National Repository of Grey Literature 22 records found  previous11 - 20next  jump to record: Search took 0.01 seconds. 
Brain drain in Russia – evolution, impacts and possible solutions
Safonova, Ekaterina ; Procházková Ilinitchi, Cristina (advisor) ; Němcová, Ingeborg (referee)
The aim of this thesis is to identify the current situation and main reasons of brain drain in Russia, derive the consequences of intellectual emigration and propose possible ways of solving this problem. The work is divided into 3 chapters. The first chapter describes basic concepts connected with the problem of brain drain, then the empirical analysis of migration in Russia is carried out refilled with the main reasons of it. The third chapter is divided into three parts. The first part focuses on impacts of intellectual migration on the labor market; the second one is based on possible ways of solving the problem of intellectual emigration in Russia including analysis of migration policies in other countries. The third part discusses possible solutions of brain drain and describes implemented projects to reduce brain drain in Russia.
Is in the Czech republic possibility of lack of own doctors in next five years ?
Virt, Petr ; Kobliha, Pavel (advisor) ; Barák, Vladimír (referee)
During last couple of years in Czech republic became very common a phenomenon of brain drain, especially among doctors. This thesis should analyse this phenomenon and describe it. It is using comparation of collected data and it´s commentary. This thesis is describing factors and motivations, which leads to brain drain and transcribing them into absolute numbers during years. There is also cought changes in wages of Czech doctors between 2000-2013. At the end of thesis are conclusions, how this phenomenon affects society.
Road to Respect: Reason for Migration to Germany from the Perspective of Future Graduates of Prague Medical Faculties of Charles University
Sedláková, Klára ; Čada, Karel (advisor) ; Šanderová, Jadwiga (referee)
This master thesis deals with the topic of migration of the fresh graduates from Czech Republic to Germany. By means of a qualitative research the decision and reasons to migrate are presented in this thesis like a natural strategy of reaction on decline of an actual situation of young doctors in the Czech health system. The research shows an important role of the non-financial motivating factors. The central topic of research became the social status, especially the prestige and related respect. The reasons for migration are introduced with the theoretical help of the Push and pull factors theory. The understanding of the strategy of decision to migrate as a natural process is related to the theory of Exit, voice and loyalty of Albert Hirschman. The research is based on a series of semi-structured interviews with participants who intend to migrate after the graduation. Since this thesis is focused on the perspective of the main actors of the phenomenon, the migrants, it introduces the diversity of their attitudes to the reasons for migration. The main finding is the importance of the role of respect in the particular everyday situations, which is reflected in the several of ascertained types of motivating factors to migrate. The research also discovered the particular meanings of the motivational...
Brain drain in Kazakhstan in 1999-2008
Mukhtarova, Naila ; Janská, Eva (advisor) ; Kocourková, Jiřina (referee)
Brain drain of Kazakhstan in 1999-2008 Abstract The objective of this study is to analyze and evaluate the main trends and development of brain drain process in Kazakhstan for period from 1999 to 2008. Several key topics are discussed in this work: the economic and social context of skilled migration: employment patterns of highly skilled persons in Kazakhstan; the role of educational migration. In the first part of the work was given general patterns of brain drain in the world and overview of relevant literature. In the second part were analyzed trends of highly skilled migration in Kazakhstan. The data are taken from censuses and other relevant data sources. The data collection is provided by the Agency of Statistics of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Keywords: brain drain, migration, socio-economical situation, remittances, oralmans, education.
Evaluation of factors that influence brain drain and potential outflow of future universitz graduates of medicine from the Czech republic
Jakubčinová, Lenka ; Prát, Šárka (advisor) ; Kouřilová, Jana (referee)
This thesis is focused mainly on the exploration of tendencies of undergraduate medical students to labor migration from the Czech Republic and on factors, that influence their decisions. The theoretical part contains basic knowledge, terms and characteristics, concerning the migration and brain draining in general, followed by a summary of the situation, regarding the Czech doctors and medical students. The practical part describes results of my own research and presents fundamental conclusions, concerning current tendencies and motives of undergraduate medical students to leave the country. A principal conclusion, that the survey brings, is a confirmation of given hypothesis, that the current undergraduate medical students want to go abroad mainly due to higher pay packet abroad. This thesis may have other use e.g. in providing preventive measures related to brain drain or analyzing the impact of this phenomenon on the labor market.
