National Repository of Grey Literature 20,154 records found  beginprevious20145 - 20154  jump to record: Search took 1.73 seconds. 

The poet Jaime Torres Bodet
Pohlová, Silvie ; Vydrová, Hedvika (advisor) ; Housková, Anna (referee)
S tvorbou mexického spisovatele Jaimeho Torrese Bodeta jsme se poprvé seznámili prostřednictvím jeho esejů. Zaujetí autorovými názory na společenské otázky vystřídal zneklidňující pocit rozprostírající se v nás při četbě jeho básní. Touha objevit, čím je toto znepokojení vyvoláváno, nás dovedla až k vypracování této diplomové práce. Neděláme si však nároky na vyčerpávající studii o autorově poezii. Rádi bychom se pouze podělili se čtenářem o některé naše postřehy. Pojetí této práce bude částečně snahou přiblížit literární ovzduší, ve kterém Torres Bodet vytvářel své básně, a částečně pokusem o vyjádření našich dojmů z četby. Abychom uvedli tvorbu mexického autora do širšího literárního kontextu, je nezbytné se nejdříve seznámit s tzv. skupinou Contemporáneos 1 , do které bývá zahrnován a které věnujeme první kapitolu. Jelikož autoři uskupení začali tvořit svá díla v období, kdy do Mexika přicházela avantgarda, zaměříme náš pohled na odraz nových literárních proudů v jejich poetické tvorbě (se zaměřením na Torrese Bodeta) a zároveň se pokusíme čtenáři přiblížit literární polemiky, které se na tuto problematiku soustřeďují. Druhá kapitola pak stručně pojedná o životě a díle Jaimeho Torrese Bodeta. Zbývající kapitoly budou již věnovány pouze autorově básnické tvorbě, přičemž nejdříve o ní pojednáme obecně...

Italian dialectal poetry in the 20th century
Mallyová, Alexandra ; Pelán, Jiří (advisor) ; Flemrová, Alice (referee)
Italská literatura má díky rozmanitosti svého území a především díky historickému vývoji mnoho specifik. Jedním z nich je dialektální tvorba v době, kdy dialekty již téměř ztratily svou původní komunikační funkci. Pro svou diplomovou práci jsem si vybrala téma italské poesie v dialektu 20. století, neboť právě v poesii je tato tendence návratu k dialektům nejsilnější. Tato látka byla zatím nejúspěšněji zpracována Frankem Brevinim, jehož rozlišení pěti hlavních proudů dialektální poesie 20. století považuji za velice objevné, a proto jsem si jej dovolila použít i v této práci. Naopak výběr čtyř dialektálních básníků, Giottiho, Marina, Guerry a Pierra, jimiž se tato práce zabývá podrobněji, je čistě subjektivní, pouze snad dokládá fakt, že dialektální poesie 20. století našla svou největší sílu na poli lyriky. Cílem této práce není dokazovat, že dialektální literatura má právo existovat i v době, kdy její antropologický svět již v podstatě neexistuje; to dokazuje sám fakt, že v dialektu vznikají stále nová díla. Snažila jsem se jen částečně zmapovat fenomén, který je neprávem opomíjen, a doložit, že dialekt je pro poesii vhodným nástrojem a záleží pouze na nadání autora, zda tento nástroj dokáže použít.

Spiritual needs of clients
Chalupová, Andrea ; Rybářová, Marie (advisor) ; Mellanová, Alena (referee) ; Kutnohorská, Jana (referee)
The work concern about spiritual needs of hospitalized clients, demonstrate importance their satisfying, study presence of nursing diagnosis from spiritual sphere, influence at go through illness and quality live of client. The targets of theoretical part of work: - define name of spiritual, approximate two her dimension; - show difference between spirituality and religion; - describe rule of spiritual didactics; - chart spiritual needs with relation into nursing process; - characterize age category close to examine amount of clients; - pick up the Christian's conception illness and suffering; - offer resources which we have disposal at talking with client; - describe what positively or negative affects quality of client's live. The targets of empirical part of work: - map spiritual needs of clients with connection of illness; - find out changes in hierarchy spiritual neccesary of clients and other needs (before beginning of illness, after specify of diagnosis and during therapy, in terminal stage); - describe and analysis meet/dissatisfy spiritual needs of clients; - find out if age influence of saturation spiritual needs; - catch presence of nursing diagnosis in sphere of spiritual. Final part assess all task, marks out significance of spiritual needs and their monitoring by medical personnel.

The Contrast of life and death in works of J. K. Šlejhar
Krčálová, Tereza ; Heczková, Libuše (advisor) ; Mravcová, Marie (referee)
The thesis focuses on J. K. Šlejhar's literary work from two points of view. The first part introduces Šlejhar's work in the contemporary literary context as a result of a synthesis of new literary styles. In the second part the thesis concentrates on a textual analysis and reconstruction of the author's "artistic world". The first part of the thesis gives insight into the contemporary discussions aimed at revising and redefining the function of art with respect to the new development in society and new human needs. The critical reception of realism and naturalism and the reflection of the then wide-spread adoption of new influences from foreign literatures are also dicussed. To draw a comparison, we quote both period and current studies dealing with J. K. Šlejhar's work. Thereby we want to demonstrate the changing requirements of literature and art and the changing perception of a literary work throughout time. The second part of the thesis comprises the textual analysis of Šlejhar's selected writings from the point of view of semiotic literary theory and the reconstruction of the author's "artistic world". Such approach enables us to draw comparisons to Russian literature of the 19th century, primarily with the works of N. V. Gogol and F. M. Dostoyevsky, and to discover a common basis for both...

