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Tourism for the selected segment - students from the foreign universities
Práce analyzuje segment zahraničních studentů jako skupinu ?návštěvníků?, která patří se svými specifiky k obtížené klientele, o kterou je třeba patřičným způsobem pečovat a poskytovat jí kvalitní univerzitní služby a pomoc. Práce také demonstruje obecné přínosy těchto hostů a trendy, se kterými se setkáváme na univerzitách. Větší pozornost byla zaměřena na vhodné doplnění programu letní školy pořádané na JU. Ve spojení s tímto doplněním programu se velká pozornost ubírala směrem ke zvolené atraktivitě - Stezce korunami stromů Lipno. Projektem diplomové práce je navržení a realizace projektu zatraktivnění této turistické atrakce v podobě aplikovaného nočního osvětlení, které přineslo provozovatelům nové možnosti využití a výhody. Druhá část projektu se pak zabývá prosazením tohoto místa do programu a to hledáním vhodné varianty pro reciproční spolupráci, které nakonec bylo úspěšně dosaženo. Stezka tak byla úspěšně prosazena do následujících programů letních škol pořádaných Jihočeskou univerzitou.

Approaches to nourishment and eating habits are formed from early childhood under the influence of family lifestyle, gradually together with the influence of school and society where a child grows. Healthy lifestyle should systematically address all children during the whole school attendance, adequately to their age and needs. Comprehensive link between theoretical and practical influencing of pupils in subjects Human and Health and Education to Health with the possibility of link to school canteen. Then we will be on the good way to cooperation of all the involved parents, healthcare staff, teachers and school canteens leading to the common goal, which is GOOD HEALTH. The aim of the thesis was to assess the role of a children nurse in school environment, namely in school catering. The research tried to analyse catering standards for pupils of primary schools and to find the experience and satisfaction with school catering among parents and to map approaches of children of lower and higher level of primary school to school canteen meals. Quantitative and qualitative research was applied to the thesis. Data collection was performed by means of questionnaires for parents and children from the 3rd to 9th grades and focus group among children of the 1st and 2nd grades of primary school in Jindřichův Hradec. The questionnaires were processed and statistically evaluated by SPSS programme. We applied Parkinson's chi-squared test, a paired sample t-test for graph and table outputs. The focus group was performed in classrooms and in the canteen during break and during lunch at presence of a teacher and the vice headmistress. The research sample consisted of parents of children attending primary school in Jindřichův Hradec and pupils of the 1st to 9th classes of the same school. School catering, which is a frequent topic among professionals as well as the wide public in the whole Czech Republic and the results of our research are obviously an exception. Analysis of catering standards has shown that parents can only partially participate in preparation of menus, as they partially participate in financing of school lunches. From observation of 1st and 2nd class children we have found that children of this age are affected by the social environment they are in during the day. We have found that nearly all the children are satisfied with their meals. Pupils of 3rd to 9th classes formed another group. They commented and assessed canteen meals, where our sample differed from the other researches within the whole Republic. Satisfaction with canteen meals did not substantially differ with age as we expected. The research into satisfaction with school meals among parents has shown that parents of elementary school children are more satisfied that those of the higher level children, so the satisfaction among parents differs between the lower and higher primary levels. The research points out the connection of educational and healthcare systems, that there would be a place for a children nurse in this community, who operated in the school healthcare service before privatization of primary healthcare and still successfully operates there in many countries. It is necessary for community nurses to implement, lead and coordinate the care and for their care to be perceived as legitimate and essential in all spheres. The research results were requested by the vice headmistress of the school in Jindřichův Hradec in advance for possible correction of school catering and they might be also presented at seminars or conferences focused on nutrition and healthy lifestyle of children.

Získávání, výběr a stabilizace zaměstnanců
Hrdinová, Kateřina ; Kleibl, Jiří (advisor) ; Šikýř, Martin (referee)
Diplomová práce pojednává o metodách získávání, výběru, adaptaci a stabilizaci zaměstnanců ve společnosti SAHM s.r.o. Teoretická část shrnuje obecné poznatky k dané problematice, praktická část popisuje personální útvar společnosti, jím prováděné personální činnosti, metody získávání a výběru zaměstnanců, jejich následnou adaptaci a stabilizaci. Praktická část též analyzuje a hodnotí přístupy a probíhající procesy a nabízí doporučení, jak zefektivnit personální aktivity týkající se získávání a výběru zaměstnanců a jak vylepšit proces adaptace a stabilizace pracovníků.

Detection of Brute-Force Password Attack in Network Traffic
Hurta, Marek ; Grégr, Matěj (referee) ; Žádník, Martin (advisor)
This bachelor's thesis is aimed at monitoring of computer networks using IP flows. It describes NEMEA framework which is used for creating modules. These modules are able to detect network anomalies and attacks. Next part describes a few methods how SSH, RDP and Telnet protocols could be attacked. Following chapters analyze some types of attacks such as Dictionary or Brute-Force attack and tries to find their common characteristics. Based on this analysis, signature of attack is created. Proposed detection algorithm uses these signatures for computing detection thresholds which are used in histogram analysis. Finally, results of proposed detection algorithm are compared with the results from other known methods.