EU migration policy: Does migration contribute to the development of third countries?
Karlíková, Aneta ; Němcová, Ingeborg (advisor) ; Jeníček, Vladimír (referee)
Migration is generally considered a problem or at least a negative phenomenon. However, it is considered rather positively in this thesis. I attempt to answer a question whether migration contributes to the development of the countries of origin. The aim of this thesis is to evaluate the positive and the negative impacts of migration and remittances on selected countries and to evaluate measures that contribute to a maximization of the positive impacts and a minimization of the negative impacts of migration on development.The first chapter presents the theoretical concept of the impacts of migration and remittances on development. In the second chapter I examine the specific effects of migration and the third chapter summarizes the measures maximizing the positive impacts and minimizing the negative effects of migration on development in the "optimization model of the impacts of migration and remittances on development."
Migration of highly skilled labor force from the Russian Federation gains and losses
Zaitceva, Tatiana ; Lupták, Milan (advisor) ; Němec, Otakar (referee)
The given thesis focuses on the analysis of the emigration of highly skilled labor force from the territory of the Russian Federation today, especially after the collapse of the Soviet Union, then finding the causes and the impact assessment of this phenomenon on the state. The first chapter concentrates on finding the causes and the scope of Russian emigration in different periods of Russian history. The second chapter describes the actual process of international migration of highly skilled workers, especially the emigration of Russian specialists abroad.
Globalisation and it´s impacts on labour market
Petríková, Monika ; Khelerová, Vladimíra (advisor) ; Vojtíšek, Zdeněk (referee)
The first chapter familiarizes with globalisation and defines it's basic fields of impacts. Within these impacts belong space-time compression, economic and environmental impacts, effects of globalisation on economic power of states and it also gives argumets for topic of inequality of economic and social growth. The second chapter describes impacts of globalisation on labour market. It concerns changes in international spatial division of labour and impacts on global unemployment, that is connected with technological progress and automation. It deals with topic of international migration and brain drain, that every economy has to face. It evaluates competitiveness of human capital of Czech Republic on the basis of basic and tertiary education, risks of brain drain in Czech Republic and computer skills of czech population. The third chapter summarizes conclusions from previous chapter and gives comments, observations and recommendations.
Analysis of Brain-Drain Phenomenon in the Czech Republic Health Service
Željazkovová, Darina ; Kaczor, Pavel (advisor) ; Bafrnec, Jan (referee)
Brain drain phenomenon belongs to the actual and stringent themes of 21.century. The efflux of qualified labour abroad can together with other trends (economic and demographic) influence not only the health care sphere but also other spheres of national economy by enormous negative impact. At the same time you cannot deny the importance of the health care sector and its employees. The core of this thesis is right examination of given phenomenon in the sphere of health care sector namely not only separated from the surrounding situation but also in the context of broader economic and social-demographic background. Part of the thesis is also focused at brief analysis of availability of health services and its level including comparison with developed OECD countries. Extensive theoretical part is then ensemble with a practical inquiry which tries to catch the size of migration potential and importance of motivation factors of Czech doctors.
International migration of qualified labor resources; Experiences of Georgia and Czech Republic
Laliashvili, Zurab ; Macáková, Libuše (advisor) ; Šumpíková, Markéta (referee) ; Janíčko, Pavel (referee)
In this dissertation thesis is analyzed the emigration problem of qualified labor resources from chosen countries. And on behalf of the Czech Republic successful experience analyze, in migration management of qualified workers, was generated the recommendations to Georgian government for in time solving of problematic situation in country. The authors own research held in Czech Republic and in Georgia, underlined the factors influencing migration process from Georgia and brought his constructive approach in "brain drain" problem solution and in supporting process of "brain gain". But thesis alsoshows that not every successful experience could be useful for Georgian case. Given thesis is unique by his way of deep research of "brain drain" problem from Georgia and by setting order of solution priorities.

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