National Repository of Grey Literature 184 records found  beginprevious21 - 30nextend  jump to record: Search took 0.02 seconds. 
Energy Assessment of Cogeneration and a Gas Boiler room
Kandl, Petr ; Počinková, Marcela (referee) ; Horák, Petr (advisor)
The thesis contains a gas boiler room energy assessment in Lišov. In the mentioned boiler room, there are instaled gas condensing boilers and cogeneration units Theoretical part of the thesis lists a summary of generally used cogeneration equipment and ordinarily used gases. Calculation part includes four variants of the boiler room reconstruction. Energy assessment compares the chosen variant from the calculation part with the original condition of the boiler room.
Valves timing of compressor for CO2 refrigerant
Kamenický, Robin ; Kobský, David (referee) ; Hejčík, Jiří (advisor)
V posledních několika desetiletích se objevuje snaha o snížení firemních nákladů, stejně tak jako nákladů, které je nucen vynaložit zákazník, čímž se společnosti snaží získat výhodu vůči svým konkurentům na trhu. Spolu s tímto trendem jde i neustálá snaha snížit dopady na životní prostředí. Vývoj stávajících produktů se proto zdá být klíčovým prvkem. Tento dokument se zabývá vývojem pístového kompresoru na CO2 chladivo, který vyrábí společnost Emerson Climate Technologies. Cíl práce je zvýšit COP kompresoru při zachování stávající životnosti kompresoru. Diplomová práce je rozčleněna do několika kapitol, které se zabývají analýzou originálního designu kompresoru, návrhem a vyhodnocením designů nových. Nezbytné teoretické základy mohou být také shlédnuty v počátečních kapitolách. V poslední části dokumentu jsou sdělena možná další vylepšení a případné jiné konstrukce. Vývoj byl zaměřen na sestavu ventilové desky. Na základě několika předpokladů a výsledků analýzy původního designu kompresoru byly navrženy nové konstrukce, které byly dále testovány statickou strukturální analýzou. Pomoci modální analýzy byly také vypočteny vlastní frekvence a vlastní tvary sacího jazýčku. Mimo modální a statické strukturální analýzy byla provedena také CFD analýza. V posledním kroku byly testovány navržené prototypy a jejich výsledky byly porovnány s původním kompresorem. K správnému návrhu bylo zapotřebí programové podpory a to především v podobě MATLABu, ANSYSu WB a Microsoft Excelu. V práci jsou velmi často prezentovány obzvláště výsledky získané v programu ANSYS WB.
Air Quality Analysis in Office and Residential Areas
Tisovčík, Peter ; Korček, Pavol (referee) ; Kořenek, Jan (advisor)
The goal of the thesis was to study the indoor air quality measurement focusing on the concentration of carbon dioxide. Within the theoretical part, data mining including basic classification methods and approaches to dimensionality reduction was introduced. In addition, the principles of the developed system within IoTCloud project and available possibilities for measurement of necessary quantities were studied. In the practical part, the suitable sensors for given rooms were selected and long-term measurement was performed. Measured data was used to create the system for window opening detection and for the design of appropriate way of air change regulation in a room. The aim of regulation was to improve air quality using natural ventilation.
Engineering solutions for mitigation of climate change - methods for elimination of greenhouse gases from the atmosphere
Lněničková, Veronika ; Elcner, Jakub (referee) ; Lízal, František (advisor)
This bachelor thesis deals with methods of eliminating greenhouse gases, their advantages and disadvantages and the costs associated with their applications. The first part of this thesis describes the scientific field of geoengineering dealing with the removal of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. The second part is focused on methods of solar radiation management and finally, methods eliminating other greenhouse gases than carbon dioxide are described.
Engineering solutions for mitigation of climate change - methods applicable at the source of greenhouse gases
Remeková, Valentína ; Jedelský, Jan (referee) ; Lízal, František (advisor)
This work aimed to produce a research study on the topic of engineering solutions designed to mitigate climate change and which are applicable at the source of greenhouse gases. The first part outlines the fundamental matters of climate change. The second part focuses on technologies CCS (Carbon capture and storage) which capture and sequester carbon dioxide and possible options for separating CO2 from flue gases. The third chapter describes technologies CCU (Carbon capture and utilization) that use captured carbon as a product for further use. The future of these technologies and other abatement methods are addressed in the following section. The financial aspects of solutions for climate change mitigation are discussed in chapter five. The last part summarizes the main advantages, disadvantages, findings, and limitations of research.
