National Repository of Grey Literature 57 records found  beginprevious18 - 27nextend  jump to record: Search took 0.01 seconds. 
Possibilities the use of CT and MRI in ENT diagnostics
The bachelor's thesis deals with the possibilities use of CT and MRI in ENT diagnostics. The main goal is to introduce and give information about the use of various viewing methods in ORL diagnosis, with a main focus on CT and MR viewing methods. In the theoretical part of the thesis, we introduce the field of otorhinolaryngology and a brief introduction into the history of this field. Then we talk about the basic equipment of an ORL doctor's office and the use of various basic examinations. Continuing, we talk about diagnostic methods that can be used in ORL - RTG, CT, NMR, sonography and scintigraphy. Finally, we briefly discuss the anatomy, illness and diagnosis of the airways, throat and neck. The Following goals had been established: To analyse the possibilities of using CT and MRI during the ORL diagnostics. Determine the level of awareness of the non-expert audience about the process of CT and MRI and ORL diseases. Then, hypothesis had been determined, which reads as follows: respondents have sufficient/enough information about the CT and MR examination and respondents have experience with diseases in the ORL area. For the empirical part of the thesis, we chose an anonymous questionnaire whose results were solely intended for the purposes of this thesis. The main purpose of the study was to find out about the knowledge the patients had about the various diagnostic procedures. The result is that the general population is sufficiently informed about the entire diagnostic process, as well as its potential complications and shortcomings. Illnesses in ORL are relatively frequent, across all age groups. The most common diagnoses are ear infections, tonsillitis, and bronchitis. he most commonly used viewing methods are X-rays and ultrasounds or sonography.
Development and evaluation of new cementless revision acetabular components for total hip arthroplasty / type TC /
Šťastný, Eduard ; Trč, Tomáš (advisor) ; Šponer, Pavel (referee) ; Pilný, Jaroslav (referee)
Development and evaluation of new cementless revision acetabular components for total hip arthroplasty / type TC / Objective: The aim of the clinical part of the study was to introduce a new revision oval cup type TC, and evaluate its reliability and utility in revision endoprosthesis. Due to the different structure of the implant, we aimed to objectively demonstrate the remodeling of bone tissue in its vicinity. In the experimental part of the work we verified the hypothesis that the use of locking screws has an effect on the bond strength of the implant with bone tissue, and therefore on the primary stability of the acetabular component. Method: We evaluated 31 patients that underwent revision hip surgery between 2004 and 2008. The mean follow-up was 7.1 years (range 5.3 to 9.3 years, minimum 5 years after surgery). Osteointegration of the implant and remodeling of bone tissue around the implant and its ribs were evaluated by digital radiography and computed tomography, and clinical results according to Harris. The experiment was based on the execution of pull-out tests after the implantation of TC cups in cadaveric bovine pelves. We evaluated the dependence of tensile forces in the axis of the implant on extraction of the metal cup from the bone bed. Four tests were conducted with the cup fixed...
Digital forensic anthropology and sexual dimorphism of recent population os coxae: implication for sex estimation.
Mesteková, Šárka ; Brůžek, Jaroslav (advisor) ; Dobisíková, Miluše (referee)
This thesis uses the metric evaluation of 3D models created from CT images. The study is based on an examination of 51 males and 55 females CT scans from recent European population and also based on a metric data (10 linear measurements) of the same geographical provenance of the mid-20th century (n=113). The purpose of our research project is to determine the degree of sexual dimorphism in current population and compare the degree of sexual dimorphism in this geographic area in the middle of the last century. Intraobserver variabilities of linear measurements were less than 2%. Both groups were statistically tested. An index of sexual dimorphism (ISD) was used to assess the level of sexual dimorphism within each sample (Paris ISD = 8,28, Marseille ISD = 6,50). The two-sided t-test indicates that the degree of sexual dimorphism is not significantly different between population from the mid-20th century and recent population (p = 0,680). The secular trend was expressed by the z-score. The results showed that changes in the pelvic bone between the two groups are not significant, since neither one of the measurements does not exceed ±2 SD. Finally, we verified the reliability of method DSP ("Diagnose Sexuelle Probabiliste") for measurements deducted from CT-derived models. The results showed the...
