National Repository of Grey Literature 25,415 records found  previous11 - 20nextend  jump to record: Search took 2.16 seconds. 

Building and use of smaller computer networks
Kyzivát, Marek ; Pinkas, Otakar (advisor) ; Šmejkal, Ivo (referee)
The thesis describes the initial state of the computer network Basic Schools and Kindergartens Ohradní (ZŠMŠ Ohradní) in Prague 4 and then its reconstruction, which I largely contributed. ZŠMŠ Ohradní consists of four pavilions and from one building on the other side of the street. The aim of this study is to assess the initial state of the network and point out the shortcomings that we discovered. We found deficiencies in the operation stress tests, measurements and data cabling overall analysis. Original networks connectivity was 100Mb/s. Together with a colleague, we are network administrators. Furthermore, I am going to introduce a new form of network, which has identified deficiencies improved, by using on newer technologies. I will describe its structure, address allocation, active and passive components, and operated services. New network is capable of 1Gb/s, and its spine is going to be 10Gb/s soon. Benefits of this reconstruction is faster, more stable and more modern network that will facilitate the work of employees of ZŠMŠ Ohradní. To these improvements, I have mainly contributed by measurements. I participated in the design and implementation of new form of data network. I collaborated with fellow Poc to the configuration of active elements and network services in reconstructed network.

CRM System Optimization
Fučík, Ivan ; Mildeová, Stanislava (advisor)
This thesis is focused on CRM solutions in small and medium-sized organizations with respect to the quality of their customer relationship. The main goal of this work is to design an optimal CRM solution in the environment of real organization. To achieve this goal it is necessary to understand the theoretical basis of several topics, such as organizations and their relationship with customers, CRM systems, their features and trends. On the basis of these theoretical topics it is possible to analyze current CRM solution in the organization. From the data obtained by the methods of observation and controlled interview it was possible to prepare a design for optimal CRM solution. This optimal solution comes also from user and organization requirements. The optimal CRM solution saves time and costs associated with current CRM solution and replaces existing and ineffective CRM tools.

Design of marketing strategy in the company Imperium Finance
Petrovič, Marko ; Čermák, Radim (advisor) ; Sova, Martin (referee)
Internet marketing is currently one of the most important components of marketing. However, Internet marketing as a whole is much more important than mere webdesign, mere search engine optimization (SEO) or a simple PPC advertising. Most companies have recently made it throught with a website and that was all their presentation on the Internet. However, the internet is one of the fastest growing technology today and the number of its users is growing every year. Constantly there are new technologies that allow us to have a better user experience and also bring us new ways of presentation and promotion. Most of the companies make a mistake early on and underestimate the preparation, don't know their goals, customers or competitors. Internet marketing is the process and the contents of this process is the recognition, analysis, design, implementation, and ultimately verify that you achieve the goals of the organization. In the theoretical part it is defined internet marketing and its advantages over offline marketing. Briefly sum up the history and major milestones of Internet marketing that shaped its present form. Further, it's described current trends in Internet marketing and detail expands upon the selected Internet marketing tools and tools for evaluating the success of campaigns. The practical part deals with the proposal of marketing strategy in the company Imperium Finance. The main objective is to analyze the requirements of the company Imperium Finance, from analysis to draw specific conclusions and devise a marketing strategy that will support the vision and strategy of the company in the following period. All steps were carried out within the company Imperium Finance on real data from active clients and tested in action. The result is a proposal of a marketing strategy that will drive Imperium Finance, and a marketing plan for the company. The biggest benefit of this work is so real use theoretical knowledge in practice.

The current state and prospects for sustainable development of tourism in Slovakia.
Libantová, Silvia ; Indrová, Jarmila (advisor) ; Chaloupka, Radek (referee)
Tourism contributes to the prosperity of destinations by bringing financial resources, new jobs, a higher level of services and infrastructure development. However, if tourism does not develop sustainably, it is accompanied by negative factors, as well. Especially, negative impacts on the environment, such as: water and soil contamination, increased noise and overcrowded destination during the high season. As a response to the worsening state of the environment and possible irreversible changes caused by irresponsible human behavior, the idea of sustainable development is becoming more important. The theoretical part describes tourism in the Slovak Republic and highlights plans for sustainable tourism development. In the practical part, the results of the questionnaire, related to the awareness of sustainable tourism in the Slovak Republic, are evaluated. The main objective of this thesis is to evaluate the current situation in the field of sustainable tourism and to make suggestions for its future development.

Height measurement in the northern area of mining areas Doubrava and Karviná Mines In 2016
Kajzar, Vlastimil ; Waclawik, Petr ; Staš, Lubomír
In the northern area of ​​mining areas Doubrava and Karvina mines on the border RA Detmarovice and Doubrava are implemented, the mining activities. For this reason, in order to detect possible effects of the mine to the surface and surface objects twice a year height focuses, points in this area stable. From 2014 he was a contractor for these works chosen by the Institute of Geonics, v.v.i., Ostrava. In August and November 2016 survey conducted campaigns planned this year, during which it conducted a total of 4 highrise focus of inter-related leveling routes, which are formed by these points. Highrise points are stabilized in the area of ​​interest in several ways - usually in steel design height marks on buildings, then as an iron bolt concreted in the ground or using nails driven into the concrete foundation or other alternative means. Distribution points in the area of ​​interest is indicative captured in the map appendix. Existing trace and focus points are highlighted in green, yellow trace inaccessible points, refocused points in red and violet points that have occurred to their long term disablement or destruction. Each zaměřovaných points in order to trace the terrain carefully documented (GPS coordinates, photos, text description) and registered. These documents are available from the contractor.

