National Repository of Grey Literature 17,816 records found  beginprevious17807 - 17816  jump to record: Search took 1.00 seconds. 

Towards the war film fiction
Martinek, Přemysl ; Hanáková, Petra (referee) ; Klimeš, Ivan (advisor)
Při zkoumání žánru fikčního válečného filmu se leckdy dostaneme do pasti osobních vášní. Válku jsme nikdy nezažili, máme o ní často jen letmou představu, která vychází ze spousty různých druhů informací, které jsme o ní získali. To, jakým způsobem je zobrazována, možná vůbec neovlivní to, jak bychom se v ní zachovali my. Možná že fikční válečný film je jen takovou hrou, takovým uzavřeným světem hrdinů, kteří umírají, zabíjejí, znásilňují, vzpomínají na manželky, pijí v důstojnických klubech, tančí s děvčaty, poslouchají rozkazy, bloudí po lese a třeba se topí v moři. Válka jako mohutný, nezvratný a mimořádně dynamický proces, který naprosto rozruší struktury ve společnosti, se prostě ve všech svých aspektech zachytit nedá a je tedy jen na nás, jak budeme který film vnímat. Když jsem mluvil o tématu své práce s různými lidmi, většinu z nich vlastně tento žánr nebaví a nemají k němu žádný vztah. V době války se však rapidně zvyšuje počet lidí, kteří si k žánru vztah "najdou". Podobně se tomu děje i v dobách blížící se války. Umění je sice vždy uzavřené do sebe, ale právě v krizových dobách má poměrně zásadní roli komunikátora mezi jakýmsi kolektivním celkem (státem, armádou, národem) a jednotlivcem. To platí především u filmu. Umění tak v demokratických zemích s vyspělými tradicemi odkazuje své diváky k...

Analysis of cytology images
Pavlík, Jan ; Blaha, Milan (referee) ; Kolář, Radim (advisor)
This master’s thesis is focused on automating the process of differential leukocyte count in peripherial blood using image processing. It deals with the design of the processing of digital images - from scanning and image preprocessing, segmentation nucleus and cytoplasm, feature selection and classifier, including testing on a set of images that were scanned in the context of this work. This work introduces used segmentation methods and classification procedures which separate nucleus and the cytoplasm of leukocytes. A statistical analysis is performed on the basis of these structures. Following adequate statistical parameters, a set of features has been chosen. This data then go through a classification process realized by three artificial neural networks. Overall were classified 5 types of leukocytes: neutropfiles, lymphocytes, monocytes, eosinophiles and basophiles. The sensitivity and specificity of the classification made for 4 out of 5 leukocyte types (neutropfiles, lymphocytes, monocytes, eosinophiles) is higher than 90 %. Sensitivity of classiffication basophiles was evaluated at 75 % and specificity at 67 %. The total ability of classification has been tested on 111 leukocytes and was approximately 91% successful. All algorithms were created in the MATLAB program.

Phytochemical study of Helianthus annuus leaves
Novosadová, Zuzana ; Karlíčková, Jana (advisor) ; Jahodář, Luděk (referee)
SOUHRN Cílem této diplomové práce bylo najít nejpřínosnější izolační postup pro získání látek z listů slunečnice roční a pokusit se odstranit chlorofyl, kterého bylo v extraktu velké množství a mohl by komplikovat další postup. Náplní druhé části diplomové práce bylo provést biologické hodnocení získaných extraktů. Nejprve byl připraven ethanolový extrakt z listů H. annuus zpracováním 100 g výchozího materiálu, se kterým byla provedena extrakce 400 ml 80% EtOH a následovala filtrace. Extrakce byla zopakována ještě s 200 ml 80% ethanolu, oba filtráty byly spojeny a bylo získáno celkem 360 ml ethanolového extraktu. Dalším krokem bylo odstranění chlorofylu z tohoto extraktu. 3 ml extraktu bylo podrobeno zkoušce na odstranění chlorofylu. K extraktu se přikapával 15% roztok octanu olovnatého. Vznikla sraženina, která byla odfiltrována. K filtrátu se přikapával nasycený roztok uhličitanu barnatého a opět byla provedena filtrace. Po přidání uhličitanu barnatého se vysrážel chlorofyl. Pro orientaci byla provedena TLC dichlormethan-ethylacetát 80 : 20, chloroform-methanol 80 : 20. Celé množství sumárního extraktu (347 ml) bylo zbaveno chlorofylu stejnou metodou, která byla odzkoušena nejprve s malým množstvím extraktu, tedy pomocí octanu olovnatého (435 kapek) a následně přidáním uhličitanu barnatého (100 ml + 800...

