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Application of inertial sensors in physiotherapy
Doležalová, Eva ; Sládková, Petra (advisor) ; Oborná, Pavlína (referee)
OF BACHELOR THESIS: Author's first name and surname: Eva Doležalová Bachelor thesis supervizor: MUDr. Bc. Petra Sládková Bachelor thesis consultant: Mgr. Štěpánka Kozlerová Oponent: Title of bachelor thesis: Application of inertial sensors in physiotherapy Key words: inertial sensors, fyzioterapie, accelerometr, gyroskop, functional independence measures, neurorehabilitation Abstract: Inertial sensors are devices that allow monitoring of the movement. They are used also in physiotherapy, where they are applied to analyze walking and to detect falls. My bachelor thesis is focused on the possibility of using inertial sensors for monitoring patients affected by upper extremity. The theoretical part contains an outline of chosen foreign studies that deal with this issue. The second part is about theoretical neurorehabilitation, which is an important part of treatment for patients after brain damage. The practical part is processed in the form of quantitative research. The aim was to obtain and correlate the values obtained before and after the rehabilitation process. It was a total daily activity of upper limbs, which was measured by inertial sensors and the results of functional independence measures (FIM).

Old age as a social event
Abstract Old age as a social event The Old Age is a natural period of life. This period brings wisdom, insight, sense of fulfillment, but physical, mental and social changes occur at the same time. A retirement is a fundamental change in this period. How do these changes actually affect the senior life? Some individuals are not ready for these changes and they do not know what to do, how to cope with their Old Age. And therefore it is a very important thing not to underestimate the retirement preparation process. Attitudes of the majority population to the seniors are among others influenced also by the media which constitute key factors in the society involved in a social construction of the reality and in a socialization of all generations. The population ageing has an impact not only to intergenerational relationships but also to a subjective experience of the Old Age. The senior issues cannot be only reduced to the issue of the pension reform but there will be necessary to deal with the status of a senior in the society, the recognition of a senior contribution, questions of the their upbringing and education, a media presentation of the senior issues, an adaptation of services to the needs of the seniors, to the senior fashion, transportation, environment... The aim of my bachelor thesis was to acquaint with particular consequences of the retirement (coping with the retirement, positive and negative aspects of a pension, a health state and plans of seniors for the future). In the course of my work I respected a personality of each person and his or her attitude to the life. My research aim was to find out whether seniors perceive their retirement as a social event in the meaning of a change in their social status. The partial aim was to characterize factors that most influence the perception of the Old Age. I think that the aims were met. I chose a qualitative form of the research using a narrative dialogue method and an inquiry. The research sample consisted of seniors older than sixty five years who are retired and live in the region of Tábor. Results of my thesis show that the retirement preparation and adaption process is very important. In order to get to a gradual change of the lifestyle, a transitional phase between the unemployment and the retirement is necessary. Seniors need to familiarize with a new situation and how to cope with it. The senior economic situation is getting worse with the retirement as well. It is obvious that senior living standard has got its own social significance and that indicates, in a certain way, their social status. The results of the conducted research show that seniors perceive their position in the society negatively and they consider their retirement as a social event with a meaning of a change in their social status. A declaration of the above mentioned European Year for Active Ageing and Intergenerational Solidarity is therefore considered to be a useful step in the process of the coping with consequences of demographic changes in the Czech Republic. The theme concerning seniors is currently very timely, because with the demographic development the number of seniors is still increasing not only in the Czech Republic but also in the whole Europe. The society warns about an inappropriate behavior of younger generation towards seniors. Therefore I believe that my thesis will serve to a creation of a more comprehensive picture of the Old Age from the perspective of the seniors.

