National Repository of Grey Literature 14,569 records found  beginprevious14560 - 14569  jump to record: Search took 0.40 seconds. 

Multi-criteria evaluation of living standards of households, indices of material deprivation
Schenková, Tereza ; Zelený, Martin (advisor) ; Dvornáková, Táňa (referee)
The thesis on the topic "Multi-criteria evaluation of living standards of households, indices of material deprivation" compares two approaches to the measurement of poverty and social exclusion. The first is an absolute concept, which is based on the measurement of the material deprivation. The second is a relative concept, which is currently in the European Union represented by the indicator "at-risk-of-poverty rate". Before being applied on the real data from 2008 for the Czech Republic, both concepts are theoretically described and explained. The indicator "at-risk-of-poverty rate" is calculated based on the results of a survey on the income and the living conditions of the Czech population. The material deprivation is then analysed for different groups of people of the Czech population and the indices of material deprivation are calculated. In the final section, the European Union member countries are compared according to these two concepts.

Tax evidence of individual enterpreneur
Krejzarová, Jitka ; Strouhal, Jiří (advisor) ; Nováčková, Zdenka (referee)
This thesis is focused on individuals who decided to set up their own business. It describes all steps and conditions necessary to establish and carry on the business according to the Czech legislation (i.e. registration with competent authorities, payments for health and social insurance, tax payments). The major part of the thesis deals with the main entrepreneur's obligation - keeping an evidence in order to calculate the individual income tax. This evidence can be in the form called "tax evidence" based on cash basis (in other word it means evidence of incomes and expenditures). One chapter also deals with the question of the transition between the tax evidence and the accounting. The last chapter shows a practical example of keeping tax evidence, calculating tax liability and height of the insurance including completed forms.

Fiscal effects of changes in social insurance
Skrbková, Lucie ; Klazar, Stanislav (advisor) ; Klazar, Stanislav (referee)
I have chosen the theme of social insurance for my bachelor final essay because it is a highly debated topic, and interests me because decisions and changes made in regards to social insurance impact everyone from employees, to entrepreneurs, to employers, to the state for which social insurance is paid on people's behalf, and to people without taxable income. The primary goal of this final essay is to analyze changes in revenues from social insurance, assuming variable factors which cause social insurance revenues to increase or decrease, The variable factors I will focus on include minimum wage, average wage, rate of inflation, and insurance rates. I will also mention and touch upon other factors which could influence the amount of social insurance revenues, such as demographic factors and base limits imposed for individuals. I will outline and analyze which current changes in social insurance are valid for 2009. I will search out revenues from social insurance of common budgets during the period from 1999 to 2008 and then according to this output data, I will answer the question as to why these changes were made. Finally, I will try to find the best statistics model which would sufficiently describe relationships between insurance revenues (as dependent variable) with minimum wage and average wage (as explanatory variables).

The role of advertising in life of teenagers
Koubová, Martina ; Balon, Jan (advisor) ; Tuček, Milan (referee)
My master thesis looks at the role of advertising as a specific type of media texts in everyday life of teenagers. I perceive adolescence as an unusually dynamic stage of cognitive and social development, so it seems inappropriate to assume that adolescents' cognitive processes, believes and attitudes are the same as either adults or younger children. I tried to prove my hypothesis that teenagers behave as an active audience of advertising media texts and so that they are not pure victims of contemporary consumer society. After summarizing the research on media public with a special accent on an active audiences, I tried to do a review of socialization theories, particularly theories of consumer socialization. One of the outcomes connected with the process of consumer socialization should be a certain degree of skepticism to advertising. I intend to show how young people from thirteen to seventeen years of age, who are moving through adolescence, perceive, think and feel about omnipresence of advertising in contemporary consumer society. I was interested not only in how they see the role of advertising in their lives, but also how they describe the possible effects on themselves and on other people; style and arguments that they use; which topics they find relevant to write about, and last but not least,...

