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Approaches to computer cognition of musical recordings
Kadlec, Jan ; Majerech, Vladan (advisor) ; Obdržálek, David (referee)
In our study we deal with various stages of human cognition of real-life musical signals, create their models and discuss their implementation. The rst part compares time-frequency representations and their factorization into sinusoids and background noise. We combine various approaches to coupling sinusoids into trajectories. Next we examine methods for the estimation of note parameters from trajectories and methods for musical instrument classi cation. The nal part focuses on global music-theoretical features of recordings such as tempo, melodic phrases, chord accompaniment or key.

Nursing care of child with juvenilie idiopathic arthritis
Holzäpfelová, Bohumila ; Zvoníčková, Marie (advisor) ; Přibíková, Marie (referee)
Juvenilní idiopatická artritida (dále JIA) je chronické onemocnění charakterizované zánětem kloubů. Termín idiopatická vyjadřuje skutečnost, že příčiny onemocnění nejsou dosud plně objasněny. Dětská revmatologie je vedle např. dětské diabetologie či alergologie stále ještě v pozadí obecného povědomí, přestože incidence JIA juvenilního diabetu je téměř srovnatelná. Rovněž ovlivnění života nemocných dětí je zásadní a dlouhodobé. V teoretické části své práce nejprve přibližuji širší souvislosti onemocnění v kapitolách o anatomii a fyziologii kloubu, mapuji i historii revmatologie jako oboru. Problematika diagnostiky a charakteristických rysů jednotlivých forem JIA je obsahem dalších kapitol teoretické části. Pro ucelený přehled předkládám výčet současných terapeutických možností a prognostické výhledy nemocných dětí. Ošetřovatelská část je otevřena kapitolou o obecném významu ošetřovatelského procesu jako celku, blíže je charakterizován ošetřovatelský model Marjory Gordonové, podle kterého jsem analyzovala potřeby své nemocné. Napříč ošetřovatelskými diagnózami zohledňuji především velmi citlivá psychologická specifika daného věku. Práci uzavírám edukační kapitolou, ve které je možné nalézt odpovědi na otázky, které přináší denní soužití s JIA. Teoretickou i ošetřovatelskou část doplňuji přílohami a seznamem...

Historical-geographical aspects of the population development of the town of Dvůr Králové nad Labem
MALÝ, Lukáš
The purpose of my thesis is to analyse with an emphasis on the Industrial Revolution historical-geographical aspects of the population development of the town of Dvůr Králové nad Labem, compared with the development in other cities of the Hradec Králové Region. The study is composed of an introduction explaining my principle objectives and initial hypothesis and also of three chapters, each of them dealing with different aspects of this problemacy. Chapter One defines basic terminology and describes historical and geographical character of the studied town and region. The next chapter is subdivided into two parts: the analytical one focuses on relevant reasons to examine differences in the population development and provides a comparison with the chosen periods; the synthetic part divides the population development of the Hradec Králové Region into two zones on the basis of achieved results from the previous parts. Subsequently, it also summarizes main aspects of the population development in the chosen towns and makes a conclusion to indicate future situation. Finally, Chapter Three concentrates on problems resulting from my initial hypothesis and deals with accomplishing of my objectives drawn in the introductory Chapter. The thesis contains a large number of charts, graphical and geographical attachments.

