National Repository of Grey Literature 1,943 records found  previous11 - 20nextend  jump to record: Search took 0.11 seconds. 

Immunization strategies in developing countries and its effects
Melichová, Daniela ; Dáňová, Jana (advisor)
Maintaining good health is important for all of us. A primary health service is important, perhaps the most basic and cost effective is childhood immunization. Immunization against diseases such as polio, tetanus, diphtheria and pertussis saves the lives of approximately three million people each year. Immunization also prevents many more millions from suffering debilitating illness and lifelong disability. Lifesaving vaccines is one of the greatest public health achievements of all time. A hundred years ago, infectious diseases were the worlds leading cause of death. Epidemics of smallpox and diphtheria would take the lives of millions of people. Over the last 50 years, medical science has developed vaccines to reduce the spread of many killer diseases. But other infectious diseases for which we still lack effective vaccines, such as HIV/ AIDS, Malaria and tuberculosis, continue to cause illness, disability and death. Scientists are working hard to develop vaccines to protect people from these diseases as well. In this article the focus will be on immunization in developing countries and difficulties in the management, its effects and the perspective of the future. Comparing the vaccination in developing countries with the one in Norway for informational purposes and understanding of the differences in...

Optimization of grinding characteristics when grinding cemented carbides by diamond wheels
Mangl, Petr ; Dvořák, Jaromír (referee) ; Humár, Anton (advisor)
This master‘s thesis is presenting the way of the optimization of grinding characteristics when grinding cemented carbides by diamond wheels. There is described the theory of grinding, including grinding wheels and basic characteristics of cemented carbides in the theoretical part. There are defined experimental metering accomplished on the CNC grinding machine Walter Helitronic Power Mini in the practical part. There were tested eight grinding wheels. The grinding rate, surface roughness Ra, theoretic guaranteed storage period of grinding wheel in number of cuts, theoretical capacity of machined material, achievement of grinding machine and behaviour of the wheels when grinding ware evaluated from the reached results.

Comparison of virtualization platforms from Microsoft and VMware
Kos, Jakub ; Nedzelský, Roman (advisor) ; Novotný, Ota (referee)
This bachelor thesis deals with the comparison of virtualization tools of two leading com-panies in the field of virtualization, namely Microsoft Hyper-V and VMware Workstation. In the introduction is summarized historical development, basic concepts and defined the concept of virtualization. The larger part of the thesis deals with the theoretical foundations and descriptions of the various types of virtualization. In this part, the reader is acquainted with the different type's virtualization. Explains the types sectors and virtualization, the reader gets a wider awareness on the topic virtualization. In the practical part are presented and compared both programs. The programs were compared in the performance but also in terms of user-friendliness. The systems achieved according to the total score of approxi-mately same performance, but there are differences in some areas.

Unintended impoliteness of Czech speakers in English. A Czech-English contrastive study
Vokurková, Iva ; Klégr, Aleš (advisor) ; Šaldová, Pavlína (referee)
In the world of today, cross-cultural interaction takes place every day at many levels of our lives, be it a study stay abroad, work, migration or simply a holiday. The world is getting more and more interconnected, the term "global village" is today more true than ever and with globalisation and European Union integration people from various parts of the world and with various cultural backgrounds are brought together and interact in one way or another. However, communication, although having a number of universally applicable features, is culturally (as well as socially, etc.) determined and therefore it is of great importance to the interactants from culturally different backgrounds to keep this fact in mind and be constantly aware that in different cultures people can be accustomed to achieving the same ends by using different linguistic (and other) means. The field that studies the differences as well as similarities between linguistic means and communicative patterns of different languages is called cross-cultural pragmatics. Its outputs and conclusions help to detect the pragmatic sources of miscommunications as well as bring a new perspective on the languages and cultures in question. This knowledge proves useful not only in foreign language classrooms but in all sorts of situations to all kinds of...

Currency Trading Strategies
Krpálek, Jan ; Bašta, Milan (advisor) ; Žváčková, Lenka (referee)
My bachelor thesis is concerned with algorithmic trading on foreign exchange markets. Motivation is to create practical work which will cover basics for my ongoing work. From my perspective it is very important to describe assumptions which are necessary in order to properly understand functionality of automated trading. The initial theoretical part includes essential description of methods and tools for Technical Analysis and Money Management which are used afterwards. Further my aim is to show optimization process that is used by professional traders to achieve better and consistent trading results. Finally all calculations will be processed by the TradeStation trading platform and written in EasyLanguage. The end of my thesis includes complete algorithm, ready for immediate use.

