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Patients satisfaction with the provided services. An important indicator of the quality of health care facilities.
My master's thesis which topic is "Satisfaction of patients with the services provided. An important indicator of quality of medical equipment " is mainly focused on satisfaction of patients with the services provided in the Hospital České Budějovice, a.s. Furthermore, the mapping focused on overall satisfaction with care in the already mentioned Hospital České Budějovice and on exploring whether patients evaluate the quality of information provided by a medical doctor in this hospital affirmatively and whether they are satisfied with care of local nurses. The satisfaction of patients is an important indicator of the quality of care provided, which has an impact on their status of basic human needs. One main purpose was determined: Monitoring the satisfaction of patients with the services provided in the Hospital České Budějovice, a.s. and this purpose was fulfilled. Quantitative research was executed, to its realization the interview method was used. By means of the technique of standardized anonymous questionnaires on the basis of the above-mentioned purpose,the 3 following hypothesis were verified: 1) Patients are satisfied with the overall care in the Hospital České Budějovice, a.s. 2) Interviewed patients evaluate the quality of information provided by a medical doctor in the Hospital České Budějovice, a.s. affirmatively 3) Interviewed patients are satisfied with the care of nurses in the Hospital České Budějovice, a.s. I processed the data to confirm or refute the pre-established hypotheses. The evaluation of the data was carried out using statistical nonparametric methods, Chi-square test and the chosen level of significance of p=0.05. The results of the research have been clearly processed into the tables and graphs. The program Microsoft Office Excel 2010 was used to process the results.

Web application development with modern technologies
Ibragimov, Ahliddin ; Havránek, Martin (advisor) ; Ladislav, Ladislav (referee)
This thesis covers the development of web applications with modern programming languages and technologies. The objective of thesis is the research and analysis of modern technologies and subsequent selection of particular programming languages, frameworks and database for development of web application applying those techniques. Based on analysis of modern trends I chose the following technologies: backend development using popular Spring framework based on Java EE, frontend implementation using one of the most widespread scripting languages JavaScript and its known framework AngularJS developed by Google. For data persistence I chose NoSQL database MongoDB. I provided detailed documentation of each implementation step: project definition, requirements analysis, design, implementation and testing.

Freshwater mussels breeding methods for the purpose of conservation programs
Plechingerová, Věra ; Douda, Karel (advisor) ; Matasová, Klára (referee)
Bachelor thesis is written in an overview form of problems breeding freshwater molluscs. At the beginning of the thesis I first evaluate the overall status of the populations in the Czech Republic and then in the world. Next I describe the anatomy and biology of molluscs, especially their reproduction, which is crucial for rearing juveniles in the laboratory or seminatural environment. The return of molluscs populations into the waters ecosystems is problematic in terms of ongoing changes in the biotope, particularly because of the anthropogenic influences and too few suitable host fish, without which it can not complete its glochidia development. To prevent the complete extinction of some species, there have been researched different methods of rearing, which help recover viable populations in the natural water environment. Methods of rearing are also described in this thesis. In the experimental part of the thesis I evaluate types of detritus that have different effects in length gain of mussels. For the experiment was selected freshwater pearl mussel (Margaritifera margaritifera), whose population is highly endangered. Freshwater mussels are an important bio-indicator of waters ecosystems, where they have an irreplaceable function, so it is important to regenerate their populations and the overall condition of the biotopes.

Budget of the European Union in the field of justice and home affairs
Ticháček, Jan ; Hřebík, František (advisor) ; Markéta, Markéta (referee)
The Master Degree Thesis focuses on analysis of the EU budget. The main area of interest is justice and home affairs. Planning of the EU annual budget is preceded by creation of the Multiannual Financial Framework which is a planning tool and also a safeguard of predictability of the EU expenditures. Also EU priorities are mirrored there. Annual budget itself is divided into six headings. The thesis is dedicated mainly to the third area Security and Citizenship. Also an EU agency CEPOL (European Police College) is financed from this area. The second part of the thesis is dedicated to CEPOL. The EU agency CEPOL occupies important position in the field of education and training of senior police officers and also law enforcement officers. It provides educational and training activities which suppose to contribute to improving of EU Member States´ cooperation in fighting against the most serious forms of international crime. The flagship of CEPOL is European Police Exchange Programme. Thanks to the exchange programme, the participants gain experience based on their needs and preferences. CEPOL supports qualitative rather than quantitative education. The third part of the theses tries to find out whether the financial resources spend on the Exchange Programme are used effectively. This issue is examined by using a questionnaire and subsequently its evaluation.