Sport and Physical Activities in Quadriplegic Patients as a Complement to Physiotherapy
Zikmundová, Tereza ; Nováková, Tereza (advisor) ; Bartůňková, Staša (referee)
Title: Sports and physical activities m patient with quadriplegia as a complement of physiotherapy. The aims of the work: The aim of the work was to show training effect on physiological capacity of man with quadriplegia by spirometry, ergometry and motoric tests and by the Spínal Cord Independent Measure (SCIM) and interview to sum up how the physical capacity changes influence the psychical condition and daily life activities managing. The other aim was to make some guide for people with the sirnilar dificulties and to show them how could improve their abilities with the help of sport. Methods: The work has character of case study. We realized three exarninations of ergometry, antropometric parameters, spirometry, motoric tests and observed the changes during one year. Patient filled up the SCIM at the begining and in the end of monitored year and was interviewed because of himself subjective level rating in the end. Results: After four months of training (the first exarnination) all measured physiological factors on ergometry got better. Spirometry was also quiet better. There was no evident changes in motoric tests. In the end of observing, after one year, majority of physiological factors was lower than after four months, but almost all of them achieved higher level than at the begining....

Multifunctional house in Strakonice
Kolesa, Jiří ; Rozehnal, Miroslav (referee) ; Štěpánek, Ladislav (advisor)
The subject of this thesis is the design and project documentation of a new multifunctional house in Strakonice. The building has four floors, without basement, and is located on a slightly sloping land in the suburban part of the town of Strakonice. It is based on shallow foundations and covered with a flat roof. It is a transverse wall structural system, build with clay block masonry, with the semi-assembled ceiling structures of ceramic and concrete beams and inserts. It is conceived as a double-aisle layout. The ground floor of each wing consists of the establishment of shops and house facilities. The overground floors are designed as six residential units of varying size category. Both tracts have separate entrances to both the residential portion and to individual businesses. The building is designed from traditional building materials. In addition to the architectural construction and civil-engineering design, a part of this project is also a fire safety design and an assessment from the perspective of building physics.

