National Repository of Grey Literature 23,026 records found  beginprevious23017 - 23026  jump to record: Search took 1.55 seconds. 

Guerilla Marketing on selected Czech companies
Prošvicová, Soňa ; Skokanová, Dagmar (advisor) ; Palková, Kateřina (referee)
The main objective of my work is a thorough introduction of guerilla marketing and of everything that is important to know about this new marketing trend. Futhermore it presents the survey of the campaign of Vodafone Czech Republic corp. The final part of my work analyses, by means of a question-form, the public opinion on the ways of advertising, company's campaigns and general knowledge about the phenomenon of guerilla marketing.

Reception of darwinism in Bohemia between 1859 and 1918
Tomsová, Julie ; Pokorná, Magdaléna (referee) ; Klusáková, Luďa (advisor)
In this B.A. thesis I focus closer on the conditions of the reception of Darwinism in Bohemia in the period between 1859 and 1918. My research deals with the basic mapping and evaluation of the process of acceptance of Darwinism in Czech society, both in public discourse and in more specialized discourse of academic society and in the field of theology. In terms of the professional and scientific discourse I examine the questions of when, through which channels, and in what forms the works of Charles Darwin got into Czech general public; and how people accepted and reflected them. I also examine the responses on Darwin's theories which appeared in contemporary press and literature. I assumed that attitude of particular social groups toward Darwin and his theory was different. Distinct viewpoints took naturalists and scientists and public administration and the Catholic Church. And somewhere between these two different viewpoints occurred the general public. In the thesis I have analysed the process of the reception of Darwinism in Bohemia in the mentioned period and arrived to conclusions that this process did not take place accordingly in all three monitored discourses - public, academic and theological. The ambivalence between mainly positive reception of academic society and negative reaction of the...

Midwife´s opinion onto labours at domicilary environment
PRŮCHOVÁ, Dominika
Delivery at home is not a non {--} standart way to due, but that is also not legal. Someone who is helping with due at home on his own is absolutely responsible for all and he is support to answer all aftermacht if some complication will come. This is a decision of Czech gynekology-delivery copany and this decision is full law binding. Childbearing at home doesn´t the alternative for every woman. We thing that childbearing has plenty of merits, but we must know risks of childbearing at home for para and baby. The survey was quantitative by the way of questioners. My goal was to find what do midwifes thing about delivery at domicilary environment. This one says, midwifes have negativ position to delivery at home. They rate this way like dangerous. The inference is confirmed, all midwifes said the best place to delivery is Materna hospital. This work can be use for education and source informations for people, students and midwifes.

Left-handed child in nursery school
Němcová, Markéta ; Linková, Marie (referee) ; Kropáčková, Jana (advisor)
The diploma paper is focusing on the education of lef-handed children in nursery schools and the availability of information about sinistrality for teaching professionals and parents. The theoretical part is describing the methods of laterality diagnostics as well as defining the terms sinistrality and left-handedness. It is also focusing on the educational leadership of sinistral pre-school children and how the society evolved over time in terms of its attitude towards left-handedness. A vital part of this thesis is the mapping of available information in expert publications, specialised magazines and internet resources. The practical part is researching the experience of nursery and primary school teachers with left-handed pupils. The experiment is based on two equally large groups of righ-handed and left-handed children and is comparing the level of abilites required for scissor cutting.

The debate on illegal migration legislation in the Czech Republic and Federal Republic of Germany
Brehmerová, Martina ; Kalová, Zuzana (advisor) ; Burdová Hradečná, Pavla (referee)
Tématem práce je fenomén nelegální migrace, a to v Česku a Německu, dvou sousedních zemích a členských státech Evropské unie. Konkrétně práce zpracovává debatu o právní úpravě fenoménu nelegální migrace, tedy návrhy a postoje jednotlivých aktérů zapojených do diskuze o stávajících i chybějících právních normách upravujících oblast nelegální migrace v Česku a Německu. Práce si neklade za cíl vyčerpávající zmapování diskuze k tématu v uvedených zemích, ale soustředí se na nalezení příspěvků pro debatu podstatných. Podstatné jsou příspěvky, které jsou charakteristické pro jednotlivé účastníky debaty a mají schopnost ilustrovat postoje a motivy, s nimiž tito aktéři do debaty vstupují.

Should Blaník go organic? Determinants of conversion to organic farming in the territory of Protected Landscape Area Blaník
Topiarzova, Magdalena ; Čermák, Daniel (advisor) ; Novotná, Hedvika (referee)
The submitted diploma thesis deals with the issues of organic farming, its progress, the current situation and the legislature. In addition, the thesis describes the conversion process of conventional farms to organic farming. Further, the thesis presents the farmers' attitude towards organic farming based on the empirical field research, which was carried out on the territory of the Protected Landscape Area Blaník. The conclusion of this work offers a concept of arrangements, which can be used by the management of the Protected Landscape Area Blaník to motivate local farmers for conversion to the system of organic farming.

Customer competition
Lacinová, Eva ; Vávra, Oldřich (advisor) ; Zamazalová, Marcela (referee)
The objective of this thesis is mapping of the situation about customer competition. Attention is first employed on a marketing communication and then is entertained about sales promotion of a final consumer with specification - customer competition. Authoress devotes to legislative framework, organization, problematic areas of consumer competition. In the next part of this thesis is took over the interview, which has clear up the attitude of questionedes towards customer competition.

Attitude of Czech Public to Accepting of Refugees in December 2016
Červenka, Jan ; Pilecká, Jarmila
In December 2016 Public Opinion Research Centre included a block of questions connected to accepting refugees from countries affected by military conflicts. Questions focused mainly on opinion towards accepting refugees from concrete regions (Ukraine, Middle East and North Africa), concern with the current situation around refugees and perception of the situation as a security threat. Press release shows also the comparison with public opinion in Poland.

Attitude of Czech Public to Accepting of Refugees in October 2016
Pilecká, Jarmila ; Červenka, Jan
In October 2016 Public Opinion Research Centre included a block of questions connected to accepting refugees from countries affected by military conflicts. Questions focused mainly on opinion towards accepting refugees from concrete regions (Ukraine, Middle East and North Africa), concern with the current situation around refugees and perception of the situation as a security threat. Press release shows also the comparison with public opinion in Poland.

Attitude of Czech Public to Accepting of Refugees in September 2016
Pilecká, Jarmila ; Červenka, Jan
In September 2016 Public Opinion Research Centre included a block of questions connected to accepting refugees from countries affected by military conflicts. Questions focused mainly on opinion towards accepting refugees from concrete regions (Ukraine, Middle East and North Africa), concern with the current situation around refugees and perception of the situation as a security threat. Press release shows also the comparison with public opinion in Poland.