National Repository of Grey Literature 17,631 records found  beginprevious17622 - 17631  jump to record: Search took 1.04 seconds. 

Paramterized complexity in graph theory
Suchý, Ondřej
Seidel's switching of a set of vertices of a graph is an operation which deletes the edges leaving this set from the graph and adds those edges between the set and the rest of graph that weren't in the original graph. Other edges remain untouched by this operation. Parameterized complexity asks if the exponential part of algorithms for hard problems can be bounded by some function only of selected parameters, which we assume small. In this thesis, we study the complexity of a question if the given graph can be turned into a graph with some property P using Seidel's switching, from the parameterized point of view. First we give an overview of known results. Then we show fixed-parameter tractability of switching to a regular graph, a graph with bounded degree of vertices, bounded number of edges and a graph without a forbidden subgraph. We briefly introduce basic definitions and techniques of parameterized complexity.

Financial Equalization of German Federal States. A key German Domestic Political Issue of the Turn of the Millennium
Mynaříková, Romana ; Pešek, Jiří (advisor) ; Mlsna, Petr (referee)
The thesis"Financial Equalization of German Federal States-a Key German Domestic Political Issue of the Turn of the Millennium" describes on of the most important elements of the German financial system,which has been in place since 1950s. It has its constitutional justification in the principle that citizens cannot be treated differently by the government simply because they live in different parts of the federation (article 107 of the German Constitution). The fiscal equalization exists in the form of redistribution of tax revenue (individual and corporate income tax and turnover tax) primarily according to the size of the population in each German state (Bundesland). It takes place vertically between the federation and individual states and simultaneously horizontally among states themselves. The "Lnderfinanzausgleich", interstate horizontal fiscal equalization among the Lnder, is certainly the main factor of interregional solidarity in Germany. Without central governments intervention, it organizes the horizontal redistribution of fiscal revenues among the Lnder, including the five new Lnder since 1995. The operating mechanisms are quite complex. Since the amount of money, which the rich states have to pass on to the poorer states, is enormous, the financial equalization became one of the main topics of...

French holocaust literature: testimonies on (not) experienced
Machovská, Veronika ; Jamek, Václav (referee) ; Voldřichová - Beránková, Eva (advisor)
The World War II represents a huge turning point in the modern history of humankind. Its particularity, which consists first of all in the system of concentration camps and the genocide of Jewish people, caused the creation of a new literary genre - the Holocaust literature. The objective of this thesis is to present this specific genre, its origins and evolution in France, as well as its most important French authors. The first part of the thesis tries to elucidate some of the particular aspects of this literature. It speaks not only about the influence of history and evolution of the postwar society on this genre or about questions that are closely associated with it, but also about the difficulty to define the holocaust literature itself. From a number of definitions that exist, we have chosen for the purposes of this thesis the one that includes all the texts on the concentration camps and the Holocaust (even the fictional ones) under the condition that they have an artistic, literary quality. The second part of the thesis presents an overview of the evolution of the French Holocaust literature and its writers. We speak about the authors of the first generation (mostly the survivors, for example Robert Antelme, David Rousset, Elie Wiesel or Charlotte Delbo) as well as about the authors of the second...

Dynamic characteristic of the workpiece in turning
Nádvorník, Vít ; Štetina, Jakub (referee) ; Fiala, Zdeněk (advisor)
The contens of master thesis is theoretical analysis of vibrations during turning and possibillity to eliminate them, measure dynamic compliance and modal paramteters. The goal of experimental part is to determine the effect of material and type of clamping for three shafts at natural frequency, mode shape and dynamic compliance. Using these results we can optimized cutting parameters and to better overcome vibration during machining.

