National Repository of Grey Literature 12,488 records found  beginprevious12479 - 12488  jump to record: Search took 1.25 seconds. 

Sexuality and sexual behaviour in patients with bulimia neurosa
Kubešová, Jana ; Hrachovinová, Tamara (referee) ; Weiss, Petr (advisor)
The authors deal with Sexual Behavior in Eating Disorders, especially in patiens with Bulimia Nervosa. In patiens with Eating Disorders we observe distortion of body image and negative affeetive evaluation of one's own body and personality, like a eommon symptoms. We assumed, the symptoms may influenee bulimie patienť s sexuality and sexual behavior. On the other side, we assumed the speeifie psyehosexual development, sexual experienees in ehildhood and personality features in bulimie patients ean also be a reason of Eating Disorder. Our question is: What is the sexuality and sexual behavior in bulimie patiens? We present our researeh on women, who are nowadays treated for Bulimia Nervosa. We speeially foeus on Coital Debut, Masturbation, Sexual Aetivities with a Sexual Partner, Sexual Exeitement, Sexual Disorders, Number of Sexual Partners, Sexual Orientation and Sexual Satisfaetion. In eomparison to normal ezeeh population in age 18-29 years, we observe these differenees. Patients have had a first relationship at higher age, they also have had a higher number of relatonships and higher number of sexual partners. More bulimie patients have had experienees with masturbation and most of them are stili masturbating. Patients do not have orgasm during the sexual intereourse so often as normal population and...

Bioethic in the public discourse
From time to time there comes to a stirring up of a society-wide discussion on bioethical issues ? abortion, prenatal diagnosis, assisted reproduction and euthanasia in the Czech Republic. This social discussion is largely influenced by media which present to us interesting news or a story, but it is necessary to realize that these topics have a much broader scope and potential impacts than it is served up to us by media. A wide range of debaters as well as professional and lay public regularly express to bioethical issues relating to the beginning and the end of life. For a fruitful discussion it is necessary to clearly define and specify concepts, because often there is a misguided discussion without any expected results. In the past there was no need to deal with such issues very much, because the order was in hands of Nature. Not completely healthy individuals failed to conceive a child, an unwanted foetus was carried to term and its sex was a surprise for parents and finally, people died naturally according to their age or after a lost match with a disease. For many people Nature, for others some Higher Order. Of course, an incredible scientific development enabled such miracles of which we would have not dreamt hundred years ago yet. We have gained many rights, freedom and democracy as well as a wide-ranging choice. Today we can decide whether to become pregnant and in the same way we can decide that we get rid of the full womb from different reasons. Using diagnostic methods we can determine what a child we carry bellow the heart, but with the help of the same technique it can become uncomfortable for us. We can be treated and live even a century and in many places we can lawfully decide that our life has no meaning and we can finish it. The aim of the diploma thesis is to map readers´ awareness of bioethical issues using a secondary analysis of printed documents from three chosen Czech dailies in 2000 ? 2010 years. To track what triggered a debate among the readers, who discussed and what stance adopted the readers on the issue. The secondary objective was also the mapping of all proponents´ and opponents´ arguments of selected topics and comparing the results with the professional literature. The research shows that the public debate was always sparked by an event presented by the media, to which subsequently responded readers from all areas. According to the research results the public awareness of bioethical issues has been formed mostly by experts directly involved in bioethical dilemmas or carrying out such a profession, in which bioethics greatly interferes. Readers of diverse composition participated in the discussion and the most represented group was a group of experts and a group of lay debaters.

