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Řízení IS/ICT se zaměřením na sourcing služeb informačního systému
Šebesta, Michal ; Voříšek, Jiří (advisor) ; Havlíček, Zdeněk (referee) ; Příklenk, Oldřich (referee) ; Král, Jaroslav (referee)
Research on outsourcing has been around for several decades, while recent evolution in the information systems discipline towards ICT service commoditization significantly changes the context of decision-making. Services that are available on-demand via the Internet allow organizations implementing functions they demand in a fraction of time. This trend represents a chance for organizations seeking to use advanced ICT services without a need of major investments. Problem is the current lack of guidelines and tools for managing ICT services and their outsourcing. Given the trends on the ICT service market, it is expected that much of the IT management in the future will encompass the ICT services and utilize service-level structures. Methods currently available are either too broad or encompass only small part of the whole problem. Ad-hoc or unsound decisions in this area might cause major complications in terms of quality, usability, integration, and consequently influence total cost of organizational IT. Organizations need to either revise existing models or propose and implement completely new models to manage their IS/ICT. This thesis deals with the management of IS/ICT with focus on the ICT services outsourcing. It discusses available sourcing models in the literature and links them to the various interconnected areas. Based on these areas, it presents an integrated view on IT outsourcing strategies. Most importantly the thesis proposes an original concept for decision-making about outsourcing of ICT services named the SOURCER framework. This approach utilizes the presented outsourcing strategies, and introduces a complex methodology and decision-making criteria that will assist organizations with selection of ICT services in order to maintain and manage a most suitable ICT service portfolio. The decision-making is based on four essential viewpoints: function, costs, time, and quality. These viewpoints are discussed, individually analyzed, and serve as a basis for further research. The whole framework is developed and validated according to Design Science Research Methodology (DSRM). Individual components are evaluated using a survey among a group of selected IT managers. Proof of concept is then established by a case study on framework use in a real organization. This case study covers strategy specification, business--IT alignment, specifying service architecture and its interconnections, outsourcing, and management of the ICT service portfolio.

Determinants of Industrialization in sub-Saharan Africa and Possibilities for their Development
Sejkora, Jiří ; Jiránková, Martina (advisor) ; Šaroch, Stanislav (referee) ; Fárek, Jiří (referee) ; Adamcová, Lenka (referee)
Sub-Saharan economies need structural changes that would enhance their productivity, increase economic growth and development. In this regard, industrialization plays a key role. Using regression analysis, the aim of this dissertation thesis is to identify main factors (determinants) of industrialization in sub-Saharan Africa. The results indicate that infrastructure and economy size (measured by population size) represent main determinants of industrialization in the region. The thesis also deals with possibilities for development of those determinants. Case study of infrastructure development in Mauritius emphasizes privatization, cooperation with external subjects etc. Negative consequences of small economy size can be overcome by preferential trade agreements (under certain circumstances), as shown by analysis of the three smallest economies in the region.

Proposing the financial performance prediction index for decision support of the hospital management
Hajdíková, Taťána ; Černá, Anna (advisor) ; Lieskovská, Vanda (referee) ; Lazar, Jaromír (referee)
Dissertation thesis deals with the managerial needs in the area of financial health. Managers need a tool to reveal the impending financial failure or to assess the financial quality of the organization. They link their decisions to performance, ability to pay, employee productivity, financial resources and financial risk. In the theoretical part of the thesis it is necessary to explain the non-profit sector and its connection with the hospital environment. It is also necessary to introduce models used both in the Czech Republic and abroad, which share common elements. The basic aim of this thesis is to propose a financial performance prediction index for decision support of the hospital management, the owners of hospitals and insurance companies. To achieve the basic goal, three sub-goals must be accomplished. The first goal is to divide the hospitals into healthy and unhealthy by using the multi-criteria methods. The second goal is, based on an expert approach with the support of statistical methods, the selection of indicators appropriate for the hospital environment and the third goal is to find a suitable method for the determination of weighted representation of individual indicators in the proposed index and to assemble the final form of the new financial index for the hospital environment.

Work-life balance
Maturová, Inha ; Šmíd, David (advisor) ; Legnerová, Kateřina (referee)
This bachelor work focuses on adaptation process of new employees in a particular company. The goal is determination of adaptation process and comparison with needs of the company on onboarding field. A few methods of quality research were used in application part. The first one is analysis of internal documents related to adaptation process. The second is application and analysis of structured inquiry of head of human resources department of the company. Application part of the work brings evaluation of analysed adaptation process.

