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Age management
Jirásková, Barbora ; Dvořák, Marek (advisor)
This thesis processes the concept of the human resources management with respect to the age structure of employees in the intentions of the Czech Republic. In the theoretical part, there is outlined the history of the application of the principle of age management, focusing on current demographic trends, forecasts of population age structure, the aging workforce and the need to preserve the ability to work into old age. Points to the need to adapt corporate strategy, personnel management trend of an aging population. It presents ideas for the main underlying programs and legislative measures which form the basis of the latest concepts and strategic plans in the Czech Republic and Europe. The empirical part deals with a specific level of allowance organization established by TSU and two sub investigation. The first is a case study of age management staff. The resulting data are confronted with the results of a survey among employees of the organization. The second investigation are interviews with members of management and employees of the HR department on the issue of the introduction of age management, their awareness of the concept of age management, the question of age discrimination, the issue of maintaining the continuity of knowledge in the organization and their views on these topics. The outcome of this survey indicates a willingness and readiness of the organization has already received age management principles adhere to and develop further.

The Wine Market in the Czech Republic and the Politics of Wine
Vlašicová, Eliška ; Tomšík, Karel (advisor) ; Malý, Michal (referee)
The dissertation thesis is focusing on the wine market in the Czech Republic. The aim is to identify weaknesses in the wine sector in order to formulate recommendations for improving a current situation in the sector. The Common Agricultural Policy of the European Union and the Common Market Organisation for Wine was presented in the theoretical part of the thesis, where also theoretical aspects of a market including supply and demand were described, as well as an agri-food market and its specifics, wine commodity chain, determinants of demand, supply and prices of wine. In the following chapters an analysis of the wine market, especially with emphasis on the production potential of vineyards in the Czech Republic was created, and demand, supply and price of wine including a price transmission in the commodity chain of wine were modelled based on a regression analysis. The significant influence on demand of wine have had previous values of wine consumption and wine prices, substitutes consumptions (prices of substitutes were not a significant factors), household income and salary, a quality of the wine and awards in international competitions. Significant factors of the side of supply including the price of wine grapes, the price of wine, vineyard area, production of wine grapes, some aspects of weather and certain subsidies. A climate change, which is in progress, may result to the expansion of viticulture and winemaking in the Czech Republic and also to a change of varieties in vineyards. Demand has in the commodity chain of wine greater impact than the supply. It can have a negative effect on growers or winemakers. Planting of vines is not sufficient to maintain current levels of a production potential of vineyards in the Czech Republic. The ideal amount of annual planting vines should be about 655 ha. A related issue is financing a vineyards renewal, which is costly. Based on a financial analysis of small and medium-sized wine companies, it was found that these businesses cannot afford the renewal of vineyards from its own resources and will require grant assistance of the state, eventually EU.

International Monetary Fund
Drobná, Martina ; Hrdlička, Pavel (advisor) ; Severová, Lucie (referee)
The object of this thesis is an analysis of the current role of the International Monetary Fund in the 21st century. The first part of this thesis is focused on history that led to foundation of this international organisation, the reasons for its establishment and its characterization. The second par introduces one from the most important roles of this Fund, which is providing of credit to the countries that have financial difficulties. The result of this part is an appraisal of these loans and their future development. The last part of this thesis assesses current tasks of the Internationl Monetary Fund and its role in the future.

Employment in a state-funded institution
Brožová, Milena ; Světlíková, Daniela (advisor) ; Pikola, Pavel (referee)
This bachelor thesis is focused on employment in a state-funded institution. It is divided into a theoretical and an empirical part. The theoretical part deals with analysis of legal regulations and their interpretation. The method of description is used in this part. The focus in legal regulations is on the problems of a state-funded institution, namely on the legal position and functioning and on management. The focus is also on labour relations, from the general definition to the conclusion of employment for a fixed period of time. The analysis of legal regulations is complemented with interpretations of authors of specialized publications. Direct and indirect quotations are used in the text and are marked with footnotes. The empirical part of this thesis deals with the application of legal regulations in a particular state-funded institution. The order of researched areas is in accordance with the theoretical part. The method of comparison and study of documents and internal regulations are used for analysing the data. The primary research has shown that the legal regulations are applied without difficulty. The discovered discrepancy between the used terminology and the terminology in the Civil code does not invalidate legal documents and thus there is no need to mark it as a defect which needs to be fixed. Suggestions for discussion have been made, for which measures were proposed in the concluding part. The suggestions relate to arrangement of employment for a fixed period of time and its change to permanent contract and to allowance from the founder as a financial mean of a state-funded institution.