The Russian Translations of A Clockwork Orange
Václavová, Andrea ; Hlaváček, Antonín (advisor) ; Hříbková, Radka (referee)
The diploma thesis "Russian translations of A. Burgess' novel lA Clockwork Orange" deals with the question of translation of Russian words used in the book written in English into Russian. It also deals with the problem whether the former aesthetic value of the original is being preserved in the translated works as well. You will discover linguistic and literary analyses of the original version and its three Russian translations (which were published in Russia under the title 'Заводной апельсин') and a comparison of them. The Sinélščikov's translation seems to be the most successful at the first sight. He translates the Russian expressions used in English by English and American words. But only if you read the whole book you will find out that he slightly changes the original plot and thus he also shifts the meaning of the novel. In other words he does not preserve the original aesthetic value of Burgess' work. In comparison, Nëtësovova's translation is the most successful of all as for the maintenance of artistic value of the book. Paradoxically, the most often published Bošnjak's translation is excessively vulgar and it is the less imaginative translation of all. His translation does not give the reader the possibility to get known or to understand the meaning of Burgess' literary work. Powered by TCPDF...

Author's posture of Houellebecq
Fernandez de Jesus, Eva ; Voldřichová - Beránková, Eva (advisor) ; Jamek, Václav (referee)
This thesis focuses on the characteristic of the author's posture of Michel Houllebecq, a contemporary French author. The theoretical part of the thesis outlines the development of the author's concept during the 20th century and characterizes the author's posture in views of the Swiss literature critic Jérôme Meizoz, whose studies the thesis is based on. The second part of the thesis is dedicated to Michel Houllebecq's life and his present literature career. It gradually introduces his works together with receptions they received by the public. The description of the author's image follows. The final part comprises of the analysis of Houllebecq's work discursive ethos, which is the analysis of the author's poetics and style. The influence of those personalities who most affected author's style and his artistic pose as a whole is also emphasized. The thesis is complemented with a complete list of works by Michel Houllebecq and an illustrative photographic annex.

Price of Construction and Possibilities of Supplier
Veselá, Michaela ; Vítková, Eva (referee) ; Puchýř, Bohumil (advisor)
The aim of this thesis is to describe the possibilities contractor in determining the price at possible changes during the process of construction supplies. You need to have a set price of construction work, which is a necessary part of the work contract. It is good to know the rights and obligations of the parties in the construction. In the practical part, the work deals with the possibility of fixing prices as well by the contractor under the contract for work.

Creative contribution of sound engineering towards music recording
Balcar, Jan ; URBAN, Ondřej (advisor) ; ZOBAČ, Jiří (referee)
Diploma thesis describes engineering of a music recording and is focused on creative potencial of the discipline. Text covers possible attitudes towards sound design of a musical work and refer that the result is invariably influenced by individual conception and creative vision of the sound engineer. Thesis deals also with music perception in its different forms, recent transformations of music industry, sound aesthetics, dramaturgy, sound image and its qualities. These topics are applied to practical aspect of sound engineering. Thesis is based on author's personal experiences and availabe bibliographical resources.

Traditions and customs in Czech and Ukrainian literature of the 19th century
Golovan, Nelli ; Dolenská, Jana (advisor) ; Hasil, Jiří (referee)
(in English): The bachelor thesis deals with traditions and customs of the Czech and Ukrainian literature of the 19th century. Work contains the theoretical part with a brief description of the development of Czech and Ukrainian literature of the 19th century, those mentioned personalities had great influence on shaping of the literature of this period. The practical part of the text is dedicated to important Czech and Ukrainian authors, such as Bozena Nemcova, Karolina Svetla, Karel Jaromír Erben, Taras Shevchenko, Hryhoriy Kvitka- Osnovjanenko, Ivan Kotliarevsky, Ivan Nechuy-Levytsky, and Mykhailo Kocjubynskyj. The works of these authors are used as the primary literature of the thesis. Based on the study of selected literature, examples of traditions, customs and superstitions that are associated with such events of human life such as birth, engagement, wedding, funeral, and celebration of some holidays were analyzed in this part of the text. These events are categorized and compared. The practical part also contains research whether and to what extent mentioned traditions, customs and superstitions in both cultures are still kept alive. Klíčová slova (anglicky) Traditions superstitions Czech literature Ukrainian literature 19th century Ukraine Czech Republic wedding funeral Christmas

Trnka, Matyáš ; KUBÍČEK, Jiří (advisor) ; Mertová, Michaela (referee)
Bachelor thesis Overcoats presents unrealized projects (mostly films) of seven czech major directors of animated films. Text contains samples from specific projects, accompanying text of author of the thesis, which puts works into larger context and interviews which was made directly with authors of projects or the individuals most connected. Interviews were taken, rewritten and modified in July and August 2016.