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Outsourcing and its impacts on company through Enterprise architecture
Štěpán, Jakub ; Šebesta, Michal (advisor) ; Bruckner, Tomáš (referee)
This final thesis is dealing with the theme of outsourcing and its influence on company in connection with enterprise architecture as the main carrier of ongoing changes. Main focus of this thesis is to provide the overview of the area of Enterprise architecture and outsourcing as well as the description of the selected notation of Enterprise architecture modeling, which will be main instrument in describing the transformation. Theoretical part of the work is divided into three parts. Firstly there is description of the enterprise architecture and chosen connected areas, followed by description of the outsourcing process and description of the modeling language ArchiMate. Practical part of the work is composed of analysis, description and evaluation of the transformation of the selected company. Among the main contribution of this thesis there is description of the changes during the transformation using the ArchiMate modeling language and identifying of concrete impacts of outsourcing on Enterprise architecture of the company.

Information systems security penetration testing
Klíma, Tomáš ; Doucek, Petr (advisor) ; Čermák, Igor (referee) ; Čapek, Jan (referee) ; Štubňa, Ivan (referee)
The aim of this dissertation thesis is to develop new methodology of information systems penetration testing based on analysis of current methodologies and the role of penetration tests in context of IS/IT governance. Integral part of this aim is evaluation of the methodology. The first part of the thesis is devoted to the presentation of history and current state of research in selected area, definiton of basic terms and introduction of role of the penetration tests. This part is followed by the review of relevant sources and comparative study of current methodologies with a goal to identify their weaknesses. Results from this study are further used as a basis for new methodology development. Classification of IS penetration tests types and testing scenarios are also included. The second part includes design of new methodology, at first its history, structure and principles are presented, then its framework is decribed in high level of detail. In the third part the reader can find (theoretical and practical) validation. The biggest scientific contribution is the methodology itself focused on managment of penetration tests (which is the area currently not sufficiently descibed). Secondary contribution is the extensive review and the comparative analysis of current methodologies. Contribution to the economic and technical (practical) application we can mainly see in the development of new methodology which enables companies to improve management of penetration tests (especially planning, operational management and implementation of countermeasures).

Building and use of smaller computer networks
Kyzivát, Marek ; Pinkas, Otakar (advisor) ; Šmejkal, Ivo (referee)
The thesis describes the initial state of the computer network Basic Schools and Kindergartens Ohradní (ZŠMŠ Ohradní) in Prague 4 and then its reconstruction, which I largely contributed. ZŠMŠ Ohradní consists of four pavilions and from one building on the other side of the street. The aim of this study is to assess the initial state of the network and point out the shortcomings that we discovered. We found deficiencies in the operation stress tests, measurements and data cabling overall analysis. Original networks connectivity was 100Mb/s. Together with a colleague, we are network administrators. Furthermore, I am going to introduce a new form of network, which has identified deficiencies improved, by using on newer technologies. I will describe its structure, address allocation, active and passive components, and operated services. New network is capable of 1Gb/s, and its spine is going to be 10Gb/s soon. Benefits of this reconstruction is faster, more stable and more modern network that will facilitate the work of employees of ZŠMŠ Ohradní. To these improvements, I have mainly contributed by measurements. I participated in the design and implementation of new form of data network. I collaborated with fellow Poc to the configuration of active elements and network services in reconstructed network.

Design of processes of business department in IT company and measuring their performance
Schütz, Martin ; Oškrdal, Václav (advisor) ; Bruckner, Tomáš (referee)
The thesis deals with design of new processes of business department in IT company which provides server hosting, web hosting and domain registration services. These processes come from identification and analysis of current processes and the theory of business department management. Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) were set for selected processes which can be used for managing the company as a whole. Models of processes were created due to EPC notation. New processes were designed to continuously create data in CRM information system providing evidential and information support necessary for business department management, including the possibility of measuring its performance. Processes also automatize often repetitive activities and provide relevant information to other affected business units within the company. Contribution of the thesis lies in results of analysis of current identified processes containing solution proposals of discovered problems and newly created process models. Both can be used as a pattern for optimization of current processes in already existing organization or for designing new process models in new organization in the same or similar field of business.

