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Signaling pathways and genes regulating gonadotropin-induced maturation of porcine oocytes and cumulus expansion
Blaha, Milan ; Němcová, Lucie (advisor) ; Král, Jiří (referee)
In vitro, meotic maturation of porcine oocytes and cumulus expansion are induced by FSH and EGF-like peptides AREG and EREG. FSH and EGF-like peptides induce expression of cumulus expansion-related genes (HAS2, PTGS2 and TNFAIP6). To define signaling pathways that control FSH- and AREG-induced cumulus expansion, porcine cumulus-oocyte complexes were treated with specific protein kinase inhibitors. Inhibitors of MAPK3/1, MAPK14 and ERBB1 significantly reduced both FSH- and AREG-induced expression of HAS2, PTGS2 and TNFAIP6. These inhibitors decreased FSH/LH-induced expression of AREG and EREG in mural granulosa cells. Surprisingly, inhibitor of PKA had no effect on AREG expression in cumulus-oocyte complexes but the inhibitor decreased expression of TNFAIP6 induced by AREG. Inhibitor of PI3K increased expression levels of AREG and PTGS2 but EREG, HAS2 and TNFAIP6 were reduced. Expression levels of the cumulus expansion-related genes were not affected by an analog of cGMP (8-CPT-cGMP). However, 8-CPT-cGMP blocked spontaneous in vitro meiotic maturation of porcine oocytes and its effect was abolished by FSH. Key words: cumulus expansion, cumulus expansion-related genes, meotic maturation, FSH, amphiregulin, cGMP

Position of Numerals in the Parts of Speech System
Paldusová, Michaela ; Cvrček, Václav (advisor) ; Adam, Robert (referee)
This thesis deals with the definition of numerals and its position in the system of words classes. First, briefly describes the history and current attitudes to general issue of parts- of- speech classification in the context of foreign and Czech linguistics. Subsequently, a different theoretical concepts Czech linguistics devoted to the issue of speech numerals from the mid-20th century to the present. Based on the contextual analysis of data from the database of the Czech National Corpus then verifies the current classification criteria of parts-of-speech classification. At the same time tests on a prototypical numerals new approach to the definition of numerals as separate species, based on the context units surveyed. Finally submits proposals that are based on statistically processed outputs of contextual analysis. Key words: numerals, classification of numerals, context analysis, Czech National Corpus, corpus analysis

Giuseppe Verdi: "Don Carlos" - opera complex scenographic project
Heřmánková, Lucie ; DAVID, Milan (advisor) ; TEMPÍR, Nikola (referee)
This bachelor’s thesis aims to find complex scenographic solution of Don Carlos opera composed by Italian author Giuseppe Verdi. Apart from my own creative solution I also present theoretical chapters of authors biography, relation to his work and I compare several Don Carlos productions by Josef Jelínek who designed six unique costume variations. During process of making the set design I came up with lots of topics to think about. I chose freedom as main topic by studying past productions, libretto and musical part. This topic is one of the key elements of the creative solution and therefore I defined it further in part of this thesis. I am also looking for artistic ways that would be the most suitable and adequate for the opera, musical-dramatic genre, in which music could be more important than libretto. I am trying to find connections to contemporary society and keep the story up to date.

Influence of meadow management on the migration behavior of selected species of butterflies
Bubová, Terezie ; Langrová, Iva (advisor) ; Farkač, Jan (referee)
Migrations are the key process and one of the basic biological features, which allow survival of endangered species in fragmented landscape. In the last decades, agriculture intensification, industry and urbanization caused that number of natural butterfly habitats has significantly decreased. The localities originally suitable for butterflies are currnetly converted to farmland or building plots. This PhD thesis aimed to find a compromise solution of meadow management, which should allow a commercial use and concurrently do not jeopardize the continued existence of endangered or threatened species. The main idea of this study was in the intentional emigration causing in the middle of flight period, which should lead into resettlement of the population to another (potentially more suitable) locality. Possibility of aimed manipulation with butterfly emigrations would be considered as a major breakthrough in their protection. The investigated species Phengaris nausithous (Bergsträsser, 1779) and Phengaris teleius (Bergsträsser, 1779) are both considered to be flagship species for protection of European butterflies at open meadows. This study is based on research, which was carried out in 2013-2015 at 17 patch in localities Dolní Labe, Czech Republic. In above mentioned years, one selected meadow was mowed in the middle of flight season and the emigrations were then monitored using mark-release-recapture method. Results of population and migration characteristics were calculated in MARK 8.1 software. Subsequently, the effect of mowing on emigration (comparison of emigrations from the meadow before and after mowing) was evaluated using Statistica 13. The hypotheses of this study were based on the assumption, that the loss of resources after well-timed mowing should increase the activity of adult butterflies. During the monitoring, number of emigrations was increased only in flight season 2015. Unfortunately, the statistical evaluation did not show significant effect of mowing on migrations. On the other hand, the hypothesis dealing with colonization of nearest meadows was confirmed. Effect of intentional emigration caused by management interventions was unfortunately not proved. However, we found out, that even though the population at one mowed meadow decreased clearly, the metapopulation size at the locality remained more or less stable. At investigated (mowed) meadow, there was observed a sharp decline of P. nausithous abundance. On the other hand, P. teleius population was only slightly reduced. It is therefore conceivable, that P. teleius are not as susceptible to innapropriate term of mowing. The results obtained in our research conclusively displayed no possible positive effect of mowing in the middle of flight season and a necessity of suitable management maintenance at localities inhabited by Phengaris butterflies.