Reconstruction of the face using skull:analysis of CT images of the head of adult Czech population
Drgáčová, Anna ; Velemínská, Jana (advisor) ; Brůžek, Jaroslav (referee)
AJ Knowledge of the soft facial tissues is the basis of any craniofacial reconstruction. It is of a great importance mainly for forensic practice, but it plays an important role in other fields, for example aesthetic surgery. Defining the thickness of facial tissues for different sexes, age and ethnic groups is an important aspect of forensic anthropology. The thesis specialises in finding out the thickness of soft facial tissues in modern czech population, it takes into consideration the sex, age and assymetry. The main source of information are the CT scans of the heads of 46 adult women and 56 adult men of czech nationality ranging between ages 21 to 83. 80 landmarks are defined in each scan, therefore 40 linear measurements between corresponding points have been evaluated. Data were analysed using the PCA, Hotelling test, linear discrimination analysis, Kolmogorov-Smirnov test, MANOVA, Kruskal-Wallis test and Wilcoxon paired test. Retrieved thicknesses of soft tissues will serve as the standards for the current czech population. Sexual dimorphism has been proven regarding the whole face, as well as both upper and lower parts of the face. The success of classification on the upper part of the face decresases significantly. Aging has been proven to have strong effect on the thickness of soft...
X-ray computed tomography analysis of mouse embryonic heart
Dobrovodská, Daniela ; Oberta, Peter (referee) ; Zikmund, Tomáš (advisor)
Rentgenová počítačová tomografie je univerzální technika umožňující nedestruktivní trojrozměrné (3D) zobrazování. Je široce používána v průmyslu pro metrologii a charakterizaci materiálů. V poslední době našla svůj význam také v biologii a vývojové vědě, kde 3D rekonstruovaná data poskytují komplexnější informace o vzorku než konvenční 2D zobrazovací metody. Kromě toho může vytvářet vysoce kvalitní snímky různých biologických vzorků. Překážkou při zobrazování biologických vzorků může být velmi podobný koeficient útlumu měkkých tkání, a proto je nutné použít barvení chemickou látkou. Tato práce si klade za cíl pomocí mikropočítačové tomografie vizualizovat a kvalitativně vyhodnotit srdce embryonálních myší E17.5 a představit nejlepší barvící protokol. Dále byla zavedena metodika pro zvýraznění rozdílů mezi myší divokého typu a mutantem. Rigaku nano 3DX byl použit pro experimenty s mezi-komorovou přepážkou myšího srdce a po nastavení specifických parametrů zařízení byl použit algoritmus pro zvýraznění fáze. Nakonec byla provedena validace $\mu$ CT dat se snímkami z konfokálního mikroskopu.
Quality control of injection molded plastics using X-ray computer tomography
Figar, Erik ; Šrámek, Jan (referee) ; Jankových, Róbert (advisor)
This Master‘s thesis deals with an aplication of computed tomography as the technology for quality control check of the plastic parts made by the injection molding process. The analyses were performed on two different types of plastic parts. These parts were delivered by two companies and they included the drawing documentation and CAD models. These plastic parts were analyzed according to their qualitative requirements. The analyses included evaluation of the geometric tolerances and porosity analysis with numerical and graphical evaluation. The new module for tool correction ,which is part of VGStudio Max, was tested on parts that were not in accordance with the required tolerances. Afterwards the new corrected geometries were exported. At the end of this Master’s thesis the porosity comparison was assessed between two different voxel resolution CT data. This comparison shows the complexity of this phenomenon and the importance of voxel resolution settings.
