National Repository of Grey Literature 22,475 records found  beginprevious21 - 30nextend  jump to record: Search took 1.99 seconds. 

Cultural support in Prague's districts
Mokrá, Jolana ; KAŠPAR, David (advisor) ; PROKOP, Petr (referee)
Diploma thesis ”Cultural support in Prague's districts” focuses on a current situation in municipal strategical management and support of culture in all Prague districts. The introduction emphasises the importance of each level of government in the management and support of culture through comparing specific cultural policies. The research is divided into two parts. First one depicts how culture is being understood on the municipal level and presents an overview of existing instruments for support and planning. The second part is focused on a few municipal districts that handle their culture policy with a particular strategy and consider it to be an irreplaceable part of a local development. The second part also examines what tactics and tools these municipal districts use for a realization of their strategic goals. In conclusion, this thesis proves why the role of the local official government is so important in the developement and implementation of culture.

Závodský, Norbert ; NEBESKÝ, Jan (advisor) ; BURIAN, Jan (referee)
This bachelor thesis focuses on themes like the collapse of the myth of God, crisis of faith and seeking God, as well as on way to stage them in a theatrical performance. The first part of this work tries to depict changes in a relationship between a man and God and their mutual combat. The chapter dealing with the cult of Dionysus shows a clash of the two fanaticisms; the religious and the rational one. The Faust chapter is concerned with the idea of free decision making and the difficulties and the possibility of a personal crisis this freedom might cause. The final chapter The Ladybirds opens the problematic of suffering of the innocent, which is the most common objection against the existence of God. The practical part of this work reflects on the school projects and the process of making. It also asks whether it is possible to stage themes like faith in one of the most atheistic nations in the world.

Influence of meadow management on the migration behavior of selected species of butterflies
Bubová, Terezie ; Langrová, Iva (advisor) ; Farkač, Jan (referee)
Migrations are the key process and one of the basic biological features, which allow survival of endangered species in fragmented landscape. In the last decades, agriculture intensification, industry and urbanization caused that number of natural butterfly habitats has significantly decreased. The localities originally suitable for butterflies are currnetly converted to farmland or building plots. This PhD thesis aimed to find a compromise solution of meadow management, which should allow a commercial use and concurrently do not jeopardize the continued existence of endangered or threatened species. The main idea of this study was in the intentional emigration causing in the middle of flight period, which should lead into resettlement of the population to another (potentially more suitable) locality. Possibility of aimed manipulation with butterfly emigrations would be considered as a major breakthrough in their protection. The investigated species Phengaris nausithous (Bergsträsser, 1779) and Phengaris teleius (Bergsträsser, 1779) are both considered to be flagship species for protection of European butterflies at open meadows. This study is based on research, which was carried out in 2013-2015 at 17 patch in localities Dolní Labe, Czech Republic. In above mentioned years, one selected meadow was mowed in the middle of flight season and the emigrations were then monitored using mark-release-recapture method. Results of population and migration characteristics were calculated in MARK 8.1 software. Subsequently, the effect of mowing on emigration (comparison of emigrations from the meadow before and after mowing) was evaluated using Statistica 13. The hypotheses of this study were based on the assumption, that the loss of resources after well-timed mowing should increase the activity of adult butterflies. During the monitoring, number of emigrations was increased only in flight season 2015. Unfortunately, the statistical evaluation did not show significant effect of mowing on migrations. On the other hand, the hypothesis dealing with colonization of nearest meadows was confirmed. Effect of intentional emigration caused by management interventions was unfortunately not proved. However, we found out, that even though the population at one mowed meadow decreased clearly, the metapopulation size at the locality remained more or less stable. At investigated (mowed) meadow, there was observed a sharp decline of P. nausithous abundance. On the other hand, P. teleius population was only slightly reduced. It is therefore conceivable, that P. teleius are not as susceptible to innapropriate term of mowing. The results obtained in our research conclusively displayed no possible positive effect of mowing in the middle of flight season and a necessity of suitable management maintenance at localities inhabited by Phengaris butterflies.

