National Repository of Grey Literature 31 records found  previous11 - 20nextend  jump to record: Search took 0.01 seconds. 
Long-Term Care for the elderly in the Czech Republic and European countries in the context of demographic ageing
Nerušilová, Hana ; Rychtaříková, Jitka (advisor) ; Kraus, Jaroslav (referee)
Long-Term Care for the Elderly in the Czech Republic and European countries in the context of demographic ageing Abstract Long-term care refers to the range of services required by persons suffering from a reduced degree of functional capacity and who are dependent on help with activities of daily living. These services include personal care as well as medical and social services. LTC could be provided either in institutional settings or at home - by informal (upaid) or formal providers. European Union has declared that LTC represents one of the main challenges connected with the current demographic changes. The main aim of this thesis is to provide a picture of LTC providing across European countries. Special attention was placed on ensuring care for the elderly in Czechia, where ambiguities about responsibilities (which are divided between The Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs and and The Ministry of Health), financing or even defining the content of this care have recently become quite frequent subjects of public debates. Keywords: demographic ageing, long-term care, health and social services, home care, Czechia, international comparison
Analysis of the determinants of the entrepreneurship in a country
Palas, Michal ; Bobková, Božena (advisor) ; Brechler, Josef (referee)
This paper aims at explaining the impact of macroeconomic and institutional conditions on cross- country variation in nascent entrepreneurship. Some authors have found significant effects of macroeconomic and institutional variables in their papers. We use data from 56 countries involved in the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor project. We analyse these data from 2006-2012 period using econometric panel data methods. Our results do not confirm the impact of most of the included variables. The results show that the established entrepreneurship rate seems to influence the nascent entrepreneurship rate positively. We also find weak negative effect of amount of paid-in minimum capital associated with starting business. We test the hypothesis of U-shape relation between economic development and nascent entrepreneurship rate. Our results support this hypothesis only in the model without any control variable. The influence of economic development on nascent entrepreneurship rate is insignificant in our full model. Powered by TCPDF (
Housing Prices in the Czech Republic and Slovakia: Regional Comparison
Cempírek, Petr ; Hlaváček, Michal (advisor) ; Žigraiová, Diana (referee)
The objective of the present Bachelor's thesis is to compare the behavior of housing prices in the Czech Republic and Slovakia using econometric analysis. First, the author presents the historical context and basic housing indicators. After verifying that variables in dataset are cointegrated, a panel DOLS es- timator for modelling housing prices is employed. The author uses quarterly regional data in order to analyze the response of basic housing price fundamen- tals in the two countries that formed one federation until 1992. By forming a short run equation with an error-correction term the author checks for the existence of long run housing price equilibrium and for the speed of price rever- sion to equilibrium in case it is misaligned. The author then focuses on housing price misalignments as well as their dynamics in the individual regions.
Analysis of Defence Research and Development in the Czech Republic
Fiala, Karel ; Knobloch, František (advisor) ; Stejskal, Libor (referee)
Defence research and development is an important public policy phenomenon, which represents a relevant part of security policy and interferes with many other areas when considered in a wider perspective. My diploma thesis presents an analysis of the Czech policy of defence research and development and an international comparison with the Netherlands and Slovakia. Governmental policy in this area is relatively pro-active as regards its declared settings. On the other hand, its actual practise reveals many problematic areas. Ministry of Defence's expenditure on defence research and development has been falling since 1999 and recently finds itself well below the limit guaranteed by the law. Insufficient utilisation of foreign financial support might be considered negatively as well. The analysis that I carried out in my thesis identified fundamental shortcomings of the Czech system, the functioning of which is far from being optimal. The deficiencies have mostly a systemic manner and can not be solved by partial changes. Due to this reason I propose an alternative set up of the Czech policy of defence research and development, based on a shift to the agency model inspired by the Dutch experience.
Analysis of the financial literacy of students in selected countries in the world
Silberhornová, Lenka ; Radová, Jarmila (advisor) ; Rajl, Jiří (referee)
The subject of this thesis on "Analysis of the financial literacy of students in selected countries in the world" is a summary description of and a subsequent evaluation of financial literacy in the Czech Republic, the United States and Taiwan. The thesis particularly focuses on an assessment of the level of financial literacy of students in individual countries and on the evaluation of the data obtained from its own investigation. The last chapter is the overall comparison of the three states from the data obtained from own investigation and the data processed in the international study.