Informace, znalosti a komunikace jako systémové nástroje rozvoje evropského společenství
Ondruška, Marek ; Kubešová, Vlasta (advisor) ; Třeštíková, Ludmila (referee)
Hlavním cílem předkládané práce je poskytnout základní informace týkající se informační společnosti rozvíjející se v rámci Evropské unie. Při analýzách této oblasti jsou uvažovány tři nástroje: informace, znalosti a komunikace. Text je rozdělen do tří částí. První se zabývá historií Evropské unie a procesem rozšiřování Evropské unie. Následně je pozornost textu přesunuta k oblastem zájmu Evropské unie a k institucím Evropské unie. Hlavní zaměření druhé části se týká vymezení informací, znalostí a komunikace. Konečně třetí kapitola by měla být považována za hlavní část celého textu. První téma této kapitoly se zabývá komunikačním systémem Evropské unie a popisuje základní politiky realizované v oblasti komunikace. Jako další jsou diskutovány aspekty akčního plánu ?eEurope? od jeho vzniku až po současný stav. Poslední téma třetí části se týká problémů souvisejících s komunikací v rámci Evropské unie, jako první mezi členskými státy a následně mezi členskými státy a institucemi Evropské unie.

Paramterized complexity in graph theory
Suchý, Ondřej ; Kráľ, Daniel (referee) ; Kratochvíl, Jan (advisor)
Seidel's switching of a set of vertices of a graph is an operation which deletes the edges leaving this set from the graph and adds those edges between the set and the rest of graph that weren't in the original graph. Other edges remain untouched by this operation. Parameterized complexity asks if the exponential part of algorithms for hard problems can be bounded by some function only of selected parameters, which we assume small. In this thesis, we study the complexity of a question if the given graph can be turned into a graph with some property P using Seidel's switching, from the parameterized point of view. First we give an overview of known results. Then we show fixed-parameter tractability of switching to a regular graph, a graph with bounded degree of vertices, bounded number of edges and a graph without a forbidden subgraph. We briefly introduce basic definitions and techniques of parameterized complexity.

Possibilities for Influencing Children in Nursery Schools with the aid of Psycho-motor Activities
Špalková, Markéta ; Dvořáková, Hana (advisor) ; Pokorný, Ladislav (referee)
Aggressive behaviour is possible to mwention in pre-school age. The principal aim was to find out whatt agressive actions are most common and frequent, how they aree dealt in group of children and possibilities to eliminate them by executing studied psychomotor activities. For monitoring has been used following tools: questionnaire for pedagogues, discussions with pedagogues, discussions with children, monitoring, experimenting. By realizing methods above has been reached the following results. The most common aggressive behaviour ferociousnesses are verbal offences, bitting, beating, kicking, poking, quarreling over sympathies in group of children or group position and friendship. One of the factors that influences such phenomenons is large number of children in classroom or impeding of movement and exercise needs of children. Child with frequent agressive behaviour was not so much favoured in group of children in contrast to one with mostly oral offence displays. Possibility to eliminate such agressive behaviour by executing studied psychomotor activities turned out as not capable of proof.

Financial supervision in the EU - comparison of the CR and Great Britain
Loub, David ; Sedláková, Lenka (referee) ; Kopřiva, Jan (advisor)
On the first April 2006 came to the turning point in the Czech Republic in the sphere of supervision and regulation over financial market, whereby approach more ideal European markets. In the master's thesis I focus on the present state of supervision and regulation of the financial market in CR, but also on system development before the 1. April 2006. I also deal with operating system on the financial market in Great Britain. The aim of my thesis is comparison of supervision and regulation in the Czech Republic and Great Britain.