Insurance coverage of the agricultural companies and the carp fish in fish farming facilities in the Czech Republic
Pomyjová, Hana ; Borská, Jana (advisor) ; Jan, Jan (referee)
Summary In the thesis I concentrate on the issue of liability insurance in the agricultural insurance company and in the company mainly engaged in the production of carp fish in fish farming facilities in the Czech Republic. The gist of the work will determine how the Czech agricultural companies, and especially fish culture facility and struggling to cope with problems and complications in their production programs which cause them extreme weather. I want to especially to identity and to point out the existence of a solution to compensate for damages and losses which are recorded annually. This solution can be found in the form of targeted programs of insurance of agricultural risks. Given of the possibility of extensive damage caused by the effects of the deflections in the weather I want to achieve, that insurance such risks occupy one of the leading businessmen and their interest had been in the first place ranking priorities in the protection of their production programs. Targeted insurance programs should fulfill its function in a random moment and compensate for financial losses, when it will be needed, in the event of an insured event, and became an essential part of protecting businessmen.

The impact of the program LEADER in the region of LAG Království – Jestřebí hory, o.p.s.
Valdová, Kateřina ; Pánek, Pavel (advisor) ; Jan, Jan (referee)
First part of this theses deals with theoretical knowledge about local action group (LAG), their way of functioning, strategical documents and project management within the life cycle of LAG projects. On the other hand it introduces a theory about monitoring project, monitoring indicators and setting their in and out values. Second, practical, part of two the theses has also two spectrums. First part alleges from data collected during monitoring projects in LAG Království Jestřebí hory o.p.s. Data are focused at most on fulfilling monitoring indicators during last program period in between 2007 and 2013 and they are summed up as a recommendation for the new programming period. Programming period 2014 and 2020 has so far introduced a new method of setting up indicators, which is also described in this theses, including the restrictions that LAG has to deal with. Practical part is ended by commentary on setted values and their actual possibility of fullfillment in real life. The entire theses ends the final summery in which the author states her own reccomendations and tips regarding the setting or evaluation of monitoring indicators.

An evaluation of erosion risks and design of erosion control measures in selected cadastral area
Janota, Petr ; Janků, Jaroslava (advisor) ; Karel, Karel (referee)
Erosion is exogenous geomorphological process that affects the formation of the Earth's surface since the formation of the Earth's solid crust. This activity, which under natural conditions proceeded slowly, in terms of human generations imperceptibly, in intensively used landscape dramatically accelerated and brought a number of adverse consequences. The aim of this study has been to assess and evaluate erosion risks in selected cadastral area and in the event of an over limit erosion hazard to suggest appropriate erosion control measures to eliminate the increased erosion. The 77 erosion of closed units were examined by a computer program Atlas DMT erosion module, which uses digital terrain model together with data from databases or BPEJ or LPIS. The 14 of them have diagnosed overlimit value wash away the soil. As a basic erosion control measures the change of applied classic crop rotation to crop rotations using soil conservation technologies was considered. After adjusting cropping practices that positively impact factor of the protective effects of vegetation, it was found by erosion Atlas module, six parcels of land with over limited value of soil washes. These lands have suggested the use of technical erosion control measures, for example furrows, grassing thalwegs etc.. On the parcels, where, due to their size, shape or morphology technical measures proved inadequate or ineffective it has been proposed permanent grassing. In the proposals erosion control measures it is necessary to combine the maximum efficiency of measures with condition of ease and minimal restriction of land users. When their making is to be assumed towards the user, because it depends on him only whether the proposed organizational and agronomic measures will be implemented or not. The fundamental problem with these measures is that their implementation is not backed by legislation. I assume that the more acceptable, less restrictive and inexpensive measures will be proposed, the more likely it will be implemented. One of the reasons why even the simple erosion control measures are put into practice slowly and with difficulty is the fact that in the Czech Republic the most of the agricultural land is managed by entities that are not its owners. This fact significantly contributes to the fact that land is viewed merely as a means of production, which must to bring maximum profit only. To improve this situation may also contribute to the establishment and consistent control of the GAEC standards.

