influence of acclimation age class and food availability on the supercooling point
Recently, the cold resistance becomes a common topic in scientific articles. If we focus on order Heteroptera, we can find a lot of studies dealing with the cold resistance or with the supercooling point (SCP) and also with the factors that influence them. According to the general rule, the acclimation at low temperatures increases the cold resistance. Therefore, the main goal of this thesis is to find out, whether the acclimation also increases the cold resistance of the water cricket Velia caprai Tamanini, 1947 (Veliidae), with the intention to measure SCP of the water crickets depending on the acclimation temperature and the length of exposure. Due to the high mortality (the 284 individuals remained alive of total 1300) and due to the technical difficulties in measuring of SCP (measured only 36 individuals) it was necessary to modify the original goal of the thesis. The new goal was to test the influence of acclimation (during one month vs. one week) and the influence of different temperatures (0°C, 5°C, 10°C) on SCP of V. caprai. The individuals used for this measurement were collected during the year 2010 and in March 2011. The results of this thesis did not confirm the hypothesis that the acclimation at low temperatures increases the cold resistance. The individuals who were acclimated at a higher temperature have the values of SCP demonstrably lower than the individuals who were acclimated at low temperatures. The individuals who overwinter for the first time have arguably higher cold resistance than the individuals who overwinter for the second time. Probable cause of these results is the fact that the water cricket V. caprai does not start with diapause in the fall but it overwinters in quiescence.

Commercialy Successful Text Creation for Websites
Tomčík, Martin ; Chudán, David (advisor) ; Sklenák, Vilém (referee)
The main aim of this bachelor thesis is to create a comprehensive web copywriting guide (writing promotional text for web page). The thesis is mainly based on my own experiences, which I gathered as copywriter. However some information is also based on selected publications and articles. The target group of my thesis are junior copywriters, marketing consultants and any other person responsible for website content creation. This document is structured in the same way as a typical web copywriting process. It can be used as a "guide" for website text writing. By the way, another aim of my thesis was to show one of many possible procedures, generally used by copywriters. In the first part, I deal with interpretation of website text. In addition to specific knowledge I also describe how these findings affect web copywriting. Next chapter is devoted to content analysis alias methods that help copywriters to get the right data for their work. The third part of the thesis describe basic rules of web copywriting, crucial for creation of effective promotional texts. As in the previous chapter, these rules and procedures are enriched by findings from my own work experience. Penultimate part of the thesis summarizes, how to test the effectiveness of website texts. In the last (practical) chapter I deal with application of theoretical knowledge to web copywriting implementation for a selected web page. I consider this structure to be the best one, because of practical benefits it provides to common readers. There is also a possibility of further segmentation such as plain set of methodological rules or spotlight on the role of promotional text in website lifecycle. Selected parts of my bachelor thesis are accompanied by demonstration examples. Some of them can be found on real company websites. Others were created by me for this purpose so that all the rules (procedures) become obvious at first sight.

Operation Artemis and the ability of EU to interfere in global conflicts
Holý, Daniel ; Fireš, Adam (advisor) ; Eichler, Jan (referee)
This thesis is about operation Artemis in the Democratic Republic of Congo and about the ability of EU to interfere in similar operations in future. For sake of continuity and to better communicate the theme, the thesis is divided into three parts. In the first part the historical background of the conflict is described (from the nineties to the start up of the operation Artemis). In the second part there is an analysis of the operation Artemis itself -- its military and humanitarian factors and its results. The third part of the thesis discusses the development of Common Foreign and Security Policy of the European Union and its development regarding the consequences of operation Artemis as the first out-of-the-area military mission of the EU. Views of experts on the operation and its importance for the forming of European Security and Defence Policy are also proposed.

Additional Education of Teachers and Preparation to New School-leaving Exam
Botková, Kamila ; Vaňková, Věra (referee) ; Vasileská, Marie (advisor)
A successful course of lifelong education of all pedagogical workers, including chemistry teachers, is part of necessary background for implementing changes concerning our contemporary education system (the educating reform, general educating programs, a creation of a unified system of evaluation and so forth). The need for further education is caused both by new professional and didactic approaches within the particular school subject and by a quick development of new information technologies. Besides the most common forms of further education such as courses, seminars, laboratory practices, field trips, educational programs and further professional studies at universities, there are also teachers' exchange stays and activities based on a cooperation among schools within the framework of systemic projects of European structural funds. The thesis discusses one of the newest forms of further education, e-learning. Its goal is to outline a scenario for the preparation of a basic distance e-learning education of chemistry teachers. The theme was chosen in regard to the important area of evaluation and autoevaluation of education results, and it is approached from the viewpoints of the school and the student. It concerns basic tools as is the mathematical problem and its application in didactic tests. The...

Issue of ensurance publicly available childcare for children under the age of three (The Czech Republic in the context of The European Union)
Dvořáková, Barbora ; Kropáčková, Jana (referee) ; Opravilová, Eva (advisor)
The first section of this thesis, which is entitled "The issue of ensurance publicly available childcare for children under the age of three - the Czech Republic in the context of European Union", starts by outlining the common themes of the European Union's family policy, followed by the specific strategies for supporting families in selected European countries. The second part then outlines the family support options in the Czech Republic, with special consideration for the issue of childcare services for children under three. The third part presents a concrete model for childcare for underthrees as it has been implemented in the capital of the Federal Republic of Germany,Berlin.