Antifungal Drug Discovery: Focus on Incrustoporin Derivatives
Silva, Luis André Vale ; Buchta, Vladimír (advisor) ; Heidingsfeld, Olga (referee) ; Hamal, Petr (referee)
1 CONCLUSIONS In the context of Medical Mycology today, the development of new more effective antifungal agents is a priority. In fact, there are still only about six drugs in use to treat invasive fungal infections, concretely the polyene amphotericin B (including its new lipidic formulations), the antimetabolite flucytosine, the triazoles fluconazole, itraconazole, and voriconazole, and the echinocandin caspofungin. Simultaneously, the incidence of invasive opportunistic mycoses has been increasing steadily with the increasing number of immunocompromised patients, caused both by HIV (human immunodeficiency virus) infection and AIDS and the development of medical techniques, particularly referring to oncology or transplant patients. In this setting, the relevance of the development of new antifungal agents and, hence, our work presented here, is easily understandable. The group of the acyloxymethylated incrustoporin derivatives is now in a higher stage of development, after being previously studied concerning structure-antifungal activity relationship and tuning of antifungal activity. Our work has shown the best derivatives from the group, compounds LNO6-22, LNO15-22, and LNO18-22, to have broad spectrum in vitro antifungal activity and high potency, inhibiting growth of a variety of pathogenic yeasts and...

Adult education in scout movements
Kaderová, Kateřina ; Štěpánek, Zdeněk (referee) ; Kopecký, Martin (advisor)
This Bachelor's Thesis deals with the questions of adult education in Jumlk - Association of Scouts and Guides - CZ in connection with state regularizations. Apart from the analysis of Czech regularizations, it also mentions the European situation. In the Czech Republic, there is not one law treating the area of non-governmental youth organizations but only partial obligations. Non-governmental organizations can accredit their courses if they observe the state requirements and so does Junak. Europe insists on the quality of non-formal education with which assuring is concerned the project of the organization Youth Forum Jeunesse. Junak - Association of Scouts and Guides - CZ has its own multistep educational system for its adult members. Each qualification corresponds to the function executed by volunteers. The concept of competences is gradually gaining ground. It tries to lay down all knowledge, skills and positions needed for successful exercising of each function. Besides, Junak is obliged to tackle all problems and questions arising around its courses and qualifications. Junak also holds a number of non-qualifYing courses of bigger or smaller extent.

Support Material for Therapy Narration of a Story for Gained Communicative Ability
Vašková, Michaela ; Housarová, Blanka (advisor) ; Sýsová, Jana (referee)
Magdalény Rettigové 4, 116 39 Praha 1 tel.: +420 221 900 111 IČ 00216208 DIČ CZ00216208 Dle čl. 4 Opatření rektora č. 6/2010 o Zpřístupnění elektronické databáze závěrečných prací a čl. 1 Opatření děkana 17/2010 se z časového hlediska závěrečné práce dělí do tří skupin: a. "nové práce", tj. práce odevzdávané k obhajobě počínaje 29. 9. 2010, b. "starší práce", tj. práce odevzdané k obhajobě od 1. 1. 2006 do 28. 9. 2010, c. "práce před rokem 2006", tj. práce odevzdané k obhajobě před 1. 1. 2006. V tomto případě jde o "starší práci" odevzdanou k obhajobě od 1. 1. 2006 do 28. 9. 2010. Omlouváme se, ale dokument není k dispozici.

Business koncept of facilities of hunting tourism - Pilner region
The general aim of my diploma thesis was to create a business concept of facilities of hunting tourism in the Pilsner region. Klatovské rybářství, a.s. was selected as a cooperative company, which deals with agricultural activities, especially fish and poultry breeding. The company operates some services of hunting tourism, but it is not the main field. The thesis will serve as a manual for "non-experts" who are interested in expanding their range of travel services. The resulting business concept will consequently be presented to the management of the company in order to demonstrate how the company can further develop. While writing this thesis I got several perspectives on the issue of hunting tourism in the area. The first view was provided by the existing clients of the company who filled in questionnaires which were designed to determine their interest in these services. In addition, three representatives were selected from age groups who were asked for ideas about how the device should look. Another view was obtained through an interview with the director of the company and the employee responsible for the current planning and management of hunting activities. Next view on the issue of hunting tourism, which should be independent, was provided by an employee of Infocentre Bor. Here it was revealed that hunting tourism is not popular with everyone and that it is a rather controversial topic. However, we can say that if done correctly and with concern for the countryside, it can bring many benefits to the given region. These include attracting visitors of other segments of the society, the development of the region, expansion of tourism services and expansion of cooperation between entrepreneurs. Last view was represented by my own experience that I gained during working participation in hunting tourism events. At the beginning of my diploma thesis I determined three working hypotheses. All available resources helped me to evaluate the present circumstances and I can confirm all three hypotheses. The general aim was to create a business concept of facilities of hunting tourism in the Pilsner region. I was able to realize the general aim thanks to the cooperation with the company and by means of utilizing all available information. Now the diploma thesis will be handed over to the management for consideration and possible implementation

