National Repository of Grey Literature 22 records found  previous11 - 20next  jump to record: Search took 0.01 seconds. 
Ethical basis for social work with family
Langhammerová, Kamila ; Štica, Petr (advisor) ; Ventura, Václav (referee)
The thesis deals with the ethical principles of multidisciplinary cooperation with family at the case conferences of social and legal protection of children. The objective was to establish the essential ethical criteria for using the partnership approach and paternalism in social work with family on the example of the case conferences of Authority for Social and Legal Protection of Children and submit critical reflection of practice of conferences in light of ethical principles. Keywords Social work, family, ethical principles, multidisciplinary cooperation, case conference, best interest of the child, paternalism, partnership approach
The casuistry as a tool for a solving of ethically difficult physicians' decisions
Moravec, Martin ; Fošum, Jan (advisor) ; Sládek, Karel (referee)
The casuistical manner of dealing with ethical issues goes as far as to the antiquity, and afterwards it was considerably developed in Christianity. Nevertheless from the half of the 17th century it was criticized because of abusing and due to the supposedly "unscientific" character and subsequently it has been abandoned. The ridiculous criticism of Blaise Pascal in his "Provincial Letters" has presented the casuistry as a way in which it is possible to justify almost any behaviour and this evaluation has remained up to the present day. In the same era the mathematization of natural sciences has led to impressive successes and the similar mathematical exactness was expected also in other fields of the human knowledge. Also ethics was concerned with seeking such abstract general principles, which were supposed to describe, cover and explain the whole field of morality. The value of casuistry was seen only as an illustration of such principles in an individual case. In my diploma thesis I attempted to rehabilitate the casuistry as an ethical method. I discussed the book of American authors Albert R. Johnes and Stephen Toulin "The Abuse of Casuistry" from the year 1988. The presentation of this publication is one of purposes of my thesis. Then I examined the casuistry as an ethical method in cases of...
Suggestion for the Improvement in the CSR Concept in the Production Company
Novotná, Pavla ; Ing.Klára Kittlerová (referee) ; Putnová, Anna (advisor)
The diploma thesis focuses on specification of a CSR level in the selected production company. Specifies what is the level of CSR in a given company and uses theoretical knowledge that is applied in the research. It contains suggestions for improving the concept of corporate social responsibility in a given production company.
Using of Restraints in the Geriatrics
Lorencovičová, Eva ; Doskočil, Ondřej (advisor) ; Petr, Tomáš (referee)
In consideration of the demographic trends of our population, it is necessary to deal with the old age problems and problems of geriatric patients. The controversial topic of restraints, especially sensitive in association with old frail people, is closely related. The issue of restraints is defined by law. However, the ethical aspects of their application should also be considered. The theoretical part of this thesis deals with the topic of old age and serious problems of this period of life, including mental disorders. It introduces the field of geriatrics and geriatric patients. In further chapters, this thesis discusses the restraints and ethical issues related to their use. By using qualitative research methods, the empirical part of this thesis surveys the attitudes of healthcare professionals towards this issue. It discusses specific restraints and the reasons for which they are used. The results show that the most important value of healthcare professionals is health and the most respected ethical principle is the principle of beneficence. Key Words: old age, geriatric patient, health risk, restraints, ethical principle
The Application of Ethical Principles in the Development of the Health Care System
Válková, Monika ; Holmerová, Iva (advisor) ; Pinc, Zdeněk (referee) ; Jurašková, Božena (referee)
Univerzita Karlova v Praze Fakulta humanitních studií Název oboru Filozofie Disertační práce (obor Aplikovaná etika) Uplatňování etického principu při tvorbě zdravotnického systému The Application of Ethical Principles in the Development of the Health System Mgr. Monika Válková Vedoucí práce: Doc. prim. MUDr. Iva Holmerová, Ph.D. Praha 2013 2 Anotace Disertační práce na téma Uplatňování etického principu při tvorbě zdravotnického systému je zaměřena na etické principy, které se promítaly ve vývoji zdravotnického systému v České republice. Solidarita, spravedlnost , rovnost a právo na zdraví jsou základní etické principy uplatňované ve zdravotnických systémech Z historického hlediska je solidarita nejstarším etickým principem , která měla vliv na utváření jednotlivých typů sociálních států v Evropě. Solidarita je zkoumána z pohledu vývoje sociálního zabezpečení v době nemoci a chudoby. Zdravotnický systém v České republice je hodnocen z hlediska uplatňování etických principů v různých etapách společenského uspořádání země od Rakouska Uherska a ž do současnosti. V praktické části disertační práce byly srovnávány s Českou republikou zdravotnické systémy Švédska a Francie dle etických principů solidarita, spravedlnost, rovnost a právo na zdraví Hlavním cílem disertační práce bylo prokázat na základě vybraných...