Undesirable effects in nursing care
MARKOVÁ, Ladislava
Adverse events in nursing care are currently much discussed topic. In providing of nursing care we meet with some kind of adverse events every day. But not always we come to realize that it is an adverse event. The number of adverse events grows up every year and this topic becomes more current. The target of this bachelor thesis titled Adverse events in nursing care was to obtain enough information about the discussed topic of adverse events. Practical part of bachelor thesis was prepared by form of quantitative research carried out by using questionnaire survey. Based in the results from questionnaire survey were confirmed or unconfirmed given hypotheses. Ascertained results were summarized in the graphs of which analysis confirmed the hypothesis no.2 The average age of clients who suffer most with the adverse events is from 65 to 75 years. Hypothesis no. 3 The most common adverse events are falls. Hypothesis no. 4 The most commonly used methods of prevention are barriers and warning devices. Hypothesis no. 5 Adverse events occurring more in internal wards. Hypothesis no. 1 The frequency of adverse events increased in 2011, compared to other years based on the processed research results, was not confirmed. As emerged from the research, to the topic of adverse events is not attached such seriousness as it should and sometimes are adverse events underestimated by medical staff. The results of the research will be presented and consulted with the hospital´s main nurse, who could works with it within the meaning of the organizing various seminars, information meetings with my contribution and participation.

Reward and Punishment in Education
ABSTRACT This baccalaureate dissertation titled ?Reward and Punishment in Education? describes the frequency of utilisation of certain rewards and punitive measures in the educational process of pupils. The aim of the dissertation is to compare the approach to the usage of certain types of reward and punishment in the educational process of pupils at a selected school. The theoretic part is aimed at characterising the methods of evaluating the pupils? behaviour, as well as describing reward and punishment from both a pedagogic and psychological perspective. The practical part is devoted to conducting a research study, which deals with the awareness of teachers, parents and pupils in regards to the use of rewards and modes of punishment at a selected school. Based on the findings of the study we can state that reward is preferred to punishment by all groups.

Manager´s personality development and human resources management
The aim of this thesis is to explore new approaches and perspectivities on manager´s personality development and manager´s personality in contemporary human resources management. In the theoretical part of this thesis were summarized issues of human resources management, knowledge management, manager´s personality and its development. The selected research methodology was a questionnaire survey. The research was focused on the forces that determine the manager´s personality and his own opinions and preferences. The questionnaire was filled in by a total of 73 respondents. In consideration came the division into four categories depending on where company executives are found. These categories were public administration, financial services companies, transport and accommodation services companies and manufacturing enterprises. The data were evaluated separately for each category and made into tables and graphs which were followed by partial results and discussions on individual issues. Based on the results we can say that we are moving to a situation where the leadership positions will discover a balanced representation of men and women relating to higher education and good language skills. Most managers feel the need for further education and they are actively working on it. The most prefered form of learning is learning through education courses, learning from the other managers and from their own experiences. It is clear that managers prefer to work in teams, consultative and team style of management, self-realization, adequate earnings and friendly relations in the workplace. As prerequisite for successful management is considered organizational and communication skills, ability to motivate people and take responsibility for their decisions. Most executives have the oportunity to come up with creative ideas and more than half of them enforce it into practice. After a summary of the informations gathered, it becomes clear tendency of manager not to be afraid of new approaches in education and personality development, which is on a very good level. Today´s managers are aware of the imporatnce of education for the knowledge society, and they are trying actively to develope it. In the future we can expect more sophisticated styles of management and upward trend in the implementation of new personnel management in all the monitored sectors.

Ramsey-type results for ordered hypergraphs
Balko, Martin ; Valtr, Pavel (advisor) ; Conlon, David (referee) ; Nešetřil, Jaroslav (referee)
Ramsey-type results for ordered hypergraphs Martin Balko Abstract We introduce ordered Ramsey numbers, which are an analogue of Ramsey numbers for graphs with a linear ordering on their vertices. We study the growth rate of ordered Ramsey numbers of ordered graphs with respect to the number of vertices. We find ordered match- ings whose ordered Ramsey numbers grow superpolynomially. We show that ordered Ramsey numbers of ordered graphs with bounded degeneracy and interval chromatic number are at most polynomial. We prove that ordered Ramsey numbers are at most polynomial for ordered graphs with bounded bandwidth. We find 3-regular graphs that have superlinear ordered Ramsey numbers, regardless of the ordering. The last two results solve problems of Conlon, Fox, Lee, and Sudakov. We derive the exact formula for ordered Ramsey numbers of mono- tone cycles and use it to obtain the exact formula for geometric Ramsey numbers of cycles that were introduced by Károlyi et al. We refute a conjecture of Peters and Szekeres about a strengthening of the fa- mous Erd˝os-Szekeres conjecture to ordered hypergraphs. We obtain the exact formula for the minimum number of crossings in simple x-monotone drawings of complete graphs and provide a combinatorial characterization of these drawings in terms of colorings of ordered...