The economy of Austria and its comparison to the Czech Republic
Němcová, Martina ; Jeníček, Vladimír (advisor) ; Vošta, Milan (referee)
The aim of the thesis is to describe the economy of Austria from the perspective of basic macroeconomic indicators and their development from the early 1990s to the present. These indicators are compared with the selected countries, especially with Germany, the United States of America and the Czech Republic. As Austria is a small open economy, international trade and external economic balance are important topics to be mentioned. Austria is compared to the Czech Republic. Both countries are not only geographically close to each other, they also have a common history and cultural traditions. Therefore, a comparison of their pension systems, healthcare and ethnic compositions is included in this thesis.
Assessing the economic level of the main categories of farms in the Czech Republic
Hammerová, Eliška ; Špička, Jindřich (advisor) ; Krause, Josef (referee)
The aim of this thesis is to evaluate the economic level of Czech farms. To achieve this goal, the standard output indicators will be analyzed according FADN methodology. The analysis will be done according to the main categories of the farms according to type of farming, economic size, legal status and relationship with the LFA. Another goal is to make international comparisons of Czech agriculture with a sample of the European Union countries again by analyzing data from the FADN EU. The main purpose of the international comparison is to highlight the strengths and weaknesses of the Czech agriculture affecting its competitiveness among the EU countries.
Labour Force Participation and Tax-Benefit Systems: A Cross-Country Comparative Perspective
Galuščák, Kamil ; Kátay, Gábor
This paper investigates the extent to which cross-country differences in aggregate participation rates can be explained by divergence in tax-benefit systems. We take the example of two countries, the Czech Republic and Hungary, which – despite a lot of similarities – differ markedly in labour force participation rates. We first replicate for Czech household-level data the labour supply estimation for Hungary presented in Benczúr et al. (2014) and use the two perfectly comparable estimates to simulate how the aggregate participation rate would change in one country if the other country’s tax and social welfare system were adopted. Our estimation results yield similar labour supply elasticities for both countries, suggesting that individual preferences are essentially identical. The simulation results show that about one-half of the total difference in the participation rates of the 15–74 years old population can be explained by differences in the tax-benefit systems. The highest response is obtained for married women or women of childbearing age. This is related to the more generous maternity benefit system in place in Hungary as compared to the Czech Republic.
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Tertiary Educational Systems in the Eurepean Union
Chaloupková, Šárka ; Fischer, Jakub (advisor) ; Finardi, Savina (referee)
The thesis deals with the comparison of the 27 European educational systems. The topic covers all main aspects of education funding system at higher education level and defines the impact of funding policy on educational standard. The following part of the thesis aims at key issues of tertiary education in other countries of the European Union. The topic focuses on the main policy goals of public funding, different forms of funding mechanisms, financial autonomy and control, the extent to which access to educational institutions is free, private contributions, the system of grants, scholarships, loans and other financial and social support for learners and their families. It is described their common features and their specifics. The thesis deals with the different approach of funding higher education in time of economic growth and recession. The last part of this thesis is devoted to grouping of states based on the defined information and other data of tertiary education and to determining the sequence of the states of the European Union by the standard of education.
Czech - Slovakia: development of each country after the split of Czechoslovakia
Pelikánová, Radka ; Löster, Tomáš (advisor) ; Bílková, Diana (referee)
International comparison is very popular area of statistics, which is used to examine differences in many fields of science. This thesis seeks to apply the concepts of International comparison to the Czech Republic and the Slovak Republic. Though it has been 20 years since Czech and Slovak Republic separated from each other yet, rivalry exists between the two countries. Particularly, the socio-economic factors contributing to this rivalry have been of interest to economists. To further explore this rivalry, this master thesis aims to describe the difference in evolution of demographic, economic and social indicators that characterize development of countries and standard of living of its population. This paper consists of four main chapters. The first chapter outlines the introduction to time series and describes methods used in the following chapters for analysis of indicators. The second chapter briefly defines monitored indicators in terms of their objectivity, methodology and comparability in both countries. The third chapter analyzes the evolution in time and directly compares the values of indicators. The fourth chapter analyzes the average and median wages in greater detail. These indicators were chosen for analysis as they largely affect the standards of living in both countries. From the perspective of comparison method it is not straightforward to determine that one country has better results in all indicators than the other. Yet, here are two main broad conclusions. First, the notional "scores" are similar for demographic indicators. Second, Czech Republic has better social and economic indicators results then Slovak Republic. The analysis of trend models of average and median wage found that the social gap is widening in both countries. However, after converting to the same exchange rate, it is clear that the wage level is better in Czech Republic then in Slovak Republic.

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