Ethics in healthcare with focus on radiology assistant
FLAŠKOVÁ, Veronika
This bachelor thesis deals with the issue of ethics in health care, focusing on radiology assistants. Due to the development of many new technologies, means of diagnostics and therapeutic procedures, there is a great focus on the quality of professional expertise considering radiology assistants. However, this profession requires extraordinary abilities such as a delicate approach towards the patient, basic knowledge from the branch of ethics, nursing and communication skills. In the theoretical part, I tried to briefly define concepts of morality, conscience, ethics and ethical theory. Another part of my thesis is focused on fundamental ethical principles, the relationship between ethics and law, deals with ethical codes among health care professions and defines the branch of Radiology Assistance. Although this topic mainly appertains to the branch of ethics, I also focused on the issue of euthanasia in the conclusion of my theoretical part. The main aim of the study was to describe and analyze ethical issues and problems that a radiology assistant has to cope with in his profession and what is the level of general knowledge of the ethics by radiology assistants. Another goal was to determine whether they are adequately prepared for dealing with ethical issues. The empirical part presents the results of the survey, which were processed into the tables and graphs. Questionnaires were distributed among the employees of radiodianostic department, radiotherapy and nuclear medicine. The results show that knowledge of the fundamental ethical principles or codes related to their work is not sufficient. The results also show that the most frequent ethical issues are disruption and disrespect towards the intimacy of the patient, inadequate addressing of the patient and insufficient communication, which is often related to long working hours.
The patient orientated care.
Patient-oriented care (also patient-centred care) pertains to the modern health care. It is based on the holistic approach. The patient is viewed as a complex personality with his/her bio-psycho-social and spiritual preferences, needs and values. According to these principles, the care providers should be responsive to the individual patient's needs. The communication with the patient, partners' relationship between the patient and the care provider as well as ethical aspects are seen as essential, supporting an active cooperation of the patients, their families and the people from caring profession. The first issue of this bachelor's thesis is defining the "patient oriented care". In the conception of the Czech health care it is understood as a care focused rather on the patient's problems than on the particular medical procedures involved in the care. No other definition has been found in the Czech literature. Research in the foreign literature, for it presents more thorough definition of the topic. The foreign resources inform of the necessary preconditions of the patient-oriented care as well as how it can be incorporated in the healthcare and social care system as its necessary component.
Ethical view on chosen aspects of domestic violence in the context of relationship between men and women
This theses is focused on the description of the evaluation in ethical plane of the domestic violence. This theses is divided into four chapters. The first chapter focuses on domestic violence and its overall characteristics. In the second chapter there are described and analyzed aspects of domestic violence, as a negotiation of men against external and internal freedom of women in the context of domestic violence. The third chapter describes relationship between man and women, civil and religious (Catholic) marriage and moral ideals which are represented by these forms of marriage. In the fourth chapter is evaluated deformation of relationship between men and women in the view of moral ideals of marriage and after a brief introduction of selected ethical theories and principles even from their point of view.
