National Repository of Grey Literature 20 records found  previous11 - 20  jump to record: Search took 0.00 seconds. 
Catechetical Aspects in the Work of Otto Rutrle
Černochová, Žaneta ; Bravená, Noemi (advisor) ; Kolář, Pavel (referee)
The Czechoslovak Hussite Church can be proud of professor Otto Rutrle's personality, because by his pedagogical and educational approach he helped to realize and revive religious education and catechetical teaching in the Church. In his publications The Road to the Child I. and The Road to the Child II. pays great attention to this activity and he touches on individual topics that are necessary for teaching and education in the Czechoslovak Hussite Church. He does not neglect the importance of a teacher, as a preacher, a guide and a helper on the path to the spiritual knowledge. He emphasizes the personal religion, that lives. He uses examples from the Holy Scripture for a practical spiritual life. His work is a legacy not only for our generation, but also for following generations. In my master's thesis, I have mostly tried to look into the activities of Sunday school, which was closely linked to the life of the Church. There were cultivated both moral and spiritual values needed for life. I have wanted to show by master's thesis, how important were the Christian education and teaching for children and youth. In the first chapter of my work, I have introduced readers to the topicality of topics, which were essential for Otto Rutrle and important for the education and teaching of children and youth. His...
Pastoral care in children's homes with respect to chaplaincy
Plicková, Jana ; Bravená, Noemi (advisor) ; Liguš, Ján (referee)
Children growing up in residential institutions lost chance to live in natural family environment. No wonder they struggle with emotional deprivation, which has a very negative influence on their future lives. Česká školní inspekce (Czech School Inspectorate) is regularly highlighting this issue, and at the same time criticizing lack of educated personell in the institutions, which could provide systematic and long-term care. Even in the Czech secular society, there is growing concern among teachers, psychologists, philosophers, and theologians about lack of transcendence, which is neccessary for healthy children's personality. However, missing transcendent element might be developed by education. There is a chance for the church to step-in, because spiritual care in secular institutions is slowly becoming well-known in the community, due to its benefits. Therefore the subject matter of this thesis is to define the role of chaplaincy in children's homes. Since this subject matter is rather unexplored, it is, in the first chapter, neccessary to introduce the reader to concepts of pastoral care. The second chapter is devoted to the rights and needs of children, while the third describes the institution of children's homes. The fourth chapter introduces us to the concept of chaplaincy and its three...
The poimenical aspects of communication at the interface with individual echatology
Flam, Jiří ; Liguš, Ján (advisor) ; Procházka, Pavel (referee) ; Hanes, Pavel (referee)
Poimenické aspekty komunikace na pomezí individuální eschatologie The poimenical aspects of communication at the interface with individual echatology Jiří Flam The present thesis responds to a question, whether there is a way of communication that can be used by churches to address the world, and that is not sufficiently used by the churches today. The thesis thus presents a specific means of communication, which is the law. The law is described as a communication process, and different methods how one can enter into such a communication process are presented. The success of a communication process depends on willingness of participants of such a process to communicate with each other. For this reason, the thesis also deals with the question, whether churches should seek the use of means of communication addressing the society as a whole, while the alternative might be the creation of closed theological elites. The answer to this question is sought through the Christological meaning of communication. The last part of the thesis focuses on research that would provide a partial answer to the question, whether the Czech society is actually interested in communication with churches, with special emphasis on communication concerning selected topics from the field of individual eschatology. Thus, the...
Paliative Care in the Czech Republic. Comparism of the Church and non-Church Establishments
Fajstavrová, Elena ; Ovečka, Libor (advisor) ; Matějek, Jaromír (referee)
FAJSTAVROVÁ, Elena. Palliative care in the Czech Republic. Comparison between church based and non-church based care institutes. The diploma thesis focuses on the palliative care in the Czech Republic, on the comparison between the church based and non-church based institutes. The thesis carries out a research in six different institutes providing a palliative care. Based on interviews with doctors, spirituals and patient the institutes provide answers to main research topics of the thesis. By analysis of the interviews the care in different types of institutes and also in the particular institutes is examined and compared. The final part of the thesis summarizes the research with a study of ethical issues in dying. The diploma thesis provides examples in theory and practise of end of life care. The thesis can be used as a source of information for those looking for a palliative care.