Kreativní využití jednotlivých media typů při mediálním plánování
Preuhslerová, Monika ; Postler, Milan (advisor) ; Babický, Jan (referee)
Práce analyzuje možnosti, které nabízí český trh reklamním zadavatelům vyvíjejícím tlak na kreativitu jak na mediální, tak na kreativní agentury. Práce se také zabývá otázkami, zda je nutné být vždy a za každou cenu kreativní a jaká kreativita je efektivní. Jednotlivé kapitoly jsou věnovány možnostem konkrétních media typů včetně analýzy obecné situace na českém trhu.

Economic consequences of China's One-child policy
Letko, Roman ; Bartůsková, Lucia (advisor) ; Pavlíček, Tomáš (referee)
The objective of this diploma thesis is to describe and to complexly evaluate Chinas one child policy from its introduction in 1979 till its abandonment in 2015. Theoretical part of thesis offers a detailed description of the policy, its application in real life, circumstances and aims that led to the implementation of the policy. Applied part of thesis analyses its effect on the fertility rate, population growth and economic growth. According to the results of this analysis one child policy helped to decline Chinas fertility rate and population growth, however its impact is just partial. The decline of Chinese population growth then contributed to the economic growth; my estimate is that it composed 40 % of average annual growth of real GDP per capita. One child policy is also responsible for raising sex ratio and ageing of population in China. These demographic problems let to its replacement by two child policy that probably wont solve these problems.

Navržení reportovacího nástroje pro IS firmy Rosta a spol.
Choutková, Veronika ; Mika, František (advisor) ; Jenickova, Katerina (referee)
Bakalářská práce se zabývá analýzou projektu návrhu reportovacího nástroje ve spolecnosti Rosta a spol. Cílem bakalářské práce je navržení flexibilního nástroje pro reporting a monitorování dat, který bude urcen pro IS firmy Rosta a spol. na základe jejích požadavku a na základe analýzy problému. Obsahem bakalářské práce je pojednání obecne o problematice Business Intelligence a seznámení s rešením Business Objects. Bakalářská práce pak prináší specifikaci požadavku firmy Rosta a spol. na reportovací a monitorovací nástroj a analyzuje problém v IS dané firmy, na jehož základe je treba zvolit vhodný nástroj.

Analysis of the negative aspects of the lifestyles of members of the Army of the Czech Republic
ŠOLC, David
The Bachelor´s project is focused on negative apsects of life style of members of Army of the Czech republic. The project is devided into twoo parts, theoretical and practical. First part describes not only general attributes of life style, but also negative aspects of life style e.g. stress, drugs, alcohol, smoking and relationships. The second part of the project describes how much negative apects of life style have influence on military personnal of Army of the Czech republic. Total number of respondents were 100, 17 female and 83 male. Average age was from 25 to 44 years. Results of the survey were noted into pie chart. 70% of respondents knew exactly what he terms bossing and mobbing mean, 30% of them have no idea what the terms mean, but the precise meanings are not sure. No one answered, he did not know what they mean imagine. For the ACR from my research it is clear that most physical activity takes place 3 - 4 times a week we answered 40% of the 100 respondents. In second place were respondents who engaged in physical activity 1 - 2 times a week and 5-6 times that percentage is 30% in both cases. No one answered that physical activity does not exercise at all, and no one carries physical activity 7 times or more times a week. Furthermore, 30% of respondents answered by 100 respondents did not smoke and do not mind smokers and 30% responded that they do not smoke and smokers can not stand. 20% of respondents are current smokers and 20% smoke occasionally. No one answered that it is a heavy smoker and no one is cured smoker. 90% of respondents nevyskoušelo and do not plan to try any drug. Only 10% said that marijuana or hashish experience Theky have. All of these results are shown in pie charts.

Monitorování serverů zapojených do výpočetního GRIDu
Burdík, Michal ; Chudoba, Jiří (advisor) ; Yaghob, Jakub (referee)
The goal of the work was to study of public and specialized software tools which can be used for monitoring of computing farms. Nagios and Ganglia were chosen as suitable products for Golias farm monitoring in Institute of Physics, Academy of Sciences, Czech Republic. Ganglia was installed from scratch and Nagios was recon gured. We decided to extend Nagios functionality with additional components. As the extensions which ful l our demands do not exist, we decided to develop and implement new ones. In this work, this group of components was named NagiosTools. These components are designed generally and they can be used for other similar computing environments. During work monitoring data from Golias farm were collected.

Changes Air Transport Industry after Deregulation, Specific Case of Germany
Frühauf, Pavel ; Marada, Miroslav (advisor) ; Seidenglanz, Daniel (referee)
The theme of this thesis is the air transport and its dramatic and dynamic development in the last twenty years. The key driving force behind this change was the deregulation of air agreements and liberalization of international markets, which took place in the seventies in the USA and in the nineties in Europe. This work addresses specific and general effects of deregulation and the development of air transport industry and aims to identify and analyze changes of its structures in space and time. One of the major and direct impacts and consequences of deregulation is that the free market allowed the emergence of new low-cost airlines, which significantly changed the structure and trends of air transport. The changes allowed for greater mobility of people, goods and capital, and also caused a partial change in consumer behaviour of individuals and institutions, and even more interconnected global economy. The source of data and information are primarily articles in professional journals written in English. Knowledge from particular analysis and research approaches to air traffic from the first part of this work is confronted with empirical research. This was based on the statistical data of air traffic in Germany, for each airport from 1991 to 2010 and verified the theoretical concepts of the general...