National Repository of Grey Literature 44 records found  beginprevious21 - 30nextend  jump to record: Search took 0.00 seconds. 
Evaluation of the dynamic postural stability of competitive epee fencers
Durych, Martin ; Pavlů, Dagmar (advisor) ; Opatrná Novotná, Irena (referee)
Title: Evaluation of the dynamic postural stability of competitive epee fencers. Objectives: The aim of this work is to objectively evaluate and compare postural stability of fencers by Neurocom EquiTest computerized dynamic posturography. Methods: The work has the character of a quantitative observational study, the aim of which was to assess and compare postural stability in sport fencers. A total of 63 probands took part in the research. The experimental group consisted of 9 fencers and 7 fencers in the age range of 20-29 years (average age = 24.19, SD = 2.70). The remaining 47 individuals formed a control group (23 men, 24 women, mean age = 25.22, SD = 2.20). Postural stability was assessed using a Neurocom SMART EquiTest. A complete range of 7 tests was used - Sensory organization test (SOT), Adaptation test (ADT), Motor control test (MCT), Unilateral stance (US), Limits of stability (LOS), Rythmic weight shift (RWS) and Weight bearing squat (WBS). In the experimental group, then additional balance tests - Single leg standing test and Stork test. The measured data were statistically processed and compared in the program R. Descriptive elements were determined for the data used for this work - mean, median, standard deviation. Data normality was assessed by the Shapiro-Wilk test. The...
Postural stability in adults with Down syndrome
Ležíková, Marie ; Daďová, Klára (advisor) ; Hráský, Pavel (referee)
Title: Postural Stability in Adults with Down Syndrome Objectives: The goal of the thesis was to compare postural stability in individuals with Down syndrome and the control group comprising of healthy individuals, and to compare postural stability in adult men with Down syndrome and adult women with Down syndrome. Methods: The empirical part of the thesis was based on data collected from a pressure sensing platform MobileMat 3140 by Tekscan. The study was made up of 52 probands (30 men and 22 women). The probands were separated into the experimental and the control group based on their Down syndrome diagnosis. The experimental group consisted of 11 men and 15 women, with the average age being 38,4 ± 8,7 years, the average height 156 ± 7,2 cm, and the average weight 75,1 ± 16,2 kg. Similarly, the control group consisted of 11 men and 15 women, with the average age being 38,8 ± 9,2 years, the average height 175 ± 10,1 cm, and the average weight 78,9 ± 14,5 kg. The participants were measured in four modifications of the bipedal stance: wide base of support with the eyes open; wide base of support with the eyes closed; narrow base of support with the eyes open; narrow base of support with the eyes closed. Each measuring session took 30 seconds. Results: Six parameters of postural stability were...
Balance and ways of affecting it by motor learning
Janíčková, Michaela ; Kotková, Karla (advisor) ; Janatová, Markéta (referee)
OF BACHELOR THESIS Author: Michaela Janíčková Supervisor: MUDr. Karla Kotková Opponent: Title of the bachelor thesis: Balance and ways of affecting it by motor learning Abstract: This bachelor thesis is a theoretical-practical thesis. In the theoretical part, the problems of balance and motor learning, are discussed. This part includes explanation of basic terms and presentation of basic standard balance tests and physiotherapeutic methods improving balance. The practical part is of a research type and focuses on data collection and their partial analysis. The study was performed on 16 respondents - healthy young females without balance dysfunction. The aim of the bachelor thesis was to evaluate an effect of motor learning on the balance of these volunteers. Motor learning took place on stabilometric platform Nintendo Wii Balance Board with the use of interactive Homebalance system. All respondents underwent the program of motor learning once a week for the duration of 10 weeks. Both before and after the learning, the volunteers were examined through static posturography. They performed a series of 12 different standing balance tasks. In all tasks, apart from task 3, SKG area, SKG lenght, Maximum amplitud ML and Maximum amplitud AP parameters were monitored. In balance task 3, Maximum amplitud ML,...
Comparison of selected functional and computer methods for testing the stability in female floorball players
Kramperová, Adéla ; Urbářová, Eliška (advisor) ; Čakrt, Ondřej (referee)
The bachelor thesis evaluates comparison of selected functional and computer methods for testing stability. It is focused on finding a correlation between tests and comparisons in terms of time and space demands, equipment requirements, difficulty of performance and overall usability in practice for female floorball players. The theoretical part describes the problematics of postural stability in floorball. In the first part there is a summary of professional terms related to the term of stability in physiotherapy. Furthermore, the specifics of floorball are described with a focus on the relation of injury and stability in this sport and there is also a summary of possibilities of testing static and dynamic stability, without the use of computer methods as well as with their use. Methodology: A total of 40 players of the highest floorball (women's or junior's) competition took part in the research. For comparison, results from 31 probands were used. The average age of the involved players was 22 years (± 2.4). The participants underwent a total of three tests of stability, two of them were measured on a force plate (mCTSIB - Modified clinical test of sensory interaction on balance, US - Unilateral stance test) and one was a functional test (SEBT - Star excursion balance test). Results: The work did...
Data classification from posturographic measurements
Tesař, Zdeněk ; Bílý, Tomáš (advisor) ; Neruda, Roman (referee)
This bachelor's thesis describes the design and implementation of a C# application for classifying disorders of patients' balance systems using data acquired from posturographic measurements. The application was created by the paper's author on the basis of a collaborative effort with experts from the 2nd Faculty of Medicine at Charles University in Prague, which was also the site of its first experimental use for testing and research purposes.