Comparison of basic characteristics (income, risks, degrees of effectiveness) in selected sectors and industries Stock Exchange
SAIKO, Michaela
The aim of this diploma work was to analyze a selected segment of the stock exchange market using the theory of market efficiency and the methods of technical and fundamental analysis, to form an optimal investment strategy on the basis of the findings. The American stock exchange market was analyzed. Six different segments of the capital market were selected ? gold, oil and gas pipelines, steel and iron, car parts, food and telecommunication services. Each segment was represented by eight companies. The general characteristics of the companies were compared according to their profits, degree of risk, alpha and beta coefficients. Fundamental analysis was used to monitor the correlation between future profits for 2012 and alpha coefficients for the period 2007 ? 2011. The theory was proven ? at low levels of future profits, high levels of alpha coefficients were measured and vice versa - at high levels of future profits, low levels of alpha coefficients were measured. During efficiency tests, runs tests and correlation tests were monitored. During runs tests, the number of turns of a real file was compared with the number of runs of a simulated file; no distinctive variances were identified in the monitored stock titles. Forms of market efficiency were proven during the correlation tests and runs tests. The methods of technical analysis used were sliding averages, RSI indicators and Momentum. Trading on the basis of technical analysis is not completely possible because we did not succeed in finding an existing optimal strategy. If an optimal strategy works out it is regardless of the segment?s characteristics. I recommend a passive strategy with regards to the fundamental analysis.

Computational Simulation of Mechanical Tests of Isolated Animal Cells
Bansod, Yogesh Deepak ; Kučera,, Ondřej (referee) ; Florian, Zdeněk (referee) ; Canadas, Patrick (referee) ; Burša, Jiří (advisor)
Buňka tvoří složitý biologický systém vystavený mnoha mimobuněčným mechanickým podnětům. Hlubší pochopení jejího mechanického chování je důležité pro charakterizaci její odezvy v podmínkách zdraví i nemoci. Výpočtové modelování může rozšířit pochopení mechaniky buňky, která může přispívat k vytvoření vztahů mezi strukturou a funkcí různých typů buněk v různých stavech. Za tímto účelem byly pomocí metody konečných prvků (MKP) vytvořeny dva bendotensegritní modely buňky v různých stavech: model vznášející se buňky pro analýzu její globální mechanické odezvy, jako je protažení nebo stlačení, a model buňky přilnuté k podložce, který vysvětluje odezvu buňky na lokální mechanické zatížení, jako třeba vtlačování hrotu při mikroskopii atomárních sil (AFM). Oba zachovávají základní principy tensegritních struktur jako je jejich předpětí a vzájemné ovlivnění mezi komponentami, ale prvky se mohou nezávisle pohybovat. Zahrnutí nedávno navržené bendotensegritní koncepce umožňuje těmto modelům brát v úvahu jak tahové, tak i ohybové namáhání mikrotubulů (MTs) a také zahrnout vlnitost intermediálních filament (IFs). Modely předpokládají, že jednotlivé složky cytoskeletu mohou měnit svůj tvar a uspořádání, aniž by při jejich odstranění došlo ke kolapsu celé buněčné struktury, a tak umožňují hodnotit mechanický příspěvek jednotlivých složek cytoskeletu k mechanice buňky. Model vznášející se buňky napodobuje realisticky odezvu síla-deformace během protahování a stlačování buňky a obě odezvy ilustrují nelineární nárůst tuhosti s růstem mechanického zatížení. Výsledky simulací ukazují, že aktinová filamenta i mikrotubuly hrají klíčovou úlohu při určování tahové odezvy buňky, zatímco k její tlakové odezvě přispívají podstatně jen aktinová filamenta. Model buňky přilnuté k podložce dává odezvu síla-hloubka vtlačení ve dvou různých místech odpovídající nelineární odezvě zjištěné experimentálně při AFM. Výsledky simulací ukazují, že pro chování buňky je rozhodující místo vtlačení a její tuhost určují aktinová povrchová vrstva, mikrotubuly a cytoplazma. Navržené modely umožňují cenný vhled do vzájemných souvislostí mechanických vlastností buněk, do mechanické úlohy komponent cytoskeletu jak individuálně, tak i ve vzájemné synergii a do deformace jádra buňky za různých podmínek mechanického zatížení. Tudíž tato práce přispívá k lepšímu pochopení mechaniky cytoskeletu zodpovědné za chování buňky, což naopak může napomáhat ve zkoumání různých patologických podmínek jako je rakovina a cévní choroby.