Individual human odor as a forensic trail in criminal proceeding made by contact or contactless transmission and its resistance to physical agents
Santariová, Milena ; Bartoš, Luděk (advisor) ; Chmelíková, Eva (referee)
The dissertation thesis consists of four papers that have been published in scientific journals. Study n. 1 The need to recover evidence from water is quite common in criminal investigation. The article deals with the possibility to collect human scent from such objects and with the ability of specially trained dogs to match such scent samples with scent samples collected from detained suspects. During an experiment, designed as a blind one, it has been proved, that human scent can survive on submerged objects and can be later used for scent identification. Study n. 2 To collect odors the Czech Republic Police use special fabric sorbents manufactured under the registered mark ARATEX. Before use the fabric sorbent is treated by water vapor sterilization. After the scent identification the sorbent is destroyed. The goal of the study was to verify if the vapor sterilization is effective enough to remove human scent that has already penetrated into the sorbent structure or in other words if the sorbent can be exposed to vapor sterilization and then used again. Specially trained dogs were used to match starting odors with target odors in the line-ups. The results showed that dogs are able to correctly match human odors even after they have being exposed to vapor sterilization. Study n. 3 The purpose of the study was to determine the temperature at which the human scent is degraded so that a dog would not be able to identify it. In contrast to expectations, eight dogs used in the experiment almost flawlessly identified human scents from five scent donors exposed to temperatures of 100°C, 200°C, 300°C, 400°C, 500°C, 600°C, 700°C, and 800°C. Only two of the dogs were able to identify 5 of 15 scent samples exposed to 900°C. No dog identified a scent exposed to 1000°C. Our study verified heat survivability of human scent far beyond existing expectations. Study n. 4 We tested the hypothesis that if odor fallout (the release of a human odor onto an untouched object) in human subjects exists, then holding a hand above an absorbent will produce a detectable scent which will be subsequently matched in a detection test by trained dogs. Scents were collected from seven males to sterile cotton absorbent squares. The left hand was used to get the control scent and the right hand served as the target scent. Each experimental subject was sitting and his left hand was laid down on a cotton square for 3 min. The right hand was held 5 cm above another cotton square for 3 min. The scent identification was done by two specially trained police German shepherds. Both dogs performed 14 line-ups and correctly matched the collected scents of all test subjects. The results suggest the existence of human odor fallout, whereby a human scent trace is left by humans even if they do not touch an object.

Risk analysis of load bearing RC structure review
Bohatec, Jiří ; Laníková, Ivana (referee) ; Šimůnek, Petr (advisor)
Master thesis deals with the evaluation of risks in the course of strengthening reinforced concrete column. It describes the assessment of existing structures according to ISO 13822, discusses the dangers that can occur when determining the carrying capacity of the existing structure. It also describes the different phases of strengthening steel banding, their functions and influence on the overall capacity. Also showing calculation process of strengthening reinforced concrete column, using steel banding, based on standard EN 1992-1-1 and EN 1998-3. In a concrete example of reinforcement is shown a process for determining the carrying capacity and then designed to the increase. In the two examples performs risk analysis using the universal matrix of risk analysis that identifies and quantifies the importance of various hazards associated with the calculation and implementation of the project.

Retargetable Analysis of Machine Code
Křoustek, Jakub ; Janoušek, Jan (referee) ; Návrat,, Pavol (referee) ; Kolář, Dušan (advisor)
Analýza softwaru je metodologie, jejímž účelem je analyzovat chování daného programu. Jednotlivé metody této analýzy je možné využít i v dalších oborech, jako je zpětné inženýrství, migrace kódu apod. V této práci se zaměříme na analýzu strojového kódu, na zjištění nedostatků existujících metod a na návrh metod nových, které umožní rychlou a přesnou rekonfigurovatelnou analýzu kódu (tj. budou nezávislé na konkrétní cílové platformě). Zkoumány budou dva typy analýz - dynamická (tj. analýza za běhu aplikace) a statická (tj. analýza aplikace bez jejího spuštění). Přínos této práce v rámci dynamické analýzy je realizován jako rekonfigurovatelný ladicí nástroj a dále jako dva typy tzv. rekonfigurovatelného translátovaného simulátoru. Přínos v rámci statické analýzy spočívá v navržení a implementování rekonfigurovatelného zpětného překladače, který slouží pro transformaci strojového kódu zpět do vysokoúrovňové reprezentace. Všechny tyto nástroje jsou založeny na nových metodách navržených autorem této práce. Na základě experimentálních výsledků a ohlasů od uživatelů je možné usuzovat, že tyto nástroje jsou plně srovnatelné s existujícími (komerčními) nástroji a nezřídka dosahují i lepších výsledků.

Service-oriented simulation architecture
Polášek, Petr ; Sklenář, Jaroslav (referee) ; Kavička,, Antonín (referee) ; Češka, Milan (advisor)
This thesis focuses on design, modeling and simulation of heterogeneous systems with emphasis on discrete-event systems. It proposes service-oriented simulation architecture where modeling and simulation is treated as a service and establishes a DEVS Meta Language that is intended for implementation of simulation models based on the DEVS formalism. Special M\&S techniques are described and integration of existing simulation tools is discussed as well.

