National Repository of Grey Literature 35,833 records found  beginprevious21 - 30nextend  jump to record: Search took 2.89 seconds. 

Influence of meadow management on the migration behavior of selected species of butterflies
Bubová, Terezie ; Langrová, Iva (advisor) ; Farkač, Jan (referee)
Migrations are the key process and one of the basic biological features, which allow survival of endangered species in fragmented landscape. In the last decades, agriculture intensification, industry and urbanization caused that number of natural butterfly habitats has significantly decreased. The localities originally suitable for butterflies are currnetly converted to farmland or building plots. This PhD thesis aimed to find a compromise solution of meadow management, which should allow a commercial use and concurrently do not jeopardize the continued existence of endangered or threatened species. The main idea of this study was in the intentional emigration causing in the middle of flight period, which should lead into resettlement of the population to another (potentially more suitable) locality. Possibility of aimed manipulation with butterfly emigrations would be considered as a major breakthrough in their protection. The investigated species Phengaris nausithous (Bergsträsser, 1779) and Phengaris teleius (Bergsträsser, 1779) are both considered to be flagship species for protection of European butterflies at open meadows. This study is based on research, which was carried out in 2013-2015 at 17 patch in localities Dolní Labe, Czech Republic. In above mentioned years, one selected meadow was mowed in the middle of flight season and the emigrations were then monitored using mark-release-recapture method. Results of population and migration characteristics were calculated in MARK 8.1 software. Subsequently, the effect of mowing on emigration (comparison of emigrations from the meadow before and after mowing) was evaluated using Statistica 13. The hypotheses of this study were based on the assumption, that the loss of resources after well-timed mowing should increase the activity of adult butterflies. During the monitoring, number of emigrations was increased only in flight season 2015. Unfortunately, the statistical evaluation did not show significant effect of mowing on migrations. On the other hand, the hypothesis dealing with colonization of nearest meadows was confirmed. Effect of intentional emigration caused by management interventions was unfortunately not proved. However, we found out, that even though the population at one mowed meadow decreased clearly, the metapopulation size at the locality remained more or less stable. At investigated (mowed) meadow, there was observed a sharp decline of P. nausithous abundance. On the other hand, P. teleius population was only slightly reduced. It is therefore conceivable, that P. teleius are not as susceptible to innapropriate term of mowing. The results obtained in our research conclusively displayed no possible positive effect of mowing in the middle of flight season and a necessity of suitable management maintenance at localities inhabited by Phengaris butterflies.

The role of authority and form of partnership during creation of new choreographic dance piece
Radačovský, Mário ; KAZÁROVÁ, Helena (advisor) ; WIESNER, Daniel (referee)
In our dance life its very important that we meet time to time people who are so incredibly influencetial to us ether positive or negative ways. Some of them are able to influence us so much that we keep this impact which they have made on us for ever.Role of autority and partnership between these two elements is crucial.Its has impact on everyday of our working life.I ca not imagine what can happen if there is not existing somekind of form of partnership in the dance studio.To be dancer is very no simply just job .Is more ,its something truly special what not everyone can understand.The task of my work is to go back in my profesional past ,through out my own memories and profesional experiences to offer some situations when I truly felt presents of authority and partnership .Sometimes only autorithy .I this work Im trying to offer my small stories which I lived thourgh from my prospective and Im tring to analysed them through my own expierience of today.It always about something.We are creating because we want to say things.Journey is very important sometimes more then final outcome. Now important during this journey is able to see how things are done how we comunicate them and autorities will appear .