Automata in Infinite-state Formal Verification
Lengál, Ondřej ; Jančar, Petr (referee) ; Veith, Helmut (referee) ; Esparza, Javier (referee) ; Vojnar, Tomáš (advisor)
Tato práce se zaměřuje na konečné automaty nad konečnými slovy a konečnými stromy, a použití těchto automatů při formální verifikaci nekonečně stavových systémů. Práce se nejdříve věnuje rozšíření existujícího přístupu pro verifikaci programů které manipulují s haldou (konkrétně programů s dynamickými datovými strukturami), jenž je založen na stromových automatech. V práci je navrženo několik rozšíření tohoto přístupu, jako například jeho plná automatizace či jeho rozšíření o podporu uspořádaných dat. V práci jsou popsány nové rozhodovací procedury pro dvě logiky, které jsou často používány ve formální verifikaci: pro separační logiku a pro slabou monadickou druhořádovou logiku s následníkem. Obě tyto rozhodovací procedury jsou založeny na převodu jejich problému do automatové domény a následné manipulaci v této cílové doméně. Posledním přínosem této práce je vývoj nových algoritmů k efektivní manipulaci se stromovými automaty, s důrazem na testování inkluze jazyků těchto automatů a manipulaci s automaty s velkými abecedami, a implementace těchto algoritmů v knihovně pro obecné použití. Tyto vyvinuté algoritmy jsou použity jako klíčová technologie, která umožňuje použití výše uvedených technik v praxi.

Packet Classification Algorithms
Puš, Viktor ; Lhotka,, Ladislav (referee) ; Dvořák, Václav (advisor)
Tato práce se zabývá klasifikací paketů v počítačových sítích. Klasifikace paketů je klíčovou úlohou mnoha síťových zařízení, především paketových filtrů - firewallů. Práce se tedy týká oblasti počítačové bezpečnosti. Práce je zaměřena na vysokorychlostní sítě s přenosovou rychlostí 100 Gb/s a více. V těchto případech nelze použít pro klasifikaci obecné procesory, které svým výkonem zdaleka nevyhovují požadavkům na rychlost. Proto se využívají specializované technické prostředky, především obvody ASIC a FPGA. Neméně důležitý je také samotný algoritmus klasifikace. Existuje mnoho algoritmů klasifikace paketů předpokládajících hardwarovou implementaci, přesto však tyto přístupy nejsou připraveny pro velmi rychlé sítě. Dizertační práce se proto zabývá návrhem nových algoritmů klasifikace paketů se zaměřením na vysokorychlostní implementaci ve specializovaném hardware. Je navržen algoritmus, který dělí problém klasifikace na jednodušší podproblémy. Prvním krokem je operace vyhledání nejdelšího shodného prefixu, používaná také při směrování paketů v IP sítích. Tato práce předpokládá využití některého existujícího přístupu, neboť již byly prezentovány algoritmy s dostatečnou rychlostí. Následujícím krokem je mapování nalezených prefixů na číslo pravidla. V této části práce přináší vylepšení využitím na míru vytvořené hashovací funkce. Díky použití hashovací funkce lze mapování provést v konstantním čase a využít při tom pouze jednu paměť s úzkým datovým rozhraním. Rychlost tohoto algoritmu lze určit analyticky a nezávisí na počtu pravidel ani na charakteru síťového provozu. S využitím dostupných součástek lze dosáhnout propustnosti 266 milionů paketů za sekundu. Následující tři algoritmy uvedené v této práci snižují paměťové nároky prvního algoritmu, aniž by ovlivňovaly rychlost. Druhý algoritmus snižuje velikost paměti o 11 % až 96 % v závislosti na sadě pravidel. Nevýhodu nízké stability odstraňuje třetí algoritmus, který v porovnání s prvním zmenšuje paměťové nároky o 31 % až 84 %. Čtvrtý algoritmus kombinuje třetí algoritmus se starším přístupem a díky využití několika technik zmenšuje paměťové nároky o 73 % až 99 %.

