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Compartment syndrome in pre-hospital urgent care
This bachelor thesis focuses on conditions associated with compartment syndrome development in prehospital care. Pressure increase in a closed anatomical space is characteristic for this condition, leading to circulation and neural sensitivity affection in the specified area. In the prehospital care, we may meet with the compartment syndrome in fractures, burns, allergic reactions, traumas caused by an accident, electrotraumas; further in crush syndrome, traffic accidents, craniocerebral injuries and other conditions associated with swelling. This thesis focuses on burns, fractures, electrotraumas, intra-abdominal hypertension and conditions caused by snake bite. Inconsiderate or inadequate manipulation with affected patient may worsen his/her condition and lead to deterioration of his/her health condition or even fatal consequences. The aim of this thesis was to map the theoretical and practical knowledge of non-medical health care professionals working in prehospital care, in treatment of conditions able to delay compartment syndrome development or even to accelerate it. Data collection for the research was performed using questionnaires and semistandardised interviews. Questionnaires were filled by 20 randomly chosen respondents. 12 respondents were interviewed. Correct answers evaluation is listed in the tables in the practical part of this thesis. Interviews transcript is a part of the practical part as well, with colour coded correct and incorrect information provided by the interviewed medical rescuers. A sample test and list of posed questions with sub-questions are included in the attachment. Both parts of the research were performed with medical rescuers and general medicine nurses working at medical rescue services of southbohemian region and the region of Vysočina. The research found that the term of compartment syndrome is well known by medical rescuers and general nurses working at medical rescue services. However, they are not aware of its association with prehospital care. In some cases, the answers of the responders differed significantly, as for treatment of acute conditions associated with this problem, from the recommended procedures according to the literature. Furthermore, the research analysed the type and amount of used fluids in pre-hospital care. This question showed interesting findings as well. Lastly, the research analysed the options of acute fasciotomy in circular neck burns in prehospital care. The respondents interpreted this procedure as life-saving, as this condition is life-threatening for patients and quick transport without releasing incisions is very risky. It is a procedure that should be known to medical rescuers, at least at the theoretical level, and considered life-saving, even if they do not have sufficient competences to perform it. Respondents showed interest and effort for deepening of their knowledge about this procedure during the research. This situation may be improved by additional training in traumatology, surgery and intensive care not only in medical rescuers working in medical rescue services, but in students of these specialisations as well. This thesis could be a base for deeper investigation of this topic, currently insufficiently known; furthermore, for increasing specialised knowledge of medical rescuers in treatment of oedematous conditions and increasing of health care quality in prehospital acute care.

Puppies and young dogs nutritions
Šabatová, Kateřina ; Hučko, Boris (advisor) ; Plachý, Vladimír (referee)
Puppies and young dogs nutritions Summary In this work I have attempted to summarize the most important aspects in nutrition of puppies and dogs in growth. The introduction describes the digestive tract and also the changes that have occurred due to domestication. Next is explained the importance of nutrition and water in nutritional requirements of a dog. Important are needs of nutrients and energy that are necessary to maintain the provision of the necessary vital functions. The basic components of food are proteins, saccharides, lipids, minerals and vitamins. I explain the necessary proportions, the amounts and the possible consequences of their lack in food. I focus on essential fatty acids, which in recent years are subject to frequent explorations and their pros and cons are not yet fully understood. I also mention ballast and significant specific active substances. Nutrition of pregnant and lactating females is often neglected, but for puppies it is a very crucial period. The influence of nutrition of pregnant females to the size and weight of newborn puppies has been proved. Further I deal with nutrition of puppies immediately after birth, I explain the composition of colostrum and its effect on the immunity system of the puppy. I also compare ratios of nutrients in the colostrum and milk. Further, I deal with the feeding of the individual at the time of weaning and in different growth periods. There are many possibilities of feeding puppies from after weaning until adulthood described in books. With the new knowledge about nutrition the ways of feeding our dogs have inevitably changed , but also the dogs' nutritional requirements have changed due to the conditions where and how they live and what their nutrient needs are according to their sport, breeding or other use. Currently, there is a possibility of a commercially produced complete nutritional diet or home-prepared fresh food - cooked or raw- barf. In the last chapter, I summarized possible aspects of malnutrition and its potential consequences. I described the most common problems associated with inadequate nutrition of growing dogs such as obesity as well as malnutrition, which also adversely affects the individual. The influence of proper nutrition of the puppy on its growth is clear. If we neglect the nutrition of the dog in the first two years of its life, the consequences are often irreversible.