Network-wide Security Analysis
de Silva, Hidda Marakkala Gayan Ruchika ; Šafařík,, Jiří (referee) ; Šlapal, Josef (referee) ; Švéda, Miroslav (advisor)
Práce představuje model a metody analýzy vlasností komunikace v počítačových sítích. Model dosažitelnosti koncových prvků v IP sítích je vytvořen na základě konfigurace a síťové topologie a umožňuje ukázat, že vabraný koncový uzel je dosažitelný v dané síťové konfiguraci a stavu.   Prezentovaná práce se skládá ze dvou částí. První část se věnuje modelování sítí, chování směrovaích protokolů a síťové konfiguraci. V rámci modelu sítě byla vytvořena modifikovaná topologická tabulka (MTT), která slouží pro agregaci síťových stavů určených pro následnou analýzu. Pro analýzu byl použit přístup založený na logickém programování, kdy model sítě je převeden do Datalog popisu a vlastnosti jsou ověřovány kladením dotazů nad logickou databází. Přínosy práce spočívají v definici grafu síťových filtrů, modifikované topologické tabulce, redukce stavového prostoru agrgací síťových stavů, modelů aktivního síťového prvku jako filter-transformace komponenty a metoda pro analýzu dosažitelnosti založena na logickém programování a databázích.   

Relational Verification of Programs with Integer Data
Konečný, Filip ; Bouajjani, Ahmed (referee) ; Jančar, Petr (referee) ; Vojnar, Tomáš (advisor)
Tato práce představuje nové metody pro verifikaci programů pracujících s neomezenými celočíslenými proměnnými, konkrétně metody pro analýzu dosažitelnosti a~konečnosti. Většina těchto metod je založena na akceleračních technikách, které počítají tranzitivní uzávěry cyklů programu. V práci je nejprve představen algoritmus pro akceleraci několika tříd celočíselných relací. Tento algoritmus je až o čtyři řády rychlejší než existující techniky. Z teoretického hlediska práce dokazuje, že uvažované třídy relací jsou periodické a~poskytuje tudíž jednotné řešení prolému akcelerace. Práce dále představuje semi-algoritmus pro analýzu dosažitelnosti celočíselných programů, který sleduje relace mezi proměnnými programu a~aplikuje akcelerační techniky za účelem modulárního výpočtu souhrnů procedur. Dále je v práci navržen alternativní algoritmus pro analýzu dosažitelnosti, který integruje predikátovou abstrakci s accelerací s cílem zvýšit pravděpodobnost konvergence výpočtu. Provedené experimenty ukazují, že oba algoritmy lze úspěšně aplikovat k verifikaci programů, na kterých předchozí metody selhávaly. Práce se rovněž zabývá problémem konečnosti běhu programů a~dokazuje, že tento problém je rozhodnutelný pro několik tříd celočíselných relací. Pro některé z těchto tříd relací je v práci navržen algoritmus, který v polynomiálním čase vypočítá množinu všech konfigurací programu, z nichž existuje nekonečný běh. Tento algoritmus je integrován do metody, která analyzuje konečnost běhů celočíselných programů. Efektivnost této metody je demonstrována na několika netriviálních celočíselných programech.

Trust and Reputation in Distributed Systems
Samek, Jan ; Návrat,, Pavol (referee) ; Šafařík,, Jiří (referee) ; Hanáček, Petr (advisor)
This Ph.D. thesis deals with trust modelling for distributed systems especially to multi-context trust modelling for multi-agent distributed systems. There exists many trust and reputation models but most of them do not dealt with the multi-context property of trust or reputation. Therefore, the main focus of this thesis is on analysis of multi-context trust based models and provides main assumptions for new fully multi-contextual trust model on the bases of them. The main part of this thesis is in providing new formal multi-context trust model which are able to build, update and maintain trust value for different aspects (contexts) of the single entity in the multi-agent system. In our proposal, trust value can be built on the bases of direct interactions or on the bases on recommendations and reputation. Moreover we assume that some context of one agent is not fully independent and on the bases of trust about one of them we are able to infer trust to another's. Main contribution of this new model is increasing the efficiency in agent decision making in terms of optimal partner selection for interactions. Proposed model was verified by implementing prototype of multi-agent system when trust was used for agents' decision making and acting.