Noise, Transport and Structural Properties of High Energy Radiation Detectors Based on CdTe
Šik, Ondřej ; Lazar, Josef (referee) ; Navrátil, Vladislav (referee) ; Grmela, Lubomír (advisor)
Poptávka ze strany vesmírného výzkumu, zdravotnictví a bezpečnostního průmyslu způsobila v posledních letech zvýšený zájem o vývoj materiálů pro detekci a zobrazování vysokoenergetického záření. CdTe a jeho slitina CdZnTe. jsou polovodiče umožnují detekci záření o energiích v rozsahu 10 keV až 500 keV. Šířka zakázaného pásma u CdTe / CdZnTe je 1.46 -1.6 eV, což umožňuje produkci krystalů o vysoké rezistivitě (10^10-10^11 cm), která je dostačující pro použití CdTe / CdZnTe při pokojové teplotě. V mé práci byly zkoumány detektory CdTe/CdZnTe v různých stádiích jejich poruchovosti. Byly použity velmi kvalitní spektroskopické detektory, materiál s nižší rezistivitou a výraznou polarizací, detektory s asymetrií elektrických parametrů kontaktů a teplotně degenerované vzorky. Z výsledků analýzy nízkofrekvenčního šumu je patrný obecný závěr, že zvýšená koncentrace defektů způsobí změnu povahy původně monotónního spektra typu 1/f na spektrum s výrazným vlivem generačně-rekombinačních procesů. Další výrazná vlastnost degenerovaných detektorů a detektorů nižší kvality je nárůst spektrální hustoty šumu typu 1/f se vzrůstajícím napájecím napětí se směrnicí výrazně vyšší než 2. Strukturální a chemické analýzy poukázaly, že teplotní generace detektorů způsobuje difuzi kovu použitého při kontaktování a stopových prvků hlouběji do objemu krystalu. Část mé práce je věnována modifikaci povrchu svazkem argonových iontů a jejímu vlivu na chemické složení a morfologii povrchu.

Acceleration of Object Detection Using Classifiers
Juránek, Roman ; Kälviäinen, Heikki (referee) ; Sojka, Eduard (referee) ; Zemčík, Pavel (advisor)
Detekce objektů v počítačovém vidění je složítá úloha. Velmi populární a rozšířená metoda pro detekci je využití statistických klasifikátorů a skenovacích oken. Pro učení kalsifikátorů se často používá algoritmus AdaBoost (nebo jeho modifikace), protože dosahuje vysoké úspěšnosti detekce, nízkého počtu chybných detekcí a je vhodný pro detekci v reálném čase. Implementaci detekce objektů je možné provést různými způsoby a lze využít vlastnosti konkrétní architektury, pro urychlení detekce. Pro akceleraci je možné využít grafické procesory, vícejádrové architektury, SIMD instrukce, nebo programovatelný hardware. Tato práce představuje metodu optimalizace, která vylepšuje výkon detekce objektů s ohledem na cenovou funkci zadanou uživatelem. Metoda rozděluje předem natrénovaný klasifikátor do několika různých implementací, tak aby celková cena klasifikace byla minimalizována. Metoda je verifikována na základním experimentu, kdy je klasifikátor rozdělen do předzpracovací jednotku v FPGA a do jednotky ve standardním PC.

Mikolov, Tomáš ; Zweig, Geoffrey (referee) ; Hajič,, Jan (referee) ; Černocký, Jan (advisor)
Statistické jazykové modely jsou důležitou součástí mnoha úspěšných aplikací, mezi něž patří například automatické rozpoznávání řeči a strojový překlad (příkladem je známá aplikace Google Translate). Tradiční techniky pro odhad těchto modelů jsou založeny na tzv. N-gramech. Navzdory známým nedostatkům těchto technik a obrovskému úsilí výzkumných skupin napříč mnoha oblastmi (rozpoznávání řeči, automatický překlad, neuroscience, umělá inteligence, zpracování přirozeného jazyka, komprese dat, psychologie atd.), N-gramy v podstatě zůstaly nejúspěšnější technikou. Cílem této práce je prezentace několika architektur jazykových modelůzaložených na neuronových sítích. Ačkoliv jsou tyto modely výpočetně náročnější než N-gramové modely, s technikami vyvinutými v této práci je možné jejich efektivní použití v reálných aplikacích. Dosažené snížení počtu chyb při rozpoznávání řeči oproti nejlepším N-gramovým modelům dosahuje 20%. Model založený na rekurentní neurovové síti dosahuje nejlepších publikovaných výsledků na velmi známé datové sadě (Penn Treebank).

Effective using of potential of bilingual environment
The dissertation thesis "How to use the potential of bilingual environment efficiently" endeavors to highlight bad as well as good practices in bilingual upbringing. Bilingualism represents at present a very topical issue. In connection with increasing globalization, the issue of learning of foreign languages is more and more emphasised. People living in mixed marriages have often no idea how to bring their children up. In many cases they take steps that lead to irreversible consequences. The theoretical part of the thesis gives a survey of bilingualism, the division and kinds of bilingualism and ways of its acquisiton. The theory is practically illustrated in the empirical part through various examples. 42 case studies have been carried out, which include characteristic and uncharacteristic respondents. The findings of the research are compared with the facts mentioned in the reference works. The aim of the dissertation thesis is to find out which educational methods should parents follow in bilingual education and which methods they should better avoid.