Gypsy and employment
Rokůsková, Kamila ; Večerka, Kazimír (advisor) ; Šiklová, Jiřina (referee)
Ve své bakalářské práci, která se věnovala Romům, jsem se zaměřila na jeden z největších problémů, který se týká tohoto etnika a tím je zaměstnanost. Lokalitu Litoměřice jsem zvolila z důvodu, že výsledky práce by v budoucnu mohly být využity zdejší pomáhající organizací Domem křesťanské pomoci - Bethel pro sestavení vzdělávacího programu. Volbou pracujících Romů jsem chtěla ukázat, že mezi Romy existuje celá řada odpovědných a pracovitých osob, které usilují o ekonomickou soběstačnost a nespoléhají na dávky sociálního systému. Hlavním cílem bylo zjistit, jaké mají tito lidé zkušenosti s pracovním trhem a v čem by uvítali pomoc. Pro svoji práci v romské komunitě jsem zvolila polořízené rozhovory. Cílovou skupinu pracujících Romů jsem vybírala namátkovým výběrem spojeným s metodou Snow sampling. Rozhovory probíhaly individuálně. Nikdy u nich nebyla přítomna třetí osoba. Tato práce ukázala, že pokud Romové z Litoměřic a okolí chtějí pracovat, nějaké zaměstnání není problém získat. Musí se však smířit s horší prací, než pro kterou mají schopnosti a kvalifikaci. Získat např. zaměstnání kuchaře nebo prodavačky je pro ně téměř nemožné. Současné zaměstnání našla větší část dotazovaných poměrně snadno a rychle. Větší část respondentů si práci našla za pomoci nějaké pomáhající organizace a za tuto pomoc byli velmi...

Analysis of Occurrence of Imported Infectious Diseases in the Region of South Bohemia over the Last Five Years
MYSLÍK, Ladislav
Imported diseases are infections that have been acquired during a travel or a stay abroad. Such infectious diseases may include cosmopolitan and potential re-introduction illnesses and tropical and re-emerging illnesses. The movement of populations affects the distribution and spread of communicable diseases globally. Today?s mobility and unnatural interaction of different races or otherwise geographically defined populations facilitate the emergence of contagious diseases in humans, animals or, even in plants. Some pathogens can be imported into a new area by travellers or immigrants in the absence of illness signs or symptoms. Many geographical barriers have now been breached by mobility and migration. The theoretical section of this thesis is mainly aimed to provide a description of the most common imported diseases according to their current epidemiological trends. Travel-related risks, risk groups of travellers and migration characteristics are also mentioned. In addition, it deals with domestic and international inbound and outbound tourism and includes a forecast of international tourism development towards 2030. The conclusion of the theoretical section aims to describe epidemiology of imported diseases and to provide an insight into systems of monitoring and surveillance of travel-related infections, such as GeoSentinel Surveillance Network, EuroTravNet, TropNet and the Czech Nationwide Epidat information system. The objective of this diploma thesis of the empirical section is to carry out an analysis of occurrence of imported infectious diseases in the Region of South Bohemia over the last five years. Data and information recorded into Epidat database from 2007 to 2011 shapes the target group. Methods of research are mainly based on descriptive statistics that describe most of collected data quantitatively. Moreover, seven hypotheses were designed that were tested via results using regression analysis, Pearson's chi-squared test and Student's t-test. A total of 190 cases from 46 world-wide destinations were imported between 2007 and 2011. Of those, 166 were imported by residents; 24 cases were brought in by foreigners. The most frequent countries of acquisition were European destinations (49%; n = 92), Asia (33%; n = 63) and Africa (16%; n = 31). Gastro-intestinal (GI) diseases accounted for 68.4% of illnesses, followed by blood-borne and vector-borne infections. GI conditions included campylobacteriosis (n = 38), salmonellosis (n = 33) and shigellosis (n = 30). Amongst blood-borne diseases, hepatitis B accounted for 21 cases (mainly in Vietnamese). Amongst vector-borne illnesses, 6 cases of malaria and 1 case of dengue were identified. Hypothesis H1 (further described only as H2, etcetera) "There is an association between numbers of travellers and occurrence of imported infectious diseases" was rejected. H2 "There is a different incidence rate among countries of acquisition" could not be confirmed because of the lack of the denominator data (numbers of travellers to specific destinations). H3 "The most frequent countries of acquisition are European countries" was confirmed and accepted. H4 "The highest rate of imported infectious diseases is in the České Budějovice District" was confirmed and accepted. H5 "The most frequent imported infections are gastro-intestinal diseases" was confirmed and accepted. H6 "There is a descending tendency of occurrence of imported infectious diseases" was rejected. H7 "There is a higher likelihood of presenting with a vaccination preventable disease in unvaccinated returned travellers" could not be confirmed due to the lack of data.