Greek debt crisis
Krídlová, Adriána ; Žamberský, Pavel (advisor) ; Jedlinský, Jakub (referee)
Bachelor thesis deals with the evolution of the Greek debt crisis and is trying to best describe on the historical context, what led to it gradually. It deals with the history to the emergence of crisis and then focuses on crisis period between 2009 to 2015. The aim is to determine whether the latest rescue package was based on objective requirements of the Greek economy. The first chapter deals with the process of macroeconomic indicators and is also dedicated to the low competitiveness of Greece. The second chapter discusses the history of Greece until 2009, which can be regarded as the beginning of the debt crisis. The third chapter deals with the evolution of the crisis from 2009 to 2012. In the fourth chapter, I analyze the conformity of a Memorandum of Understanding with the real needs of the Greek economy to its recovery.

Urban development of the town of Lomnice nad Popelkou
Musilová, Barbora ; Kouba, Vojtěch (advisor) ; Lindner, Milan (referee)
This thesis deals with the urban development of Lomnice nad Popelkou and conservation areas within its territory. Describes the history of the city and examines causes of the current condition of the monument fund. Describes the efforts of the city representatives in buildings restoration, through the City Development Strategy for period of 2016 - 2023. This thesis assesses the extent to which this strategic document managed to respond to the condition of historic buildings and also the needs of city residents.

Analysing company's behaviour and communication on social networks
Němec, Milan ; Molnár, Zdeněk (advisor) ; Jelínek, Ivan (referee)
This thesis focuses on measuring company´s communication and behaviour on social networks. To capture the interaction between the company and its users the thesis uses web analytics tools. Therefore, the main objective of the thesis is analysis of these tools. To achieve this goal, the thesis characterizes social networks and their marketing opportunities for business promotion. Thanks to this, needs of using these tools is identified. The needs are: competitive analysis, optimizing communication, measuring achievement of objectives or detection competitive viral content. Research questions were determined and then analysis tools found answers to research questions. It was found that the tools provide various views of data and create a complete system for measuring and analysing behaviour and communication companies on social networks. The results were validated in a case study focused on the Facebook profile of the University of Economics in Prague. The study analysed the interaction profile of the school and its users and compared with others schools. In the results the analysis tools are validated and it is designed recommendation for improve engagement. This thesis revealed strengths and weaknesses of tools for measuring company´s communication and behaviour on social networks. It was found that these tools have wide range of use. They can be used for understanding the company's profile, its users, for purposes of competitive analysis, monitor corporate goals and optimize communications on social networks.

European funds and their usage for logistics projects in Czech Republic.
Číhalová, Denisa ; Jirsák, Petr (advisor) ; Joura, Adam (referee)
The thesis discusses the issue of freight villages and the possible usage of European funds for their construction. The topic is very actual because by the current program period 2014-2020 has appeared change concerning the financial support of multimodal freight transportation. The aim of this thesis is to determine, whether from the production companies operating in the automotive industry exists demand for such a freight villages. Needed information has been obtained on the basis of in-depths inteviews of manufacturing companies located in the region Vysočina.

Diagnostics for Robust Regression: Linear Versus Nonlinear Model
Kalina, Jan
Robust statistical methods represent important tools for estimating parameters in linear as well as nonlinear econometric models. In contrary to the least squares, they do not suffer from vulnerability to the presence of outlying measurements in the data. Nevertheless, they need to be accompanied by diagnostic tools for verifying their assumptions. In this paper, we propose the asymptotic Goldfeld-Quandt test for the regression median. It allows to formulate a natural procedure for models with heteroscedastic disturbances, which is again based on the regression median. Further, we pay attention to nonlinear regression model. We focus on the nonlinear least weighted squares estimator, which is one of recently proposed robust estimators of parameters in a nonlinear regression. We study residuals of the estimator and use a numerical simulation to reveal that they can be severely heteroscedastic also for data generated from a model with homoscedastic disturbances. Thus, we give a warning that standard residuals of the robust nonlinear estimator may produce misleading results if used for the standard diagnostic tools

Dance education of preschool hyperactive children
Lacková, Ivana ; LÖSSL, Jiří (advisor) ; FRIČOVÁ, Marie (referee)
The topic of this diploma thesis is Dance education of preschool hyperactive children. Goal of research is to describe teaching of hyperactive children especially dance lessons. There is described Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder in the first part of thesis. There is written about special needs of children with ADHD focused on education. Second part is focused on practical dance lesson of ADHD children. There is described example dance lesson based on theory and practical experience of experts. The result of research is that supply of special lessons is very limited and it is big pity. In the diploma thesis was recognized that the education with special program should help to children with ADHD and it can be good supplement to standard medical therapy.