Intercultural Training Methods
Matysová, Kamila ; Zadražilová, Dana (advisor) ; Klosová, Anna (referee) ; Bedrnová, Eva (referee)
Goal. The goal of the following study is it to propose educational measures in readiness for the methods of intercultural training at the Faculty of International Relations of the University of Economics Prague based on revealed cultural attitudes of the students studying International Trade to chosen ethnic, national, racial and religious groups (also called categories). In particular, the goal is it to detect explicit and implicit attitudes and related prejudice, stereotypes and experienced emotions of the students studying International Trade (IT) at the University of Economics Prague to/against 17 (respectively 20) chosen categories; to evaluate its magnitude for business practice and economy; and to propose appropriate measures for intercultural training. Sample and conditions. 167 students of International Trade from The University of Economics Prague took part in the first study. For measuring magnitude of the determinants of explicit attitudes 166 members of common population were questioned. Another 293 students were questioned in the first study and altogether 460 students took part in the second study. There were used the Bogardus social distance scale as a measuring psychological technique for explicit attitudes and prejudice, the syllogisms aptitude tests as a measuring tool for implicit attitudes and prejudice and the open questionnaire for stereotypes. Hypotheses. The following hypothesis was settled in the first study: Attitudes of the IT students have specific features, on the one hand, they differ from the attitudes and prejudice of common population and on the other hand, they have relation to the status of the perceived national, ethnic, racial and religious groups. There were tested 24 zero, working hypotheses. The first 17 working hypotheses are related to the relationship between the memberships in the two observed populations and the expressed explicit attitudes and prejudice. The next 6 hypotheses are connected to the attitudes of the students to occidental nationalities, to the Ukrainians, Russians, the Mongols and Moldovans, to the Slovaks and Czechs, Arabians and Muslims. The last working hypothesis is related to the relationship between explicit and implicit attitudes to and prejudice against Roma minority and Muslims. The following hypothesis was settled in the second study: Stereotypes of the observed population refer to the real existing intercultural differences, experienced emotions and projected cultural complexes. There was tested a working hypothesis related to the dependence between prejudice and stereotypes. Statistical analysis. The data were analyzed by the chi-square test and the strength of the relationship was measured by Cramér V. Furthermore agglomerative clustering by nearest neighbor method was applied and the results were presented as a horizontal dendrogram. Results. The results of the first study are well fitting the settled hypothesis. International Trade Students have relatively less prejudice comparing to the common population, it is influenced by their age as well as by their academic degree. There were identified several clusters of categories, that show similar attitudes. The students have positive, but not identical attitudes to all occidental categories, the same attitudes to the Ukrainians and Russians, Arabians and Muslims. The most favored national group are the Slovaks and the most prejudiced ethnic group is the Roma minority. There is dependence between explicit and implicit attitudes. The results of the second study are well fitting the settled hypothesis. Stereotypes of the observed population refer to the real existing intercultural differences as well as to experienced emotions and projected cultural complexes. The dependence between explicit stereotypes and explicit prejudice is caused by positively connoted attributes. Proposed educational measures for intercultural training are discussed in the study illustrated with examples of optional course 2OP321 Effective communication in English. Limits. Bogardus social distance scale is mostly focused on the behavioral component of the explicit attitudes, which does not necessarily mean an equivalent behavioral action.

Míra ohrožení chudobou jako indikátor chudoby v Evropě ? analýza vlastností a vypovídací schopnosti
Zelený, Martin ; Jílek, Jaroslav (advisor) ; Cyhelský, Lubomír (referee) ; Sirovátka, Tomáš (referee)
Tématika sociální soudržnosti a sociálního vyloučení hraje v posledním období stále významnější roli v agendě Evropské unie. Spolu s tímto vývojem narůstá i potřeba srovnatelných sociálních indikátorů pro oblast příjmů a životních podmínek. Významným indikátorem pro tuto oblast je v současné době indikátor ?míra ohrožení chudobou?, který patří do skupiny klíčových strukturálních indikátorů pro pravidelné monitorování sociální situace v EU. V této souvislosti se tento indikátor těší rostoucí mediální pozornosti a zájmu uživatelů. Tématem předkládané práce je analýza tohoto indikátoru, jeho vlastností a vypovídací schopnosti. Úvodní část se zabývá teoretickými koncepty měření chudoby, vybranými indikátory pro měření chudoby a problematice dat o příjmech domácností. Druhá kapitola podrobně analyzuje definici indikátoru ?míra ohrožení chudobou? a jednotlivé její parametry. Prezentovány jsou odhady hodnot tohoto indikátoru v České republice pro populaci celkem a vybrané socioekonomické skupiny obyvatelstva spočtené z dat šetření Mikrocensus 2002. Třetí kapitola analyzuje citlivost výsledků na volbu dvou hlavních parametrů indikátoru ? procenta mediánu příjmu pro stanovení hranice chudoby a stupnice spotřebních jednotek použité pro přepočet disponibilních příjmů domácností. Kromě obvyklého srovnání několika referenčních hodnot je navrženo použití parametrického přístupu a empirických citlivostních křivek jako vhodného nástroje pro analýzu vývoje hodnoty indikátoru v závislosti na parametrech v jeho definici. Závěrečná část práce se pak věnuje vlastnostem odhadu míry ohrožení chudobou jako statistické veličiny a dopady, které tyto vlastnosti mohou mít na jeho interpretaci a používání.