Procedural principles relating to evidence
Křížová, Jana ; Macková, Alena (advisor) ; Pohl, Tomáš (referee)
FUNDAMENTAL PRINCIPLES OF COMMON PLEA SUMMARY (Resumé) The main topic of the thesis is fundamental principles of common plea. I have chosen the topic, because I am convinced that good orientation in this field of law is an excellent pre-requisite for good performance in all legal professions. The fundamental principles of common plea shall be known by judge leading the procedure, by attorney defending rights of his/her clients and helping them to prove facts of which they would take an advantage, as well as by state prosecutor participating under the setting conditions in the common plea. My thesis is divided into the five parts. The reason for choosing the topic and the main aim of my work has been explained in the first part. The second part is named "The Evidence". For the judgement, the court of justice has to have knowledge about legal issues (iura novit curia) as well as knowledge about facts of the case (those are proved by evidence during the procedure). Proving procedure is a legally entitled procedure which is considered to be essential for the common plea. First, it is necessary to define what has to be proved (the object of prove procedure) and by which means (proper evidence). The next chapter named "Development of the Common plea as a fight for changes of different principles" is dedicated to...

Optimalization of the coagulation process of surface water with high content of aluminium and natural organic matter
Pivokoňská, Hana ; Benešová, Libuše (advisor) ; Komínková, Dana (referee) ; Pitter, Pavel (referee)
7 ABSTRACT The submitted doctoral thesis deals with the optimisation of chemical treatment process of water with the high concentration of aluminium and natural organic matter (NOM). Natural organic matter in connection with the higher concentration of natural aluminium is the common components of some surface water in the Czech Republic. The high aluminium in water reservoirs can lead to the higher concentration of residual aluminium in drinking water and then it can cause some health problems. Both of these components can be removed from drinking water by chemical treatment process based on the destabilisation and the aggregation. Chemical treatment aims at the formation of aggregates that are separable by filtration through a layer of granular media. The efficiency of the NOM and Al removal is influenced by many chemical and physical factors (the reaction conditions under which the aggregation takes place, the type and dosage of destabilisation reagent, the reaction pH value, the mean velocity gradient, and the period of its duration). For this reason it is very important to optimise the condition of water treatment. The main problem is inadvisable type and dose of the reagent and unsuitable intensity and duration of mixing. Common water treatment technologies are based only on the reagent doses...

The Analysis of Selfmedication in outpatients treated for arterial Hypertension
Hejdová, Irena ; Fialová, Daniela (referee) ; Macek, Karel (advisor)
This thesis describes self-medication practices in a sample of 67 patients treated for arterial hypertension attending the Advisory centre of clinical pharmacology in a Teaching Hospital in Hradec Králové. We survey both common aspects of self-medication such as how often patients use over-the-counter (OTC) agents, for which health problems, which are the main groups of OTC, they use, how much they spend for OTC and where they get information about them, and more specific aspects, which are related with the fact, that these patients are at higher risk of self-medication because of their permanent antihypertensive farmacotherapy. The survey showed, that 82% of the patients with arterial hypertension use OTC - 29% of them often or constantly. However, behaviour of these patients in self-medication is not without risks. For example only 18% of patients using OTC inform their physician about all preparations. 18% of patients are not interested in safety of OTC, they use, and only 31% of them inform their pharmacist of diseases, they are treated for, and prescription medicines, they use. The survey implied, that the safe self-medication of hypertensive patients requires better education of this group of patients, which needs assistance both from physicians and from pharmacists.

Jindrich Fairaizl
Kokeš, Lukáš ; Kubica, Petr (advisor) ; Přádná, Stanislava (referee)
Jindřich Fairaizl is a pioneer of Czech television documentary. He was born on June 14, 1934 in Prague. Beginning the age of 18, he worked in various media ? he started out in Československý rozhlas (Czechoslovak radio broadcast) and then he went over to Československá televize (Czechoslovak television), where he was active as a creator of many programs. His main contribution lies in television journalism which he co-founded and defined through his works. The main part of his work is from late 1960s, especially his series Inzerát (The Advertisement) and Starci (Old People). After 1970, he was not allowed to work in his field and had to accept routine jobs. For example, he was making instructional films about security of work. He became the first Managing Director of Česká televize after the Velvet revolution in 1989. Facing difficult conditions, due to psychological stress and a hospitalization, he had to step down from his position after a week. He died on October 10, 1993 in Měchenice after the house which contained his archive burned down. The conditions of the accident remain unclear.

A Little Piano School and The New Piano School of Z. Janžurové and M. Borové - A Modern Comprehensive System for Piano Instruction
Janíková, Hana ; Tichá, Libuše (advisor) ; Palkovská, Jana (referee)
My diploma thesis focuses on the issue of instructive piano methodology. My aim was to introduce Klavírní školička (The Piano Method for Children), four parts of Nová klavírní škola (The New Piano Method) and its addendum "Od peřinky ke školičce a ještě trochu dále..." (From the cradle to the teaching method for infants, and a little further...) as a complex piano method that encompasses the stage from a three-year old child up to the secondary phase of elementary art school, using the lates methodic approaches. I have analyzed methodic approaches in the individual parts and compared the piano method with three other selected piano methods. My selection thereof was based on the frequency of use in Czech art schools (past and present), and on the methodic approach. The practical section consist in the questionnaire circulated among teacher in musical art schools in Zlín, concerning their experience with the Nová klavírní škola method.