Active life style for seniors
Kolářová, Kateřina ; Bunc, Václav (advisor) ; Hráský, Pavel (referee)
UNIVERZITA KARLOVA V PRAZE FAKULTA TĚLESNÉ VÝCHOVY A SPORTU Aktivní životní styl seniorů Abstract Vedoucí bakalářské práce: Vypracovala: Prof. Ing. Václav Bunc, Csc. Kateřina Kolářová Praha, leden 2012 Abstract Title: Active lifestyle for seniors Objectives: The objectives of this work is to demonstrate the positive influence of active living on seniors through literary analysis Methods: The thesis has a research character. Information to support founded in a variety of sources, including scholarly reports and internet sources. It will focus on the benefits of an active lifestyle on the health and wellbeing of seniors. Initially, the thesis considers the characteristics of age and aging. In the next section there will be an examination of how an active lifestyle affects the quality of life and overall health of seniors. In other words, what are the important factors that result in healthy outcomes. Results: The research will determine the ideal activities that will benefit elderly people. If seniors are to become more active, they will have to be motivated to exercise on their own or in groups and this activity will have to be readily available at a moderate cost and be enjoyable to participate in. The best way to sport is walk for them. Keywords: Seniors, a active-healthy lifestyle, age, fitness,...

Rise Choteks house. Lifestyle clerical aristocracy in the 18th century
Cerman, Ivo ; Pánek, Jaroslav (advisor) ; Čechura, Jaroslav (referee) ; Smutný, Bohumír (referee)
The thesis does not include an abstract in English The thesis does not include an abstract in English The thesis does not include an abstract in English The thesis does not include an abstract in English The thesis does not include an abstract in English The thesis does not include an abstract in English The thesis does not include an abstract in English

The possibilities of influencing walking stereotypes with botulinum toxin
Kolářová, Edita ; Angerová, Yvona (advisor) ; Pochylová, Barbora (referee)
Title: The possibilities of influencing walking stereotypes with botulinum toxin Abstract: The thesis is focused on finding opportunities to influence the walking stereotype of patients suffering from spasticity of the lower limbs by botulinum toxin. The aim of thesis is to compare the quality of walking stereotype of these patients before and after the application of botulinum toxin by using a standardized test intended to evaluate the walk and based on the results to evaluate the effect of botulinum toxin on the walking stereotype. While reading the theoretical part the reader is familiar with the basic concepts related to the problems such as spasticity, botulinum toxin and walking stereotype. The scales evaluating the muscle tone are subsequently described (The Modified Ashworth scale, The Tardieu Scale) and of course the scales evaluating the walking stereotype are also mentioned (Rancho Los Amigos Gait Analysis Form, Gait Assessment Rating Scale, Rivermead Visual Gait Assessment, Tinetti Balance And Gait Evaluation). Scales evaluating the walking stereotype are also described in detail at thesis, their pros and cons are highlighted and upon the preferences of the author, one of these scales is selected to be applied in the practical part. The practical part is composed of case studies of two patients...

Testament and its legal regulation in the history, present and de lege ferenda
Hruboňová, Michaela ; Adamová, Karolina (advisor) ; Skřejpková, Petra (referee)
1 ABSTRACT (resumé - anglická verze) Testament and its legal regulation in the history, present and de lege ferenda This thesis is concerned with historical development of legislation of the testament as a probate title in our country. It analyzes the different legal regulations and delivering a comprehensive look at this institute from past to present and thanks to the new civil code in to the future. Its aim is to bring will to the general public as a significant Heritage title respecting the will of the testator and allowing him to choose his heirs or their inheritance shares otherwise than as provided for in the rules of inheritance law. Since the new Civil Code returns to our inheritance law some traditional institutions, it is beneficial for better understanding to be also familiar with their historical adapting and development. Thesis in each historical period approximates the form of the testament with its most relevant features that enable easier comparisons between treatments. The first part is presented form of testament by the law of Roman. It wasn't only laid the foundations of this institute, but continental law at all therefore his conception of wills and inheritance law cannot be ignored. First chapter closer the Roman law requirements for persons deceased and heirs (testamentary capacity),...