Intervention on ileocecal valve in relation to incontinence of heterotopic dermal urinary reservoirs
Hrbáček, Jan ; Záleský, Miroslav (advisor)
The increasing incidence of Bladder carcinomas (Babjuk, 1998) (Table 1, Figure 1), which is reflected in the number of cystectomy performed, leads and an increase in the number of derivation operations with the creation of spare both orthotopic urinary reservoirs and heterotopic. Among the most commonly used modality second group includes the Indiana pouch put into practice in 1987 Rowland. One of the major problems facing not only this type of reservoir, the risk of incontinence. Incontinence mechanism provided by that method derivative especially ileocecal valve. The aim of this study is to verify the possibility of affecting the ileocecal valve agonist midodrine as possible incontinence treatment reservoir. 5 Figure 1: Long-term development of neoplasms of the urinary bladder with us and the world; conversion to 100 thousand. pop. (1975-2003). Source: ÚZIS, 2006. Table 1: Incidence of tumors of the bladder in us and the world. Source: Babjuk, 1998; ÚZIS, 2006. Year 1980 1993 2003 Males 13.9 23.5 33.1 Women 4.2 6.7 10.7 Total 18.1 30.2 43.8 The incidence of bladder tumors in CR (CSSR) to 100 thousand. pop. 0 10 20 30 40 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 year number of cases per 100 thousand. pop. Czech Republic (CSSR) World ; 1.1 Basic facts about urinary derivation The most common indication for cystectomy...

Preliminary analysis of reproductive success in the Northern chamois (Rupicapra rupicapra) from NP Grand Paradiso
Poláková, Radka
Paternity analysis was performed on a study population of chamois (Rupicapra rupicapra) from 107 feaces samles. DNA was extracted from samples using commercial kits (Qiagen). Based on analysis of 17 microsatellite loci was found that a 6 different males sired a total of 9 kids. Male M13_16 sired more than half the kids. Each of the five other males sired always only one kid.\n

Estimation of Genetic Parametrs in Selected Reproduction Traits of Sheep and Revision of Existing Evaluation of Animals
Schmidová, Jitka ; Vostrý, Luboš (advisor) ; Jan, Jan (referee)
The objective of this investigation was to select the proper model for genetic parameter estimation, to estimate genetic parameters, and to predict breeding values for litter size in most common sheep breeds in Czech Republic. A total of 143 896 lambing records from 1990 to 2012 were analysed. Variance components and genetic parameters for litter size were estimated separately for each breed using the BLUP animal model with repeatability. The basic model equation contained ewe age as a fixed effect and random effects of contemporary group, permanent environment and direct additive genetic effect of the animal. Modifications of the basic model were examined when various combinations of mating effects were included (contemporary group of ewes during mating (harem), additive genetic and permanent environmental effect of service ram). Estimates of phenotype variance increased across breeds (0.236 for Šumava to 0.779 for Romanov) with increasing breed average for number of lambs per litter. Variance component estimates for permanent environmental effect of the ewe were low (0.0001 to 0.0262). The variance of common environment of contemporary group (from 0.0223 to 0.1309) had bigger influence on the total variability of litter size in almost all studied breeds then additive genetic variance (from 0.0146 to 0.0587). The lowest heritability and repeatability estimates were for the Šumava (h2=0.0619; w2=0.0823) and Romney breeds (h2=0.0626; w2=0.0811); while the highest were for Merinolandschaf (h2=0.1091; w2 = 0.1129). The effect of service ram ranged from 0.01 to 0.02 of phenotypic variance in Šumava sheep, in Romanov sheep it was from 0.05 to 0.10, and in Suffolk sheep it was from 0.04 to 0.05. Including effects of mating (service sire, harem, and/or ram´s permanent environmental effect) in the model decreased deviance information criterion, what means that these models are more proper than the basic one. Results from present study demonstrate that genetic parameters did differ among the investigated breeds, which should be taken into account in breeding value estimation. The service rams have low but a clearly detectable influence on litter size of their mates. Genetic parameter estimates indicate that direct selection on the service ram effect could increase litter size and achieve genetic gain through ram selection.