Bonding - opinions of medical staffs and mothers
Bonding is a process by which is created a relationship between mother and child. The foundations of emotional bonds are built, foundations of a loving relationship. In its course we try to aim a maximal contact between mother and her newborn child and so improve its start to life. Right support of bonding contributes not only to psychological and emotional site, but to immunologic as well. (Mrowetz a kol., 2011). The theoretical part is concerned mainly with bonding description, further description of a delivery without bonding support and the participation of nearby persons by the delivery or the woman psychic and prenatal psychology. Research part of this thesis was concerned with investigation about bonding as a whole by 3 groups of respondents. The first group was built by six midwifes working in delivery rooms in different hospital in the area of Czech Republic. Second part was put together from six children's sisters, who work with at newborn department and came to care for newborns after delivery. Sisters form different hospitals were approached in this case too. To the last group were six women integrated in various stage of pregnancy. What pregnancy was it for the woman was not decisive for interviews. Before processing of this thesis were set two goals. First goal was to find out, if mid wives and children's sisters at delivery room know, what it is bonding and how to use it with advantages for the newborn and how to establish the first contact between mother and child. Second goal is to find out, to what extend is a pregnant woman informed about possibilities to improve the start of the newborn to life with the help of bonding. From these two goals emerged tree research questions, from which two were for medical staff (Does the medical staff have suitable and adequate conditions for bonding? In what does medical staff see the contribution of bonding?) and one for mothers (What do you imagine under the term bonding and in what do you see its sense?). For these research questions were seeked answers by getting and processing of each half structured interviews. For the research process was used the qualitative method. From the results of the research emerged, that medical staff does not have sufficient information about bonding usage by delivery. They answered identically to given bibliography to the basic questions, however they did not fully master particular elements of bonding. Midwives and newborn´s sister believe they do not have enough staff for adequate bonding usage, however they are willing to support bonding on mother-to-be wishes. They are not so obliging by the C-section. In this case they present unsatisfactory conditions for its usage like not enough staff, time and space. To the second research question was given this answer. The contribution of bonding sees the medical staff in the creation of positive bond between mother and child and in god adaptation of the child to new environment. According their meaning does bonding bring a positive experience form the delivery and improving of mother role admission, less stress for mother and child and even quicker after-delivery adaptation. Mothers imagine under the term bonding a contact of a mother with her child. The meaning of bonding they see in the building of psychic contentment and general soothing of mother and her child, in reaching better relationship between mother and child and in quicker lactation start. It is necessary to continue in raising of public awareness concerning bonding. In my opinion is necessary to realize more lectures and trainings about bonding contributions, especially from the site of psychologist so the contributions of bonding to the benefit of mothers and newborns can be used.

Stanislav Lolek (1873-1936)
Klouzová, Aneta ; Prahl, Roman (referee) ; Wittlich, Petr (advisor)
The aim of this work is to give a reader the most compact view of life and production of the artist Stanislav Lolek (1873 - 1936) as well as to chart the appearance of his artwork in Czech and Moravian museums and galleries. Observation of his career and influence, that shaped his artistic growth, should help reader to understand the production of this artist in connection to the other contemporary artists specialized in landscape-painting . Stanislav Lolek was through his journey of finding his own artistic interpretation mostly influenced by following factors. Firstly, Lolek was personally very attached to nature and it's colours. Secondly, he was considerably inspired by metodologicaly consistent art tuition from Julius Ma ák as well as he was impressed with the whole artistic atmosphere of the time. In addition, the inspiration and influence came also from the French impressionism. Lolek finally settled captivated by the specific nature of the region Slovácko. All the impulses mentioned below were merged together by Lolek into a very interesting synthetis. Above all, he transformed the influence of impressionism into his specific interpretation. With his individual conception of landscape, often characterised by radiant and vibrant colours, Lolek enriched Czech landscape-painting with specific and...

Applications for analysis of tennis player motions
Kříž, Petr ; Beneš, Radek (referee) ; Říha, Kamil (advisor)
This thesis deals with segmentation of tennis player´s body parts for analysis its motion. Testing code was written in C++ with use of OpenCV library. Some image processing techniques such as thresholding, background subtraction or finding the largest contours were implemented. There was used a linear triangulation technique for calculating the 3D coordinates of segmented points.

Comparison of Palacký's interpretations of selected topics in Czech and German editions of Czech history
Jacques, Kateřina
Snažila jsem se nalézt téma interdisciplinární, při jehož zpracování bych mohla využít také znalosti, které jsem získala během studia oboru překladatelství a tlumočnictví. Výsledkem tohoto hledání je práce zasahující do tří vědeckých oblastí - historie, politologie a translatologie. Vychází z oboru historie, který by svými výsledky mohla také obohatit. Historikové, kteří se zabývají česko-německými vztahy v 19. století nebo osobou Františka Palackého a jeho dílem, postrádají důkladné srovnání dvou jazykových verzí jeho Dějin.1 Srovnání2, které bylo doposud provedeno, umožňuje vytvoření pracovní hypotézy, podle které vykazují obě verze rozdíly. Translatologická věda nabízí využití synchronně srovnávacího deskriptivního výzkumu textu, který může vést k podstatně lepším výsledkům, než jakých dosahují svou metodou srovnávání historikové. František Palacký byl nejen historikem, ale také politikem. A to i tehdy, když se věnoval své práci historické, v níž se pokoušel o interpretaci dějinných procesů a událostí ve snaze obhájit roli českého národa nejen v minulosti, ale především ve své současnosti. František Kutnar správně podotýká, že v Palackého díle nelze rozlišovat historika a politika. Palacký nevytvořil obraz starého slovanského společenského řádu, nýbrž společenskou utopii o demokratických řádech.3 Z...