Differences during quiet standing when breathing abdominally
Gantar, Sebastjan ; Pavlů, Dagmar (advisor) ; Vláčilová, Ivana (referee)
Title: Differences in postural activity during quiet standing when breathing abdominally. Aim and purpose: Aim of this study was to examine the effects of abdominal breathing on selected muscles and stability during quiet standing to find empirical evidence if it can reduce the strain and change the activity pattern, which erect standing demands from the muscles. Methods and materials: This thesis begins with an introduction to theoretical part in which we gathered all the already existing and written information needed to form the knowledge base for our experiment. Continuing in 9th chapter, methodology and experiment procedure are described where we measured muscle activity using surface EMG and to monitor changes in stability we used force- plate for posturography where only linear parameters were acquired. Both devices were used simultaneously while the subject was in quiet stance for a period of 90 seconds. Results: Results shown decrease in most of the muscles, with a higher increase in body sway in medio- lateral than in antero-posterior direction. Signal didn't change to a more distinct wave-like pattern of rhythmic oscillations, as we had thought it would. Keywords: Posture, quiet standing, abdominal breathing, diaphragm, system interrelation, EMG, posturography
Rating postural stability in synchronized swimming
Koubková, Natálie ; Satrapová, Lenka (advisor) ; Stupková, Michaela (referee)
Title: Rating postural stability in synchronized swimming Objectives: The aim of the diploma thesis is to detect, with a use of the system Gaitview ® AFA - 50 systém (Foot Scanner), if synchronized swimming has effect on postural stability of synchronized swimmers. Methods: Therotical part of diploma thesis is about synchronized swimming, influence of the aquatic environment, postural stability, stabilization and balance. A sample of 113 female athletes aged 6-35, who were long term synchronized swimmers at competition level, was chosen for this survey. Postural stability of athletes was tested while standing still with open and closed eyes by Gaitview ® AFA-50 system (Foot Scanner). Measured data were processed through Gaitview software, Microsoft Excel 2010 and anaylzed by statistical methods (average percentage, ratio, linear trend). Results: Results confirmed the effect of synchronized swimming on athletes postural stability. The longer are athletes dedicated to synchronized swimming the better is postural stability. From the age of 15 years and after 9 years of experience in synchronized swimming postural stability was shown to be better without access to visual information than with it. In the youngest category there is the biggest difference in postural stability while standing still with...
Compensation of balance disoder in time in patients after vestibular schwannana resection
Hajná, Barbora ; Čakrt, Ondřej (advisor) ; Chovanec, Martin (referee)
Introduction: Disorders of balance and dizziness are characteristic symptoms in patients after vestibular schwannoma surgery and often have a negative impact on their quality of life. This thesis deals with impairment of postural stability particularly in patients at the long time period after surgery. The aim of this study is to observe the longitudinal development of vestibular compensation from acute postoperative period to time of several years after surgery. Another aim is to evaluate the short-term effect of vestibular rehabilitation in a long time period after surgical treatment, and to compare the results of measuring the subjective visual vertical, posturography, score of the Dizziness Handicap Inventory questionnaire, age and tumor size in these patients. Methods: Examined group consisted of 10 patients after resection of vestibular schwannoma (mean age 41.4 ± 12.1 years; 2 women and 8 men). All patients underwent intensive rehabilitation program in the acute phase after surgery. 7 patients did exercise with visual feedback, and 3 patients had conventional rehabilitation without visual feedback. In long time period after surgery all patients underwent one exercise unit with visual feedback. Patients underwent computerized posturography examination using force platform Balance Master® in...
Postural stabilization and balance - theoretical background and definitions (literature review)
Uhlíková, Jana ; Rašev, Eugen (advisor) ; Maršáková, Kateřina (referee)
Title: Postural stabilization and balance - theoretical background and definitions (literature review) Objectives: The aim of this theses is to investigate the present situation of theoretical background of postural stabilization and balance and find out the differences between both of these phenomenons. The theses should summarize the current literature including the newest studies. Furthermore, it discusses the most used computerized measurements methods for assessing balance and postural control. Methods: The theses has character of literature review. It is divided into several parts. The beginning introduces the theoretical background. The descriptive and analytical chapter discuss the most used computerized measurement methods for assessing balance and postural control. The discussion summarizes the current situation and results of the theses. Results: The total amount of the 104 studies was found, but only 12 of them met the criteria of the theses. Currently the most used methods for assessing balance and postural control are the computerized dynamic posturography and the visual feedback posturography. In the published studies there were found several differences in the methods of posturography. Even, there was revealed ideological diversity in the authors' opinions and disunity in...
Evaluation of selected postural stability parameters of diabetic patients
Mrázková, Lucie ; Zahálka, František (advisor) ; Strnad, Pavel (referee)
Title: Evaluation of selected postural stability parameters of diabetic patients Objectives: The main objective of this thesis is to describe the level of postural stability using the selected parameters in diabetes mellitus type 2 and to try to find a relationship between the severity of disease. We also want to compare the level of postural stability for such an illness with respect to the values of selected parameters of the healthy population. Methods: It is a descriptive study. The theoretical part was the basis of the processing problems of diabetes mellitus, with a focus on neuropathy. After that we evaluate data of selected parameters of postural stability in diabetes mellitus type 2. The second part involves the experiment, which refers to the evaluation of this issue in terms of posturographic analysis. A group of 30 type 2 diabetic patients were divided according to their diabetologist disease severity into 4 groups. A control group of healthy subjects included a sample of 7 probands. The patient group was composed of 18 men and 12 women, whose average age was 62.63 ± 15.55 years, average weight 91.17 ± 19.97 kg, who were subjected to measurement using a pressure plate FootScan (RScan International, Belgium). Results: We managed to prove, that subjects with diabetic neuropathy have...

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