The Introduction of Contact Ecotoxicity Tests for the Assessment of Terrestrial Ecosystems
Modlitbová, Pavlína ; Kráčmar, Stanislav (referee) ; Beklová, Miroslava (referee) ; Demnerová, Kateřina (referee) ; Vávrová, Milada (advisor)
This dissertation thesis is focus on using toxicity tests with testing organism - terrestrial isopod Porcellio scaber. This organism is use for toxicity assessment of selected anorganic compunds which could contaminate terrestrial ecosystem. This organism was selected for several reasons - sophisticated test methodology; well known biology of these animals and their ecological relevance. Besides classical endpoints such as mortality, change in mass of test specimens and the effect of the presence and concentration of contaminants onto food consumption; we monitored changes in the morphometric characteristics at the level of tissues and cells, the cytotoxicity and possibly bioaccumulation in various parts of the body of the organism. Selected test substance in this thesis were nanoparticles and inorganic salts. Wherein for chosen gold nanoparticles was carried out a complete study presents several levels of organization of living matter (organism, tissue, cell). For selected salts compound, this study was carried out on the behavior of organisms and classical endpoints.

Cultural Centres
Adolfová, Barbora ; PROKOP, Petr (advisor) ; KAŠPAR, David (referee)
This thesis is concentrated on cultural centres built between years 1960 and 1990 in the former socialist Czechoslovakia. Six cultural centres have been chosen and analyzed to conclude the purposes they serve as well as the programs they offer. These chosen cultural centres are run as municipal organisations financed from the town budgets. The six towns where they are located are similar to each other in terms of their history, size and the time when their cultural centres were built. All of these centres share difficulties with the lack of cultural interest of local citizens, bad technical shape of the buildings in question and low budget. The aim of this thesis is to compare the functioning of these six cultural centres and conclude whether being directly funded and influenced by the municipal councils has a positive impact and should serve as a model for cultural centres or should be replaced by a different one. It also focuses on cooperation between the management of cultural centres and municipal officials, cooperation with other local cultural institutions and cultural centres from different towns.

The Importance of the Fundraiser in a Non-profit Organization
STARÁ, Radka
The main theme of the bachelor work is the importance of the fundraiser in a non-profit organization. It defines the term fundraising, its principles, forms and methods, the work of a fundraiser in a non-profit organization.The work characterizes nonprofit organizations, their legal status and field of activity. There are also information about activities, which improve economy and financial situation of these organizations. In the practical part of my work I have analyzed the way of financing a non-profit organization Junak- Czech scout, Centre Pod Kleti Holubov z.s. I am comparing in this part the way of fundraiser work on the local and state platform. The facts here available are drawn from the public web pages of this organization and also from the account keeping documents of its local center. At the conclusion of my work I am assessing the effectiveness of fund raising plan and its strategy and also describing the way of negotiation with donors. I am noticing the need of a fund raising team creation and also rules of fundraising including necessary cooperation between the center of organization and its local branches.