Řezníček, Ivo ; Baláž, Teodor (referee) ; Sojka, Eduard (referee) ; Zemčík, Pavel (advisor)
Tato disertační práce se zabývá vylepšením systémů pro rozpoznávání činností člověka. Současný stav vědění v této oblasti jest prezentován. Toto zahrnuje způsoby získávání digitálních obrazů a videí společně se způsoby reprezentace těchto entit za použití počítače. Dále jest prezentováno jak jsou použity extraktory příznakových vektorů a extraktory pros- torově-časových příznakových vektorů a způsoby přípravy těchto dat pro další zpracování. Příkladem následného zpracování jsou klasifikační metody. Pro zpracování se obecně obvykle používají části videa s proměnlivou délkou. Hlavní přínos této práce je vyřčená hypotéza o optimální délce analýzy video sekvence, kdy kvalita řešení je porovnatelná s řešením bez restrikce délky videosekvence. Algoritmus pro ověření této hypotézy jest navržen, implementován a otestován. Hypotéza byla experimentálně ověřena za použití tohoto algoritmu. Při hledání optimální délky bylo též dosaženo jistého zlepšení kvality klasifikace. Experimenty, výsledky a budoucí využití této práce jsou taktéž prezentovány.

TIB AV-Portal: A Reliable Infrastructure for Scientific Videos
Plank, Margret
The German National Library of Science and Technology provides a web-based platform for quality-tested scientific videos including computer visualizations, experiments, interviews as well as recordings of lectures and conferences. Key feature of the portal is the use of automated video and semantic analyses, which enables pinpoint and cross lingual search on a segment level. All videos are assigned by Digital Object Identifi ers (DOI). As a result videos can be published in a scientifically sound way and be linked via DOIs to other research work like the corresponding article.
Fulltext: idr-1033_4 - Download fulltextPDF
Slides: idr-1033_2 - Download fulltextPDF; idr-1033_3 - Download fulltextPDF
Video: idr-1033_1 - Download fulltextMP4

Healthy aging in the context of nursing care
RADOVÁ, Ludmila
Healthy Ageing Programme is a concept which should have a significant influence on every resident in the countries where population median age has been quickly increasing. This topic of healthy ageing is the key issue of the given Master´s Diploma Thesis. At the present, our country is involved not only in several smaller-scale regional programmes focused on lives of seniors but also in the events of European importance. If we want to provide our seniors with a quality life in all aspects, it is necessary to encourage promoting Healthy Ageing Programme. The wide scope of activity is thus open, especially for nurses. The first objective develops the approach of seniors in the selected health-care facilities to healthy ageing. The second objective introduces the approach of a client before retirement age to the healthy ageing principles. Finally, the third objective specifies the role of general practice nurses in their support of clients before retirement age in their healthy ageing. Research questions included the following issues: the approach of a client at the age before retirement to the healthy ageing principles and the role of a general practice nurse and her support of the abovementioned clients. The given research also develops one hypothesis regarding the fact that personal objectives will change depending on barriers.Both qualitative and quantitative research was used in the given Diploma Thesis. An in-depth interview was conducted during the survey. Additional information was obtained on the basis of an opinion poll. Two research groups were used for the interview: the first one consisted of 11 respondents from the general practitioner´s outpation departments, the second research group consisted of 6 nurses working for the aforementioned departments. The total number of 150 respondents from the designated health-care facilities was selected for the survey during which they were answering the research questions. As a result, a large number of useful information was obtained. The clients' approach can be divided into several groups: leisure activities, education, workload, prevention and medical examinations, regimen, community nursing care, healthy ageing. The key roles of a nurse should take into consideration the following aspects: healthy ageing from the nurse´s point of view, prevention and geriatric nurse at the outpatient department, community nursing care, health support of the patients provided by a nurse. Information obtained from the interviews were interconnected and often corresponded with each other. Research questions are also followed by the given results. A nurse has a significant role in the area of education, provision of necessary information to the clients, promotion of prevention programmes informing the clients about the solution to their problems. The motivation of clients before retirement age is also crucial because it is at this age when people can influence their life, its length and quality. The survey also observes the general perception of people of an old age and changes in their point of view with age. The information collected from this survey may be also used in different studies in order to improve both quality of nursing care and motivation of the clients before their retirement.

The agricultural drought monitoring and its users and correspondents
Bartošová, Lenka ; Trnka, Miroslav ; Semerádová, Daniela ; Hlavinka, Petr ; Štěpánek, Petr ; Zahradníček, Pavel ; Žalud, Z.
Drought monitoring in the Czech Republic is a key element in climate monitoring. The aim of this article is to describe the possible participation of agronomists, foresters and fruiterers in drought monitoring within the Integrated Drought Monitoring System. This system monitor drought occurence weekly on the base of various information (data from model SoiClim or outputs from satellite Aqua and Terra). One of the main pillar of the monitor is also information about drought impact on yields in the cooperation with especially farmers. Their expert assessment brings insight into actual situation in agricultural landscape in weekly time step. All results are free to download in