Myocardial perfusion scintigraphy in the diagnosis of Ischemic Heart Disease
Abstract Radionuclide examination of coronary arteries - myocardial perfusion scintigraphy using a method of a single-photon emission computed tomography ( SPECT ) - provides by a non-invasive way functional information which is complementary to morphologic information gained by an invasive selective coronary angiography. However, the examination of cardiac arteries in the diagnostics of ischemic heart disease (IHD) is carried out by means of other examination procedures which are together in a mutual interaction. Therefore, apart from the basic anatomy and physiology of the coronary arteries and pathophysiology of IHD, the section of the theoretical part of the work also provides an overview of examination methods which are in relation to the radiology assistant´s work. The methods used to diagnose IHD are divided into non-invasive stress tests and invasive diagnostic and therapeutic methods. Among the non-invasive stress tests are: ergometer stress test, ECG Holter monitoring, echocardiography examination, stress cardiac mag-netic resonance imaging, myocardial perfusion scintigraphy, 18F-FDG PET, CT angi-ography, CT determination of calcium score, and optical coherence tomography. The category of invasive diagnostic and therapeutic method includes: selective coronary angi-ography, PTCA, and CABG. Detailed description of SPECT myocardial perfusion scin-tigraphy is described in a separate chapter. Objective of the practical part of the work was to compare the conclusions of SPECT myocardial perfusion scintigraphy results with the conclusions of coronary angiography results. I looked for answers to the two following research issues: 1.Would the conclusions of myocardial perfusion scintigraphy examination medical report differ from the conclusions of coronary angiography medical report maximally by 10%? 2. Would be the non-corresponding results different in men and women? Methodology: In the medical files of patients who were recommended for coronary an-giography after myocardial scintigraphy I looked up the final medical reports on their coronary angiography findings. The patients with negative scintigraphy findings who underwent shortly after myocardial scinfigraphy selective coronary angiography with positive results were also included into the group. Group of patients: From January 2013 to September 2013 a group of patients underwent stress myocardial scintigraphy examination at the CNM in Prague. In total there were 619 patients - 344 men and 275 women. 187 patients underwent an additional rest myocardial perfusion scintigraphy. There were positive findings in 86 of these patients with referral for coronary angiography. Backward search proved impossible to find coronary angi-ography results in 19 patients. Nevertheless, 3 patients with false-negative scintigraphy findings were included into the group. The resulting group thus consists of 70 patients 23 women and 47 men. Results: The results of SPECT myocardial perfusion scintigraphy and coronary angi-ography differ in 13% which slightly exceeds the limit of 10% set in the research issue. Two thirds of non-corresponding scintigraphy results were false-positive, one third false-negative. With regards to the second research issue I came to the conclusion that in the detection of IHD the number of non-corresponding result of SPECT myocardial scintigraphy and cor-onary angiography is identical in both genders. There was 13 % of non-corresponding findings in women and 12.7 % of non-corresponding findings in men.

Russian Economy Development under Peter I
Urbánková, Renata ; Stellner, František (advisor) ; Kovář, Martin (referee)
Diplomová práce se zabývá vývojem ruské ekonomiky za vlády Petra Velikého. Práce je rozdělena do tří částí. První se věnuje reformě daňové soustavy, její charakteristice, daňovým poplatníkům, novým daním, dopadům daně z duše apod. Druhá část je zaměřena na budování manufaktur, jejich produktivitu, vlastníky manufaktur, odbyt jejich výrobků a pracovní sílu. Poslední část je soustředěna na problematiku obchodu, věnuje se specifickým podmínkám, které ovlivňovaly jeho rozvoj, výstavbě nového přístavního města Petrohradu a jeho postavení v baltském obchodě, úspěchům a neúspěchům v obchodování s Orientem. Pomocí odpovědí na otázky v těchto kapitolách se práce snaží nalézt odpověď na hlavní otázku, a to zda byl Petr Veliký úspěšný ve své hospodářské politice.

Cosmological themes in contemporary art
Šmilauer, Tomáš ; Šamšula, Pavel (advisor) ; Hůla, Zdenek (referee)
Šmilauer, T. Cosmological themes in conteporary art. [Master thesis] Prague 2012. 83 pages Charles univerzity in Prague, Faculty of education, department of art education. This work examines the relationship between man and the cosmos, and deals with topics cosmos and cosmology in terms of philosophical and scientific, but also seeks connection with religion and mythology. The aim is to interpret and define the concepts of the cosmos and cosmology, and find these contents in visual culture and fine art. This thesis is also finding ways to use cosmological issues in educational practice. Keywords: cosmos, cosmology, nature, man, visual perception and imaging, microcosm, macrocosm, art