The leveling of the newly stabilized elevation points in RA Detmarovice in 2016
Kajzar, Vlastimil ; Waclawik, Petr ; Staš, Lubomír
In the northern area of mining areas Doubrava and Karvina mines on the border RA Detmarovice and Doubrava are implemented, the mining activities. For this reason, in order to detect possible effects of the mine to the surface and surface objects twice a year height focuses, points in this area stable. From 2014 he was a contractor for these works chosen by the Institute of Geonics, v.v.i., Ostrava. The measurement results are annually presented in the final report - elevation measurements in the northern area of mining areas Doubrava and Karviná Mines I. In 2016, the existing network of height points in a cadastral municipality Dětmarovice expanded by 11 new points. New points are stabilized by means of steel bench mark on objects. Elevation point near house No. 713 is a stabilized form of measuring support cast-in steel casing

Activities and functioning of New web organization
Tyl, Jan ; PROKOP, Petr (advisor) ; SULŽENKO, Jiří (referee)
Abstract Bachelor thesis Activities and functioning of New Web organisation aims to detailed analysis of this culture network. What paths choose, how fulfills its visions, etc. Describe the formation of the organization, motivations and partial steps, which New web takes for its funcioning. How partial sections of this organism thinks and how cooperate. Also this thesis deals with organization structure of New web. Collectively write an overview of activities this network. Uncover sources of funding. All in relation with functioning of another culture networks in Europe. Concretely IETM, Trans Europe Halles and IN SITU organizations. In conclusion wants to outline future direction of New web organization.

Association of Idependent Theatres of the Czech Republic – Analysis and Description of the Current State
Bodoríková, Markéta ; KAŠPAR, David (advisor) ; PROKOP, Petr (referee)
The thesis is focused on newly established Association of Independent Theaters of the Czech Republic, officially using the abbreviation AND ČR. The aim of the thesis is to describe formation of the association, its current state, future plans and its functioning. The first part examines the term “independent professional theater” and briefly characterizes selected organizations from the Czech Republic and Europe with the potential to meet with the AND ČR in the cultural area in future. In the following parts were researched needs of independent professional scene in Prague and was described the needs analysis for the field of “independent” theater from the year 2013. The thesis describes the development of AND ČR, its activities up to current stage, organizational structure and future short-term plans. In the final part of the thesis, there is defined the management system of the association and established its possible improvements so the AND ČR would become the leading organization representing independent professional theaters in the Czech Republic.

Sorption and Stabilization of Metals/Mettalloids by Innovative Synthesized Sorbent Amochar.
Ouředníček, P. ; Trakal, L. ; Komárek, M. ; Pohořelý, Michael
Remediation of contaminated soil which is based on stabilization and immobilization of potential\nhazardous substance by sorption materials has been studied intensively nowadays. Biochar – activated organic carbon belongs to this group of stabilizing agents which can adsorb wide range of contaminants, including metals/metalloids. Surface area of the biochars is quite large in general and functional groups (e.g. COO–) can form chelates or alkaline elements on the surface, which is represented by cation exchange capacity. Altogether with the high pH values (7.00 – 10.00), biochars are quite effective sorbents and can adsorb metals/metalloids from the solution (ground water), especially in acidic soils (in the environments affected by intensive mining activities). Sorption\neffectiveness can be increased (especially for As (V) or Cr (VI) sorption) by modification of biochar by various types of secondary oxides. Innovative sorbent AMOchar (AMO + biochar) has been synthesized currently. The product was prepared by adding of biochar to the reaction solution during amorphous manganese oxide (AMO) synthesis. The AMOchar was formed mainly by Mn-oxalates which had coated surface of the pristine biochar. AMOchar composite was able to remove significantly higher amounts of various metal(loid)s from the solution despite the rather high pH of the material. Sorption effectiveness was high not only in case of Pb (II) sorption (almost 99%), and Cd(II) (51.2%), but also a very high amount of As(V), 91.4%. Additionally, both AMOchar composite was able to reduce Mn leaching. This can avoid potential post-contamination caused by the dissolution of less stable Mn-oxalates as observed in the pure AMO.
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Marketing plan
Nosálová, Lucie ; Štůsek, Jaromír (advisor) ; Ladislav , Ladislav (referee)
The goal of this thesis is to detect errors in the management of small family business, which basically does not use marketing. Following this finding should be to build an effective marketing plan. The diploma thesis is divided into theoretical part, which forms the basis for the analytical part. In the analytical part is described the company and there are also detect errors in the management that are caused by faulty marketing. To achieve results it is important to use several different types of analysis on which it is necessary to set new marketing goals, strategies, changes and projects. The aim is to provide business information and convince him that use of good marketing communication should lead to improve management efficiency and ultimatem increase profitability of the company, without the need to break away from the corporate goal of maximum efforts to build a pro-customer oriented service.