The use of the DMS 48 test for the diagnosis of the mild cognitive impairment and the initiatory phase of dementia
Nikolai, Tomáš ; Loneková, Katarína (referee) ; Kulišťák, Petr (advisor)
This thesis presents a contribution towards the diagnosis of the Mild Cognitive Impairment and to the initiatory phase of dementia. We have used the DMS 48 test to analyze the differences in the area of memory capabilities damage. The research has been carried out with the sample of 50 patients with MCI, who have been diagnosed according to the actual Petersen concept. There has been a control group of 34 persons created with no exposure of the cognitive function damage. The research has proved that the achievements of the patients with MCI have been in the DMS 48 test significantly lower than the achievements of the control group. The achievements of the patients with MCI in the DMS 48 test have been also compared with the results of patients that have been tested in other chosen neuropsychological tests with the aim to confirm the ability of this test to identify hippocampal memory damage. We have chosen 2 neuropsychological memory subtests, which according to the theoretical constructs can measure the hippocampal memory damage and another two subtests, which are not able to distinguish the hipocampalnian memory damage from other types of memory damage. The results have proved that the DMS 48 has significant correlations only with the results of the subtests measured by the theoretical construct of the...

Acceleration of Object Detection Using Classifiers
Juránek, Roman ; Kälviäinen, Heikki (referee) ; Sojka, Eduard (referee) ; Zemčík, Pavel (advisor)
Detekce objektů v počítačovém vidění je složítá úloha. Velmi populární a rozšířená metoda pro detekci je využití statistických klasifikátorů a skenovacích oken. Pro učení kalsifikátorů se často používá algoritmus AdaBoost (nebo jeho modifikace), protože dosahuje vysoké úspěšnosti detekce, nízkého počtu chybných detekcí a je vhodný pro detekci v reálném čase. Implementaci detekce objektů je možné provést různými způsoby a lze využít vlastnosti konkrétní architektury, pro urychlení detekce. Pro akceleraci je možné využít grafické procesory, vícejádrové architektury, SIMD instrukce, nebo programovatelný hardware. Tato práce představuje metodu optimalizace, která vylepšuje výkon detekce objektů s ohledem na cenovou funkci zadanou uživatelem. Metoda rozděluje předem natrénovaný klasifikátor do několika různých implementací, tak aby celková cena klasifikace byla minimalizována. Metoda je verifikována na základním experimentu, kdy je klasifikátor rozdělen do předzpracovací jednotku v FPGA a do jednotky ve standardním PC.

Pina Bausch's dance theatre
Faustová, Markéta ; Augustová, Zuzana (referee) ; Christov, Petr (advisor)
Pina Bausch and the dance company Tanztheater Wuppertal inherently belong together. The choreographer became the head of this German dance company in 1973 and has led it since up today. She has never created choreography for any other dance group or other dancer. During this thirty-five years' connection the company moved among the top dance groups and stili achieve success worldwide. lt was and stili is an inspiration for many young authors. lt is a history, but also the presence at the same time. Right from the beginning of her career, Pina Bausch indicated that her work was going to be exceptional. For her, there were no barriers, neither in formulation of themes, nor in use of means of expression. She organically connected dance and theatre in her works and thus created a new art genre, which theoreticians call dance theatre. She managed to unite a multi-national group of twenty-six members, with which she worked very closely in preparation of particular pieces. Especially at the beginning, the dancers were forced to personally engage into each choreography. Preparation of a performance consisted in so-called principle of questions. Pina Bausch wanted her dancers to answer her questions by improvising a little dance or theatre sketch. Then, she was choosing from this amount of mate rial to form a base...

Equality between Women and Men on the Labour Market of the European Union
Baracová, Michaela ; Legnerová, Kateřina (advisor) ; Palíšková, Marcela (referee)
The bachelor's thesis deals with the topic of achieving the equality between women and men in the labour market of the European Union and the related European Union's policies. The main aim of the work is to describe and evaluate developments in various areas of this subject, which are the economic independence of women, the (un)equal pay and representation of women in decision making. The research is based on selected indicators and available statistical data. The secondary objective is to introduce the Strategy for equality between women and men, which the European Commission issued for the period 2010 to 2015, to evaluate its contribution and to assess the fulfilment of the objectives that the Commission defined in the Strategy. The bachelor's thesis uses mainly the methods of analysis, comparison and induction. The data is processed and analysed from the perspective of the European Union, focusing on the Czech Republic.

Methodology of the Cooperation between the Director and Actor and Contermporary Theater Practice
Glogrová, Kateřina ; BURIAN, Jan (advisor) ; HRBEK, Daniel (referee)
The thesis deals with the cooperation between the director and actor during individual phases of the staging process as they appear in everyday theatre life. The indiviual phases of the staging process are supplemented by the author's own experience with managing the actors, which she gained especially in the course of her studies at the Drama Faculty of AMU. The second part of the thesis investigates the issues of inner truthfulness and the possibilities of its achievement within the production of a play. As a part of collecting the material for the thesis, the author conducted a research, which included interviews with three professional directors - Hana Burešová, Ladislav Smoček and Štěpán Pácl, whose methods of work are described. In the final part of the thesis the author states that it is difficult to draw general conclusions about the cooperation between the director and actor because it is always of subjective nature. The issue of inner truthfulness is similarly difficult to generalise. Due to the multiplicity of options, however, neither of them loses attractiveness for further research.