Ethics and culture in interaction with difficult clients
In my thesis, I focused on the ethical and cultural dimension of social work, application of ethical principles and choice of attitude by a helping professional when working with a client. Subsequently, I followed changes in application of these ethical principles and changes of attitude in high-strain situations in the contact with a so-called difficult client. Further, I focused on the defence mechanisms which a helping professional chooses to cope with high-strain situations and manage his job well. In the individual chapters of the theoretical parte, by the analysis of scientific literature I described theoretical bases of the professional relationship between a social/health social worker and a klient and I focused on the realization of this relationship and on what it brings the worker in high-strain situations when working with the so-called difficult client. In the empirical part, I set one main goal to find out how social workers react on the ethical level in high-strain situations while interacting with difficult clients. Partial goals were designed to find out what ethical principles social workers apply, what attitudes they choose, which clients they consider difficult and what defence mechanisms they develop to cope with high-strain situations. To reflect these goals, I set one main research question and four partial ones. For the collection of data, I opted for the method of quantitative research and I used the questioning method in the form of a half-structured interview. I chose the set of respondents for my research by the method of simple random sampling. To process the research data, I chose the method of case study. Processing the interviews and analysing them, I found out that social workers in high-strain situations do not change their application of ethical principles. Further, I found out that the choice of attitude in high-strain situations changes and that social workers choose, instead of a partner attitude based on equality, a more or less directive stance. All of the respondents met a difficult client at work and dealing with high-strain situations causes them certain indisposition they have to cope with. The answer to the main research question is thus that on ethical level social workers react in high-strain situation by a shift in the choice of their attitude and solving ethical dilemmas. It was a hostile client that the social workers listed most frequently in the typology of clients. It became evident during the interviews what kind of defence mechanisms social workers choose to be able to cope with high-strain situations. The thesis may provide information to the general public and experts.
Ethics in health care and social work - comparison of principles and applications
Ability and willingness to act ethically is the basis of the quality of the service in helping professions. This thesis deals with the fact which ethical principles are considered to be the most important in work of health care professionals and social workers of the civic association Prevent. In the theoretical part it is dealt with professional ethics, specifics of ethics in health care and social work, about the ethical codes of health and social workers and ethical principles of these professions. Ethics is a philosophical science that seeks to identify and justify the common and general bases which are connected with morality (culturally and historically conditioned by moral standards). The most common approach to the professional ethics is to determine generally formulated ethical principles. The formulation of the ethical principles of the profession can help to understand better the goals that have to be fulfilled. They are defined freely, so they can be acceptable to all. Their freedom is also their weak point - the acceptance of the principle does not give the instructions for a particular act, in addition to the generally accepted principles often come into dispute among them. The basic principles of medical ethics are considered the principles of non maleficience, beneficence, autonomy and justice. Banks defined similar principles for social work ? respect to the right to self-determination, support of well-being or welfare, distributive justice and equality, in the sense of non-discrimination. The practical part of the thesis presents the results of the research. Its goal was to find out which ethical principles are considered by health care professionals and social workers of the civic association Prevent the most important in their profession and how they apply these principles in practice, next to find similarities and differences in the responses of both professional groups and their clients. To achieve the goal the qualitative research was chosen. Interviews, semi-structured interview technique were used to gain the data. The sample was made up three health care professionals, three social workers and three clients civic association Prevent. The research results show that the area of ethics for health care profesiionals and social workers is a difficult topic. The interviewed professionals and clients do not realize the difference between ethics in the health and social work. All interviewees rather see the difference between professionals working with drug users, who are judged as professional and respondents are satisfied with their ethical behavior, and professionals outside the field of addiction, where they met with unethical approach ? prejudices, not respecting of the dignity, condemnation due to addiction. The social workers and health care professionals mention a number of principles which they consider relevant and important to their work. The matching answers to five basic bioethical principles and the principles of social work (non maleficience, beneficence, autonomy, justice, equality-nondiscrimination) has shown that the answers of the respondents of both professions at the same time meet the basic ethical principles of social work and bioethics. Nonmaleficience principle, which is not referred in the literature as the ethical principles of the social work, which two of the three paramedical workers and two of the tree social workers mention in their answers. The principle of the equality, is not mentioned among the basic bioethical principles, two of the three paramedical workers and two of the three social workers. Also the interviewed clients think that it is also very important and significant, the main client requirement in the area of ethics for both professions is the respect for the client, the access without prejudices. The interviewed health care professionals and social workers agree that the main way of solving ethical problems is the intervision in the team and a supervision.

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