Application of Queueing Theory
VÁŇOVÁ, Eliška
The goal of this thesis was to understand Queueing Theory and use it for analysis of queueing system of hypermarket company PZV. Theoretical part is consists of basic iformations which is necessary to know for application of queueing theory. First chapter is about random variables, random event, random proces, stochastic and Poisson processes and Markov chains. Then was possible to describe queueing theory basic characteristics, parameters, analy-sis, classification and basic models. In the practical part was from the beginning analyze development of custo-mers going through cashier zone. On the base of analysis were customers divided into 4 groups. For these groups were counted characteristics and parameters, next was analyzed the system, but because data were too inaccurate, it was necessary to use different values for the groups and to count analysis for these values. The last step was to find number of cashiers to make system optimal. The result, it was 4 ca-shiers, was unfortunately not accurate. For better results it would be necessary to have more detail data.

Project management in selected company
This work deals with project management in chosen company. It has two parts. The first part is theoretical, which is focused to theoretical treatment of the subject. It explains what is the project, management of projects, organizations of projects, processes of project management, what is target of project, communication, control, changes and risks and more. In the practical part I focused to concrete company and project management and than I analyzed concrete project. Name of the mentioned company is OHL ŽS, a.s. It is company from Spain, which acts all over the world. In the Czech Republic has the base in Brno. This company has several divisions and every of them is focused to different professional architecture. I have chosen division of structural engineering. This division builds all kinds of buildings. It could be construction of new buildings or reconstruction. To analysis of chosen project I used various business documents, contracts with investor or suppliers, document which include billing, timetable. I especially used my experience with projects of this company, and I was part of this project. Name of this project is Reconstruction of cladding including replacement windows and insulation. During the analysis of project I found a couple major gaps. If we could avoid these gaps, we could increase profit. These graphs is especially in management. At the beginning there were appointed two temporary construction managers. They doesn't care about result project, because they knew that they will not be to the end of the project. These gaps are because there is missing motivation system. Project manager can´t affect results of employees. It doesn´t depend on performance of employees, they always has the same wages. For elimination of these gaps I proposed several suggestions for improvement. The first suggestion is modification and extension of motivation system. New motivation system include personal evaluation. This evaluation depends on performance of employee. The second part is bonus from over profit. The next suggestion is make a new working position. This position would take care about controlling and project documentation. During the building project, especially at the end is construction manager very busy. It depend of decision of construction 63 manager what kind of activity will have prefer. Project documentation and administration or controlling of building works. If they are doing everything correct and technology are respect. Suggested position would take care about invoices, real work, which is done, project documentation, controlling of budget. The third suggestion is purchase of small machinery such as chipping hammers and drills. At this time they rent all devices. Rent is higher than purchase price. The last suggestion is use credit to restoration of fleet. At this time they have obsolete fleet, because the bought all cars by cash. It is not conveniently.

Distribution management in a large company (warehouse)
Distribution management in a large company. This Master´s Thesis examines the company Fruko-Schulz, s. r. o. This company has been making spirits. The goal is to map out the information and material flows toward the warehouse and from the warehouse. Subsequently, to analyze the current state of the company. Based on the information propose measures for improvement. In own work is described in detail and enterprise activities in a company. After ideas are designed to change. These proposals relate to distribution to the end customer through the gastronomical exhibitions and fairs. Other proposals are aimed at end users in the Russian market. Ideas for packaging or new products are designed, but is backed that do not make sense. Company Fruko-Schulz, s. r. o. sas a long tradition and reputation. But that's not enough, the competition is great and it isalso at a high level. The idea to focus on the Russian market is very good and there is great potential.

Remote sensing as support tool for agricultural drought assessment
Hlavinka, Petr ; Semerádová, Daniela ; Balek, Jan ; Žalud, Z. ; Tadesse, T. ; Hayes, M. ; Wardlow, B. ; Trnka, Miroslav
Very important information about vegetation condition within wide areas (through continents and states) or for local areas in resolution from hundreds to tens of meters could be obtained from satellites within remote sensing. The temporal and spatial continuity is big advantage of this method. Namely so-called vegetation indices are often used for vegetation cover condition assessment. The aim of submitted study is to present possibility of using EVI2 (Enhanced Vegetation Index) for assessment of drought impact within vegetation. The results for selected years of the period 2000-2015 achieved using MODIS (Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer) aboard Terra satellite are included. The data in weekly time step and for the whole Czech Republic are presented.