Spiritual needs of clients of the Charity home
Ježková, Jiřina ; Mellanová, Alena (advisor) ; Brezíková, Eva (referee)
Abstract: The bachelor's thesis deals with the problems of spiritual needs of the religious sister living in the Charity home. The research was done in the form of an anonym questionnaire and a structured dialog. 59 respondents aged 72-97 were asked. They were divided into three groups: religious sisters living in the Charity home (28), religious sisters living in the convent (15), and senior-women living in the old people's home (16). The research confirmed the importance of spiritual needs in the sphere of practicing the faith for the religious sisters. Compared with the senior-women the religious sisters showed themselves to be more satisfied with the fulfillment of these needs.
Effect of selected women's religious orders in the social and health
The aim of this thesis is to monitor the work of selected female orders in social service and healthcare and to classify the target groups that nuns work with. At the same time the thesis studies the interdigitation of spiritual life and the values of conventual order with practical nuns' work and it also monitors the experience of particular nuns relating to their work in ordinary life outside their community. An important aspect is also their concept of social work and healthcare with respect to their order and their concept with respect to secular concept. To meet the target of this thesis I have chosen a qualitative research method, particularly a half-structured dialogue method, which provided both free narration of individual nuns and possible further questions of the inquirer, which helped explain the details. In chapter "Results" there are portraits of each nun, created on the basis of half-structured dialogues. The portraits keep their authenticity, although redundant words were omitted and dialectal and colloquial expressions were translated into standard Czech. The main value of this thesis lies in the compact overview of induvidual institutions, where nuns work. These organizations are either own by particular congregations, which concern Sisters of Mercy of St. Borromeo and Congregation of the Mercy Sisters of the Third Order of St. Francis under the Protection of the Holy Family in Brno, to whom these organizations were returned in the 90s of the 20th century or the nuns work in organizations that are owned by someone else, which is the case of Daughters of Charity of st. Vincent de Paul. The significant value of this thesis lies in the complete number of nuns in particular congregations, the data are clearly written in the table, created on the basis of the study of all parts of the Catalogue of the male and female congregations in the Czech Republic. Table 12 shows the number of nuns in particular congregations from the end of the 90s of the 20th century till the year 2015. Table 13 shows the number of nuns in selected congregations who work in healthcare and social service at present.
Development of hospice-palliative care with focus on Germany and the Czech Republic
Kubíčková, Ruth ; Vogel, Jiří (advisor) ; Kolář, Pavel (referee)
Vývoj hospicové paliativní péče se zaměřením na Německo a Českou Republiku Development of hospice-palliative care with focus on Germany and the Czech Republic Ruth Kubíčková The aim of the thesis was to map the development, crucial moments and current .shape of hospice-palliative care and simultaneously confirm the thesis that the care of spiritual feature of dying persons has been an integral part of organized development of hospice care since its beginning and nowadays, it is still one of its principal themes. The first chapter deals with branch terminology since its clear definition is essential, not only for dialogue inside the system of palliative care providers and experts, but for interdisciplinary communication and cooperation which is - according to the definition of palliative care - the foundation of its holistic approach to patients. The second and third chapters are concerned with the development of nursing care since the ancient times to the diversification of modern hospice-palliative care at the end of the twentieth century. They deduce that the Christianity, with its central commandment to love thy neighbour as thyself, has changed the attitude to care of suffering persons, both in the nursing care and in shapes and ways of providing care. In the response to revolutionary changes in...
Psychological intervention at medical care
Diploma thesis deals with the psychological care and psychological guidance and their potentialities and availability for people or their close ones, who need help in period of diseases or disease effects. There is only psychiatrist-consultation care of psychic condition of patients in most of medical centres, but all diseases affect the psychic condition, even for patient´s close ones. Good psychic condition linked up with changed social condition is very important for successful cure. If the patients have low stress tolerance there is a risk, that every disease causes the hard life situation. Psychological care and cooperation with the doctor, medical staff, rehabilitation and social workers also as the communication competence can highly increase the quality of life of patients and their relatives.

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