Charity Projects of Organizations Providing Care for Children with Disabilities in South Bohemia
The bachelor thesis "Charity Projects of Organisations Providing Care for Children with Health Disability in the Region of South Bohemia" deals with those projects that were founded by non-profit organisations and that provide care for children with health disability in the Region of South Bohemia. The aim of this thesis is to chart the charity projects of above mentioned organisations and to find out what is a proper and effective way to create them and what methods and procedures are used by non-state, non-profit organisations. The first research inquiry refers to a successful implementation of these projects. The result will be not only a realisation what kind of projetcs were created by the above mentioned organisations but also what is important for an organisation itself. Within the bounds of the second research inquiry I find out wheather there is an optimal procedure for the implementation of the charity projects of non-state, non-profit organisations. A qualitative method was used for a research part of this thesis. I used a method of a half-structured interview, a technique of a personal interview. A research group was selected for bringing the research into practice, which includes nine organisations seleceted from non-state, non-profit organisations providing a care for health disabled children in the Region of South Bohemia. It is more difficult for non-state, non-profit organisations it this field to obtain enough finances for providing services and for obtaining necessary aids than for state non-profit organisations because of different ways of fundraising . A non-state, non-profit organisation has several possibilities how to obtain necessary material and non-material sources. There are charity projects that offer means of selfless help; provided they are successful, they help the organisation to obtain necessary sources. It emerged from the research that it was very important for non-state, non-profit organisations to get a multi-source fundraising and supporters of their projects, mainly donors and sponsors, to obtain available care for children with heath disability. On the basis of the research, it is possible to state that non-state, non-profit organisations providing care for children with health disability, implemented many successful projects. The results of this thesis can be used in the way of an informative material for setting a complete view of a solution of the problems of the above mentioned organisations projects.

Rozdílný vývoj depopulace venkovského území české a rakouské části Novohradských hor 1930/1991/2011
Havlová, Renata ; Majerová, Věra (advisor)
Tato diplomová práce se zabývá rozdílnými a shodnými rysy českého a evropského venkova. Jedná se o důležité a aktuální téma. Důvodem jsou významné změny, kterými venkov za poslední léta prošel. Mezi cíle této práce patří prvotně stanovit a sjednotit jednotnou typologii pro český a evropský venkov. Dalším cílem je stanovit zásadní historické peripetie, které se podílely na vývoji jednotlivých venkovských prostředí. Významným cílem práce je vyhodnotit na českém a evropském venkově změny kulturně-sociologické, demografické a geografické, ekonomické a politické aj. Cílem práce je dále vyhodnotit, zda a jakým způsobem probíhá rozvoj a financování venkova. Kdo a jakým způsobem se na rozvoji a financování podílí. Do jaké míry je pro jednotlivé evropské a české venkovské oblasti důležité působení Evropské unie a využívání dotačních titulů. A také do jaké míry venkov změnily. Zda se bude venkov ubírat k evropsky požadované konvergenci, či naopak k divergenci. Z metodologického hlediska je použit kvantitativní výzkum s využitím deduktivní metody. Data jsou čerpána zejména z Českého statistického úřadu, statistického úřadu Evropské unie a z Organizace pro hospodářskou spolupráci a rozvoj. Získané údaje jsou pak převedeny do výsledných tabulek a graficky zaneseny do grafů a map. Pro přehlednost je v závěru práce provedena SWOT analýza. Z hlediska metodologie je venkov chronologicky zarámovat do příslušných teorií regionálního rozvoje a ekonomického vývoje. Vyústěním této práce je podrobná analýza zjištěných rozdílů. Významným cílem je snaha navrhnout určitá opatření pro udržitelný a prosperující venkovský - regionální rozvoj v českém prostředí. Do budoucna by se na venkově měla zlepšit a zvýšit občanská vybavenost, dopravní obslužnost, nabídka investorů a celkově zvýšit pozitivní vztah k venkovu s přidanou hodnotou. Výsledkem by do budoucnu na venkově měla být větší hustota obyvatelstva, vyšší porodnost a vyšší zaměstnanost.

Organization development strategy
Andreeva, Alexandra ; Tichá, Ivana (advisor) ; Pavel, Pavel (referee)
The subject of the thesis Organization development strategy is the description of internal resources of company EcoDům and its external environment, analyzing the target market and its development. The work suggests how to optimize the business strategy. The first part deals with the theory of creating strategies with all aspects related to this topic. In the second - practical part is described the current position of the company EcoDům s.r.o., a SWOT analysis based on internal and external analysis and suggested adaption of corporate strategy for better profitability and business performance.