Comparison of Business Intelligence implementation using open source solutions for middle size companies
Schmidt, Róbert ; Maryška, Miloš (advisor) ; Sládek, Pavel (referee)
The main goal of master thesis is to analyze and propose possible low cost Business Intelligence solution with open source technologies and comparison of available tools for implementation in middle size company. We compare Pentaho and Jaspersoft tools implemented on local hardware and cloud environment with Microsoft Azure services. The theoretical part focuses mainly on understanding the business intelligence and its architecture, because architecture is an important part of the work. Actual tools are designed as stand alone modules for specific activities in the business intelligence lifecycle. Low cost tools are often connected with open source technologies and cloud computing. This part of the work contains explanation of these terms and their advantages and disadvantages for our chosen target group of companies. The analytical part includes defined parameters by which it is conducted analysis of tools and their comparison. Business Intelligence solutions are divided according to arcitectural layers. The evaluation criteria are divided into financial, technical and user category. In conclusion, chosen tools are compared and evaluated. The main contribution of this thesis is comparison of open source business intelligence tools for implementation in middle size company. According to the EU directive, middle size company does not exceed 250 employees or profit is less than 50 million euros. The reader can compare the different solutions and their pitfalls or shortcomings that could be critical for the implementation.

The current state and prospects for sustainable development of tourism in Slovakia.
Libantová, Silvia ; Indrová, Jarmila (advisor) ; Chaloupka, Radek (referee)
Tourism contributes to the prosperity of destinations by bringing financial resources, new jobs, a higher level of services and infrastructure development. However, if tourism does not develop sustainably, it is accompanied by negative factors, as well. Especially, negative impacts on the environment, such as: water and soil contamination, increased noise and overcrowded destination during the high season. As a response to the worsening state of the environment and possible irreversible changes caused by irresponsible human behavior, the idea of sustainable development is becoming more important. The theoretical part describes tourism in the Slovak Republic and highlights plans for sustainable tourism development. In the practical part, the results of the questionnaire, related to the awareness of sustainable tourism in the Slovak Republic, are evaluated. The main objective of this thesis is to evaluate the current situation in the field of sustainable tourism and to make suggestions for its future development.

Výběr a implementace open source nástroje pro řízení portfolia projektů
Marek, Jan ; Chlapek, Dušan (advisor) ; Kučera, Jan (referee)
Methods and ways of implementation of changes and innovations in companies through project management are in today's society very well established. There exists methodologies, techniques and tools for the management of individual projects. However in a role of project manager, I very often faced the fact that companies are performing the project portfolio management in very intuitive way. This in itself leads to failed and prematurely terminated projects, initiation of the wrong projects or realisation of correct projects, but at the wrong time. Very often I have also recognized, that there is lack of awareness of fact, that there are also Open Source applications that can help with the organization's portfolio. This thesis deals with the definition of requirements, search and selection of proper OSS application and subsequent implementation. In the first part of this thesis I prepare a theoretical framework about PPM, and on that basis then identify and verify a set of requirements for selection of right OSS PPM application. The next section of thesis describes searching for suitable applications from a variety of sources, assessment against the requirements and the final selection. In the last part the implementation project is drafted, which aims to serve other colleagues in project management as one of the possible implementation paths. The outputs are then continuously confronted with experts in matter of projects and project management in the field of IT in order to maximize symbiosis between theory and real life experiences. Virtually every project management methodology defines the collection of already-proven techniques, best practices or lessons learned from the previous similar implementations. The main contribution of this thesis I see in fact that it contains not only the design of the project implementation, but also describes a logical path, what leads to the result. Therefore this thesis could be used as a base or discussed best practice, when a project of implementation of PPM application in place.