Development and use of non-destructive testing methods from the point of view of forensic engineering
Bílek, Petr ; Vala, Jiří (referee) ; Vodička, Jan (referee) ; Hobst, Leonard (advisor)
Concretes reinforced by, using distributed steel reinforcements (fibres) are known as fibre-concrete. In case of disturbances or accidents of concrete structures reinforced with wires, it is necessary to carefully examine the actual implementation of dispersed reinforcement. Fibre concretes belong to modern building materials whose possible applications have not been fully utilized so far. Have been mainly used for floor structures loaded with factory halls and warehouses. Recently, thanks to well-known physical and mechanical properties of fibre-concrete, there were numerous attempts of designers, and namely investors, to utilize this kind of materials for support structures either. Favorable properties of wire-concrete can be utilized if there is a necessity to increase the resistance of concrete to stresses exceeding its strength, cyclic stress or impact stress. Daily practice shows to prove that the applications of fibre-concrete in such structures lead to the economic success. Necessary condition for successful application of steel fiber reinforced concrete in constructions however consists in its uniform dispersion, a homogeneous distribution of the wires throughout the volume of the structure. In case of inappropriate processing and deposition of the mixture during the manufacturing process fiber-concrete structures, the fibers are often unevenly distributed. Wires itself represent unfavourably shaped mixture components and they are extremely deteriorating its workability. A grouping of wires may be encountered as well, which reduces the overall homogeneity and the quality of steel fiber-concrete structures. If the homogeneity of fibre-concrete is not kept, the material possess different properties in various parts of the structure (for example, tensile strength), which can lead to defects in the structure (generation and development of cracks). The relevant lower reliability of the structure which is caused by unequal distribution of fibres (wires) in concrete volume can lead to damage of the property as well as the safety and the human lives can be jeopardized. Hence it is necessary to secure the effective control of the fibre-concrete homogeneity in ready support fibre-concrete structures. Contemporary homogeneity control is still ongoing on fresh blends, but if the fibre-concrete hardened and is a part of the construction, no known reliable methods are currently in available to test the homogeneity of the fibre-concrete on the structure without its destruction. The methods developed to control the concentration of wires in wire-concrete structures are based mostly on magnetic or electromagnetic properties of wires. The thesis deals with the development of the magnetic method in situ using permanent magnets for monitoring the distribution of fibers in hardened steel fiber-concrete structures. The test principle is based on measurements of the changes in magnetic field strength of permanent magnets which are induced by a change in wire distribution in steel fibre-concrete structure. Test is characterized as a so called local- failure- test using a small diameter core drill. In this sense it is a semi-destructive method.
Segmentation of soft tissues in facial part of mouse embryos from X-ray computed microtomography data
Janštová, Michaela ; Harabiš, Vratislav (referee) ; Chmelík, Jiří (advisor)
This diploma thesis deals with a segmentation of soft tissues in facial part of mouse embryos in Matlab. Segmentation of soft tissues of mouse embryos was not fully automated and every case needs a specific solution. Solving parts of this issues can provide valuable data for evolutionary biologists. Issues about staining and segmentation techniques are described. On the basis of accessible literature otsu thresholding, region growing, k-means clustering and segmentation with atlas were tested. In the end of this paper are those methods tested and evaluated on 3D microtomography data.
Research study of mechanical properties of cranial tissue
Wojtek, Lukáš ; Valášek, Jiří (referee) ; Marcián, Petr (advisor)
This bachelor thesis deals with the problematics of determining mechanical properties of cranial bone tissue. In this thesis a search study associated with an experimental determination of mechanical properties of bone tissues is executed. A brief history and progress of imaging methods and their importance of computation modelling are introduced. There are descriptions of histomorfometric parameters describing a structure of bone tissue at the micro level, ways of their computation and their impact on mechanical properties of bone tissue. Practical part of the thesis is focused on processing micro-CT images of cranial bone as well as analysing histomorfometric parameters (BV/TV, TbTh, TbSp) and subsequently stress strain analysis of selected sections of cranial bone tissue. Resulting Young´s modulus of elasticity of bone tissue [MPa] are compared with results from experiments from literature.
Hybrid renderer
Goliaš, Matúš ; Pelikán, Josef (advisor) ; Horáček, Jan (referee)
Title: Hybrid renderer Author: Matúš Goliaš Department: Department of Software and Computer Science Education Supervisor: RNDr. Josef Pelikán, KSVI Abstract: In medical applications, there are often used both volume data and objects defined by their surface. However, rendering these two types of data together is rather dif- ficult. This thesis provides the description of ray marching algorithm for volume rendering. We base the algorithm on the emission-absorption model of light trans- fer through a gaseous material. Moreover, we discuss the problems of adding meshes to the volume with respect to the algorithm. Next, we propose an ex- tension of ray marching which takes all meshes into account and renders them with the volume correctly. In addition, we compare the individual approaches for solving steps of the algorithm. Finally, we implement our solution in an ap- plication for volume viewing. We develop this renderer using OpenGL and we discuss our options of implementation. Furthermore, we extend our application by allowing the camera inside the volume, clipping the scene and interactive edit- ing of transfer functions which define the colour representation of volume data. Subsequently, we describe every feature and discuss its possible implementations. Keywords: volume data, ray marching, translucent...

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