Unemployment in the city of Prague
Libánská, Anna ; Kopecký, Martin (referee) ; Reichel, Jiří (advisor)
Unemployment is a crucial issue in our sociaty. The negative impact of unemployment is mostly observed by people who lost their jobs as well as people who are currently working. Unemployment is an issue that touches all of us. In my bachelor thesis, I look at the theoretical causes of unemployment and I discuss it with emphasis on social and psychological effects. Charakteristics of Prague conduse to the fact that Prague is tradicionaly region with the lowest unemployment in the Czech Republic. Exploring solutions of increasing unemployment is the central goal of the state government. The government sets the politics of employment and is actively involved in definding the tools for active employment solutions. Such tools are designed to facilite hiring people with limited hiring potential and support employers in creating new job oportunities. The individual tools of active employment solutions, their usage and suitability in practical reality are also subjects of this thesis.

Psychological aspects of gambling and realted consequenses
HŮDOVÁ, Veronika
Psychological aspects of gambling and the consequences associated with this problem My thesis deals with psychological aspects of gambling and the consequences associated with this problem. The research was focused on regular casino visitors, but partly also to gamblers who have already decided to treat their addiction. The theoretical part is divided into 8 subchapters, in which basic terms concerning gambling are mentioned, for example: definitions and categorization of the terms gambling and pathological gambling, a list of possible causes of the addiction origination, characteristics of risk groups, individual forms of gambling, the development of addiction, the addiction treatment and the possibility of a social worker intervention. The purpose of my study was to identify and analyze the motives for gambling with regard to the quality of life, with a special attention to social aspects and possibilities of a social worker intervention. In relation to the objective of the thesis four hypotheses were stated, for verification of which quantitative research was used. The interviewing method by means of a structured questionnaire was selected. The analysis of the conclusions enabled to verify the defined hypothesis, which says, that playing of hazardous games has a negative effect to level of psychological mood of the human being. Another stated hypothesis supposing that gambling causes economic, social, family and work problems has not been confirmed by the research. The following hypothesis presuming that a random winning encourages the gamblers to continue playing has been confirmed by a vast majority of respondents. And the last hypothesis, in which is defined the presumption, that the level of life quality is related to grade of pathological gambling, was also confirmed. The results of my work may be used in education or as information for social workers. Based on the findings on the issue of pathological gambling I suggest to focus on prevention of development of this dangerous addiction.

Supported employment and social enterprise
Schwarzová, Gabriela ; Kodymová, Pavla (advisor) ; Melková, Gabriela (referee)
Na počátku roku 2006 České republice působí 3 sociální firmy, několik set výrobních družstev invalidů a přibližně 40 poskytovatelů podporovaného zaměstnávání a příbuzných služeb. Poskytovatelé podporovaného zaměstnávání jsou neziskové organizace, nejčastěji občanská sdružení, sociální firmy jsou dceřiné projekty neziskových organizací a výrobní družstva invalidů jsou soukromé firmy. Většina poskytovatelů podporovaného zaměstnávání je sdružena v České unii pro podporované zaměstnávání, střešní organizaci, která si klade za cíl podněcovat rozvoj podporovaného zaměstnávání, poskytovat know how, vzdělávat odborníky a kontrolovat kvalitu poskytovaných služeb v oblasti podporovaného zaměstnávání. Několik desítek výrobních družstev invalidů je sdruženo ve Svazu českých a moravských výrobních družstev (SČMVD), střešní organizaci, která podporuje činnost a rozvoj sociálních družstev: je realizátorem Projektu pomoci a podpory zaměřeného především k seberealizaci osob se zdravotním postižením na Moravě a Vysočině, jehož cílem je komplexní předávání zkušeností v oblasti zakládání a řízení sociálního družstva, vzdělávání lidí chystajících se sociálně podnikat, asistence při získávání finančních prostředků a pod. SČMVD je také autorem a provozovatelem informační webové stránky, která obsahuje...

Komparace základu daně z příjmů fyzických osob a vyměřovacího základu sociálního pojistného v České a Slovenské republice
Brzová, Miroslava ; Vančurová, Alena (advisor)
Komparace základu daně z příjmů fyzických osob a vyměřovacího základu sociálního pojistného v České a Slovenské republice