Political and social aspects of local government - public participation in the municipality affairs
Kučerová, Zuzana ; Kopřiva, Radek (advisor) ; Lenka, Lenka (referee)
The thesis deals with contemporary theories of the citizens involvement in municipal life and civic society. It works with Nekol s concept which is a typology of forms of participation. The aim of the thesis is to test the usefulness of this concept on two selected municipalities in the Czech Republic Týnec nad Labem and Krakovany. The thesis focuses mainly of the description of participation forms and it examines the factors which influence the differences in people s participation. It shows that Nekol s concept is a useful tool in the effort to understand these differences in the two selected municipalities. The decisive distinguishing aspect is the stability of political environment. In Krakovany, the political environment is settled and is connected with the mayor, who is an important initiator of development in the town.

Dmitry Shostakovich: Piano Trio Nr. 2 e-minor, op. 67
Škodová, Judita ; PETRÁŠ, Miroslav (advisor) ; ERICSSON, Mikael (referee)
The master thesis concerns with the Trio for violin, cello and piano Nr. 2 e minor by one of the most significant Russian composers of all times – Dmitry Shostakovich. Presenting a brief biography of the composer, the thesis continues introducing Ivan Ivanovich Sollertinsky, a very interesting personality of the Soviet cultural life and also one of the closest friends and colleagues of Shostakovich, to whom he dedicated his Trio Nr. 2. Following, there is a general introduction of the circumstances that influenced the composer’s life in those days, therefore also his musical language and the final shape of his Trio Nr. 2, including the circumstances of its premiere and also the most significant performers of this piece. The greatest part of the thesis concerns with an overal analysis of all the four movements of the composition from both technical and expressional point of view.

State - country - nation: The loyalty of Moravian Czechs and Germans
Řepa, Milan
This study traces in parallel the transformation of the collective consciousness and loyalties of the Czech and German populations in Moravia in the 19th century. It focuses on various forms of collective consciousness – provincial patriotism, Austrian state patriotism, Czech and German nationalism. It looks at how they relate to other forms of solidarity or loyalty, such as those based on class, religion, or region and at how their formation was influenced by important events and historical processes, beginning with Enlightenment absolutism, the Napoleonic Wars, the revolutionary years 1848/1849, the evolution of civil society in the 1860s and 1870s, the Austro-Prussian War (1866) and the Franco-Prussian War (1870), and ending with the diversification of political life in the late 19th century.

Multimedia Data Processing in Heterogeneous Distributed Environment
Kajan, Rudolf ; Ferko,, Andrej (referee) ; Míkovec, Zdeněk (referee) ; Herout, Adam (advisor)
Pervasive computing sa zameriava odstránenie zložitostí pri interakcii s výpočtovou technikou a zvýšenie efektivity pri jej každodennom používaní. Ale i po viac ako 15 rokoch od sformulovania hlavných cieľov Pervasive computingu existujú aspekty interakcie ktoré stále nie sú súčasťou užívateľskej skúsenosti s dnešnou technológiou. Bezproblémová integrácia s prostredím vedúca k technologickej neviditeľnosti, alebo interakcia naprieč rôznymi zariadeniami predstavujú stále veľkú výzvu. Hlavným cieľom tejto práce je prispieť k tomu, aby sa ciele Pervasive computingu priblížili k realizovaniu tým, že predstavíme spôsob intuitívneho zdieľania informácií medzi osobným a verejne umiestneným zariadením. Predstavili sme tri interakčné techniky, ktoré podporujú intuitívnu výmenu obsahu medzi osobným zariadením a zdieľaným displejom. Tieto techniky sú založené na prenose videa, rozšírenej realite a analýze pohľadových dát. Okrem interakčných techník sme tiež predstavili mechanizmus pre získavanie, prenos a rekonštrukciu aplikačného stavu na cieľovom zariadení.

Sexual functions of women with Parkinson's disease
Kotková, Petra ; Weiss, Petr (advisor) ; Zvěřina, Jaroslav (referee) ; Gerlová, Erika (referee)
Objective: Presented paper deals with the topic of sexual functions of women with Parkinson's disease (PD). The research was aimed into detailed description of the sexual life and behaviour of women with PD and comparation of these characteristics with the research conclusions from the representative longitudinal research of sexual behaviour of the corresponding set of women in the Czech republic in 2008 which, was realized by Weiss and Zvěřina. Research sample: Forty eight women with PD (age 45 - 59), who took part in recondition residence for patients with PD between the years 2008 - 2010. Material and method: With the view of descripton and analysis of sexual functions a special questionnaire battery was created containing sociodemographic questionnaire, modified version of sexology questionnaire from the representative research of Weiss and Zvěřina, questionnaire of sexual functions of women (FSFI) and questionnaire of sexual satisfaction (GRISS). Results: The acquired data was statistically elaborated. Women with PD showed signifikant higher occurrence of sexual disorders (58% vs.16% in the control group). The most frequent sexual problems in this sample are: problems with reaching orgasm, lack of lubrication, hurtfulness of sexual intercourse. These women prefer significantly more often extracoital...