Depositary Services
Helcl, Tomáš ; Janda, Karel (advisor) ; Veselá, Jitka (referee)
The thesis deals with the functioning of depositories in the enviroment of the Czech market from the perspective of legislative and practical. The introduction is devoted to directives that make up a harmonized legal framework and the Czech legislativ, which specifically prescribes behaving of depositories. The main part is devoted to the depositary functions, such as operating in the Czech market conditions. This part of work is focused not only on the distribution of the depositary market, but also on the collected amount of the fees, the efficiency of regulation in the real market enviroment and in the importace of depositories in the Czech market. The final section is devoted to the findings, including the final assessment of the depositaries. As a first of its kind, this thesis gives a comprehensive view of activity of depositories and their importace for the Czech market, as the depositaries represent entities that control whether funds act in accordance with the legislation. Depository oversees as to prevent fraud and to qualified investors or collective investment contributed to the further development of the capital market, which is necessary for the further development of all economic sectors.

Developing open approach to mathematics in future primary school teachers
Samková, L. ; Tichá, Marie
In our contribution we focus on the possibility to develop open approach to mathematics in future primary school teachers during a university course on mathematics conducted in inquiry-based manner. We analyse data obtained in the beginning and in the end of the course with respect to two main aspects related to open approach to mathematics: searching for all solutions of a task, and acceptance of different forms of notation of a given solution. Data analysis revealed in the participants three different shifts towards open approach to mathematics, and showed that after the active participation in the course each of the participants improved at least in one of the monitored aspects, and that none of the participants got worse in any of the aspects.

Stomacare nurses and their share in the work with self-help groups of patiens.
Stoma nurses and their contribution to work with self-help groups of patients. The diploma thesis dealt with the cooperation of stoma nurses with self-help groups of stoma patients in ten regions of the Czech Republic. The aim was to find out if stoma nurses recognize the importance of self-help groups for stoma patients, how their work contributes to self-help groups, if stoma nurses cooperate with self-help groups and if they inform stoma patients about the existence of self-help groups. Another objective was to determine the level of significance stoma patients give to self-help groups. The goals of the work were met. The theoretical section addresses the issues of self-help groups, the history, benefits, risks, stoma nurses and their education. Cooperation between doctors, stoma nurses and the club of patients is also mentioned. The contexts of a stoma - preoperative and postoperative care, nursing care complications, the stoma aids - are involved in the conclusion of the thesis. In the practical section an investigation through qualitative in-depth interviews with stoma nurses on the base of five research questions was carried out. Do stoma nurses consider self-help groups important in the life of a stoma patient? What information do stoma patients ask for when stoma nurses participate in self help groups? What is the cooperation of stoma nurses with self-help groups in individual regions? Do stoma patients take part in activities within self-help groups? Which age groups of patients, according to stoma nurses´ opinion, prefer to work in self-help groups? On the basis of a qualitative research hypotheses were established for a quantitative investigation. This quantitative research survey through questionnaires was conducted in patients with a stoma, also in ten regions. H1: Stoma nurses recognize the importance of self-help groups for patients with a stoma. H2: Stoma nurses cooperate with self-help groups of stoma patients. H3: Stoma nurses inform stoma patients about self-help groups. H4: The biggest benefit of stoma nurses for stoma patients in self-help groups is giving information about the use of aids. H5: Stoma patients consider self-help groups very important. All hypotheses were confirmed. Stoma nurses as well as stoma patients consider self-help groups very important in their lives. Currently stoma nurses cooperate with self-help groups in all regions, they inform new stoma patients about opportunities to take part in self-help groups and do not forget to give advice about aids and stoma nursing, which is the most valuable information for the stoma patient especially at the beginning of treatment. The results were consistent in both investigations and will be offered to individual stoma nurses for improvement of mutual cooperation. And in the regions where self-help groups do not exist yet or are being established, I firmly believe that the results of this thesis will help in self-help groups activities. The research survey has proved that the stoma nurses´ work is meaningful owing to its results and goals. Stoma nurses have a large share of the self-help groups work.