Adherence to Health and Safety Regulations on the Part of the Students of General Nursing during Nursing Procedures.
Occupational safety and health is a broad area which makes part of a state policy. The aim of OSH is to make a system of rules protecting students gaining working experience, employees and employers. It endeavours to limit all negative aspects related to work performance or occupation. Observance of OSH rules is an indispensable part of work performance of all medical workers. That also applies to students of the study field General Nurse while performing their practical training, thus practice. Students get acquainted with the OSH issues in the first grade of studying in a subject called treating / caring procedures. Before taking up practical training they should be able to follow the OSH rules and understand consequences linked to their non-observance. The aim of this diploma thesis is to chart how the students of the field General Nurse keep the OSH rules and find out students´ knowledge in this area. The empirical part was carried out in a form of quantitative investigation. A questionnaire was used as a method to collect data and was meant for students of the second and third grades of the General Nurse study field. Results were compiled into graphs. Results of survey confirmed that the students keep the OSH rules. However, in the area of personal hygiene they are considerably irresponsible. Their knowledge concerning OSH is very good and the students are informed well. Based on the results a leaflet has been created and may be used as study or information resource for students of medical fields of study.

Business Intelligence in Healthcare - Data Mining Techniques as a Possible Hospital Management Tool in Austria
Schmied, Marten ; Štěrbová, Ludmila (advisor) ; Mevenkamp, Nils (referee)
Public healthcare provision is under increasing economic restraints making an efficient and sustainable managerial planning a necessity in the hospital sector. Business Intelligence is the extraction of business relevant knowledge in order to adjust and refine executive operations. On the free market industries have applied the according methods and software dedicated to the generation of Business Intelligence is offered by variety of companies. Data Mining, furthermore, describes the facilitation of algorithms in order to train programs to detect unseen patterns from huge amounts of data. Therefore mining techniques are suitable for adding to the business relevant knowledge, particularly as they can produce more accurate predictions. The thesis examined the status of Information Technology normally utilized in Austrian hospitals and simultaneously identified studies that apply Data Mining to a Hospital Information System to gain Business Intelligence. While the general level of Austrian Hospital Information Systems is well sophisticated, common challenges are present in a separation between clinical and administrative systems and their interfaces. For the Data Mining a majority of studies aims at medical improvements. Some applications were found to have good business relevant prospects but their feasible introduction into the practice needs additional fostering.

Schwyzerdütsch. Basic description of selected varieties of Schwyzerdütsch and the question of their correct writing
ZÁHOŘÍKOVÁ, Markéta Marie
The bachelor thesis is divided into two parts; theoretical and practical. The theoretical part is focused on issues of Swiss dialect and its three chosen linguistic divisions. It describes general characteristics of the dialect development over the course of time. In the last chapter of the theoretical part of the thesis, two patterns are described that are used for the transcription of the dialect. In the second practical part of the thesis authentic texts are analysed. The texts are a poem and SMS (electronic message) in the three variants of the dialect.

Microstructuring of metallic layers for sensor applications
Kolařík, Vladimír ; Krátký, Stanislav ; Urbánek, Michal ; Matějka, Milan ; Chlumská, Jana ; Horáček, Miroslav
This contribution deals with a patterning of thin metallic layers using the masking technique by electron beam lithography. It is mainly concentrated on procedures to prepare finger structure in thin Gold layer on electrically isolated Silicon wafer. Both positive and negative tone resists are used for patterning. The thin layer is structured by the wet etching or by the lift-off technique. The prepared structures are intended to be used as a conductivity sensor for a variety of sensor applications. Patterning of the thin layer is performed by the e-beam writer with shaped rectangular beam BS600 by direct writing (without the glass photo mask). Besides the main technology process based on the direct-write e-beam lithography, other auxiliary issues are also discussed such as stitching and overlay precision of the process, throughput of this approach, issues of the thin layer adhesion on the substrate, inter-operation control and measurement techniques.