The possibilities of utilization of carbon dioxide for the preparation of dimethyl carbonate from methanol
Křenek, Jaroslav ; Friedl, Zdeněk (referee) ; Kizlink, Juraj (advisor)
Research preparation and manufacture of dimethyl carbonate from carbon dioxide and methanol, with advantage of carbon dioxide as significant waste from chemical industry.
Green as a healing element of buildings and cities
Šmídová, Kristina ; Blasinski, Petr (referee) ; Rubinová, Olga (advisor)
Tato práce se zaměřuje na představení městské zeleně jako důležitý prvek udržitelné výstavby, a především jako prvek, který zbavuje okolní vzduch znečištění a přispívá k lepšímu prostředí ve městech. Dále se tato diplomová práce zabývá vztahem mezi městskou zelení a znečištěním ovzduší oxidem uhličitým v Brně. Ve městě byla prováděná měření koncentrací oxidu uhličitého, kyslíku a sekundárních veličin po dobu půl roku od června do listopadu roku 2019. Měření byla prováděna na čtyřech místech v Brně a dále tato data byla mezi sebou porovnána. Dále byla navrhnuta zelená opatření. Ve dvou vybraných lokalitách v Brně byly vybrány střechy, na které byla navrhnuta extenzivní zelená střecha.
Methods of CO2 separation from air, ways of its use and long-term storage
Kober, Ondřej ; Baláš, Marek (referee) ; Škorpík, Jiří (advisor)
Combustion of fossil fuels creates greenhouse gas emissions that cause global warming. The most important of these gases is carbon dioxide. Although it occurs naturally in the atmosphere, human emissions upset the balance of various natural processes. The aim of this bachelor’s thesis is to conduct a background research in the field of carbon dioxide capture, storage and utilization. The thesis also describes the role of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, its cycle and human influence on carbon dioxide concentration.
Influence of calculation accuracy on final parameters of heat exchanger
Matyska, Stanislav ; Radil, Lukáš (referee) ; Foral, Štěpán (advisor)
The aim of this thesis is to make the design of the heat exchanger more accurate. It is assumed that the division of the tube bundle of the heat exchanger to a plurality of parts by the transferred thermal output can achieve more accurate values. The first part of this thesis is dedicated to the sorting of the heat exchangers according to different criteria, and a brief description of most of them. It describes what are their functions and what are the demands placed on them. Next, there is given a detailed description of the tubular heat exchanger, specifically the mantle one because it is fundamental for this thesis. To investigate the influence of calculation accuracy, there is selected a reference heat exchanger, which processes the study. There are described the main characteristics for the reference heat exchanger (transferred thermal output, heat transfer fluids, their temperature on inputs and outputs) and its construction (geometry of the heat exchanger, number of tubes, tube geometry). The thesis also discusses the influence of calculation accuracy of the heat exchanger at its parameters. In the next part, there is made a basic calculation of the tube bundle length and the pressure losses of the proposed heat exchanger. Here are assembled the theoretical basis for the calculation by dividing the tube bundle. Specific calculations are performed so that the tube bundle of the heat exchanger is divided into a selectable number of parts by the transferred thermal output. In each section, there is performed a calculation of the length of the specific tube bundle part. Individual lengths are added up and finally put together the entire tube bundle length. At the end of this section, there are calculated the pressure losses in the heat exchanger in a similar manner as for the calculating the total length of the tube bundle. In conclusion of this thesis there are described and clarified the results of the calculations. It examines the difference between the results of the reference and the proposed heat exchanger.
Sodium - Carbon-dioxide Heat Exchangers for Sodium Cooled Fast Reactor NPP (SFR)
Foral, Štěpán ; Šimo, Tomáš (referee) ; Matal, Oldřich (advisor)
This master’s thesis deals with a design of Na-CO2 heat exchanger. There is a comparison of shell and tube heat exchanger with PCHE in the first part. Further the shell and tube heat exchanger with internally finned tubes was chosen as the basic conception. There was performed an optimization of construct and operations parameters for this concept. The optimization was performed on the basis of thermal and hydraulic calculations. Further there were performed calculations for ensuring of safe operation of the heat exchanger. The conclusion of the diploma thesis deals with comparison of the designed heat exchanger with similar projects.

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