Transformation of FINCA Programs into Micro-banks and Influence of the NGOs (Mexico, FIPS A.C. and Czechs´activities).
Drašarová, Martina ; Banout, Jan (advisor) ; Irena, Irena (referee)
Microfinance has been seen as a key tool for poverty reduction in developing countries. Target groups of microfinance are very poor people who have no access to any financial resources and need loans. Microcredits help the poor in running their small businesses or in a creation of its own job opportunities. The loans are often embezzlemented, are not financial sustainable in the long term, and are frequently critised. The question is if microfinance is real universal cure and which influence has on elimination poverty and social even economical effect. It also considers a perspective of model preferences focused on business (conditional high interests, possibility to contact intermediaters, gaining easier access into external financial sources) or a charity (more resistant to crisis thanks to using internal financial sources). In general, Latin America has excellent conditions for microfinance; the macro-economic growth which countries in Latin America had shown during the last decades set up advantageous conditions for well-known microfinance institutions and its development. Microfinance sector contributes by its profits to the common financial institutions which have already got a significant position in the market. In principle, Mexico struggles for better conditions for the poorest class of the population and due to this fact offers products of microcredits as the assistance to start-up small businesses. From the economic point of view, Mexico tries to be much more self-sufficient and sustainable. Microfinance institutions earn regularly an undisputed importance in the process of regional expansion, representing a crucial factor in the alleviation of poverty likewise insecurity for large segments of the inhabitants. The work is based on information from relevant sources that can easily identify the current status of microfinance. This thesis researches the microfinancial sector and the program FINCA (Foundation for International Community Assistance), including causing non-governmental organizations in Mexico. The purpose of this paper is to focus on the current situation of functioning microfinance sector in selected Mexican states as well as to identify impacts of microfinance activities in this country. It describes microfinance sector due to its lack of opportunities to gain microcredit. Credit distribution and its awareness about these services is passed. Administrative procedures are difficult and information shortage restricts credit accessibility. This leads more in usage informal sector, based on family members or groups. The paper demonstrates suggestions for improving and operating in this sector that might be involved in legal framework for microfinance in Mexico.

Development of mobile application for iOS platform
Aldorf, David ; Šimek, Pavel (advisor) ; Stočes, Michal (referee)
This Bachelor's thesis deal with the development of mobile applications for iOS operating system. Creating of application was based on theoretical knowledge gained in the theoretic part of the bachelor's thesis. It was made a comparison of development environment based on chosen scoring method. The Chosen development environment was Xcode IDE developer by Apple Inc. Then it was create a logical design that contains the layout and describes the functionality of the application. Based on logical design was created graphic design based on Material design by Google. For the implementation of code was used modern object-oriented programming language Swift. Application allows users login via social network Facebook or via email. It ensures data storage in database FireBase and the users can access their data from other iOS devices. Application generate list of healthy life recipes from database and then keep user's informations for calculate the ideal day meal.

Design and implementation of e-learning in the area of interest
Laubová, Věra ; Husa, Jiří (advisor) ; Petr, Petr (referee)
The bachelor thesis Design and Implementation of e-learning in the area of interest is focused on computer typography and the area of DTP. The objective was to create a quality e-learning course, which would develop the knowledge and skills of workers who routinely manage the work with graphic programs for working with text in typesetting program Adobe InDesign. The theoretical part is conceived as a text study support to the course and deals with typography, fonts, printing materials, computer typesetting and DTP. The practical part contains the objective and the target group of the course, the needs analysis of the workplace, for which the course was created, the description of the tools that were used for creating the course and description of the structure and of the course content. The course was prepared on the basis of a synthesis of findings, which was preceded by an analysis of training needs of the target group. Educational content consists of text and instructions in the form of images, which were created by the author as screen captures in Adobe InDesign. The pilot testing of the course was realized by eight experts in the area of DTP. The final evaluation, which took the form of a questionnaire and interviews showed that e-lerning was properly elected form of education for this course and respondents accepted it with enthusiasm. Respondents rated course as the high quality one.