Use of Literary Artwork As a Way to Open the Topic of Unfreedom
Machková, Tereza ; PROVAZNÍK, Jaroslav (advisor) ; ULRYCHOVÁ, Irina (referee)
The Bachelor thesis describes the preparation and realization of a project that happened as a two-day workshop of drama education for pupils of secondary school. This workshop was created on the basis of two books written by Peter Sís Tibet: Through the Red Box and Wall: Growing Up Behind the Iron Curtain, These books introduce topics : occupation and unfree life in a totalitarian regime. The first part describes the literary artworks and possibilities of their use in proces of dramatic education. The following part is describing a report about the bachelor project that was run two times . In the final chapter you can see a lesson scenario of the two days workshop. In attachment there are the materials that were used during the workshop, structures of lessons and written reflections of the participants.

Social media influence
This diploma thesis deals with social media, specifically with what influence they have on an individual´s decision making while choosing a university. There are 87 universities in the Czech Republic, each of them offers unique study programmes and each one is specific, nevertheless, if they are divided according to subject-matter focus, for instance divided only into universities focused on the study of economy, it is difficult to differentiate which one will be the best choice for a possible student. For the purposes of this diploma thesis, University of South Bohemia has been chosen, and Czech University of Life Sciences Prague has been chosen for the purposes of comparison. The main goal may be specified as an analysis of social media influence during the choice of a university, and to design some useful recommendations based on the results. Other goals of this thesis are: - To find out how universities use social media, - To find out how students get involved in social media happenings. The results for this thesis will be obtained on the basis of a marketing research via a questionnaire survey among the students of the University of South Bohemia and of the Czech University of Life Sciences in Prague. Based on these results an analysis and a comparison will be carried out, finding out how strongly social media influences students when choosing a university, whether students themselves participate in social media happenings and what else may be improved by the universities.

Differentiation of offers and methods of working physiotherapy of persons with a mental or combined handicap in a practice of social service providers and another subjects.
In the Bachelor's thesis I have dealt with differentiation of tenders and rehabilitation methods. Specifically, individuals with mental or multiple disabilities and for providers of social services and other bodies. In the theoretical part I focused on defining the basic terms relating to that issue. In the introductory chapter I dealt with the definition of the concept of mental disability, causes of its creation and definition of degrees of mental retardation. The next chapter is devoted to the combined disability, specifically the yoke of the definition, causes of and classification. In the third chapter is devoted to the importance of the work, the status of the work in a person's life and the status of work for persons with disabilities, including individuals with mental or multiple disabilities in Bachelor thesis I. In the next chapter, I deal with comprehensive rehabilitation system, specifically the remedies rehabilitation, educational resources, social resources, rehabilitation, rehabilitation and special attention devoted work resources, rehabilitation, which will directly affect the Bachelor thesis. Furthermore, I determine a target group the work of rehabilitation and the preconditions for its implementation. In other chapters is devoted to the specification of tools and resources work rehabilitation, employment policy tools and I define jobs that are offered to persons with intellectual disabilities. In the practical part of the thesis, first determine the main aim and target work. The main goal was to determine what are the menus and methods of rehabilitation for people with mental or multiple disabilities with providers of social services. As the target I had set to determine what are the possibilities of transmission from individual to social services on the open employment market. Specifically, I've focused on the resources provided by the rehabilitation of daily, weekly care centers or day service center, in addition to the socio-therapeutic workshops, in a sheltered employment, and employment on the open employment market. To meet the objectives I used a qualitative approach, specifically the semi-structured interview with six providers of social services of the South Bohemian region The analysis of the information obtained, I discovered that if the device is operated daily, weekly social welfare institution or Centre, day services, the services provided are identical, not different from each other. In the case of socio-therapeutic workshops is the diversity of the wider, each device provides a variety of services, different options, some devices have socio-therapeutic workshops directly on the device, others have socio-therapeutic workshops and externally, outside of your device. Protected jobs are also in the majority of providers of social services offered both within and outside the device, always the odd jobs, such as in the kitchen, cleaning, in teahouses and the like. It always depends on the type and degree of disability, on the basis of a levy for the client to the appropriate activities. Location of the client on the open employment market is not very common in most devices, some devices that offer clients or do not provide. Partial objective was to detect transmission, I found that the only limiting factor is the client's disability that limits its options and device options, of course, that the services it offers and delivers. The aim of all devices is to achieve the greatest possible degree of autonomy of the client and allow it to advance from care centers or day service center in the socio-therapeutic workshops, found a protected job, and a job on the open employment market.